Mary Jane Webster1

Female, #43405
RelationshipMary Jane Webster is a non-related spouse of a spouse of one of my relatives. Because Mary Jane is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching her.


John Thorpe b. 8 Feb 1811, d. 18 Nov 1900
Last EditedSep 8, 2007


  1. [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

John R Shackelford1

Male, #43408, b. August 17, 1854, d. after 1920
FatherJames Addison Shackelford1 b. Jul 15, 1830, d. between 1906 and 1910
MotherMargaret A Armstrong1 b. Jul 4, 1840
RelationshipJohn R Shackelford is a descendent of a parent or ancestor of a spouse of one of my relatives. Because John R is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching him.
BirthAugust 17, 1854John was born August 17, 1854 in Kentucky.1 
Marriage - no infoHe married Mary L McCormick, daughter of John Davenport McCormick and Elizabeth P McCormick. I have no information on the date and place of the marriage.1 
Birth of Daughterabout 1875His daughter Marieta was born about 1875 in Kentucky.1 
Birth of SonDecember 20, 1876His son Chester was born on December 20, 1876 in Kentucky.1 
Deathafter 1920John died after 1920 in Kentucky.1  


Mary L McCormick b. 7 Dec 1861, d. 8 Mar 1917
Children 1.Marieta Shackelford1 b. about 1875
 2.Chester Shackelford+1 b. Dec 20, 1876, d. Nov 22, 1944
 3.Maude Shackelford1
 4.(given name not known) Shackelford1
Note-ShackelfordJohn R Shackelford John R. Shackelford was my half 1st cousin, twice removed.
1860 Pendletown Co.,Ky.-Falmouth Twp, Page 433
Dwelling 32, Enum'd June 2, 1860

James A. Shackelford, 28, m,w, Job work, b. Ky.
Margaret Shackelford, 20, f, b. Ky.
**John M. Shackelford, 6, m, b. Ky. (1854) Initial should be R.**
Sarah J. Shackelford, 4, f, b. Ky.
Mary E. Shackelford, 2,f, b. Ky.

James A. Shackelford 32 day laborer b. abt. 1838, b. Ky.
Margaret ' 29 b. abt. 1841, keeping house, b. Ky.
**John R. ' 16 b. abt. 1854, at home, b. Ky. **
Sarah J. ' 14 b. abt. 1856 at home, b. Ky.
Mary E. ' 12 b. abt. 1858 at home, b. Ky.
Henry ' 9 b, abt. 1861 at home, b. Ky.
Georgia Ann ' 7 b. abt. 1863 b. Ky.
Martha ' 5 b. abt. 1865 b. Ky.
Lucretia (Lucetta) ' 3 b. abt. 1867 b. Ky.
James W. ' 1/2 b. abt. 1870 b. Ky. 'Will'
Note: This is next dwelling to Edward Armstrong, 21 & wife Eliz.(Poss.bro of Margaret's)

John R. Shackelford 25 b. abt. 1855, laborer, b. Ky.x3
Mary L. ' 26 b. abt. 1854 wife, keeping house
Marieta ' 5 b. abt. 1875 dau
Chester ' 3 b. abt. 1877 son
John D. McCormick (father-in-law) 63, Laborer, Lung Disease, Kyx3
Elizabeth P. ' (mother-in-law) 61, Ky.x3

John R, Shackelford , the son of J.A. Shackelford,and the grandson ofJohn Shackelford is in the above census. in Benson District 25. All threeof them and their families are there together.
1900 Ky. Census--Jefferson Co.-----E. Market St.--- 6th Magistrate, June8th, 4th Ward, Bk 2, pg. 272

John R. Shackelford,head, w,m, b. Aug. 1854, 45 yrs old, marr. 24 yrs.,Ky,Ky,Ky, Sec-?--hand R.R., yes,yes, yes, rents house.
Mary, wife, w,f, b. Dec. 1853, 46 yrs., marr. 24 yrs., 4 children, 1living, Ky,Ky,Ky, yes,yes,yes.
Chester, son, w,m, b. Dec. 1877, 22 yrs. old, single, Ky,Ky,Ky, packer intobacco factory, yes,yes,yes.

Note: (Marieta & other children must have died)
1905 Louisville, Ky. City Directory --Caron's

John R. Shackelford, Flagman, 453 E. Market
1907 Louisville, Ky. City Directory---Caron's

John Shackelford, Foreman, L & N. 731 E. Green
1909 Louisville, Ky. City Directory--Caron's

John R. Shackelford Foreman 1512 (704) Brent
1911 Louisville, Ky. City Directory

John R. Shackelford Foreman r 704 Brent
1910 Ky. Census-Jeffrn Co.- April 18th.- Image 6, Dist 57, Visit 62, 24Pct.

John Schackelford, head, w,m, 60, M'd,25 yrs, Kyx3, Section Boss/L.&N. R.R.
Mary ' wife, f,w, 62, M'd 25 yrs, 4 children, 1living, Kyx3
Mollie ' Sister, f,w, 36, Single, Kyx3 (makesb.1874)
Fred ' Brother, m,w, 38, Widowed, Kyx3,Laborer/R.R. (makes b abt 1872)
James Ford, Boarder, m,w, 34, Single, Kyx3, Assist.Boss/R.R.
1920 Ky. Census Anderson Co.,Ky. TWP= Avenstoke, Jan 2nd., Enum'd Jan2nd
Next Door to Georgia Houchin (sister)

John Shackleford, rents, wht, male, 62 yrs old, (makes b. 1858-shouldbe 1854) m'd, yesx3, b. Ky. x3, General Work/Laborer
May ' wife, wht, f, 82 ( 20yrs older than John?) yes,yes, b. Ky.x3 (John's wife, Mary McCormick died just 3 yrs before)
Fred ' son, wht, m, 39 yrs old (makes b. 1881), m'd, yes,yes, b.Ky.x3
Will ' son, wht, m, 45 yrs old (makes b. 1875), m'd, yes,yes,b. Ky.x3 (Jas Wm.'s 'Will' wife Mary died Jan 4, 1920-this taken 1-2-1920)
Leona(?) ' dau-in-law, 40 yrs old (makes b. 1880), yes,yes, b.Ky.x3
Wingett ' son-in-law, 33 yrs old (makes b. 1887), m'd,yes,yes, b. Ky.x3 ( if m'd--where is Rose?--should be John's brother)

Note: Whoever took the info for this census made a lot of mistakes orJohn named his sons same as his father's sons. Births don't match to beJas. A's sons. Fred, Will, and Wingett should be John's brothers-notsons-son-in-law. I thought Wingett was nickname for Winfred but he wasborn in 1882 (death cert info), not 1887. Wingett could not be John'sson-in-law since his last name is also Shackelford. Besides family greatniece remembers Wingett as James Addison's son.
NOTE: WRONG AGES FOR ALL ABOVE --HAS TO BE RIGHT FAMILY BECAUSE OF WILL &WINGETT BUT THEY WERE JOHN'S FATHER'S (JAS. A.) SONS. WILL & WINGETTWOULD BE JOHN R.'S BROTHERS--NOT SON & SON-LAW. Also they are next doorto Thos. Houchin & Georgiann his sister and family. Note: Above 1910Census states correctly that Fred is John's brother.
John R. Shackelford being the informant on his wife, Mary's death 1917(verified by statement that her parents were John D. McCormick andElizabeth) should have been listed on the Ky. Death Records, however Icould not find him. There was a John Shackelford in Jeffrn. Co., marr'dat death, who died in 1914 and had an informant named Mary Shackelfordwho was the informant on his death cert., (not knowing who his parentswere) but this could not be John R. since he was alive in 1917.1 
Census 1860-partial1860John was listed as the head of a family on the 1860 Census in 1860 in Falmouth Township, Pendleton County, Kentucky.1 
Census 1870-partial1870He appeared in the 1870 census in lby County, w/parents/16 yrs old.1 
Census 1880-partial1880He appeared in the 1880 census Own household with Mary & 2 children.1 
Census 1900-partial1900He appeared in the 1900 census in 426 E Market, Louisville, Jefferson County, Kentucky, 45 yrs old with Mary & Chester 22 yrs.1 
Census 1910-partial1910He appeared in the 1910 census in Jefferson County, Kentucky.1 
Census 1920-partial1920He appeared in the 1920 census in Anderson County, 62 yrs old living nxt door to sister Georgiann & family with wife Mary Fred Will & his wife Leona.1 
Last EditedNov 23, 2007


  1. [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

Sarah J Shackelford1

Female, #43409, b. March 4, 1856
FatherJames Addison Shackelford1 b. Jul 15, 1830, d. between 1906 and 1910
MotherMargaret A Armstrong1 b. Jul 4, 1840
RelationshipSarah J Shackelford is a descendent of a parent or ancestor of a spouse of one of my relatives. Because Sarah J is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching her.
BirthMarch 4, 1856Sarah was born March 4, 1856 in Pendleton, Shelby County, Kentucky.1 
Death - no infoI have no information on the date and place of Sarah J's death. 
Note-ShackelfordSarah J Shackelford Sarah J. Shackelford was my Half 1st cousin, twice removed.
1860 Pendletown Co.,Ky.-Falmouth Twp, Page 433
Dwelling 32, Enum'd June 2, 1860

James A. Shackelford, 28, m,w, Job work, b. Ky.
Margaret Shackelford, 20, f, b. Ky.
John M. Shackelford, 6, m, b. Ky.
**Sarah J. Shackelford, 4, f, b. Ky. ** H/H of parents (b abt 1856)
Mary E. Shackelford, 2,f, b. Ky.

James A. Shackelford 32 day laborer b. abt. 1838, b. Ky.
Margaret ' 29 b. abt. 1841, keeping house, b. Ky.
John R. ' 16 b. abt. 1854, at home, b. Ky.
**Sarah J. ' 14 b. abt. 1856 at home, b. Ky. ** (in parent's h/h)
Mary E. ' 12 b. abt. 1858 at home, b. Ky.
Henry ' 9 b, abt. 1861 at home, b. Ky.
Georgia Ann ' 7 b. abt. 1863 b. Ky.
Martha ' 5 b. abt. 1865 b. Ky.
Lucretia (Lucetta) ' 3 b. abt. 1867 b. Ky.
James W. ' 1/2 b. abt. 1870 b. Ky. 'Will'
1870 Shelby Co.,Ky.- Enum'd July 8th-- Jacksonville Pct.-No. Benson P.O.

Richard Armstrong, 62, m,w, Farmer, 500-1000, Ky. (grandfather0
Frances Armstrong, 60, f,w, keeping house, Ky. (grandmother)
Roland Armstrong, 20, m,w, farm laborer, Ky. (b abt 1850)
**Sarah Shackelford, 14, f,w, at home, b. Ky ( in grandparent'sh/h)
A.F. Tindall, 28, m,w, Farmer, Ky. (Sarah's step-grandmother's dau(Cynthia Perkins) marr'd a Tindall)

Note: Notice a Sarah J. Shackelford in both 1870 census above--taken 1day apart--both Sarah's are the same age-same name.?
Note: Sarah's aunt , Eliza J. Shackelford also married Eppe H. Armstrong.Sarah's mother was Margaret A. Armstrong, Richard's dau.
State: KY Year: 1870
County: Shelby County Record Type: Federal Population Schedule
Township: Clay Village Pct. Page: 431
Database: KY 1870 Federal Census Index

Roland Armstrong, 19, m,w, farm laborer, 100, b Kyx3, working on thefarm of the Henry Jamison family.( b abt 1850)
Possible he works both on father's (Richard) and this Henry Jamison'sfarms. See in both 1870 census' above. Need Enum date of census'

Census 1860-partial1860Sarah was listed as the head of a family on the 1860 Census in 1860 in Falmouth Township, Pendleton County, Kentucky.1 
Census 1870-partial1870She appeared in the 1870 census in Jacksonville Precinct, Shelby County, Kentucky, iving in household of Richard Armstrong & fam also A F Tindall 28.1 
Last EditedNov 23, 2007


  1. [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

Mary E Shackelford1

Female, #43410, b. June 28, 1862, d. January 23, 1917
FatherJames Addison Shackelford1 b. Jul 15, 1830, d. between 1906 and 1910
MotherMargaret A Armstrong1 b. Jul 4, 1840
RelationshipMary E Shackelford is a descendent of a parent or ancestor of a spouse of one of my relatives. Because Mary E is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching her.
BirthJune 28, 1862Mary was born June 28, 1862 in Bagdad, Shelby County, Kentucky. Death certificate date of birth must be wrong if she appears in 1860 census as a two year old.2 
DeathJanuary 23, 1917Mary died January 23, 1917 in Bagdad, Shelby County, Kentucky at age 54 due to Organic Heart Disease with Aortic Lessions.1  
BurialJanuary 24, 1917Her body was buried on January 24, 1917 in Beech Ridge Baptist Church Cemetery, Shelby County, Kentucky.1 
Event-Death infoMary E Shackelford was Type: Marital Status at Death Single .1 
Event-Death infoShe was Type: Death Cert. # Vol 6--Cert # 2779 .1 
Event-Death infoShe was Type: Physician/cert. in Curtis Austin M D, Bagdad, Shelby County, Kentucky.1 
Event-Death infoShe was Type: Residence at death in Bagdad, Shelby County, Kentucky.1 
Note-ShackelfordShe Mary Shackelford, dau of James A. Shackelford, never married. She isfound living in the h/h of her sister, Georgia Ann & her 2nd. husband,Thomas Houchen in Anderson Co. in 1900 Census. She was 39 yrs, old. Marydies in Shelby Co.,Ky in Jan of 1917.
State: KY Year: 1860
County: Pendleton County Record Type: Federal Population Schedule
Township: Falmouth Page: 433
Database: KY 1860 Federal Census Index
1860 Pendletown Co.,Ky.-Falmouth Twp, Page 433
Dwelling 32, Enum'd June 2, 1860

James A. Shackelford, 28, m,w, Job work, b. Ky.
Margaret Shackelford, 20, f, b. Ky.
John M. Shackelford, 6, m, b. Ky.
Sarah J. Shackelford, 4, f, b. Ky.
**Mary E. Shackelford, 2,f, b. Ky.**

James A. Shackelford 32 day laborer b. abt. 1838, b. Ky.
Margaret ' 29 b. abt. 1841, keeping house, b. Ky.
John R. ' 16 b. abt. 1854, at home, b. Ky.
Sarah J. ' 14 b. abt. 1856 at home, b. Ky.
**Mary E. ' 12 b. abt. 1858 at home, b. Ky.**
Henry ' 9 b, abt. 1861 at home, b. Ky.
Georgia Ann ' 7 b. abt. 1863 b. Ky.
Martha ' 5 b. abt. 1865 b. Ky.
Lucretia (Lucetta) ' 3 b. abt. 1867 b. Ky.
James W. ' 1/2 b. abt. 1870 b. Ky. 'Will'
Note: This is next dwelling to Edward Armstrong, 21 & wife Eliz.(Poss.bro of Margaret's)
(Next listing to son John R.,also next listing to dau, GeorgiAnn and herhusb., Thos, Watson,
2 listings down is Edmund A. Roberts)
James A. Shackelford 52 b. abt. 1828 laborer, b. Ky, father b.Va., mother b. don't know
Margaret A. ' 42 b. abt. 1838 wife, keeping house,b. Kyx3
**Mary E. ' 21 b. abt. 1859 dau, at home **
Henry F. ' 19 b. abt. 1861 son, works insawmill
Martha F. ' 14 b. abt. 1866 dau, at home
Lucretia ' 12 b. abt. 1868 dau, at home
James W. ' 10 b. abt. 1870 son,
Leuna ' (f.) 6 b. abt. 1874 dau
Hiter ' (m.) 2 b. abt. 1878 son
Thomas WATSON Other M Male W 22 KY Laborer VA VA
Georgeann WATSON Wife M Female W 18 KY House Work KY KY
Magie F. WATSON Dau S Female W 4M KY KY KY

Source Information:
Census Place Benson, Franklin, Kentucky
Family History Library Film 1254414
NA Film Number T9-0414
Page Number 303C
1900 Anderson Co.,Ky Dist.--Bk. 2--Pg. 56

Thomas Houchen, head, w,m, b. Oct. 1860, 39 yrs old, marr'd 3 yrs.,Ky,Ky,Ky, farm labor, yes,yes,yes, rents house.

Georgi S., wife, w,f, March1869, 31 yrs, old, marr'd 3 yrs, 9 children, 9living, Ky,Ky,Ky, no,no, yes,

Jim Watson, step-son, w,m, Oct. 1887, 12 yrs old, farm labor, no,no,yes.

Chester Watson, step-son, w,m, April 1891, 9 yrs. old

Charley Watson, step-son, w,m, Dec. 1894, 5 yrs old

Lulie M. Houchen, dau, w,f, Sept. 1898, 1 yr.

Lester Houchen, son, w,m, April 1900, 1/2 yr.

**Mary Shackelford, sister-in-law, w,f, June 1860, 39 yrs old, single.**

Ky Death Record


Died: 01-23-1917 Vol: 006 Cert # 02779 Death Vol: 1917.1 
Event-Death infoShe was Type: Death Cert.Age 54 yrs .1 
IllnessShe was ill with Aortic Lesions.1  
Event-Death infoShe was Type: Occupation at death Servant .1 
Event-Death infoShe was Type: Full Name on Cert. Mary Shackelford .1 
Event-Death infoShe was Type: Father's Name/Cert. J A Shackelford/Ky .1 
Event-Death infoShe was Type: Duration of illness 8 months--3 days .1 
Event-Death infoShe was Type: Mother's Name/Cert. in Armstrong, Marshall County, Kentucky.1 
Event-Death infoShe was Type: Informant/ Death Cert. in Mrs Leuna Yount (Sister), Bagdad, Shelby County, Kentucky.1 
Event-Death infoShe was Type: Funeral Director Sacry & Son/ Bagdad .1 
Census 1860-partial1860Mary was listed as the head of a family on the 1860 Census in 1860 in Falmouth Township, Pendleton County, Kentucky.1 
Census 1870-partial1870She appeared in the 1870 census in Hardinsville Precinct, Shelby County, Kentucky, with parents & siblings.1 
Census 1880-partial1880She appeared in the 1880 census near Benson, Franklin County, Kentucky, with parents & siblings.1 
Census 1900-partial1900She appeared in the 1900 census in Anderson County, Kentucky, at 39 yrs old living with sister Georgiann & husb Thos Houchin.1 
Last EditedMay 7, 2009


  1. [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,.
  2. [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,, Death Certificate.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

Martha Clark1

Female, #43411, b. about 1844
FatherSmith Bradley Clark1 b. Jul 13, 1816, d. Feb 1, 1850
MotherEvaline V Brown1 b. Jan 12, 1820, d. Nov 8, 1892
RelationshipMartha Clark is a descendent of a parent or ancestor of a spouse of one of my relatives. Because Martha is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching her.
Birthabout 1844Martha was born about 1844 in Kentucky.1 
Death - no infoI have no information on the date and place of Martha's death. 
Note-ShackelfordMartha Clark
1860 Shelby Co.,Ky.-Christianburg

Lee Thorp, 52, m, Farmer, $4620, $2685, b. Ky
Eveline Thorp, 40, f, b Ky
John Thorp, 19, m, Laborer, b. Ky
David Thorp, 16, m, Laborer, b. Ky
Julia Thorp, 13, f, b. Ky
Ransom Thorp, 7, m, b. Ky
Thornton Thorp, 3, m, b. Ky
Jake Thorp, 2, m, b. Ky
**Martha Clark, 16, f, b. Ky**
Mary E. Clark, 15, f, b. Ky
Emma Clark, 12, f, b. Ky

Note: Susan Clark was Lee Thorp's 1st wife.1 
Census 1860-partial1860Martha was listed as the head of a family on the 1860 Census in 1860 in Christianburg, Shelby County, Kentucky.1 
Last EditedNov 25, 2007


  1. [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

Georgia Ann Shackelford1

Female, #43412, b. March, 1863, d. January 10, 1939
FatherJames Addison Shackelford1 b. Jul 15, 1830, d. between 1906 and 1910
MotherMargaret A Armstrong1 b. Jul 4, 1840
RelationshipGeorgia Ann Shackelford is a descendent of a parent or ancestor of a spouse of one of my relatives. Because Georgia Ann is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching her.
BirthMarch, 1863Georgia was born March, 1863 in Shelby County, Kentucky.1 
MarriageFebruary 5, 1879She married William Thomas Watson Sr, son of James Watson and Elizabeth Johnston Waltrip, February 5, 1879 in Bride's mother's home Anderson County, Kentucky.1  
Birth of Daughterabout February, 1880Her daughter Magie was born about February, 1880.1 
Birth of Sonabout 1882Her son Forrest was born about 1882.1 
Birth of Daughterabout 1883Her daughter Mertie was born about 1883.1 
Birth of Daughterabout 1885Her daughter Bessie was born about 1885.1 
Birth of SonOctober 27, 1889Her son James was born on October 27, 1889 in Kentucky.1 
Birth of SonApril 27, 1890Her son Chester was born on April 27, 1890 in Lawrenceburg, Anderson County, Kentucky.1 
Birth of SonNovember 1, 1894Her son Charles was born on November 1, 1894 in Harrisonville, Shelby County, Kentucky.1 
Marriageabout 1897She married Thomas Houchin about 1897 in an unknown place .1  
Birth of DaughterSeptember 10, 1898Her daughter Louella was born on September 10, 1898 in Kentucky.1 
Birth of SonApril 8, 1900Her son Lister was born on April 8, 1900 in Kentucky.1 
Birth of SonMay 30, 1902Her son Lesley was born on May 30, 1902 in Kentucky.1 
Birth of DaughterJuly 12, 1905Her daughter Leona was born on July 12, 1905 in Kentucky.1 
Marriage of Sonabout 1912Her son, Chester B Watson, married Willie A Miller about 1912.1 
Marriage of Daughterabout 1921Her daugher, Leona Gertrude Houchin, married Wilcher Beasley about 1921.1 
Marriage of Sonabout 1924Her son, Charles Benjamin Watson, married Claire Samples about 1924.1 
DeathJanuary 10, 1939Georgia died January 10, 1939 in Avenstoke, Anderson County, Kentucky at age 75 due to Carcinoma of Stomach/ Chronic Cholecystitis.1  
BurialJanuary 12, 1939Her body was buried on January 12, 1939 in Graefenburg, Shelby County, Kentucky.1 

Family 1

William Thomas Watson Sr b. a 1858, d. bt 1893 - 1897
Children 1.Magie A Watson1 b. about Feb, 1880
 2.Forrest Watson1 b. about 1882
 3.Mertie Watson1 b. about 1883
 4.Bessie Watson1 b. about 1885
 5.James Thomas Watson+1 b. Oct 27, 1889, d. Mar 31, 1970
 6.Chester B Watson+1 b. Apr 27, 1890, d. Jun 3, 1975
 7.Charles Benjamin Watson+1 b. Nov 1, 1894, d. Jun 12, 1978

Family 2

Thomas Houchin b. Oct 1860
Children 1.Louella Mayme Houchin+1 b. Sep 10, 1898, d. Sep 29, 1982
 2.Lister Thomas Houchin1 b. Apr 8, 1900, d. Dec 17, 1958
 3.Lesley R Houchin1 b. May 30, 1902, d. Dec 17, 1974
 4.Leona Gertrude Houchin+1 b. Jul 12, 1905, d. May 9, 1987
Event-Death infoGeorgia Ann Shackelford was Type: Mother's Name/Cert. Don't know .1 
Event-Death infoShe was Type: Marital Status at Death Widowed .1 
Event-Death infoShe was Type: Informant/ Death Cert. in Lester Houchin, Avenstoke, Anderson County, Kentucky.1 
Event-Death infoShe was Type: Occup./Death Cert. Housekeeper .1 
Note-ShackelfordShe Georgia Ann Shackelford was my half 1st cousin, twice removed.

James A. Shackelford 32 day laborer b. abt. 1838, b. Ky.
Margaret ' 29 b. abt. 1841, keeping house, b. Ky.
John R. ' 16 b. abt. 1854, at home, b. Ky.
Sarah J. ' 14 b. abt. 1856 at home, b. Ky.
Mary E. ' 12 b. abt. 1858 at home, b. Ky.
Henry ' 9 b, abt. 1861 at home, b. Ky.
**Georgia Ann ' 7 b. abt. 1863 b. Ky. ** (in parent'sh/h )
Martha ' 5 b. abt. 1865 b. Ky.
Lucretia (Lucetta) ' 3 b. abt. 1867 b. Ky.
James W. ' 1/2 b. abt. 1870 b. Ky. 'Will'
1880 FRANKLIN CO. CENSUS -- BENSON DISTRICT- In H/H of parent'sw/husb. & dau Magie

James A. Shackelford 52 b. abt. 1828 laborer, b. Ky, father b.Va., mother b. don't know
Margaret A. ' 42 b. abt. 1838 wife, keeping house,b. Kyx3
Mary E. ' 21 b. abt. 1859 dau, at home
Henry F. ' 19 b. abt. 1861 son, works insawmill
Martha F. ' 14 b. abt. 1866 dau, at home
Lucretia ' 12 b. abt. 1868 dau, at home
James W. ' 10 b. abt. 1870 son,
Leuna ' (f.) 6 b. abt. 1874 dau
Hiter ' (m.) 2 b. abt. 1878 son

Same census next household enemerated June 6, 1880-Franklin Co.,Ky

**Thomas WATSON Other M Male W 22 KY Laborer VA VA
**Georgeann WATSON Wife M Female W 18 KY House Work KYKY**
**Magie F. WATSON Dau S Female W 4M KY KY KY
1900 Anderson Co.,Ky Dist.--Bk. 2--Pg. 56

Thomas Houchen, head, w,m, b. Oct. 1860, 39 yrs old, marr'd 3 yrs.,Ky,Ky,Ky, farm labor, yes,yes,yes, rents house.
**Georgi S., wife, w,f, March1869, 31 yrs, old, marr'd 3 yrs, 9 children,9 living, Ky,Ky,Ky, no,no, yes,
Jim Watson, step-son, w,m, Oct. 1887, 12 yrs old, farm labor, no,no,yes.
Chester Watson, step-son, w,m, April 1891, 9 yrs. old
Charley Watson, step-son, w,m, Dec. 1894, 5 yrs old
Lulie M. Houchen, dau, w,f, Sept. 1898, 1 yr.
Lester Houchen, son, w,m, April 1900, 1/2 yr.
Mary Shackelford, sister-in-law, w,f, June 1860, 39 yrs old, single.

Ky. 1910 Miracode

Thomas Houchin Enum. Dist= 0119Color=W B.Pl.= Ky. Visit= 0141 County = Shelby
Age= 49
Relation= Husband
**Wife= George Ann 47, Ky.**
Dau= Loulie M 12, Ky.
Son= Lester 10, Ky. (1900 Census was Lusken 1/2 yrs old)
Son= Lesley 08, Ky.
Gertrude 04, Ky.
Son= Watson 18, Ky (1900 Census --rt. age for Chester)
Son= Charley 16, Ky.

Note: The last 2 children, Watson & Charley were sons of Georgi & 1sthusb.,Thos.Watson.
See above 1900 census.
1920 Ky. Census Anderson Co. TWP= Avenstoke Line2

W.Tom Houchin, head, Male, wht, rents, 59 yrs old, m'd, ----yes,yes,Ky.x3 (makes b abt 1861)
**Georgia, wife, f, wht, 53 yrs old, m'd, ----yesx2, Ky. x3 (makes babt 1867) **
Forest Watson, son, wht,m, 38 yrs old, single, ---yesx2, Ky. x3
Mertie ' dau, wht,f, 37 yrs old, single, ---yes,yes, Ky.x3
Bessie ' dau, wht,fem, 35 yrs old, ---yes,yes, Ky.x3
Jim ' son, wht,m, 26 yrs old, single,-----,yes,yes, Ky.x3
Charlie ' son,wht,m, 23, wd, ---,yes,yes, Ky.x3
Mayme Houchin, dau, wht,f, 21yrs old, m'd, ----,yes,yes, Ky.x3
Lester ' son,wht,m, 19 yrs old, wd. ----,yes,yes, Ky.x3
Leslie, ' son, wht,m, 17 yrs old, single, yes x3, Ky. x3
Gertie ' dau,wht,f, 15 yrs old, single, yesx3, Kyx3

1930 Anderson Co.,Ky. Census--Alton Dist--Overton on April 2

Tom Houchin, head rents, $1000, m,w, 72, marr'd at 30, b Kyx3,Painter/Dwelling (makes b abt 1858)
**G.W. Houchin, wife, f,w, 66, marr'd at 24, b Kyx3, (makes b abt1864) **
Lester Houchin, son, m,w, 30, single, b Kyx3, Farmer/General
Ky Death Records


Died: 01-10-1939 Vol 001 Cert 00039 1939
Event-Death infoShe was Type: Death Cert.Age Abt 76 yrs old .1 
Event-Death infoShe was Type: Physician/cert. in R N Lawson M D, Lawrenceburg, Anderson County, Kentucky.1 
Event-Death infoShe was Type: Death Cert # Vol 001 Cert 00039 .1 
Name Variation Georgia Ann Shackelford was also known as Georgi.1 
Event-Death infoShe was Type: Full Name/Cert Georgia Houchin .1 
Event-Death infoShe was Type: Funeral Director in S H Gordon, Lawrenceburg, Anderson County, Kentucky.1 
Event-Death infoShe was Type: Father's Name/Cert. Don't know .1 
Note-ShackelfordShe and William Thomas Watson Sr Lawrenceburg Court House, Anderson Co.,Ky.--Marriage

Watson, Thomas R. , Anderson County, 21 y.o. 1st marriage, Father b.Va,
to Georgie A. Shackleford, residence Anderson, 17 y.o. lst marriage, b.Shelby Co., father b Henry Co mother born Shelby.
05 Feb1879 in Anderson in presence of Mrs. Shackleford and daughters.James E. Newkirk at mother's home..

Source: Granddaughter (Darlene Ellis) of James Thomas Watson thru emailw/ Lisa Watson /PSH
Note: Margaret Ann Armstrong Shackelford was present Feb 5, 1879 for themarriage of her daughter GeorgieAnn to Thomas R. Watson, along withGeorgiann's sisters.1 
Last EditedMay 7, 2009


  1. [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

Martha Falisha Shackelford1

Female, #43413, b. February 22, 1865, d. March 22, 1915
FatherJames Addison Shackelford1 b. Jul 15, 1830, d. between 1906 and 1910
MotherMargaret A Armstrong1 b. Jul 4, 1840
RelationshipMartha Falisha Shackelford is a descendent of a parent or ancestor of a spouse of one of my relatives. Because Martha Falisha is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching her.
BirthFebruary 22, 1865Martha was born February 22, 1865 in Franklin County, Kentucky.1 
Birth of SonDecember 17, 1882Her son John was born on December 17, 1882 in Kentucky.1 
Marriageabout 1883She married George William Watson, son of James Watson and Elizabeth Johnston Waltrip, about 1883 in an unknown place .1  
Birth of SonJanuary 19, 1892Her son Eugene was born on January 19, 1892 in Lawrenceburg, Anderson County, Kentucky.1 
Marriage of Sonabout 1898Her son, John Marion Watson, married Lessie B (surname not known) about 1898.1 
Birth of Daughterabout 1901Her daughter Olive was born about 1901 in Kentucky.1 
BurialMarch 22, 1915Her body was buried on March 22, 1915 in Pigeon Fork Baptist Church Cemetery, Anderson County, Kentucky, in unmarked grave.1 
DeathMarch 22, 1915Martha died March 22, 1915 in East Lawrenceburg, Anderson County, Kentucky at age 50 due to Organic Disease of the Heart with Mitral Regurgitation.1  


George William Watson b. Nov 1863, d. a Mar 1915
Children 1.John Marion Watson+1 b. Dec 17, 1882
 2.Eugene Watson Sr+1 b. Jan 19, 1892, d. Nov 20, 1956
 3.Olive Watson1 b. about 1901
Event-Death infoMartha Falisha Shackelford was Type: Marital Status at Death Married .1 
Event-Death infoShe was Type: Informant/ Death Cert. in G W Watson, Lawrenceburg, Anderson County, Kentucky.1 
Event-Death infoShe was Type: Physician/cert. in C W Kavanaugh MD, Lawrenceburg, Anderson County, Kentucky.1 
Event-Death infoShe was Type: Residence at death in East Lawrenceburg, Anderson County, Kentucky.1 
Note-ShackelfordShe Martha F. Shackelford was my half 1st cousin, twice removed

James A. Shackelford 32 day laborer b. abt. 1838, b. Ky.
Margaret ' 29 b. abt. 1841, keeping house, b. Ky.
John R. ' 16 b. abt. 1854, at home, b. Ky.
Sarah J. ' 14 b. abt. 1856 at home, b. Ky.
Mary E. ' 12 b. abt. 1858 at home, b. Ky.
Henry ' 9 b, abt. 1861 at home, b. Ky.
Georgia Ann ' 7 b. abt. 1863 b. Ky.
**Martha ' 5 b. abt. 1865 b. Ky. ( inparent's h/h )
Lucretia (Lucetta) ' 3 b. abt. 1867 b. Ky.
James W. ' 1/2 b. abt. 1870 b. Ky. 'Will'
(Next listing to son John R.,also next listing to dau, GeorgiAnn and herhusb., Thos, Watson,
2 listings down is Edmund A. Roberts)

James A. Shackelford 52 b. abt. 1828 laborer, b. Ky, father b.Va., mother b. don't know
Margaret A. ' 42 b. abt. 1838 wife, keeping house,b. Kyx3
Mary E. ' 21 b. abt. 1859 dau, at home
Henry F. ' 19 b. abt. 1861 son, works insawmill
**Martha F. ' 14 b. abt. 1866 dau, at home ( inparent's h/h )
Lucretia ' 12 b. abt. 1868 dau, at home
James W. ' 10 b. abt. 1870 son,
Leuna ' (f.) 6 b. abt. 1874 dau
Hiter ' (m.) 2 b. abt. 1878 son
Thomas WATSON Other M Male W 22 KY Laborer VA VA
Georgeann WATSON Wife M Female W 18 KY House Work KY KY
Magie F. WATSON Dau S Female W 4M KY KY KY

Source Information:
Census Place Benson, Franklin, Kentucky
Family History Library Film 1254414
NA Film Number T9-0414
Page Number 303C
1900 Jefferson Co.,Ky. Census--Louisville--A St. bet. Burnett & Hill Sts.

William Watson, head, Nov. 1863, 36, marr'd 17 yrs, Ky.,Va. Va., Laborer/Brick Yard, rents house
**Martha F., wife, Feb 1865, 35, marr'd 17 yrs, 4 children, 2 living, b.Kyx3
John M., son, Dec 1883, 16, b. Ky
Eugene, son, Jan 1892, 8, b. Ky.
Ky. 1910 Miracode Index

George W. Watson Color = w
Age = 46
County = Anderson, Lawrenceburg Birth Pl.= Ky.
Husband Visit 0022---Enum.Dist.= 0002
Relatives= Wife, Mattie, 44, Ky.
Son, Eugene, 18, Ky.
Dau., Olive 09, Ky.
Add'l Info on Above Census:
Living on So. Maine St; Married 27 yrs; 5 children; 3 living;
George is Teamster; rents house.
Note: A Teamster is a person in charge of a team of horses.
Martha (Mattie) was the 5th daughter born to James Addison Shackelford &Margaret Armstrong. Mattie & George may have had more than 2 childrenbecause there is a 5 yr. period bet. the 1910 Miracode Census & her deathin 1915.
Mattie is buried at the Pigeon Fork Bapt. Ch. Cem. located on County LineRd. at Shelby Co. line at the intersection of Avenstoke Road. Topleft--N W quadrant.1
Event-Death infoShe was Type: Death Cert # Vol 12--cert #5809 .1 
Event-Death infoShe was Type: Death Cert.Age 50 yrs -22 days old .1 
Event-Death infoShe was Type: Occupation/Cert. Housewife .1 
Event-Death infoShe was Type: Father's Name/Cert. James A Shackelford Franklin County, Kentucky.1 
Name Variation Martha Falisha Shackelford was also known as Mattie.1 
Event-Death infoShe was Type: Full Name on Cert. Mattie F Watson .1 
Event-Death infoShe was Type: Mother's Name/Cert. in Margaret Armstrong, Shelby County, Kentucky.1 
Event-Death infoShe was Type: Funeral Director E M Leathers Lawrenceburg .1 
Illnessbetween January, 1915 and March, 1915She was ill between January, 1915 and March, 1915.1 
Last EditedMay 7, 2009


  1. [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

Lucretia Shackelford1

Female, #43414, b. January, 1868
FatherJames Addison Shackelford1 b. Jul 15, 1830, d. between 1906 and 1910
MotherMargaret A Armstrong1 b. Jul 4, 1840
RelationshipLucretia Shackelford is a descendent of a parent or ancestor of a spouse of one of my relatives. Because Lucretia is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching her.
BirthJanuary, 1868Lucretia was born January, 1868 in Kentucky.1 
Death - no infoI have no information on the date and place of Lucretia's death. 
Note-ShackelfordLucretia Shackelford Lucretia Shackelford was my half cousin, twice removed.
Lucretia , or Lulie, was a widow at age 32, with no children, & livingwith her parents, James Addison Shackelford & Margaret Armstrong.

Enumerated ON JUNE 6TH 1900
line 87--Book 1
Page 288

Burnett Avenue & 18th St.

James Shackelford, head, w, m, b. July 1827--72 yrs, old--marr'd 47yrs.--b. Ky.--father b. Virginia-- mother b. Ky.--laborer, brickyard--3mos. not employed, can read, write, & speak English-- rents house.

Margaret, wife, w, f, b. July 1837, 62 yrs. old--marr'd 47 yrs--2children--2 living--b. Ky.--m=father & mother b. Ky.--can read, write, &speak English.

***Lulie, dau, w.,fem. b. Jan. 1868, 32, widowed, 0 children-- & mother b. Ky.-can read, write, & speak English.

Winget (?), son, w, male, b. Aug. 1881, 18 yrs. old, single-- b. Ky.--father & mother b. Ky.--day laborer--can read, write, & speak English.(This is Winfred T. Shackelford.)1 
Event-Death infoShe was Type: Marital Status at Death Widowed by 1900 at 32 yrs old then .1 
Name Variation Lucretia Shackelford was also known as Lulie.1 
Last EditedOct 13, 2007


  1. [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

James William Shackelford1

Male, #43415, b. April 17, 1870, d. after 1945
FatherJames Addison Shackelford1 b. Jul 15, 1830, d. between 1906 and 1910
MotherMargaret A Armstrong1 b. Jul 4, 1840
RelationshipJames William Shackelford is a descendent of a parent or ancestor of a spouse of one of my relatives. Because James William is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching him.
BirthApril 17, 1870James was born April 17, 1870 in Hardinsville, Shelby County, Kentucky.1 
Marriagebetween 1899 and 1900He married Mary Ann Quiggens, daughter of Eli Quiggens and Catherine Malissa Cummings, between 1899 and 1900 in an unknown place .1  
Deathafter 1945James died after 1945 in probably Indiana.1  


Mary Ann Quiggens b. 15 May 1870, d. 4 Jan 1920
Note-ShackelfordJames William Shackelford James William Shackelford was my half 1st cousin, twice removed.

James A. Shackelford 32 day laborer b. abt. 1838, b. Ky.
Margaret ' 29 b. abt. 1841, keeping house, b. Ky.
John R. ' 16 b. abt. 1854, at home, b. Ky.
Sarah J. ' 14 b. abt. 1856 at home, b. Ky.
Mary E. ' 12 b. abt. 1858 at home, b. Ky.
Henry ' 9 b, abt. 1861 at home, b. Ky.
Georgia Ann ' 7 b. abt. 1863 b. Ky.
Martha ' 5 b. abt. 1865 b. Ky.
Lucretia (Lucetta) ' 3 b. abt. 1867 b. Ky.
**James W. ' 1/2 b. abt. 1870 b. Ky. 'Will' **
Note: This is next dwelling to Edward Armstrong, 21 & wife Eliz.(Poss.bro of Margaret's)
(Next listing to son John R.,also next listing to dau, GeorgiAnn and herhusb., Thos, Watson,
2 listings down is Edmund A. Roberts)
James A. Shackelford 52 b. abt. 1828 laborer, b. Ky, father b.Va., mother b. don't know
Margaret A. ' 42 b. abt. 1838 wife, keeping house,b. Kyx3
Mary E. ' 21 b. abt. 1859 dau, at home
Henry F. ' 19 b. abt. 1861 son, works insawmill
Martha F. ' 14 b. abt. 1866 dau, at home
Lucretia ' 12 b. abt. 1868 dau, at home
**James W. ' 10 b. abt. 1870 son, **
Leuna ' (f.) 6 b. abt. 1874 dau
Hiter ' (m.) 2 b. abt. 1878 son
Thomas WATSON Other M Male W 22 KY Laborer VA VA
Georgeann WATSON Wife M Female W 18 KY House Work KY KY
Magie F. WATSON Dau S Female W 4M KY KY KY

Source Information:
Census Place Benson, Franklin, Kentucky
Family History Library Film 1254414
NA Film Number T9-0414
Page Number 303C
1900 Shelby Co. Census----Simpsonville District

William Shackelford, head, 30 yrs old, w,m, b. April 1870, marr'd 1yr., b. Ky.x3, yes x3, Farm Laborer, rents house.
Annie Shackelford, wife, 25 yrs old, w, f, b. Sept 1875, marr'd 1yr., b. Ky., father b. Indiana, mother b. Indiana, yesx3.
1910 Shelby Co.,Ky. Census-Simpsonville, Clark Sta.,
Pg 307, Enum'd April 15th, Heritage Quest Search

Jas. W. Shackelford Jr., head, m,w, 42, marr'd 10 yrs, b Kyx3, Laborer,working out (1867)
Annie Shackelford, wife, w,f, 35, marr'd 10 yrs, b Kyx3
Stephen Litsey, hired man, m,B. 30, single, Kyx3, Odd jobs
1920 Ky. Census Anderson Co.,Ky. Enumerated Jan 2, 1920
TWP= Avenstoke Next Door to Georgia Houchin (sister)- John R.marr'd again aft. Mary's death in 1917

John Shackelford, rents, wht, male, 62 yrs old, (makes b. 1858-shouldbe 1854) m'd, yesx3, b. Ky. x3
May (?), ' wife, wht, f, 82 (may read wrong-20yrs older thanJohn?), yes,yes, b. Ky. x3
Fred ' son, wht, m, 39 yrs old (makes b. 1881), m'd,yes,yes, b. Ky.x3 (This must be Winfred T.--Jas. A's son) b. 1882
Will *** ' son, wht, m, 45 yrs old (makes b. 1875), m'd,yes,yes, b. Ky.x3 (Will's wife, Annie died 2 days aft this census)
Leona(?) ' dau-in-law, 40 yrs old (makes b. 1880), yes,yes, b.Ky.x3 (second wife of Will's?)--see above
Wingett ' son-in-law, 33 yrs old (makes b. 1887), m'd,yes,yes, b. Ky.x3 ( if m'd--where is Rose?--should be brother)
1930 Jefferson Co.,Ky., on W. Walnut, April 2nd

Winford Shackelford, head, rents, 17.00, m,w, 47, marr'd at 24, b.Kyx3, Painter/ Street Railway
Rose Shackelford, wife, f,w, 49, marr'd at 25, b. Ky. ,Ky., Alabama,
**William Shackelford, Brother, m,w, 47, widowed, b. Kyx3, Occup=none** (makes b. abt 1883)

Note: Mary Ann died in Jan of 1920. Rose and Winfred are next listing toher sister & family.
James William's birth in 1900 Census = April 1870
' ' ' 1920 ' = 1875
' ' ' 1930 ' = 1883
*Not sure if this statement refers to this J W Shackelford or another one.

Author: Beulah Franks Date: 30 Oct 2001 3:00 PM GMT
Surnames: Shackelford, Armstrong
Classification: Deed
J.W. Shackelford and wife conveyed to L.S. Armstrong a tract of landlying upon the west side of Lawrenceburg and Shelbyville Turnpike,one-half mile south of Graefenburg, containing ten acres. Theconsideration was $700 cash and $1,300 in two deferred payments.

Will and his wife, Annie had no children as per Patricia Yunt Watson, hisniece.
Will also probably is buried in Indiana. He lived there a lot in lateryears. Will and Wingate were funny

*Will often stayed on May and Chester Shackelford's farm in Indianaafter Leuna Shackelford Yount died as did Charlie Watson, who livedthere a lot. Charlie Watson was the son of Georgia Ann ShackelfordWatson, Will's sister. Chester was the son of John R. who was the sonof James A. Shackelford.

Photo of 'Will' in Shackelford Book/Binder.1 
Name Variation James William Shackelford was also known as Will.1 
Event-MiscHe and Mary Ann Quiggens were Type: Age at marriage Will & Annie must have been abt 29 yrs old .1 
Census 1870-partial1870James William Shackelford appeared in the 1870 census in Shelby County, 1/2 yrs old living with parents & siblings.1 
Census 1880-partial1880He appeared in the 1880 census in Franklin County, 10 yrs old living with parents & siblings.1 
Census 1900-partial1900He appeared in the 1900 census in Simpsonville District, Shelby County, Kentucky, 30 yrs old(t) with wife Annie.1 
Census 1910-partial1910He appeared in the 1910 census in Clark Station, Simpsonville, Shelby County, Kentucky.1 
Census 1920-partial1920He appeared in the 1920 census in Anderson County, Kentucky, 45 yrs old living with John Shackelford Mary Fred Leona & Wingett(Winfred).1 
Census 1930-partial1930He appeared in the 1930 census on West Walnut Street Jefferson County, Kentucky, with bro Winfred & his wife Rose.1 
Last EditedNov 23, 2007


  1. [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

Leuna Shackelford1

Female, #43416, b. March 28, 1872, d. October 15, 1941
FatherJames Addison Shackelford1 b. Jul 15, 1830, d. between 1906 and 1910
MotherMargaret A Armstrong1 b. Jul 4, 1840
RelationshipLeuna Shackelford is a parent or ancestor of a spouse of one of my relatives. Because Leuna is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching her.
BirthMarch 28, 1872Leuna was born March 28, 1872 in Shelby County, Kentucky.1 
Marriageabout 1894She married Samuel Buford Yunt Sr, son of John Jesse Yount Sr and Margaret Wilson, about 1894 in an unknown place .1  
Birth of SonOctober 22, 1911Her son Addison was born on October 22, 1911 in Shelby County, Kentucky.1 
Birth of SonJuly 16, 1914Her son Samuel was born on July 16, 1914 in Bagdad, Shelby County, Kentucky.1 
Death of SonApril 3, 1915Her son, Samuel, died on April 3, 1915 in Bagdad, Shelby County, Kentucky.1 
Marriage of SonMarch 5, 1931Her son, Addison Jesse Yunt, married Edna Seay Broce on March 5, 1931 in Jeffersonville, Clark County, Indiana.1 
DeathOctober 15, 1941Leuna died October 15, 1941 in Shelby County, Kentucky at age 69 due to Cirrohsis of the liver.1  
BurialOctober 17, 1941Her body was buried on October 17, 1941 in Beech Ridge Baptist Church Cemetery, Shelby County, Kentucky.1 


Samuel Buford Yunt Sr b. 15 Nov 1871, d. 1942
Children 1.Addison Jesse Yunt+1 b. Oct 22, 1911, d. Jun 24, 1984
 2.Samuel Buford Yunt Jr1 b. Jul 16, 1914, d. Apr 3, 1915
ResidenceShe resided in Shelby County, Kentucky.1 
Event-Death infoLeuna Shackelford was Type: Physician/cert. E W Frymire MD .1 
Event-Death infoShe was Type: Father's Name/Cert. James A Shackelford b Shelby Co .1 
Event-Death infoShe was Type: Mother's Name/Cert. Margaret Armstrong b Kentucky.1 
Event-Death infoShe was Type: Death Cert. Age 68 yrs, 6 mos, 17 days old .1 
Event-Death infoShe was Type: Death Cert.# Vol 56--Cert # 27693 .1 
Note-ShackelfordShe Leuna Shackelford Yount was my half 1st cousin twice removed.
Leuna Shackelford Yount, the sister of Mary E. Shackelford was theinformant on Mary's death certificate in Bagdad .
Leuna is buried in Beechwood Cem. next to S,B, (infant son ) Yount, herhusband, Samuel Buford Yount, and her brother, Hiter Shackelford.

Photo of Leuna in Book/Binder
(Next listing to son John R.,also next listing to dau, GeorgiAnn and herhusb., Thos, Watson,
2 listings down is Edmund A. Roberts)

James A. Shackelford 52 b. abt. 1828 laborer, b. Ky, father b.Va., mother b. don't know
Margaret A. ' 42 b. abt. 1838 wife, keeping house,b. Kyx3
Mary E. ' 21 b. abt. 1859 dau, at home
Henry F. ' 19 b. abt. 1861 son, works insawmill
Martha F. ' 14 b. abt. 1866 dau, at home
Lucretia ' 12 b. abt. 1868 dau, at home
James W. ' 10 b. abt. 1870 son,
**Leuna ' (f.) 6 b. abt. 1874 dau** INPARENT'S H/H
Hiter ' (m.) 2 b. abt. 1878 son
Thomas WATSON Other M Male W 22 KY Laborer VA VA
Georgeann WATSON Wife M Female W 18 KY House Work KY KY
Magie F. WATSON Dau S Female W 4M KY KY KY

Source Information:
Census Place Benson, Franklin, Kentucky
Family History Library Film 1254414
NA Film Number T9-0414
Page Number 303C
1900 Census of Jefferson Co., Ky, Burnett Ave at 18th St.

Leuna and her husband, Samuel are living next door to James and MargaretShackelford , her parents.
Leuna has no children. & has been marr'd 6 yrs. She is 27 yrs old and herhusband is 29 yrs. old. Sam is a laborer in a brickyard.

They have a boarder living with them an, Andrew N. Bonnor, a wht. male,b. May 1836, 64 yrs old. & widowed, b. Va. , father b. Va. mother b.Ky.--he is a Teamster and can read write and speak English.
Magisterial District No. 5 Christiansburg (part of), including Bagdad town

1910 Shelby Co.,Ky. Census, Dist 119, # 172

Samuel B. Yount, head, m,w, 37, marr'd, b. Kyx3, Rents home farm
**Leuna Yount, wife, w,f, 36, marr'd, b. Kyx3,
Margaret Shackelford, mother-in-law, f,w, 68, widow, b. Kyx3
1920 US Federal Census Shelby Co., Bagdad
Beech Ridge between: Bagdad Peytona Rd. & Benson Rd., Dwelling 108

Sam Yount,head, owns farm, male,wht, 41 yrs old, m'd, ---,yes,yes, b.Ky.x3, Farmer, General Farm.
**Unnie (Leuna), wife, fem., wht, 40 yrs old, m'd, --,yes,yes, b.Ky.x3, Occup=None.
Edison (Addison), son, male,wht, 8 yrs old, yesx3, b. Ky.x3.
1930 Shelby Co.,Ky. Census--Christiansburg TWP, Pg 15B, Image 286

Samuel B. Yount, head, rents, w,m, 57, marr'd at 21, Kyx3, General Farm
**Leuna ' wife, w,f, 57, marr'd at 21, Kyx3,
Anderson J. ' son, w,m, 18, single, Kyx3, laborer/ generalfarm (Addison J.)

This is really Addison J.(not Anderson--census taker misunderstood name)
Ky Death Record


Died: 10-18-1941 Vol: 056 Cert # 27693 Death Vol: 1941.1
Event-Death infoShe was Type: Marital Status at Death Married .1 
Event-Death infoShe was Type: Residence at death in rural, Bagdad, Shelby County, Kentucky.1 
Name Variation Leuna Shackelford was also known as Unie.1 
Event-Death infoShe was Type: Occupation at death Housewife .1 
Event-Death infoShe was Type: Funeral Director in R Lee Shannon & Son, Bagdad, Shelby County, Kentucky.1 
Event-Death infoShe was Type: Duration of illness 4 months .1 
Event-Death infoShe was Type: Informant/death cert. in Addison Yount RFD, Bagdad, Shelby County, Kentucky.1 
Event-Death infoMarch, 1873She was Type: Born(on Death Cert).) in March, 1873 in Shelby County, Kentucky.1 
Census 1900-partial1900She appeared in the 1900 census in Jefferson County, Kentucky, with Samuel next door to her parents(no children).1 
Last EditedDec 4, 2007


  1. [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

Hiter V Shackelford1

Male, #43417, b. February 11, 1878, d. January 26, 1915
FatherJames Addison Shackelford1 b. Jul 15, 1830, d. between 1906 and 1910
MotherMargaret A Armstrong1 b. Jul 4, 1840
RelationshipHiter V Shackelford is a descendent of a parent or ancestor of a spouse of one of my relatives. Because Hiter V is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching him.
BirthFebruary 11, 1878Hiter was born February 11, 1878 in Shelby County, Kentucky.1 
Marriageabout 1906He married Mrs Annie Cain about 1906 in an unknown place .1  
DeathJanuary 26, 1915Hiter died January 26, 1915 in Jefferson County, Kentucky at age 36 due to Pulmonary Tuberculosis-1 yr.1  
BurialJanuary 28, 1915His body was buried on January 28, 1915 in Bagdad, Shelby County, Kentucky.1 
Burial - Confl InfConflicting evidence states that his body was buried in Beech Ridge Baptist Church Cemetery, Shelby County, Kentucky.1 


Mrs Annie Cain b. a 1876
Event-Death infoHiter V Shackelford was Type: Occup. at Death Car Repairer/ L & N Shops .1 
Event-Death infoHe was Type: Physician/cert. Geo W Pectol M D Taylor Blvd .1 
Event-Death infoHe was Type: Marital Status at Death Married .1 
Event-Death infoHe was Type: Mother's Name/Cert. Margaret Armstrong b Don't Know .1 
Event-Death infoHe was Type: Residence at death at 2733 Congress Jefferson County, Kentucky.1 
Note-ShackelfordHe Hiter V. Shackelford was my half 1st cousin, twice removed.
Hiter Shackelford was 37 yrs. old when he died. He is buried next to S.B.Yount (infant son of Samuel & Leuna Shackelford Yount) who are alsoburied beside him.


Directions to the Cem. are: From Shelbyville Ky.-- drive E. on U.S. 60for 8.1 miles to Peytona. Turn left on Ky. 395 and drive 3,2 miles to itsintersect with Ky. 1779. Turn right on 1779 and E. for 2,5 miles. Cem. ison the rt. in the S.E. corner of intersect. of Ky. 1779 and Ky. 1472.Younts are buried here too.
(Next listing to son John R.(son),also next to dau, GeorgiAnn and herhusb.,Thos, Watson, 2 down is Edmund A. Roberts)
James A. Shackelford 52 b. abt. 1828 laborer, b. Ky, father b.Va., mother b. don't know
Margarett A. ' 42 b. abt. 1838 wife, keeping house,b. Kyx3
Mary E. ' 21 b. abt. 1859 dau, at home
Henry F. ' 19 b. abt. 1861 son, works insawmill
Martha F. ' 14 b. abt. 1866 dau, at home
Lucretia ' 12 b. abt. 1868 dau, at home
James W. ' 10 b. abt. 1870 son,
Leuna ' (f.) 6 b. abt. 1874 dau
**Hiter V. ' (m.) 2 b. abt. 1878 son
Thomas WATSON Other M Male W 22 KY Laborer VA VA
Georgeann WATSON Wife M Female W 18 KY House Work KY KY
Magie F. WATSON Dau S Female W 4M KY KY KY
1902 Louisville, Ky. City Directory--Caron's

Hiter Shackelford, laborer, 210 28th St.
1903 Louisville, Ky. City Directroy---Caron's

Hiter Shackelford, laborer, 3317 Herman
1905 Louisville, Ky. City Directory---Caron's

Hiter F. Shackelford, Helper, Ky Wagon Mnfg. Co. 2718 Grayson
1906 Louisville, Ky. City Directory --- Caron's

Hiter Shackelford, Tobacco Wkr. 2718 Cedar
1907 Louisville, Ky. City Directory--Cron's

Hiter Shackelford, Carp. 2518 Columbia
1909 Louisville, Ky. City Directory--Caron's

Hiter Shackelford, Stemmer, Am Tob. Co. 1208 (114) So. 28th
Ky. 1910 Miracode Census Index

Hiter Shcckleford (spelling wrong) Enumeration District: 0001
Age: 32 Visit0146
County: Jefferson Color: W
Relation: Husband Birth Pl: Ky.
Relatives: Wife Annie 34, b. Ky.
Stepson Luter Cain 09, Ky.
1 non-relative

1910 Jefferson Co.,Ky. Census, Anchorage Pct., Dist 1, Anchorage___?____Hill Rd.

Hiter Shackelford, head, m,w, 32, marr'd 4 yrs., b. Kyx3, Farmer,General farm
Annie Shackelford, wife, f,w, 34, marr'd 4 yrs., 1 child, 1 living,b. Kyx3
Lester Cain, Step-son, m,w, 9, b. Kyx3
John Green, Boarder, m,w, 60, Divorced, b Kyx3, Farmer
Ky. Death Records on Roots Web also spells Shackelford wrong asSchackelford


Died: 01-26-1915 Vol: 004 Cert # 01621 1915.1 
Event-Death infoHe was Type: Death Cert.Age 36 yrs 11 mos 15 days .1 
Event-Death infoHe was Type: Death Cert. Age 37 yrs old .1 
Event-Death infoHe was Type: Father's Name/Cert. Add (for Addison)Schackelford b don't know(spelling should be Shackelford) .1 
Event-Death infoHe was Type: Death Cert # Vol 004--Cert 01621 .1 
Event-Death infoHe was Type: Full Name on Cert. Hiter Schackelford(should be Shackelford) .1 
Event-Death infoHe was Type: Informant/ Death Cert. Mrs Hiter Schackelford 2733 Congress, Louisville, Jefferson County, Kentucky.1 
Event-Death infoHe was Type: Funeral Director in Schoppenhorst Bros, Louisville, Jefferson County, Kentucky.1 
Event-MiscHe and Mrs Annie Cain were Type: Age at marriage Hiter at 28 yrs old Annie abt 30 yrs old .1 
Census 1880-partial1880Hiter V Shackelford appeared in the 1880 census in Franklin County, Kentucky, 2yrs old w/parents & siblings.1 
Census 1910-partial1910He appeared in the 1910 census in Jefferson County, Kentucky, 32 yrs old with wife Annie & step-son Lester Cain.1 
Last EditedDec 20, 2007


  1. [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

Mary L McCormick1

Female, #43418, b. December 7, 1861, d. March 8, 1917
FatherJohn Davenport McCormick1 b. between 1817 and 1819, d. Apr 25, 1895
MotherElizabeth P McCormick1 b. between 1817 and 1819, d. before 1895
RelationshipMary L McCormick is a non-related spouse of a spouse of one of my relatives. Because Mary L is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching her.
BirthDecember 7, 1861Mary was born December 7, 1861 in Daviess County, Kentucky.1 
Marriage - no infoShe married John R Shackelford, son of James Addison Shackelford and Margaret A Armstrong. I have no information on the date and place of the marriage.1 
Birth of Daughterabout 1875Her daughter Marieta was born about 1875 in Kentucky.1 
Birth of SonDecember 20, 1876Her son Chester was born on December 20, 1876 in Kentucky.1 
Death of FatherApril 25, 1895Her father, John, died on April 25, 1895 in Shelby County, Kentucky.1 
Marriage of Sonabout 1904Her son, Chester Shackelford, married Mary Frances (surname not known) about 1904.1 
DeathMarch 8, 1917Mary died March 8, 1917 in Jefferson County, Kentucky at age 55 due to Cancer of the Breast.1  
BurialMarch 10, 1917Her body was buried on March 10, 1917 in Evergreen Cemetery, Louisville, Jefferson County, Kentucky.1 


John R Shackelford b. 17 Aug 1854, d. a 1920
Children 1.Marieta Shackelford1 b. about 1875
 2.Chester Shackelford+1 b. Dec 20, 1876, d. Nov 22, 1944
 3.Maude Shackelford1
 4.(given name not known) Shackelford1
Event-Death infoMary L McCormick was Type: Residence at death in 741 E Chestnut, Louisville, Jefferson County, Kentucky.1 
Event-Death infoShe was Type: Physician/cert. W Stewart Carter MD/Wheston Bldg .1 
Event-Death infoShe was Type: Occupation/Cert. Housewife .1 
Event-Death infoShe was Type: Marital Status at Death Married .1 
Event-Death infoShe was Type: Death Cert. Age 55 yrs, 3 mos, 1 day .1 
Event-Death infoShe was Type: Death Cert.# Vol 56--Cert # 27693 .1 
Note-ShackelfordShe 1860 United States Federal Census

Name: John D Mccormick
Age in 1860: 43
Birthplace: Kentucky
Home in 1860: Clay, Ralls, Missouri
Post Office: Hydesburg
Roll: M653_642

John D. McCormick, 43, farming, $335, b. Ky.
Elizabeth P. McCormick, 41, b. Ky
Rebecca J. McCormick, 17, b. Ky
Elizabeth McCormick, 10, b. Ky
Paulina F. McCormick, 8, b. Ky
**Mary L. McCormick, 6, b. Ky in parent's h.h
John Quin, 24, Laborer, b. Ireland
Timothy Quin, 18, laborer, b. Ireland
1870 Franklin Co.,Ky. Census Index-----John D. McCormick--Pg.45--Bridgeport Pct.

John D. McCormick, 53, m,w, Farmer, 200, b. Ky.
Elizabeth ' 51, f,w, keeping house, b. Ky.
Ann E. ' 19, f,w, at home, b. Ky.
**Mary L. ' 16, f,w, at home b. Ky. in parent'sh/h

John R. Shackelford 25 b. abt. 1855, laborer, b. Ky.x3
**Mary L. ' 26 b. abt. 1854 wife, keeping house
Marieta ' 5 b. abt. 1875 dau
Chester ' 3 b. abt. 1877 son
John D. McCormick (father-in-law) 63, Laborer, Lung Disease, Kyx3
Elizabeth P. ' (mother-in-law) 61, Ky.x3
1900 Ky. Census--Jefferson Co.-----E. Market St.--- 6th Magistrate, June8th, 4th Ward, Bk 2, pg. 272

John R. Shackelford,head, w,m, b. Aug. 1854, 45 yrs old, marr. 24 yrs.,Ky,Ky,Ky, Sec-?--hand R.R., yes,yes, yes, rents house.
**Mary, wife, w,f, b. Dec. 1853, 46 yrs., marr. 34 yrs., 4 children, 1living, Ky,Ky,Ky, yes,yes,yes.
Chester, son, w,m, b. Dec. 1877, 22 yrs. old, single, Ky,Ky,Ky, packer intobacco factory, yes,yes,yes.

Note: (Marieta & other children must have died)
1910 Ky. Census-Jeffrn Co.- April 18th.- Image 6, Dist 57, Visit 62, 24Pct.

John Schackelford, head, w,m, 60, marr'd,25 yrs, Kyx3, Section Boss/L.&N. R.R.
Mary ' wife, f,w, 62, marr'd 25 yrs, 4 children, 1living, Kyx3
Mollie ' Sister, f,w, 36, Single, Kyx3 (makesb.1874 )
Fred ' Brother, m,w, 38, Widowed, Kyx3,Laborer/R.R. (makes b abt 1872)
James Ford, Boarder, m,w, 34, Single, Kyx3, Assist.Boss/R.R.1 
Event-Death infoShe was Type: Father's Name/Cert. John D McCormick/Shelby Co .1 
Event-Death infoShe was Type: Mother's Name/Cert. Elizabeth McCormick Kentucky.1 
Event-Death infoShe was Type: Informant/death cert. John R Shackelford/741 E Chestnut .1 
Event-Death infoShe was Type: Funeral Director Schoppenhorst Bros /1822 W Market .1 
Census 1880-partial1880She appeared in the 1880 census near Benson, Franklin County, Kentucky, with John Mariet & Chester.1 
Census 1900-partial1900She appeared in the 1900 census in East Market Street, Jefferson County, Kentucky, with John & Chester 22, single.1 
Census 1910-partial1910She appeared in the 1910 census in Jefferson County, Kentucky.1 
Last EditedDec 21, 2007


  1. [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

Marieta Shackelford1

Female, #43419, b. about 1875
FatherJohn R Shackelford1 b. Aug 17, 1854, d. after 1920
MotherMary L McCormick1 b. Dec 7, 1861, d. Mar 8, 1917
RelationshipMarieta Shackelford is a descendent of a parent or ancestor of a spouse of one of my relatives. Because Marieta is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching her.
Birthabout 1875Marieta was born about 1875 in Kentucky.1 
Death - no infoI have no information on the date and place of Marieta's death. 
Note-ShackelfordMarieta Shackelford 1880 FRANKLIN CO. CENSUS--BENSON DISTRICT

John R. Shackelford 25 b. abt. 1855, laborer, b. Ky.x3
Mary L. ' 26 b. abt. 1854 wife, keeping house
**Marieta ' 5 b. abt. 1875 dau **
Chester ' 3 b. abt. 1877 son
John D. McCormick (father-in-law) 63, Laborer, Lung Disease, Kyx3
Elizabeth P. ' (mother-in-law) 61, Ky.x3.1 
Last EditedSep 8, 2007


  1. [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

Chester Shackelford1

Male, #43420, b. December 20, 1876, d. November 22, 1944
FatherJohn R Shackelford1 b. Aug 17, 1854, d. after 1920
MotherMary L McCormick1 b. Dec 7, 1861, d. Mar 8, 1917
RelationshipChester Shackelford is a descendent of a parent or ancestor of a spouse of one of my relatives. Because Chester is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching him.
BirthDecember 20, 1876Chester was born December 20, 1876 in Kentucky.1 
Marriageabout 1904He married Mary Frances (surname not known) about 1904 in an unknown place .1  
Birth of DaughterFebruary 22, 1905His daughter Catherine was born on February 22, 1905 in Indiana.1 
Death of MotherMarch 8, 1917His mother, Mary, died on March 8, 1917 in Jefferson County, Kentucky.1 
Marriage of Daughterabout 1921His daughter, Catherine Shackelford, married Vivian C Taylor about 1921.1 
DeathNovember 22, 1944Chester died November 22, 1944 in Indianapolis, Marion County, Indiana at age 67.1  
BurialNovember 24, 1944His body was buried on November 24, 1944 in Crown Hill Cemetery, Indianapolis, Marion County, Indiana, Section 96, Lot 58, with marker.1 


Mary Frances (surname not known) b. 6 Apr 1885, d. 10 Jan 1976
Child 1.Catherine Shackelford+1 b. Feb 22, 1905, d. Aug 12, 1982
Event-Death infoChester Shackelford was Type: Death Cert. Age Abt 67 yrs old .1 
Note-ShackelfordHe Chester Shackelford was my 1/2 2nd cousin, once removed.
There is a Margaret Elizabeth Shackelford buried on 11/4/1944 in the samecemetery with Chester and May but not in the same section or lot. Her'sis Sect. 1--Lot 29 and has a marker. Is it a coincidence that she wasburied in the same month and year--& only 20 days before Chester and hasthe same last name? Chester and May were suppose to have had only 1child, Catherine.
1902 Louisville, Ky. City Directory--Caron's

Chester Shackelford, Steamer 1314 W. Market

John R. Shackelford 25 b. abt. 1855, laborer, b. Ky.x3
Mary L. ' 26 b. abt. 1854 wife, keeping house
Marieta ' 5 b. abt. 1875 dau
**Chester ' 3 b. abt. 1877 son **
John D. McCormick (father-in-law) 63, Laborer, Lung Disease, Kyx3
Elizabeth P. ' (mother-in-law) 61, Ky.x3
1900 Ky. Census--Jefferson Co.-----E. Market St.--- 6th Magistrate, June8th, 4th Ward, Bk 2, pg. 272

John R. Shackelford,head, w,m, b. Aug. 1854, 45 yrs old, marr. 24 yrs.,Ky,Ky,Ky, Sec-?--hand R.R., yes,yes, yes, rents house.
Mary, wife, w,f, b. Dec. 1853, 46 yrs., marr. 34 yrs., 4 children, 1living, Ky,Ky,Ky, yes,yes,yes.
**Chester, son, w,m, b. Dec. 1877, 22 yrs. old, single, Ky,Ky,Ky, packerin tobacco factory, yes,yes,yes.

Note: (Marieta & other children must have died)
1910 Ky Miracode Index

Cluster Shackleford (Chester Shackelford) Enum. dist: 0213
Age: 32 Visit: 0020
County: Jefferson, Lou. Color: W
Relation: Husband Birth Pl.: Ky.
Wife Mary F. 25, Ky.
Dau Catherine 09, Ky.
==Add'l 1910 info below

1910 Census Jefferson Co/ West Walnut near 27th & Cedar,
26th Pct., Enum'd April 15th

Chester Shackelford, head, m,w, 32, marr'd b. Ky., Ky., b. Mo.,Policeman/City
Mary F. Shackelford, wife, w,f, 25, marr'd 6 yrs, 1 child, 1 living,b. Ky., b. Ky., mother b.------ ---------? (2 words)
Catherine, dau, 9, KY.
Note: Chester's mother's DC says she was born in Daviess Co.,Ky.
1930 Marion Co., Indiana Census of Indianapolis,
31st St., Center TWP, April 16, Dist 335

Chester Shackelford, head, 3500, rents, m,w, 53, marr'd at 27 yrs old,b. Kyx3, Mechanic/ Chain Factory
Mary F. ' wife, w,f, 45, marr'd at 19 yrs old, b.Ky., Ky. Mo., Hostess/Golf Club
James H. Sharky, Lodger, m,w, 49, Divorced at 41 yrs old, b.Indiana, Northern Ireland, Indiana, Florist/ Cemetery

Above family next listing to their dau, Catherine, & her family,Vivan,(husb) & Jack S.(son)
World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918 Record

Name: Chester Shackelford
City: Indianapolis
County: Marion
State: Indiana
Birth Date: 20 Dec 1875
Race: White
Roll: 1504017
DraftBoard: 3

Chester Shackelford
Address: 2545 Shriver, Marion Co., IN.
Birth: Dec 20, 1876
Occup: Laborer
Employer: Diamond Chain Mfg. Co., 302 Ky Ave., Indianapolis, MarionCo.,Ky.
Nearest Relative: Mary Shackelford, wife, 2545 Shriver, Indianapolis,Marion Co.,Ky.


Height: Medium
Build: Medium
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brown
Bald: NO
Date: Sept 12, 1918


Burial: 11/24/1944 Section: 96
Marker: Yes Lot: 58.1

OccupationChester Shackelford's occupation was Worked at the Diamond Chain Factory in Indianapolis .1 
Name Variation Chester Shackelford was also known as Poppy.1 
Census 1880-partial1880He appeared in the 1880 census near Benson, Franklin County, Kentucky, with parents 3 yrs old.1 
Census 1900-partial1900He appeared in the 1900 census in E Mkt, Jefferson County, Kentucky, at age 22 single with parents.1 
Census 1910-partial1910He appeared in the 1910 census on West Walnut Jefferson County, Kentucky, with wife Mary.1 
Census 1930-partial1930He appeared in the 1930 census on 31st Street Indianapolis, Marion County, Indiana.1 
Last EditedNov 23, 2007


  1. [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).