John Winfred Mahoney1

Male, #43721, b. November 29, 1880, d. November 11, 1934
FatherJohn David Mahoney1 b. Jun 22, 1836, d. Mar 29, 1900
MotherHarriet Bowling1 b. Mar 1, 1840, d. Jul 3, 1906
RelationshipJohn Winfred Mahoney is a parent or ancestor of a spouse of one of my relatives. Because John Winfred is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching him.
BirthNovember 29, 1880John was born November 29, 1880 in Larue County, Kentucky.1 
BaptismDecember 17, 1880He was baptized on December 17, 1880 in New Haven, Nelson County, Kentucky.1 
Death of FatherMarch 29, 1900His father, John, died on March 29, 1900 in New Haven, Nelson County, Kentucky.1 
MarriageJune 28, 1904He married Mary Edith Willett, daughter of John William Willett and Mahala Joana Janes, June 28, 1904 in Holy Trinity Church, New Haven, Nelson County, Kentucky.1  
Birth of SonApril 12, 1905His son Charles was born on April 12, 1905 in Howardstown, Larue County, Kentucky.1 
Death of MotherJuly 3, 1906His mother, Harriet, died on July 3, 1906 in New Haven, Nelson County, Kentucky.1 
Birth of DaughterAugust 1, 1906His daughter Alice was born on August 1, 1906 in Howardstown, Larue County, Kentucky.1 
Birth of DaughterMay 9, 1908His daughter Mary was born on May 9, 1908 in New Haven, Nelson County, Kentucky.1 
Birth of DaughterNovember 14, 1909His daughter Catherine was born on November 14, 1909 in New Haven, Nelson County, Kentucky.2 
Birth of SonAugust 30, 1911His son Winfrid was born on August 30, 1911 in New Haven, Nelson County, Kentucky.1 
Birth of DaughterMay 14, 1913His daughter Dorothy was born on May 14, 1913 in New Haven, Nelson County, Kentucky.1 
Birth of DaughterMarch 4, 1915His daughter Agnes was born on March 4, 1915 in New Haven, Nelson County, Kentucky.1 
Birth of SonMarch 20, 1916His son Joseph was born on March 20, 1916 in New Haven, Nelson County, Kentucky.1 
Death of SonMarch 20, 1916His son, Joseph, died on March 20, 1916 in New Haven, Nelson County, Kentucky.1 
Birth of DaughterMarch 20, 1916His daughter Mary was born on March 20, 1916 in New Haven, Nelson County, Kentucky.1 
Death of DaughterMarch 25, 1916His daughter, Mary, died on March 25, 1916 in New Haven, Nelson County, Kentucky.1 
Birth of SonMay 16, 1919His son William was born on May 16, 1919 in New Haven, Nelson County, Kentucky.1 
Birth of SonSeptember 29, 1920His son John was born on September 29, 1920 in New Haven, Nelson County, Kentucky.1 
Death of SpouseJanuary 5, 1922He was widowed when his wife, Mary, died on January 5, 1922.. in New Haven, Nelson County, Kentucky.3 
Marriage of DaughterJune 22, 1926His daughter, Alice Harriett Mahoney, married Theodore William Fluhr on June 22, 1926 in St Elizabeth Church, Louisville, Jefferson County, Kentucky.1 
Marriage of SonApril 27, 1927His son, Charles Julian Mahoney, married Agnes Marie Kippes on April 27, 1927 in Sacred Heart Church, Louisville, Jefferson County, Kentucky.1 
Marriage of SonSeptember 4, 1930His son, Winfrid Ignatius Mahoney, married Adina Victoria Johnson on September 4, 1930 in Jeffersonville, Clark County, Indiana.1 
DeathNovember 11, 1934John died November 11, 1934 in Louisville, Jefferson County, Kentucky at age 53 due to Coronary Occlusion/heart attack.4  
BurialNovember 13, 1934His body was buried on November 13, 1934 in St Catherine's Cemetery, New Haven, Nelson County, Kentucky.1 


Mary Edith Willett b. 2 Oct 1882, d. 5 Jan 1922
Children 1.Charles Julian Mahoney+1 b. Apr 12, 1905, d. Nov 6, 1953
 2.Alice Harriett Mahoney+1 b. Aug 1, 1906, d. Oct 25, 1978
 3.Mary Monica Mahoney1 b. May 9, 1908, d. Nov 30, 1976
 4.Catherine Mahoney+1 b. Nov 14, 1909, d. Oct 24, 1978
 5.Winfrid Ignatius Mahoney+1 b. Aug 30, 1911, d. Apr 22, 2002
 6.Dorothy M Mahoney+1 b. May 14, 1913, d. Nov 3, 1985
 7.Agnes Mahoney+1 b. Mar 4, 1915, d. Aug 16, 1997
 8.Joseph Mahoney1 b. Mar 20, 1916, d. Mar 20, 1916
 9.Mary Mahoney1 b. Mar 20, 1916, d. Mar 25, 1916
 10.William Paul Mahoney+1 b. May 16, 1919, d. May 21, 2006
 11.John Anthony Mahoney+1 b. Sep 29, 1920, d. Sep 15, 2005
 12.Louis Finian Mahoney+1
Event-MiscJohn Winfred Mahoney was Type: Occupation/Cert. Laborer--Actually worked for L & N Railroad .1 
NationalityThe nationality of John Winfred Mahoney was Irish.1 
ReligionHe was Catholic.1 
Note-ShackelfordHe 1900 Larue Co.,Ky. Census-- Athertonville-H/H of John W.'s brother

James Mahoney, head, w,m, b. Sept. 1863, 31,arr'd 10 yrs, b. Kyx3,Farmer, yes x3, Owns farm free
Theresa Mahoney, w,f,b. Nov. 1864, 30, marr'd 10 yrs, 4 children, 4living, b. Kyx3, yesx3
Joseph R. Mahoney, son, w,m, b. Feb. 1891, 9 yrs old, b. Kyx3
Mary F. Mahoney, dau, w,f, b. June 1893, 6 yrs old, b. Kyx3
Nettie R. Mahoney, dau, w,f, b. Feb. 1896, 4 yrs old, b. Kyx3
Ethel M. Mahoney, dau, w,f, b. Jan 1899, 2 yrs old, b. Kyx3
** John W. Mahoney, Brother, w,m, b. Nov. 1880, 19 yrs old, single, b.Kyx3, Farmer, yesx3
Pearly J. Lucas, Servant, w,f, b. Feb. 1885, 15 yrs old, b. Kyx3, yes x3

The grandson of Edith Lyle O'Bryan & Robert Gilmer Gambrel says hisgrandmother was a niece to Nettie O'Bryan (the 2nd wife of Edith WillettMahoney's father, 'John Wm. Willett'.) Edith O'Bryan's parents wereJames O'Bryan and Anna Wathen.
World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918 Record

Name: John Winfred Mahoney
City: Not Stated
County: Nelson
State: Kentucky
Birth Date: 29 Nov 1880
Race: White
Roll: 1653662
DraftBoard: 0

Address: New Haven, Nelson Co.,Ky.
Age: 37
DOB: Nov 29, 1880
Occup: Merchant / Self owned
Nearest Relative: Mrs. Mary E. Mahoney, New Haven, Nelson Co.,Ky.
Height: Medium
Build: Medium
Eyes: Gray
Hair: Dark
Date: Sept 12, 1918
1920 Nelson Co. Census--New Haven TWP.--Main St.--Pg. 11A

J. Winfred Mahoney, head, w,m, owns mortg. 28, m'd, yes x2, b.Ky.x3, Merchant, Hardware & Feed
Mary Edith ' wife, w,f, 37, m'd, yesx2, b. Kyx3
Julian ' son, w,m, 14, single, yes x3, b. Ky.x3
Harriet ' dau, w,f, 13, ' '
Monica ' dau, w,f, 11, ' '
Catherine ' dau, w,f, 9, yes x2, '
Jack ' son, w,m, 8, ' '
Dorothy ' dau, w,f, 6, yes, '
Agnes ' dau, w,f, 4 '
Paul ' son, w,m, 9/12 '
1930 Jefferson Co.,Ky., Louisville-Dist 4
April 10th, #232, 3 names down from Porter Duncan & fam. on Birchwood Ave.

John W. Mahoney, head, m,w, 49, widowed, Kyx3, Mechanic/R.R.
Monica Mahoney, dau, f,w, 21, single, Kyx3, Stenographer/Bank
Katherine Mahoney, f,w, 20, single, Kyx3, File Clerk/Bank
Dorothy Mahoney, dau, f,w, 16, single, Kyx3
Agnes Mahoney, dau, f,w, 15, S., Kyx3
Paul Mahoney,m ,w, 10, Kyx3
John A. Mahoney, m,w, 9, Kyx3
Louis Mahoney, m,w, 8, Kyx3
Most of the information on the Winfrid (Wigg) Mahoney family was obtainedfrom his children. A special thanks to his daughter, Catherine, MahoneyShackelford who was so helpful in sending out forms to the differentmembers of the family. His niece, Sister Rose Francis Mahoney, Frank'sdaughter, did research of church records and Court records for dates.

Source for above statement: 'Mahoney Family Genealogy' researched andcompiled by Sister Rose Frances Mahoney.1 
IllnessHe was ill with Arterio-sclerosis with contributory cause of importance but not related to principle cause: Acute Bronchitis.1  
Name Variation John Winfred Mahoney was also known as Wig.1 
Event-Misc1881He was Type: Birth/ Cert. in 1881 Sr Rose Frances's Book says 1880 .1 
Census 1910-partial1910John was listed as the head of a family on the 1910 Census in 1910 in Nelson County, Kentucky.1 
IllnessOctober, 1929He was ill with Heart Problems in October, 1929.1 
Census 1930-partial1930He appeared in the 1930 census in Louisville, Jefferson County, Kentucky.1 
ObituaryAn obituary for John Winfred Mahoney appeared. OBIT

Mahoney, John W. Mahoney, age 53 years, beloved father of C.J., Paul,J.A., Louis of Louisville, and Jack of Detroit, Michigan, and MissMonica, Miss Catherine, Miss Dorothy, Miss Agnes, and Mrs. T.W. Fluhr,and brother of J.S. and Charles of New Haven,Ky., died Sunday morning,Nov. 11, at 3 o'clock at the residence, 124 Carlisle St. Funeral fromSt. Frances of Rome Church, 112 South Clifton at 9'oclock Tuesdaymorning. Interment in St. Catherine's Cemetery, New Haven, Ky.1 
Last EditedJun 19, 2011


  1. [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,.
  2. [S3007] Schackelford and Hedges Ancestors, Phyllis Schackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at, reviewed update of October 16, 2003.
  3. [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,, Informant/death cert. J. W. Mahoney, New Haven, Ky. (spouse)
    Physician/cert. Edw. D. Mudd/ New Haven
    Funeral Dir. Ball & Walker/ New Haven
    Duration of illness 18 days
    Marital Status at Death Married
    Father's Name/Cert. J.W. Willett, Washington Co., Ky.
    Mother's Name /Cert. Veronica Johnson, Washington Co.,Ky
    Full Name/Cert Edith Mahoney
    Death Cert.# Vol. 5--cert. # 2239 Nelson Co.
    Cause of Death (DC) Penumonia following child birth
    Death Cert.Age 39 yrs, 3 months, 2 days.
  4. [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,, Duration of illness OCT 1929 Heart Problems
    Funeral Dir. T.A. Blandford/ 2815 So. 4th. St., Lou., Ky.
    Informant/death cert. Paul Mahoney (son)
    Physician/cert. Ann Leigh, M.D./2406 Frankfort Ave.
    Residence at death 134 Carlisle / Crescent Hill, Lou., Ky.
    Marital Status at Death Widowed
    Death Cert.# # 28069--Vol 57
    Cause of Death (DC) Heart Attack
    Death Cert. Age 53 yrs.--11 months--13 days.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

Mary Edith Willett1

Female, #43722, b. October 2, 1882, d. January 5, 1922
FatherJohn William Willett1 b. Nov 17, 1852, d. Apr 4, 1938
MotherMahala Joana Janes1 b. Aug 7, 1855, d. Sep 15, 1916
RelationshipMary Edith Willett is a parent or ancestor of a spouse of one of my relatives. Because Mary Edith is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching her.
BirthOctober 2, 1882Mary was born October 2, 1882 in Washington County, Kentucky.1 
MarriageJune 28, 1904She married John Winfred Mahoney, son of John David Mahoney and Harriet Bowling, June 28, 1904 in Holy Trinity Church, New Haven, Nelson County, Kentucky.1  
Birth of SonApril 12, 1905Her son Charles was born on April 12, 1905 in Howardstown, Larue County, Kentucky.1 
Birth of DaughterAugust 1, 1906Her daughter Alice was born on August 1, 1906 in Howardstown, Larue County, Kentucky.1 
Birth of DaughterMay 9, 1908Her daughter Mary was born on May 9, 1908 in New Haven, Nelson County, Kentucky.1 
Birth of DaughterNovember 14, 1909Her daughter Catherine was born on November 14, 1909 in New Haven, Nelson County, Kentucky.2 
Birth of SonAugust 30, 1911Her son Winfrid was born on August 30, 1911 in New Haven, Nelson County, Kentucky.1 
Birth of DaughterMay 14, 1913Her daughter Dorothy was born on May 14, 1913 in New Haven, Nelson County, Kentucky.1 
Birth of DaughterMarch 4, 1915Her daughter Agnes was born on March 4, 1915 in New Haven, Nelson County, Kentucky.1 
Birth of SonMarch 20, 1916Her son Joseph was born on March 20, 1916 in New Haven, Nelson County, Kentucky.1 
Death of SonMarch 20, 1916Her son, Joseph, died on March 20, 1916 in New Haven, Nelson County, Kentucky.1 
Birth of DaughterMarch 20, 1916Her daughter Mary was born on March 20, 1916 in New Haven, Nelson County, Kentucky.1 
Death of DaughterMarch 25, 1916Her daughter, Mary, died on March 25, 1916 in New Haven, Nelson County, Kentucky.1 
Death of MotherSeptember 15, 1916Her mother, Mahala, died on September 15, 1916 in Washington County, Kentucky.3 
Birth of SonMay 16, 1919Her son William was born on May 16, 1919 in New Haven, Nelson County, Kentucky.1 
Birth of SonSeptember 29, 1920Her son John was born on September 29, 1920 in New Haven, Nelson County, Kentucky.1 
DeathJanuary 5, 1922Mary died January 5, 1922 in New Haven, Nelson County, Kentucky at age 39 due to Pneumonia following child birth
Migratory Pneumonia. Death occurred only a few weeks after the birth of son, Lewis. Part of the after-birth was left in and the poisons caused the infection that led to the pneumonia..4  
BurialJanuary 7, 1922Her body was buried on January 7, 1922 in New Haven, Nelson County, Kentucky.1 


John Winfred Mahoney b. 29 Nov 1880, d. 11 Nov 1934
Children 1.Charles Julian Mahoney+1 b. Apr 12, 1905, d. Nov 6, 1953
 2.Alice Harriett Mahoney+1 b. Aug 1, 1906, d. Oct 25, 1978
 3.Mary Monica Mahoney1 b. May 9, 1908, d. Nov 30, 1976
 4.Catherine Mahoney+1 b. Nov 14, 1909, d. Oct 24, 1978
 5.Winfrid Ignatius Mahoney+1 b. Aug 30, 1911, d. Apr 22, 2002
 6.Dorothy M Mahoney+1 b. May 14, 1913, d. Nov 3, 1985
 7.Agnes Mahoney+1 b. Mar 4, 1915, d. Aug 16, 1997
 8.Joseph Mahoney1 b. Mar 20, 1916, d. Mar 20, 1916
 9.Mary Mahoney1 b. Mar 20, 1916, d. Mar 25, 1916
 10.William Paul Mahoney+1 b. May 16, 1919, d. May 21, 2006
 11.John Anthony Mahoney+1 b. Sep 29, 1920, d. Sep 15, 2005
 12.Louis Finian Mahoney+1
OccupationMary Edith Willett's occupation was Housekeeping .1 
(daughter) Census 1900-partial1900She was listed as a daughter in John William Willett's household on the 1900 Census in 1900 in Fredericktown, Washington County, Kentucky.5 
Census 1910-partial1910Mary Edith Willett was listed as John Winfred Mahoney's wife on the 1910 Census in 1910 in Nelson County, Kentucky.1 
ObituaryAn obituary for Mary Edith Willett appeared. Obit Mrs. Winfred Mahoney Dead
Just as we were going to press last week, we announced the death of Mrs.J. Winfred Mahoney, nee Edith Willett. Her illness of pneumonia was of short duration. She was of a handsome striking appearance and had many Christian virtues and fine executive ablilty which shone forth in the training of her children and the management of her household. The deceased was the mother of twelve children, ten of whom with her husband survive her. Her funeral took place Saturday morning at St. Catherine's with a solemn high Requiem Mass. Rev. W.P. Hogart was the celebrant. Rev. Julian Peters of Fredrickstown, Deacon, and Rev E. Schmitt, Howardstown, Sub-Deacon, Mrs. Charles P. Bowling was Master-of-Ceremonies. The funeral was largely attended, St. Catherine's Church being filled with friends and relatives of the departed, showing the high esteem in which she was held. Her body was laid to rest in St.Catherine's Cemetery beneath a mound of flowers.

Card of Thanks
I desire to express my thanks to my friends for the kindness rendered me during the illness and death of my beloved wife and beg to assure that it will ever be gratefully remembered. (hand written)
J. Winfred Mahoney
Newspaper Article
Mrs. J. Winfred Mahoney
Victim of Pneumonia
Age 39 Years
Mrs. Edith Willett Mahoney, age thirty-nine, wife of J. Winfred Mahoney,of New Haven, succumbed to pneumonia last Thursday at noon. She was the mother of ten children, the youngest of whom was three weeks old.
Funeral services were held for the deceased with High Requiem Mass Saturday at 8 PM in St. Catherine's Church, Rev. W.P. Hogarty officiating. Interment was in the Church Cemetery.
Deceased was the daughter of J.W. Willett of Fredricksburg, who survives. In 1904 she was united in marriage to Winfred and to this union were born ten children, ranging in age from the infant to the oldest, Julian, eighteen years of age. Six brothers and 2 sisters also survive.
Joe, Frank and Hirchel Willett and Mrs. Sonia Mudd of Gethsemani, Lawrence Willett, Howardstown, and Mrs. Clements of Louisville.
Mrs. Mahoney was a good Christian woman beloved by all, and her going hence leaves a vacancy in the hearts of a multitude of friends. As a mother she summed up all her beautiful traits of character. Her every care included the good of her children.
She was a devoted and consistent member of the Catholic Church and when the end came, she met it bravely, fully fortified by the Holy Sacrement of the Church.
Those from a distance who attended the funeral were: Mrs. Mary RoseBowling and daughter, Lena, Miss Mattie Mahoney, Mrs. James M. Donald and son of Louisville, James Mahoney and son, Curdsville, and Miss Katie Mahoney, of New Hope.1 
Last EditedMar 13, 2009


  1. [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,.
  2. [S3007] Schackelford and Hedges Ancestors, Phyllis Schackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at, reviewed update of October 16, 2003.
  3. [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,, Willett Bible.
  4. [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,, Informant/death cert. J. W. Mahoney, New Haven, Ky. (spouse)
    Physician/cert. Edw. D. Mudd/ New Haven
    Funeral Dir. Ball & Walker/ New Haven
    Duration of illness 18 days
    Marital Status at Death Married
    Father's Name/Cert. J.W. Willett, Washington Co., Ky.
    Mother's Name /Cert. Veronica Johnson, Washington Co.,Ky
    Full Name/Cert Edith Mahoney
    Death Cert.# Vol. 5--cert. # 2239 Nelson Co.
    Cause of Death (DC) Penumonia following child birth
    Death Cert.Age 39 yrs, 3 months, 2 days.
  5. [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,, Heritage Quest Search.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

Benjamin Mason Bland1

Male, #43723, b. November 13, 1820, d. 1868
Relationships1st cousin 4 times removed of Garril Louis Kueber Sr
8th great-grandson of John Duncan
5th great-grandson of William Withers Sr
5th great-grandson of Richard Barbee
6th great-grandson of Thomas Mason
4th great-grandson of John Jennings
FatherThomas P Bland1 b. Dec 10, 1791, d. about Jun, 1844
MotherElizabeth Jennings Duncan1 b. 1796, d. Aug, 1844
BirthNovember 13, 1820Benjamin was born November 13, 1820 in Kentucky.1 
Birth of Sonbetween 1842 and 1843His son George was born between 1842 and 1843 in Missouri.2,1 
MarriageApril 14, 1842He married Sarah Hodges April 14, 1842 in Bowling Green, Pike County, Missouri.1  
Death of Fatherabout June, 1844His father, Thomas, died about June, 1844 in Pike County, Missouri.3,4 
Death of MotherAugust, 1844His mother, Elizabeth, died in August, 1844 in Bowling Green, Pike County, Missouri.1 
Birth of Sonbetween 1845 and 1846His son William was born between 1845 and 1846 in Missouri.2,1 
Birth of Daughterbetween 1848 and 1849His daughter Elizabeth was born between 1848 and 1849 in Missouri.5,1 
Birth of Sonbetween 1850 and 1851His son Walter was born between 1850 and 1851 in Missouri.5,1 
Birth of Sonbetween 1852 and 1853His son Stephen was born between 1852 and 1853 in Missouri.5,1 
Birth of Sonbetween 1854 and 1855His son Jesse was born between 1854 and 1855 in Missouri.5,1 
Birth of Sonbetween 1856 and 1858His son James was born between 1856 and 1858 in Pike County, Missouri.2,5,1 
Birth of Sonbetween 1860 and 1861His son Darrell was born between 1860 and 1861 in Pike County, Missouri.5,1 
Birth of Daughterabout March, 1860His daughter Mary was born about March, 1860 in Pike County, Missouri.2,5,1 
Birth of Daughterbetween 1862 and 1863His daughter Sally was born between 1862 and 1863 in Pike County, Missouri.5,1 
Birth of Daughterbetween 1866 and 1867His daughter Minnie was born between 1866 and 1867 in Pike County, Missouri.5,1 
Death1868Benjamin died 1868 in Pike County, Missouri. He left a widow, Sarah.1  
BurialHis body was buried in Mt Pisgah Cemetery, Missouri.1 


Sarah Hodges b. 9 Mar 1823, d. 25 Dec 1915
Children 1.George T Bland1 b. between 1842 and 1843
 2.William H Bland1 b. between 1845 and 1846
 3.Elizabeth C Bland1 b. between 1848 and 1849
 4.Walter Bland1 b. between 1850 and 1851
 5.Stephen J Bland+1 b. between 1852 and 1853
 6.Jesse Bland1 b. between 1854 and 1855
 7.James Bland1 b. between 1856 and 1858
 8.Darrell Bland1 b. between 1860 and 1861
 9.Mary Bland1 b. about Mar, 1860
 10.Sally Bland1 b. between 1862 and 1863
 11.Minnie Bland1 b. between 1866 and 1867
Census 1850August 31, 1850Benjamin was listed as the head of a household with his wife Sarah Hodges in the 1850 Census on August 31, 1850 in Buffalo Township, Pike County, Missouri. Benjamin's occupation is listed as farmer. Other members of the household listed were Dr Dalzell Leland Smith Bland, George T Bland, William H Bland and Elizabeth C Bland.6
Census 18601860Benjamin was listed as the head of a household with his wife Sarah Hodges in the 1860 Census in 1860 in Cuivre Township, Pike County, Missouri. Other members of the household listed were George T Bland, William H Bland, Walter Bland, Elizabeth C Bland, Stephen J Bland, Jesse Bland, James Bland and Mary Bland.2
Last EditedDec 24, 2010


  1. [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,.
  2. [S4982] U.S. Census Missouri 1860, Pike County, Cuivre Township.
  3. [S1354] Duncan surname file, , had before 1841.
  4. [S2350] Descendents of Robert R Duncan, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges.
  5. [S4945] U.S. Census Missouri 1870, Pike County, Cuivre Township.
  6. [S11738] U.S. Census Missouri 1850, Pike County, Buffalo Township.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

Dr Dalzell Leland Smith Bland1

Male, #43724, b. July 30, 1838, d. December 18, 1904
Relationships1st cousin 4 times removed of Garril Louis Kueber Sr
8th great-grandson of John Duncan
5th great-grandson of William Withers Sr
5th great-grandson of Richard Barbee
6th great-grandson of Thomas Mason
4th great-grandson of John Jennings
FatherThomas P Bland1 b. Dec 10, 1791, d. about Jun, 1844
MotherElizabeth Jennings Duncan1 b. 1796, d. Aug, 1844
BirthJuly 30, 1838Dalzell was born July 30, 1838 in Missouri.1 
Death of Fatherabout June, 1844His father, Thomas, died about June, 1844 in Pike County, Missouri.2,3 
Death of MotherAugust, 1844His mother, Elizabeth, died in August, 1844 in Bowling Green, Pike County, Missouri.1 
MarriageMarch 17, 1868He married Sallie Catherine Duncan March 17, 1868 in Pike County, Missouri.1  
Birth of Daughterbetween 1869 and 1870His daughter Elizabeth was born between 1869 and 1870 in Missouri.4 
Birth of Sonbetween 1873 and 1874His son Leland was born between 1873 and 1874 in Missouri.4 
Birth of SonJune, 1876His son Warren was born in June, 1876 in Missouri.5,4 
DeathDecember 18, 1904Dalzell died December 18, 1904 in Vandalia, Audrain County, Missouri at age 66. He left a widow, Sallie.1  
BurialHis body was buried in Vandalia Cemetery, Vandalia, Audrain County, Missouri, Block CA, Lot 5, Grave 2.1 


Sallie Catherine Duncan b. 16 Apr 1850, d. 31 Jul 1935
Children 1.Elizabeth Bland1 b. between 1869 and 1870
 2.Leland Bland1 b. between 1873 and 1874
 3.Warren Bland1 b. Jun, 1876
Note-ShackelfordDr Dalzell Leland Smith Bland Dazell Leland Smith Bland was a physican and in the 45th Mo. Inf.
See photo of Leland Bland in the book,'Bagdad, A Pictorial History'. Copyof book in the library at the History Ctr. in Frankfort, Ky.1 
(brother) Census 1850August 31, 1850He was listed as a member, brother, of the household of Benjamin Mason Bland and Sarah Hodges in the 1850 Census on August 31, 1850 in Buffalo Township, Pike County, Missouri. Other members of the household listed were George T Bland, William H Bland and Elizabeth C Bland.6
Census 1870July 23, 1870Dalzell was listed as the head of a household with his wife Sallie Catherine Duncan in the 1870 Census on July 23, 1870 in Indian Creek Township, Pike County, Missouri. Dalzell's occupation is listed as physician and surgeon. Other members of the household listed were Elizabeth Bland.7
Census 1880June 29, 1880Dalzell was listed as the head of a household with his wife Sallie Catherine Duncan in the 1880 Census on June 29, 1880 in Vandalia, Audrain County, Missouri. Other members of the household listed were Elizabeth Bland, Leland Bland and Warren Bland.4
(brother-in-law) Census 1900June 11, 1900Dr Dalzell Leland Smith Bland was listed as a brother-in-law in the household of E Beshear and Sallie Catherine Duncan in the 1900 Census on June 11, 1900 in Cuivre, Audrain County, Missouri. Dr Dalzell Leland Smith Bland's occupation is listed as physician. Other members of the household listed were Sallie Catherine Duncan and Warren Bland.5
Last EditedSep 21, 2012


  1. [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,.
  2. [S1354] Duncan surname file, , had before 1841.
  3. [S2350] Descendents of Robert R Duncan, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges.
  4. [S4856] U.S. Census Missouri 1880, Audrain County, Cuivre Twp, Vandalia.
  5. [S11856] U.S. Census Missouri 1900, Audrain County, Cuivre.
  6. [S11738] U.S. Census Missouri 1850, Pike County, Buffalo Township.
  7. [S11855] U.S. Census Missouri 1870, Pike County, Indian Creek.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

John Davis Bland1

Male, #43725, b. between 1831 and 1832, d. July 31, 1887
Relationships1st cousin 4 times removed of Garril Louis Kueber Sr
8th great-grandson of John Duncan
5th great-grandson of William Withers Sr
5th great-grandson of Richard Barbee
6th great-grandson of Thomas Mason
4th great-grandson of John Jennings
FatherThomas P Bland1 b. Dec 10, 1791, d. about Jun, 1844
MotherElizabeth Jennings Duncan1 b. 1796, d. Aug, 1844
Birthbetween 1831 and 1832John was born between 1831 and 1832 in Kentucky.2 
Death of Fatherabout June, 1844His father, Thomas, died about June, 1844 in Pike County, Missouri.3,4 
Death of MotherAugust, 1844His mother, Elizabeth, died in August, 1844 in Bowling Green, Pike County, Missouri.1 
MarriageDecember 29, 1864He married Matilda Jane Rogers, daughter of William Edward Rodgers and Nancy Heydon, December 29, 1864 in Shelby County, Kentucky. The bondsman was Henry C Jamison.5  
Birth of Sonbetween 1866 and 1867His son Edward was born between 1866 and 1867 in Kentucky.2 
Birth of Sonabout October, 1869His son William was born about October, 1869 in Kentucky.6 
Birth of Sonbetween 1872 and 1873His son Samuel was born between 1872 and 1873 in Kentucky.2 
Birth of Sonbetween 1874 and 1875His son Geoffrey was born between 1874 and 1875 in Kentucky.2 
Birth of SonJune 18, 1875His son Willis was born on June 18, 1875 in Shelby County, Kentucky.7 
Birth of DaughterFebruary 2, 1878His daughter Eva was born on February 2, 1878 in Louisville, Jefferson County, Kentucky.8 
DeathJuly 31, 1887John died July 31, 1887 in Indian Fork, Bagdad, Shelby County, Kentucky. He left a widow, Matilda.1  
BurialHis body was buried in Indian Fork Baptist Church Cemetery, Jacksonville, Shelby County, Kentucky.1 


Matilda Jane Rogers b. 25 Dec 1844, d. 10 Aug 1918
Children 1.Edward Bland1 b. between 1866 and 1867
 2.William S Bland1 b. about Oct, 1869
 3.Samuel Bland1 b. between 1872 and 1873
 4.Geoffrey Bland1 b. between 1874 and 1875
 5.Willis Leland Bland1 b. Jun 18, 1875, d. Aug 11, 1950
 6.Eva Bland+1 b. Feb 2, 1878, d. Feb 22, 1916
Census 1870July 16, 1870John was listed as the head of a household with his wife Matilda Jane Rogers in the 1870 Census on July 16, 1870 near Jacksonville, Shelby County, Kentucky. John's occupation is listed as farmer. Other members of the household listed were Edward Bland and William S Bland.6
Census 1880June 10, 1880John was listed as the head of a household with his wife Matilda Jane Rogers in the 1880 Census on June 10, 1880 in District 190, Shelby County, Kentucky. Other members of the household listed were Edward Bland, William S Bland, Samuel Bland, Willis Leland Bland, Geoffrey Bland and Eva Bland.2
Last EditedDec 30, 2010


  1. [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,.
  2. [S4858] U.S. Census Kentucky 1880, Shelby County, District 190.
  3. [S1354] Duncan surname file, , had before 1841.
  4. [S2350] Descendents of Robert R Duncan, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges.
  5. [S11740] Eula Richardson Hasskarl, Shelby County Kentucky Marriages Vol II (1834-1878), Marriage of John D Bland and Matilda J Rogers.
  6. [S11739] U.S. Census Kentucky 1870, Shelby County, Jacksonville Precinct.
  7. [S5059] Willis Leland Bland, Kentucky Death Certificate.
  8. [S5053] Eva Cummins, Kentucky Death Certificate.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

William Henry Bland1

Male, #43727, b. January 29, 1840, d. January 1, 1929
Relationships1st cousin 4 times removed of Garril Louis Kueber Sr
8th great-grandson of John Duncan
5th great-grandson of William Withers Sr
5th great-grandson of Richard Barbee
6th great-grandson of Thomas Mason
4th great-grandson of John Jennings
FatherThomas P Bland1 b. Dec 10, 1791, d. about Jun, 1844
MotherElizabeth Jennings Duncan1 b. 1796, d. Aug, 1844
BirthJanuary 29, 1840William was born January 29, 1840 in Bowling Green, Pike County, Missouri.2,3,4 
Death of Fatherabout June, 1844His father, Thomas, died about June, 1844 in Pike County, Missouri.5,6 
Death of MotherAugust, 1844His mother, Elizabeth, died in August, 1844 in Bowling Green, Pike County, Missouri.1 
MarriageFebruary 20, 1868He married Frances M Ware February 20, 1868 in Taylor County, Kentucky.2,7  
Birth of DaughterDecember 7, 1869His daughter Mary was born on December 7, 1869 in Taylor County, Kentucky.2,8 
Birth of Son1872His son William was born in 1872 in Taylor County, Kentucky.2 
Birth of Son1873His son Lewis was born in 1873 in Taylor County, Kentucky.2 
Birth of Daughter1876His daughter Lizzie was born in 1876 in Taylor County, Kentucky.2 
Birth of SonJanuary, 1878His son Clarence was born in January, 1878 in Taylor County, Kentucky.2,9 
Birth of SonMarch, 1886His son Thomas was born in March, 1886 in Kentucky.9 
(widow) DeathAugust 17, 1909William was widowed when his wife, Frances died on August 17, 1909.2 
DeathJanuary 1, 1929William died January 1, 1929 in Taylor County, Kentucky at age 88.2  


Frances M Ware b. 23 Apr 1849, d. 17 Aug 1909
Children 1.Mary H Bland2 b. Dec 7, 1869, d. Oct 11, 1966
 2.William T Bland2 b. 1872
 3.Lewis S Bland2 b. 1873
 4.Lizzie Bland2 b. 1876
 5.Clarence J Bland2 b. Jan, 1878
 6.Thomas L Bland+9 b. Mar, 1886

BLAND, WILLIAM H.: Co. F, m.i. 12/24/61, age 23, res. Shelby Co., m.o.12/31/64.

Note: Age given above when mustered in makes birth abt 1838 (possiblythis Wm. H. Bland.)1 
(household member) Census 1860June 12, 1860He was listed as a member of the household of Henry C Jamison and Mary S Bland in the 1860 Census on June 12, 1860 in District 2, Shelby County, Kentucky. Other members of the household listed were Felicia C Jamison, Mary Bell Jamison, Elizabeth A Jamison, Sarah P Jamison and Thomas Pope Bland Jr.3
Census 1880June 1, 1880William was listed as the head of a household with his wife Frances M Ware in the 1880 Census on June 1, 1880 in District 3, Taylor County, Kentucky. William's occupation is listed as farmer. Other members of the household listed were Mary H Bland, William T Bland, Lewis S Bland, Lizzie Bland and Clarence J Bland.10
Census 1900June, 1900William was listed as the head of a household with his wife Frances M Ware in the 1900 Census in June, 1900 in District 3, Taylor County, Kentucky. William's occupation is listed as farmer. Other members of the household listed were Mary H Bland, Clarence J Bland and Thomas L Bland.9
Census 1920January 14, 1920William was listed as the head of a household in the 1920 Census on January 14, 1920 in District 3, Taylor County, Kentucky. Other members of the household listed were Thomas L Bland, Mary H Bland and Alonzo McDonald.11
Last EditedMar 25, 2011


  1. [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,.
  2. [S12133] Family Tree, LaRue, AnnBarnes45, reviewed update of November 5, 2010.
  3. [S4862] U.S. Census Kentucky 1860, Shelby County, District 2.
  4. [S12134] U.S. Census Kentucky 1900, Taylor County, District 3, This source gives the birthdate as Jan 1844.
  5. [S1354] Duncan surname file, , had before 1841.
  6. [S2350] Descendents of Robert R Duncan, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges.
  7. [S12134] U.S. Census Kentucky 1900, Taylor County, District 3, This source has them married 33 years as of Jun 1900.
  8. [S12134] U.S. Census Kentucky 1900, Taylor County, District 3, This source gives the birthdate as Dec 1867.
  9. [S12134] U.S. Census Kentucky 1900, Taylor County, District 3.
  10. [S12135] U.S. Census Kentucky 1880, Taylor County, District 3.
  11. [S12702] U.S. Census Kentucky 1920, Taylor County, District 3.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

Sarah Prudence Bland1

Female, #43728, d. January 8, 1856
Relationships1st cousin 4 times removed of Garril Louis Kueber Sr
8th great-granddaughter of John Duncan
5th great-granddaughter of William Withers Sr
5th great-granddaughter of Richard Barbee
6th great-granddaughter of Thomas Mason
4th great-granddaughter of John Jennings
FatherThomas P Bland1 b. Dec 10, 1791, d. about Jun, 1844
MotherElizabeth Jennings Duncan1 b. 1796, d. Aug, 1844
Birth - no infoI have no information on the date or place of birth for Sarah Prudence Bland.  
Death of Fatherabout June, 1844Her father, Thomas, died about June, 1844 in Pike County, Missouri.2,3 
Death of MotherAugust, 1844Her mother, Elizabeth, died in August, 1844 in Bowling Green, Pike County, Missouri.1 
Marriage - no dateSarah Prudence Bland married he in Garrard County, Kentucky. I have no information on the date of the marriage.1 
DeathJanuary 8, 1856Sarah died January 8, 1856 in an unknown place .1  


George Warner
Last EditedOct 24, 2007


  1. [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,.
  2. [S1354] Duncan surname file, , had before 1841.
  3. [S2350] Descendents of Robert R Duncan, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

Elizabeth Bland1

Female, #43729, b. 1833, d. January 8, 1856
Relationships1st cousin 4 times removed of Garril Louis Kueber Sr
8th great-granddaughter of John Duncan
5th great-granddaughter of William Withers Sr
5th great-granddaughter of Richard Barbee
6th great-granddaughter of Thomas Mason
4th great-granddaughter of John Jennings
FatherThomas P Bland1 b. Dec 10, 1791, d. about Jun, 1844
MotherElizabeth Jennings Duncan1 b. 1796, d. Aug, 1844
Birth1833Elizabeth was born 1833 in an unknown place .1 
Death of Fatherabout June, 1844Her father, Thomas, died about June, 1844 in Pike County, Missouri.2,3 
Death of MotherAugust, 1844Her mother, Elizabeth, died in August, 1844 in Bowling Green, Pike County, Missouri.1 
DeathJanuary 8, 1856Elizabeth died January 8, 1856 in an unknown place .1  
Last EditedSep 20, 2007


  1. [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,.
  2. [S1354] Duncan surname file, , had before 1841.
  3. [S2350] Descendents of Robert R Duncan, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

Thomas Pope Bland Jr1

Male, #43730, b. October 12, 1831, d. February 11, 1914
Relationships1st cousin 4 times removed of Garril Louis Kueber Sr
8th great-grandson of John Duncan
5th great-grandson of William Withers Sr
5th great-grandson of Richard Barbee
6th great-grandson of Thomas Mason
4th great-grandson of John Jennings
FatherThomas P Bland1 b. Dec 10, 1791, d. about Jun, 1844
MotherElizabeth Jennings Duncan1 b. 1796, d. Aug, 1844
BirthOctober 12, 1831Thomas was born October 12, 1831 in Pike County, Missouri.2,3 
Death of Fatherabout June, 1844His father, Thomas, died about June, 1844 in Pike County, Missouri.4,5 
Death of MotherAugust, 1844His mother, Elizabeth, died in August, 1844 in Bowling Green, Pike County, Missouri.1 
MarriageJanuary 31, 1861He married Levicy Jane Harris, daughter of Harvey Harris and Hannah (surname not known), January 31, 1861 in an unknown place .1  
Birth of DaughterDecember 18, 1861His daughter Martha was born on December 18, 1861 in Shelby County, Kentucky.6 
Birth of SonMarch 15, 1863His son William was born on March 15, 1863 in Shelby County, Kentucky. The date of birth is not clearly written on the death certificate but it appears to be the 15th.7,8 
Birth of SonJuly 13, 1864His son Thomas was born on July 13, 1864 near Bagdad, Shelby County, Kentucky.9 
Birth of Sonbetween 1866 and 1867His son Lewellyn was born between 1866 and 1867 in Kentucky.10 
Birth of Daughterbetween 1867 and 1868His daughter Sarah was born between 1867 and 1868 in Kentucky.11 
Birth of SonMarch 2, 1870His son John was born on March 2, 1870 in Kentucky.11,12 
Birth of Daughterbetween 1874 and 1875His daughter Mary was born between 1874 and 1875 in Kentucky.11 
Birth of DaughterMay, 1878His daughter Martha was born in May, 1878.1 
Marriage of DaughterMay 24, 1881His daughter, Martha Elizabeth Bland, married Walter Leslie Thompson on May 24, 1881.1 
Death of SonMay 23, 1890His son, John, died on May 23, 1890.11,12 
Marriage of SonJune 20, 1906His son, Dr Thomas Eugene Bland, married Matilda Prather Nicholas on June 20, 1906 in Shelbyville, Shelby County, Kentucky.1 
DeathFebruary 11, 1914Thomas died February 11, 1914 in Bagdad, Shelby County, Kentucky at age 82 due to acute dilation of heart with pneumonia. He left a widow, Levicy.2
BurialFebruary 13, 1914His body was buried on February 13, 1914 in Bagdad Cemetery, Bagdad, Shelby County, Kentucky.2


Levicy Jane Harris b. 3 Apr 1845, d. 23 Jan 1925
Children 1.Martha Elizabeth Bland+1 b. Dec 18, 1861, d. Nov 4, 1926
 2.William Leland Bland+1 b. Mar 15, 1863, d. Apr 7, 1945
 3.Dr Thomas Eugene Bland+1 b. Jul 13, 1864, d. Sep 25, 1943
 4.Lewellyn Bland1 b. between 1866 and 1867
 5.Sarah P Bland1 b. between 1867 and 1868
 6.John H Bland11 b. Mar 2, 1870, d. May 23, 1890
 7.Mary D Bland11 b. between 1874 and 1875
 8.Martha Bland1 b. May, 1878
(household member) Census 1860June 12, 1860Thomas Pope Bland Jr was listed as a member of the household of Henry C Jamison and Mary S Bland in the 1860 Census on June 12, 1860 in District 2, Shelby County, Kentucky. Other members of the household listed were Felicia C Jamison, Mary Bell Jamison, Elizabeth A Jamison, Sarah P Jamison and William Henry Bland.13
Census 1870June 16, 1870Thomas was listed as the head of a household with his wife Levicy Jane Harris in the 1870 Census on June 16, 1870 in Christianburg, Shelby County, Kentucky. Other members of the household listed were Martha Elizabeth Bland, William Leland Bland, Dr Thomas Eugene Bland, Lewellyn Bland and Hannah (surname not known).10
Census 1880June 19, 1880Thomas was listed as the head of a household with his wife Levicy Jane Harris in the 1880 Census on June 19, 1880 in Christianburg, Shelby County, Kentucky. Other members of the household listed were Martha Elizabeth Bland, William Leland Bland, Dr Thomas Eugene Bland, Lewellyn Bland, Sarah P Bland, John H Bland and Mary D Bland.11
Census 1900June 2, 1900Thomas was listed as the head of a household with his wife Levicy Jane Harris in the 1900 Census on June 2, 1900 in Christianburg, Shelby County, Kentucky. Other members of the household listed were Martha Bland.14
Census 1910May 2, 1910Thomas was listed as the head of a household with his wife Levicy Jane Harris in the 1910 Census on May 2, 1910 in Bagdad, Shelby County, Kentucky. Thomas's occupation is listed as own income. Other members of the household listed were Sarah P Bland. There are also two servants listed in the household.15
ResidenceFebruary, 1914At the time of his death he resided in Bagdad, Shelby County, Kentucky.1 
Last EditedSep 5, 2016


  1. [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,.
  2. [S3193] database, Kentucky Deaths 1911-2000,.
  3. [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,, gives birthplace as Virginia.
  4. [S1354] Duncan surname file, , had before 1841.
  5. [S2350] Descendents of Robert R Duncan, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges.
  6. [S5054] Mattie Elizabeth Thompson, Kentucky Death Certificate.
  7. [S5058] William Leland Bland, Kentucky Death Certificate.
  8. [S764] U.S. Census Kentucky 1900, Shelby County, Christiansburg, ED 73.
  9. [S5057] Thomas Eugene Bland, Kentucky Death Certificate.
  10. [S4870] U.S. Census Kentucky 1870, Shelby County, Christianburg.
  11. [S4874] U.S. Census Kentucky 1880, Shelby County, Christianburg.
  12. [S559] Bagdad Cemetery, Shelby County, Kentucky, page 42.
  13. [S4862] U.S. Census Kentucky 1860, Shelby County, District 2.
  14. [S4267] U.S. Census Kentucky 1900, Shelby County, Christianburg.
  15. [S10723] U.S. Census Kentucky 1910, Shelby County, Bagdad, This census image is very faint. Some of the information came from the index on

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

(given name not known) Bland1

Female, #43731
Relationships1st cousin 4 times removed of Garril Louis Kueber Sr
8th great-granddaughter of John Duncan
5th great-granddaughter of William Withers Sr
5th great-granddaughter of Richard Barbee
6th great-granddaughter of Thomas Mason
4th great-granddaughter of John Jennings
FatherThomas P Bland1 b. Dec 10, 1791, d. about Jun, 1844
MotherElizabeth Jennings Duncan1 b. 1796, d. Aug, 1844
Birth - no infoI have no information on the date or place of birth for (given name not known) Bland.  
Marriage - no infoShe married James Moseley. I have no information on the date and place of the marriage.1 
Death - no infoI have no information on the date and place of (given name not known)'s death. 


James Moseley
Last EditedOct 25, 2007


  1. [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

Sarah Hodges1

Female, #43732, b. March 9, 1823, d. December 25, 1915
RelationshipSarah Hodges is a spouse of one of my relatives. Because Sarah is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching her.
BirthMarch 9, 1823Sarah was born March 9, 1823 in Kentucky.1 
Birth of Sonbetween 1842 and 1843Her son George was born between 1842 and 1843 in Missouri.2,1 
MarriageApril 14, 1842She married Benjamin Mason Bland, son of Thomas P Bland and Elizabeth Jennings Duncan, April 14, 1842 in Bowling Green, Pike County, Missouri.1  
Birth of Sonbetween 1845 and 1846Her son William was born between 1845 and 1846 in Missouri.2,1 
Birth of Daughterbetween 1848 and 1849Her daughter Elizabeth was born between 1848 and 1849 in Missouri.3,1 
Birth of Sonbetween 1850 and 1851Her son Walter was born between 1850 and 1851 in Missouri.3,1 
Birth of Sonbetween 1852 and 1853Her son Stephen was born between 1852 and 1853 in Missouri.3,1 
Birth of Sonbetween 1854 and 1855Her son Jesse was born between 1854 and 1855 in Missouri.3,1 
Birth of Sonbetween 1856 and 1858Her son James was born between 1856 and 1858 in Pike County, Missouri.2,3,1 
Birth of Sonbetween 1860 and 1861Her son Darrell was born between 1860 and 1861 in Pike County, Missouri.3,1 
Birth of Daughterabout March, 1860Her daughter Mary was born about March, 1860 in Pike County, Missouri.2,3,1 
Birth of Daughterbetween 1862 and 1863Her daughter Sally was born between 1862 and 1863 in Pike County, Missouri.3,1 
Birth of Daughterbetween 1866 and 1867Her daughter Minnie was born between 1866 and 1867 in Pike County, Missouri.3,1 
(widow) Death1868Sarah was widowed when her husband, Benjamin, died in 1868.1 
Marriage of SonAugust 31, 1879Her son, Stephen J Bland, married Emma J Maiden on August 31, 1879 in Pike County, Missouri.1 
DeathDecember 25, 1915Sarah died December 25, 1915 in Pike County, Missouri at age 92.1  


Benjamin Mason Bland b. 13 Nov 1820, d. 1868
Children 1.George T Bland1 b. between 1842 and 1843
 2.William H Bland1 b. between 1845 and 1846
 3.Elizabeth C Bland1 b. between 1848 and 1849
 4.Walter Bland1 b. between 1850 and 1851
 5.Stephen J Bland+1 b. between 1852 and 1853
 6.Jesse Bland1 b. between 1854 and 1855
 7.James Bland1 b. between 1856 and 1858
 8.Darrell Bland1 b. between 1860 and 1861
 9.Mary Bland1 b. about Mar, 1860
 10.Sally Bland1 b. between 1862 and 1863
 11.Minnie Bland1 b. between 1866 and 1867
Note-ShackelfordSarah Hodges Source: Most of the info on this family from the ggg-granddaughter of Benjamin Mason Bland, rec'd via email Jan, 30, 2005/ PSH.
Her source : 1860-1870 Census of Cuirve Township, Pike Co., Missouri.1 
Name Variation Sarah Hodges was also known as Sallie.1 
Census 1850August 31, 1850Sarah was listed as a member, his wife, of Benjamin Mason Bland's household in the 1850 Census on August 31, 1850 in Buffalo Township, Pike County, Missouri. Other members of the household listed were Dr Dalzell Leland Smith Bland, George T Bland, William H Bland and Elizabeth C Bland.4
Census 18601860Sarah was listed as a member, his wife, of Benjamin Mason Bland's household in the 1860 Census in 1860 in Cuivre Township, Pike County, Missouri. Other members of the household listed were George T Bland, William H Bland, Walter Bland, Elizabeth C Bland, Stephen J Bland, Jesse Bland, James Bland and Mary Bland.2
Census 1870June 21, 1870Sarah was listed as the head of a household in the 1870 Census on June 21, 1870 in Cuivre Township, Pike County, Missouri. Other members of the household listed were Elizabeth C Bland, Walter Bland, Stephen J Bland, Jesse Bland, James Bland, Mary Bland, Darrell Bland, Sally Bland and Minnie Bland.3
Last EditedJan 17, 2011


  1. [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,.
  2. [S4982] U.S. Census Missouri 1860, Pike County, Cuivre Township.
  3. [S4945] U.S. Census Missouri 1870, Pike County, Cuivre Township.
  4. [S11738] U.S. Census Missouri 1850, Pike County, Buffalo Township.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

Sallie Catherine Duncan1

Female, #43733, b. April 16, 1850, d. July 31, 1935
RelationshipSallie Catherine Duncan is a spouse of one of my relatives. Because Sallie Catherine is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching her.
BirthApril 16, 1850Sallie was born April 16, 1850 in Missouri.1,2 
MarriageMarch 17, 1868She married Dr Dalzell Leland Smith Bland, son of Thomas P Bland and Elizabeth Jennings Duncan, March 17, 1868 in Pike County, Missouri.1  
Birth of Daughterbetween 1869 and 1870Her daughter Elizabeth was born between 1869 and 1870 in Missouri.2 
Birth of Sonbetween 1873 and 1874Her son Leland was born between 1873 and 1874 in Missouri.2 
Birth of SonJune, 1876Her son Warren was born in June, 1876 in Missouri.3,2 
(widow) DeathDecember 18, 1904Sallie was widowed when her husband, Dalzell, died on December 18, 1904.1 
DeathJuly 31, 1935Sallie died July 31, 1935 in Vandalia, Audrain County, Missouri at age 85.1  
BurialHer body was buried in Vandalia Cemetery, Vandalia, Audrain County, Missouri, Block CA, lot 5, Grave 3.1 


Dr Dalzell Leland Smith Bland b. 30 Jul 1838, d. 18 Dec 1904
Children 1.Elizabeth Bland1 b. between 1869 and 1870
 2.Leland Bland1 b. between 1873 and 1874
 3.Warren Bland1 b. Jun, 1876
Name Variation Sallie Catherine Duncan was also known as Sara.1 
Census 1870July 23, 1870Sallie was listed as a member, his wife, of Dr Dalzell Leland Smith Bland's household in the 1870 Census on July 23, 1870 in Indian Creek Township, Pike County, Missouri. Other members of the household listed were Elizabeth Bland.4
Census 1880June 29, 1880Sallie was listed as Dr Dalzell Leland Smith Bland's wife in the 1880 Census on June 29, 1880 in Vandalia, Audrain County, Missouri. Other members of the household listed were Elizabeth Bland, Leland Bland and Warren Bland.2
(wife) Census 1900June 11, 1900Sallie was listed as E Beshear's wife in the 1900 Census on June 11, 1900 in Cuivre, Audrain County, Missouri. Other members of the household listed were Dr Dalzell Leland Smith Bland and Warren Bland.3
Last EditedSep 21, 2012


  1. [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,.
  2. [S4856] U.S. Census Missouri 1880, Audrain County, Cuivre Twp, Vandalia.
  3. [S11856] U.S. Census Missouri 1900, Audrain County, Cuivre.
  4. [S11855] U.S. Census Missouri 1870, Pike County, Indian Creek.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

George Warner1

Male, #43735
RelationshipGeorge Warner is a spouse of one of my relatives. Because George is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching him.
Birth - no infoI have no information on the date or place of birth for George Warner.  
Marriage - no dateHe married Sarah Prudence Bland, daughter of Thomas P Bland and Elizabeth Jennings Duncan, in Garrard County, Kentucky. I have no information on the date of the marriage.1 
Death - no infoI have no information on the date and place of George's death. 


Sarah Prudence Bland d. 8 Jan 1856
Last EditedOct 18, 2008


  1. [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

Levicy Jane Harris1

Female, #43736, b. April 3, 1845, d. January 23, 1925
FatherHarvey Harris1
MotherHannah (surname not known)1 b. about 1790
RelationshipLevicy Jane Harris is a spouse of one of my relatives. Because Levicy Jane is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching her.
BirthApril 3, 1845Levicy was born April 3, 1845 in Shelby County, Kentucky.2 
MarriageJanuary 31, 1861She married Thomas Pope Bland Jr, son of Thomas P Bland and Elizabeth Jennings Duncan, January 31, 1861 in an unknown place .1  
Birth of DaughterDecember 18, 1861Her daughter Martha was born on December 18, 1861 in Shelby County, Kentucky.3 
Birth of SonMarch 15, 1863Her son William was born on March 15, 1863 in Shelby County, Kentucky. The date of birth is not clearly written on the death certificate but it appears to be the 15th.4,5 
Birth of SonJuly 13, 1864Her son Thomas was born on July 13, 1864 near Bagdad, Shelby County, Kentucky.6 
Birth of Sonbetween 1866 and 1867Her son Lewellyn was born between 1866 and 1867 in Kentucky.7 
Birth of Daughterbetween 1867 and 1868Her daughter Sarah was born between 1867 and 1868 in Kentucky.8 
Birth of SonMarch 2, 1870Her son John was born on March 2, 1870 in Kentucky.8,9 
Birth of Daughterbetween 1874 and 1875Her daughter Mary was born between 1874 and 1875 in Kentucky.8 
Birth of DaughterMay, 1878Her daughter Martha was born in May, 1878.1 
Marriage of DaughterMay 24, 1881Her daugher, Martha Elizabeth Bland, married Walter Leslie Thompson on May 24, 1881.1 
Death of SonMay 23, 1890Her son, John, died on May 23, 1890.8,9 
Marriage of SonJune 20, 1906Her son, Dr Thomas Eugene Bland, married Matilda Prather Nicholas on June 20, 1906 in Shelbyville, Shelby County, Kentucky.1 
(widow) DeathFebruary 11, 1914Levicy was widowed when her husband, Thomas, died on February 11, 1914.10
DeathJanuary 23, 1925Levicy died January 23, 1925 in Bagdad, Shelby County, Kentucky at age 79 due to lobar pneumonia.2
BurialJanuary 25, 1925Her body was buried on January 25, 1925 in Bagdad Cemetery, Bagdad, Shelby County, Kentucky.2,1


Thomas Pope Bland Jr b. 12 Oct 1831, d. 11 Feb 1914
Children 1.Martha Elizabeth Bland+1 b. Dec 18, 1861, d. Nov 4, 1926
 2.William Leland Bland+1 b. Mar 15, 1863, d. Apr 7, 1945
 3.Dr Thomas Eugene Bland+1 b. Jul 13, 1864, d. Sep 25, 1943
 4.Lewellyn Bland1 b. between 1866 and 1867
 5.Sarah P Bland1 b. between 1867 and 1868
 6.John H Bland8 b. Mar 2, 1870, d. May 23, 1890
 7.Mary D Bland8 b. between 1874 and 1875
 8.Martha Bland1 b. May, 1878
Note-ShackelfordLevicy Jane Harris Source: Birth, middle name, death, place of burial from: Book,'Cemeteries in Shelby Co.,Ky.'
Published by Ky. Genealogical Society, Inc. 1996
Researched by, Valerie Ernst Locke
Rec'd March 2005 by PSH.1 
Census 1870June 16, 1870Levicy was listed as a member, his wife, of Thomas Pope Bland Jr's household in the 1870 Census on June 16, 1870 in Christianburg, Shelby County, Kentucky. Other members of the household listed were Martha Elizabeth Bland, William Leland Bland, Dr Thomas Eugene Bland, Lewellyn Bland and Hannah (surname not known).7
Census 1880June 19, 1880Levicy was listed as Thomas Pope Bland Jr's wife in the 1880 Census on June 19, 1880 in Christianburg, Shelby County, Kentucky. Other members of the household listed were Martha Elizabeth Bland, William Leland Bland, Dr Thomas Eugene Bland, Lewellyn Bland, Sarah P Bland, John H Bland and Mary D Bland.8
Census 1900June 2, 1900Levicy was listed as Thomas Pope Bland Jr's wife in the 1900 Census on June 2, 1900 in Christianburg, Shelby County, Kentucky. Other members of the household listed were Martha Bland.11
Census 1910May 2, 1910Levicy was listed as Thomas Pope Bland Jr's wife in the 1910 Census on May 2, 1910 in Bagdad, Shelby County, Kentucky. Other members of the household listed were Sarah P Bland There are also two servants listed in the household.12
Census 1920-partial1920Levicy Jane Harris appeared in the 1920 census in Consolidation & Shelbyville Rd, Shelby County, Kentucky, 1920 Shelby Co.,Ky.-Consolidation & Shelbyville Rd.
Dwelling # 156

Levisa Bland head, owns farm, f,w, 74, widow, b Kyx3
Sallie Bland, dau, f,w, 50, single, b Kyx3

Dwelling # 157
Curtis Bland, head, rents, m,w, 37, marr'd b Kyx3, General farm
Mamie Bland, wife, f,w, marr' b Kyx3
Ruth Bland, dau, f,w, 2 4 12, b Kyx3.1 
Last EditedSep 5, 2016


  1. [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,.
  2. [S5360] Levicy Jane Bland, Kentucky Archives Death Certificate Microfilm 7020671.
  3. [S5054] Mattie Elizabeth Thompson, Kentucky Death Certificate.
  4. [S5058] William Leland Bland, Kentucky Death Certificate.
  5. [S764] U.S. Census Kentucky 1900, Shelby County, Christiansburg, ED 73.
  6. [S5057] Thomas Eugene Bland, Kentucky Death Certificate.
  7. [S4870] U.S. Census Kentucky 1870, Shelby County, Christianburg.
  8. [S4874] U.S. Census Kentucky 1880, Shelby County, Christianburg.
  9. [S559] Bagdad Cemetery, Shelby County, Kentucky, page 42.
  10. [S3193] database, Kentucky Deaths 1911-2000,.
  11. [S4267] U.S. Census Kentucky 1900, Shelby County, Christianburg.
  12. [S10723] U.S. Census Kentucky 1910, Shelby County, Bagdad, This census image is very faint. Some of the information came from the index on

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

James Moseley1

Male, #43737
RelationshipJames Moseley is a spouse of one of my relatives. Because James is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching him.
Birth - no infoI have no information on the date or place of birth for James Moseley.  
Marriage - no infoHe married (given name not known) Bland, daughter of Thomas P Bland and Elizabeth Jennings Duncan. I have no information on the date and place of the marriage.1 
Death - no infoI have no information on the date and place of James's death. 
Last EditedOct 18, 2008


  1. [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

William Harris1

Male, #43738
RelationshipWilliam Harris is a spouse of one of my relatives. Because William is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching him.
Birth - no infoI have no information on the date or place of birth for William Harris.  
MarriageJuly 27, 1789He married Catherine Barbee, daughter of Thomas Barbee and Margaret Williams, July 27, 1789 in an unknown place .1  
Death - no infoI have no information on the date and place of William's death. 


Catherine Barbee b. 1 Nov 1720, d. 1776
Last EditedOct 18, 2008


  1. [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

James Withers Sr1

Male, #43739, b. 1680, d. June 6, 1746
Relationships7th great-grandfather of Garril Louis Kueber Sr
Grandson of William Withers Sr
FatherWilliam Withers Jr1 d. 1703
MotherMary Littlejohn1
Birth1680James was born 1680 in an unknown place .1 
Marriage - no infoHe married Elizabeth Keene, daughter of Matthew Keene. I have no information on the date and place of the marriage.1 
Death of Father1703His father, William, died in 1703 in Stafford County, Virginia.1 
Birth of SonFebruary 11, 1716/17His son James was born on February 11, 1716/17 in Stafford County, Virginia Colony .2 
Marriage of Son1743His son, James Withers Jr, married Catherine Barbee in 1743.2 
DeathJune 6, 1746James died June 6, 1746 in Stafford County, Virginia.1  


Elizabeth Keene b. a 1680, d. 1769
Child 1.James Withers Jr+1 b. Feb 11, 1716/17, d. Jan 20, 1784
Note-ShackelfordJames Withers Sr James Withers, Sr. was my 6th great-grandfather.1 
Last EditedNov 2, 2007


  1. [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,.
  2. [S2077] GEDCOM of Haas Family downloaded from Rootsweb WorldConnect, reviewed update of downloaded April 16, 2001 (submitted to Rootsweb December 16, 1999).

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

Elizabeth Keene1

Female, #43740, b. about 1680, d. 1769
Relationship7th great-grandmother of Garril Louis Kueber Sr
FatherMatthew Keene1
Birthabout 1680Elizabeth was born about 1680 in an unknown place .1 
Marriage - no infoShe married James Withers Sr, son of William Withers Jr and Mary Littlejohn. I have no information on the date and place of the marriage.1 
Birth of SonFebruary 11, 1716/17Her son James was born on February 11, 1716/17 in Stafford County, Virginia Colony .2 
Marriage of Son1743Her son, James Withers Jr, married Catherine Barbee in 1743.2 
Death of SpouseJune 6, 1746She was widowed when her husband, James, died on June 6, 1746 in Stafford County, Virginia.1 
Death1769Elizabeth died 1769 in an unknown place .1  


James Withers Sr b. 1680, d. 6 Jun 1746
Child 1.James Withers Jr+1 b. Feb 11, 1716/17, d. Jan 20, 1784
Last EditedNov 2, 2007


  1. [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,.
  2. [S2077] GEDCOM of Haas Family downloaded from Rootsweb WorldConnect, reviewed update of downloaded April 16, 2001 (submitted to Rootsweb December 16, 1999).

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).