Nancy Rucker1

Female, #54561
FatherMoses Hawkins Rucker1
MotherElizabeth Thurman1
RelationshipNancy Rucker is a parent or ancestor of a spouse of one of my relatives. Because Nancy is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching her.
Birth - no dateNancy was born on an unknown date in Virginia.1 
Marriage - no infoShe married Finney Bryant. I have no information on the date and place of the marriage.1 
Birth of Sonabout 1822Her son Finney was born about 1822 in Virginia.1 
Birth of SonJune 8, 1827Her son William was born on June 8, 1827 in Mercer County, Kentucky.1 
Death - no infoI have no information on the date and place of Nancy's death. 


Finney Bryant
Children 1.Finney R Bryant Sr+1 b. about 1822, d. Feb 22, 1857
 2.William James Franklin Bryant+1 b. Jun 8, 1827, d. Nov 7, 1908
Note-ShackelfordNancy Rucker Nancy and Mildred Rucker are sisters.
Source for below: James Hughes 2005-09-20 12:17:56

1850 Census Franklin County, Kentucky

BRYANT, NANCY KY Franklin District 2

Nancy Bryant 59 F Virginia
William Bryant 23 M Farmer Kentucky
Stapleton Bryant 19 M Laborer Kentucky
Sally Bryant (18?)F Kentucky
Finney Stump 16 M Laborer Kentucky
Sarah Stump 14 F Kentucky
Susanna Stump 10 F Kentucky.1

Last EditedOct 24, 2008


  1. [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

Helen M (surname not known)1

Female, #54563, b. April 23, 1917, d. February 19, 1980
RelationshipHelen M (surname not known) is a non-related spouse of a spouse of one of my relatives. Because Helen M is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching her.
BirthApril 23, 1917Helen was born April 23, 1917 in an unknown place .1 
Marriage - no infoShe married Hubert B Hulette, son of Urban Brown Hulette and Lula Lewis. I have no information on the date and place of the marriage.1 
Death of SpouseFebruary 9, 1974She was widowed when her husband, Hubert, died on February 9, 1974 in Franklin County, Kentucky.1 
DeathFebruary 19, 1980Helen died February 19, 1980 in Franklin County, Kentucky at age 62.1  
BurialFebruary 21, 1980Her body was buried on February 21, 1980 in Frankfort Cemetery, Frankfort, Franklin County, Kentucky.1 


Hubert B Hulette b. 10 Dec 1910, d. 9 Feb 1974
Event-Death infoHelen M (surname not known) was Type: Death Cert.Age 62 yrs old .1 
Note-ShackelfordShe Ky Death Records


Died: 02-19-1980 Vol: 006 Cert # 02597 Death Vol: 1980
Frankfort, Ky. Cemetery Book Index

Helen M. Hulette
Born: April 23, 1917
Death: Feb 19, 1980
Sect R, Lot 52H, Grave 1.1 
Event-Death infoShe was Type: Death Cert # Vol: 006 Cert # 02597 Death Vol: 1980 .1 
Last EditedDec 1, 2007


  1. [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

Lottie Hulett1

Female, #54564, b. December 24, 1873, d. November 24, 1971
FatherRichard Wesley Hulett1 b. Apr 23, 1845, d. Aug 15, 1915
MotherElmira J Long1 b. Sep 18, 1853, d. Feb 16, 1922
RelationshipLottie Hulett is a descendent of a parent or ancestor of a spouse of one of my relatives. Because Lottie is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching her.
BirthDecember 24, 1873Lottie was born December 24, 1873 in Kentucky.1 
Death of FatherAugust 15, 1915Her father, Richard, died on August 15, 1915 in Franklin County, Kentucky.1 
Death of MotherFebruary 16, 1922Her mother, Elmira, died on February 16, 1922 in Franklin County, Kentucky.1 
DeathNovember 24, 1971Lottie died November 24, 1971 in an unknown place at age 97.1  
Note-ShackelfordLottie Hulett Info on Lottie's birth and death from the wife of a descendant, rec'dJune 2005/ PSH.
1880 United States Census

Wesley HULETT Self M Male W 36 KY Works At Cotton Factory KY KY
Elmira HULETT Wife M Female W 29 KY Keeping House KYKY
** Lottie HULETT Dau S Female W 7 KY At School KY KY
Clara HULETT Dau S Female W 5 KY At Home KY KY
Mamie HULETT Dau S Female W 2 KY KY KY
Richard S. HULETT Son S Male W 2M KY KY KY

Source Information:
Census Place Frankfort, Franklin, Kentucky
Family History Library Film 1254414
NA Film Number T9-0414
Page Number 175D.1 
Last EditedSep 8, 2007


  1. [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

Clara Hulett1

Female, #54565, b. August 10, 1875, d. December 24, 1936
FatherRichard Wesley Hulett1 b. Apr 23, 1845, d. Aug 15, 1915
MotherElmira J Long1 b. Sep 18, 1853, d. Feb 16, 1922
RelationshipClara Hulett is a descendent of a parent or ancestor of a spouse of one of my relatives. Because Clara is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching her.
BirthAugust 10, 1875Clara was born August 10, 1875 in Frankfort, Franklin County, Kentucky.1 
Death of FatherAugust 15, 1915Her father, Richard, died on August 15, 1915 in Franklin County, Kentucky.1 
Death of MotherFebruary 16, 1922Her mother, Elmira, died on February 16, 1922 in Franklin County, Kentucky.1 
DeathDecember 24, 1936Clara died December 24, 1936 in (resided in Georgetown Ky) Jefferson County, Kentucky at age 61.1  
BurialHer body was buried in Frankfort Cemetery, Frankfort, Franklin County, Kentucky.1 
Note-ShackelfordClara Hulett 1880 United States Census

Wesley HULETT Self M Male W 36 KY Works At Cotton Factory KY KY
Elmira HULETT Wife M Female W 29 KY Keeping House KYKY
Lottie HULETT Dau S Female W 7 KY At School KY KY
** Clara HULETT Dau S Female W 5 KY At Home KY KY
Mamie HULETT Dau S Female W 2 KY KY KY
Richard S. HULETT Son S Male W 2M KY KY KY

Source Information:
Census Place Frankfort, Franklin, Kentucky
Family History Library Film 1254414
NA Film Number T9-0414
Page Number 175D
1900 Franklin Co.,Ky. Census--Frankfort--Wilkerson St.

Richard W. Hewlett, head, April 1844, 54, marr'd 28 yrs, b. Ky x3, HempFactory
Elmira, wife, Sept 1852, 47, marr'd 28 yrs, 7 children, 4 living, b. Ky
Sam, son, June 1882, 18, single, b. Ky
Sallie L., dau, April 1883, 17, b. Ky
**Clara, dau, Jan 1885, 15, b. Ky
Ky Death Record

Died: 12-24-1936
Vol: 067
Cert # 33369
Death Vol: 1936
Death Certificate

Coovert, Mrs. Clara Hulette
Certificate # 33369
White, Female, Widowed
Spouse: William Coovert
Born: August 10, 1876, Frankfort, Kentucky
Age: 60 years, 4 months, 14 days
Occupation: At home
Date and place of death: December 24, 1936, Jefferson County, Kentucky
Cause of death: Spinal Cord Tumor
Contributing to death: Meningitis (streptococus)
Attending physician: R.C. Spillburg, M.D., Louisville, Kentucky
Father's name: Wesley Hulette, born Franklin County, Kentucky
Mother's maiden name: Elmira Long, born Georgia
Informant: Mabel C. Odell, 128 Clinton, Georgetown, Kentucky
Buried: December 26, 1936, Frankfort, Kentucky
Funeral director: Rogers Funeral Home, Frankfort, Kentucky
Submitted by: Phyllis Shackelford Hedges.1 
Event-Death infoShe was Type: Death Cert.Age 60 yrs old .1 
Last EditedDec 3, 2007


  1. [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

Mary C Hulett1

Female, #54566, b. June 11, 1878
FatherRichard Wesley Hulett1 b. Apr 23, 1845, d. Aug 15, 1915
MotherElmira J Long1 b. Sep 18, 1853, d. Feb 16, 1922
RelationshipMary C Hulett is a descendent of a parent or ancestor of a spouse of one of my relatives. Because Mary C is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching her.
BirthJune 11, 1878Mary was born June 11, 1878 in Franklin County, Kentucky.1 
Death - no infoI have no information on the date and place of Mary C's death. 
Note-ShackelfordMary C Hulett Franklin County, Kentucky
Vital Statistics Births 1878

June 11, 1878 - Mary C. HULLETT - female - alive - born Franklin County -father, Wesley Hullett - mother, Almira Long - white - father, bornFranklin County - mother, born Grant County - residence of parents,Frankfort
1880 United States Census

Wesley HULETT Self M Male W 36 KY Works At Cotton Factory KY KY
Elmira HULETT Wife M Female W 29 KY Keeping House KYKY
Lottie HULETT Dau S Female W 7 KY At School KY KY
Clara HULETT Dau S Female W 5 KY At Home KY KY
** Mamie HULETT Dau S Female W 2 KY KY KY
Richard S. HULETT Son S Male W 2M KY KY KY

Source Information:
Census Place Frankfort, Franklin, Kentucky
Family History Library Film 1254414
NA Film Number T9-0414
Page Number 175D.1 
Name Variation Mary C Hulett was also known as Mamie.1 
Last EditedOct 13, 2007


  1. [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

Richard Samuel Hulett Sr1

Male, #54567, b. June 5, 1880, d. April 1, 1938
FatherRichard Wesley Hulett1 b. Apr 23, 1845, d. Aug 15, 1915
MotherElmira J Long1 b. Sep 18, 1853, d. Feb 16, 1922
RelationshipRichard Samuel Hulett Sr is a descendent of a parent or ancestor of a spouse of one of my relatives. Because Richard Samuel is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching him.
BirthJune 5, 1880Richard was born June 5, 1880 in Frankfort, Franklin County, Kentucky.1 
Marriageabout 1907He married Nina Gertrude Rodgers, daughter of Edward Rodgers and Gertrude Anna Buckingham, about 1907 in an unknown place .1  
Birth of DaughterMay 18, 1907His daughter Dorothea was born on May 18, 1907 in Frankfort, Franklin County, Kentucky.1 
Birth of DaughterNovember 3, 1914His daughter Nina was born on November 3, 1914 in Frankfort, Franklin County, Kentucky.2 
Death of FatherAugust 15, 1915His father, Richard, died on August 15, 1915 in Franklin County, Kentucky.1 
Death of MotherFebruary 16, 1922His mother, Elmira, died on February 16, 1922 in Franklin County, Kentucky.1 
Death of DaughterOctober 20, 1934His daughter, Dorothea, died on October 20, 1934.1 
DeathApril 1, 1938Richard died April 1, 1938 in Ashland, Boyd County, Kentucky at age 57.1  
BurialApril 4, 1938His body was buried on April 4, 1938 in Frankfort Cemetery, Frankfort, Franklin County, Kentucky.1 


Nina Gertrude Rodgers b. a 1890
Children 1.Dorothea Hulett+1 b. May 18, 1907, d. Oct 20, 1934
 2.Nina E Hulett1 b. Nov 3, 1914, d. Jun 10, 1990
 3.George Rodger Hulett1
 4.Richard S Hulett Jr1
 5.Gertrude E Hulett1
 6.Norma Kenneth Hulett1
Event-Death infoRichard Samuel Hulett Sr was Type: Death Cert.Age 57 yrs old .1 
Event-Death infoHe was Type: Death Cert.# Vol: 017 Cert # 08300 Death Vol: 1938 .1 
Note-ShackelfordHe 1880 United States Census

Wesley HULETT Self M Male W 36 KY Works At Cotton Factory KY KY
Elmira HULETT Wife M Female W 29 KY Keeping House KYKY
Lottie HULETT Dau S Female W 7 KY At School KY KY
Clara HULETT Dau S Female W 5 KY At Home KY KY
Mamie HULETT Dau S Female W 2 KY KY KY
** Richard S. HULETT Son S Male W 2M KY KY KY ** inparent's h/h

Source Information:
Census Place Frankfort, Franklin, Kentucky
Family History Library Film 1254414
NA Film Number T9-0414
Page Number 175D
1900 Franklin Co.,Ky. Census--Frankfort--Wilkerson St.

Richard W. Hewlett, head, April 1844, 54, marr'd 28 yrs, b. Ky x3, HempFactory
Elmira, wife, Sept 1852, 47, marr'd 28 yrs, 7 children, 4 living, b. Ky
**Sam, son, June 1882, 18, single, b. Ky** in parent's h/h
Sallie L., dau, April 1883, 17, b. Ky
Clara, dau, Jan 1885, 15, b. Ky
World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918

Name: Richard Samuel Hulett
City: Not Stated
County: Butler
State: Ohio
Birth Date: 05 Jun 1880
Race: White
Roll: 1819747
Order # 2155 June 5, 1938
DraftBoard: 0
Address: 710 E. 4th St., Middletown, Butler, Ohio
Height: Tall
Build: Medium
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Lt. Brown
1920 Butler Co., Ohio--Middletown -4th St.

R.S. Hulett, head, rents, 38, marr'd, b. Ky x2, b. Georgia, Yard Mstr/Steel Mill
Nina G., wife, 30, marr'd, b. Indiana x3
Dorothea E., dau, 12, b. Ky
Nina E., dau, 5, b. Ky
Rodger, son, 2 9/12, b. Ky
Richard S., son, 1/12, b. Ohio
1930 Boyd Co.,Ky. Census--Ashland

R.S. Hulett, head, owns, $7000, 48, marr'd at 25, b. Ky x2, b. Georgia,Supr./ Steel Mill
Nina G., wife, 40, mar'd at 17, b. Indiana x3
Nina E., dau, 15, b. Ky x3
Rodger, son, 13, b. Ky
Richard, son, 11, b. Ohio
Gertrude, dau, 8, b. Ohio
Norma, dau, 4 2/12, b. Ky
Dorthea Bentine, dau, 22, marr'd, b. Ky
Richard Bentine, grandson, 1 6/12, b. Ky x3
Frankfort, Ky. Cemetery Book Index

Richard S. Hulette
Sect R, Lot 48B, Grave 5
Born: June 5, 1880
Death: April 1, 1938
Ky Death Records


Died: 04-01-1938 Vol: 017 Cert # 08300 Death Vol: 1938
They had six children and two are still living. E-mail statement fromdescendant, in May 2004 with info on this part of the Hulett family.

Richard was only 5 yrs old when his mother (Dorothea Hulett Bentine)died. Her father (Richard Samuel Hulett) & family raised Richard.
Source: Hulett descendant, via email June 2005/ PSH.
Death Certificate

Hulette, Richard Samuel
Certificate # 8300
White, Male, Married
Spouse: Mrs. Nina Hulette
Born: June 5, 1880, Frankfort, Kentucky
Age: 57 years, 9 months, 27 days
Occupation: American Rolling Mills (23 yrs.)
Date and place of death: April 1, 1938, Ashland, Boyd County, Kentucky
Cause of death: Acute Phlebitis
Contributing to death: Chronic septic infection of right kidney
Attending physician: Leslie Wiernert, M.D., Ashland, Kentucky
Father's name: Richard Wesley Hulette, born Kentucky
Mother's maiden name: Elmira Long, born Georgia
Informant: Mrs. Nina Hulette, 1685 Elliott Avenue
Buried: April 4, 1938, Frankfort, Kentucky
Funeral director: John Stern, Ashland, Kentucky
Submitted by: Phyllis Shackelford Hedges.1
Name Variation Richard Samuel Hulett Sr was also known as Sam.1 
Last EditedDec 3, 2007


  1. [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,.
  2. [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,, Type: Birth/ Record: Vol 113 cert# 56266, mother= Nina Rodgers.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

William Ross Carter1

Male, #54568, b. June 2, 1891, d. May 22, 1980
RelationshipWilliam Ross Carter is a non-related spouse of a spouse of one of my relatives. Because William Ross is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching him.
BirthJune 2, 1891William was born June 2, 1891 in Kentucky.1 
MarriageApril 23, 1913He married Katherine Strasser, daughter of John Strasser and Lillie Frey, April 23, 1913 in an unknown place .1  
Birth of SonJanuary 19, 1929His son Warren was born on January 19, 1929 in Skylight, Oldham County, Kentucky.1 
DeathMay 22, 1980William died May 22, 1980 in an unknown place at age 88.1  
BurialHis body was buried in Shiloh Methodist Cemetery, Oldham County, Kentucky.1 


Katherine Strasser b. 10 Aug 1891, d. 17 Oct 1983
Children 1.Julia Carter1
 2.George W Carter1
 3.Charles D Carter1
 4.Mary C Carter1
 5.Warren F Carter+1 b. Jan 19, 1929, d. Aug 4, 2004
Note-ShackelfordWilliam Ross Carter 1920 United States Federal Census-Westport, Oldham, Kentucky

Name: William R Carter
Age: 27 years
Estimated birth year: 1892
Birthplace: Kentucky
Roll: T625_594 Page: 5B ED:122 Image: 0606

Image Missing 1-16-05 Ancestry
Shiloh Methodist Cemetery, U.S. 42 Hwy., Skylight, Oldham Co., Ky.

#1002--- Carter, Katherine Strasser b. 10 Aug 1891, d. 17 Oct 1983 PHOTO

Note: Not sure if this is the right Katherine Strasser but birth date isprobable and other relatives buried here.

# 1003 --Carter, William Ross b. 2 Jun 1891, d. 22 May 1980, shares stonew/Katherine married 23 Apr 1913.
Oldham County Newspaper. (Son of William Ross Carter)

Warren F. Carter, 75, LaGrange

Warren F. Carter, 75 died
Wednesday, Aug. 4, 2004, in
He was born Jan. 19, 1929, in
Skylight to the late William
Ross Carter and Catherine
Strasser. He was a mechanic
with Tri-County Ford and an
Army Veteran of the Korean
Survivors include his wife,
Helen Davis Carter; a son,
James Carter; two sister, Mary
Smith of New Castle and Julia
Greenwood of La Grange.
Services were Aug. 6, 2004 at Arch
L. Heady Radcliffe Funeral
Home. The Rev. Gary McGuffy
of Shiloh Methodist Church offi-
ciated with burial at Louisville
Memorial Gardens East.
Pallbearers were Eugene Nay,
Ricky Schaff, Barry Greenwood,
Garry Greenwood, Chuck Smith
and John Emerson Smith.
Memorial gifts may be made
to Hospice and Palliative Care of
Event-Death infoHe was Type: /Death Age/ Cert 92 yrs old .1 
Last EditedDec 2, 2007


  1. [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

(given name not known) Wragg1

Male, #54569
Relationship(given name not known) Wragg is a non-related spouse of a spouse of one of my relatives. Because (given name not known) is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching him.


Lois Harrod
Last EditedSep 18, 2009


  1. [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

William Lewis Rogers1

Male, #54570, d. before 2003
FatherNevel Rogers1
MotherRuby Pierce1 b. about 1908, d. Oct, 2003
RelationshipWilliam Lewis Rogers is a descendent of a parent or ancestor of a spouse of one of my relatives. Because William Lewis is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching him.
Birth - no infoI have no information on the date or place of birth for William Lewis Rogers.  
Deathbefore 2003William died before 2003 in an unknown place .1  
Last EditedFeb 25, 2009


  1. [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

Vernon Scott Rogers1

Male, #54571, d. before 2003
FatherNevel Rogers1
MotherRuby Pierce1 b. about 1908, d. Oct, 2003
RelationshipVernon Scott Rogers is a descendent of a parent or ancestor of a spouse of one of my relatives. Because Vernon Scott is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching him.
Birth - no infoI have no information on the date or place of birth for Vernon Scott Rogers.  
Deathbefore 2003Vernon died before 2003 in an unknown place .1  
Last EditedFeb 25, 2009


  1. [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

Larry K Rogers1

Male, #54572
FatherNevel Rogers1
MotherRuby Pierce1 b. about 1908, d. Oct, 2003
RelationshipLarry K Rogers is a descendent of a parent or ancestor of a spouse of one of my relatives. Because Larry K is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching him.
Last EditedFeb 25, 2009


  1. [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

Beulah M Rogers1

Female, #54573
FatherNevel Rogers1
MotherRuby Pierce1 b. about 1908, d. Oct, 2003
RelationshipBeulah M Rogers is a descendent of a parent or ancestor of a spouse of one of my relatives. Because Beulah M is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching her.
Last EditedSep 8, 2007


  1. [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

Beatrice Rogers1

Female, #54574
FatherNevel Rogers1
MotherRuby Pierce1 b. about 1908, d. Oct, 2003
RelationshipBeatrice Rogers is a descendent of a parent or ancestor of a spouse of one of my relatives. Because Beatrice is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching her.
Last EditedFeb 25, 2009


  1. [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

(given name not known) Broyles1

Male, #54575
Relationship(given name not known) Broyles is a non-related spouse of a spouse of one of my relatives. Because (given name not known) is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching him.
Last EditedFeb 25, 2009


  1. [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

(given name not known) Terrell1

Male, #54576
Relationship(given name not known) Terrell is a non-related spouse of a spouse of one of my relatives. Because (given name not known) is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching him.
Last EditedSep 8, 2007


  1. [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

Claudine Rogers1

Female, #54577
FatherNevel Rogers1
MotherRuby Pierce1 b. about 1908, d. Oct, 2003
RelationshipClaudine Rogers is a descendent of a parent or ancestor of a spouse of one of my relatives. Because Claudine is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching her.
Last EditedFeb 25, 2009


  1. [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

(given name not known) Catlett1

Male, #54578
Relationship(given name not known) Catlett is a non-related spouse of a spouse of one of my relatives. Because (given name not known) is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching him.
Last EditedFeb 25, 2009


  1. [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

Bernice L Rogers1

Female, #54579
FatherNevel Rogers1
MotherRuby Pierce1 b. about 1908, d. Oct, 2003
RelationshipBernice L Rogers is a descendent of a parent or ancestor of a spouse of one of my relatives. Because Bernice L is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching her.
Last EditedSep 8, 2007


  1. [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

(given name not known) Peters1

Male, #54580
Relationship(given name not known) Peters is a non-related spouse of a spouse of one of my relatives. Because (given name not known) is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching him.
Last EditedSep 8, 2007


  1. [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).