Dorothia E Bentine1

Female, #58161, b. May 25, 1927, d. May 25, 1927
FatherRichard Hemlepp Bentine Sr1 b. Mar 28, 1904, d. May 23, 1967
MotherDorothea Hulett1 b. May 18, 1907, d. Oct 20, 1934
RelationshipDorothia E Bentine is a descendent of a parent or ancestor of a spouse of one of my relatives. Because Dorothia E is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching her.
BirthMay 25, 1927Dorothia was born May 25, 1927 in Boyd County, Kentucky.2 
DeathMay 25, 1927Dorothia died May 25, 1927 in Boyd County, Kentucky.1  
BurialHer body was buried in Ashland Cemetery, Boyd County, Kentucky.1 
Note-ShackelfordDorothia E Bentine Kentucky Birth Index, 1911-1999

Name: Dorothia E Bentine
Date of Birth: 25 May 1927
County: Boyd
Mother's Name: Dorathia Hulett
State: Kentucky
Volume Number: 55
Certificate Number: 27173
Volume Year: 1927
Ky Death Record

Died: 05-25-1927
Vol: 021
Cert # 10059
Death Vol: 1927
Source: Boyd Co.,Ky. Vitals--Births 1911-1920, for cert #, Vol:, &mother's maiden name.
Death Certificate

Bantine, Dorthory E.
Certificate # 10059
White, Female, Still Born
Born: May 25, 1927, Ashland, Boyd County, Kentucky
Age: Still Born
Date and place of death: May 25, 1927, Ashland, Boyd County, Kentucky
Residence at death: 1809 Prospect Street
Cause of death: Still Born
Attending physician: M.A. Jansen, M.D.
Father's name: Richard Bentine, born Ashland, Kentucky
Mother's maiden name: Dorthy E. Hulett, born Kentucky
Informant: Richard Bentine, 1809 Prospect St.
Buried: May 26, 1927, Ashland Cemetery, Kentucky
Funeral director: Stewart DeVoe, Ashland, Kentucky
Submitted by: Phyllis Shackelford Hedges.1 
Event-Death infoShe was Type: Death Cert.Age Under 1 yr old .1 
Last EditedJun 19, 2010


  1. [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,.
  2. [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,, Birth Cert.#27173 Vol: 55.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

Nina E Hulett1

Female, #58162, b. November 3, 1914, d. June 10, 1990
FatherRichard Samuel Hulett Sr1 b. Jun 5, 1880, d. Apr 1, 1938
MotherNina Gertrude Rodgers1 b. about 1890
RelationshipNina E Hulett is a descendent of a parent or ancestor of a spouse of one of my relatives. Because Nina E is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching her.
BirthNovember 3, 1914Nina was born November 3, 1914 in Frankfort, Franklin County, Kentucky.2 
Death of FatherApril 1, 1938Her father, Richard, died on April 1, 1938 in Ashland, Boyd County, Kentucky.1 
MarriageApril 27, 1941She married Edward A Moon April 27, 1941 in Middletown, Ohio.1  
Death of SpouseDecember 4, 1974She was widowed when her husband, Edward, died on December 4, 1974 in Boyd County, Kentucky.1 
DeathJune 10, 1990Nina died June 10, 1990 in Boyd County, Kentucky at age 75.1  


Edward A Moon b. 18 Oct 1910, d. 4 Dec 1974
Event-Death infoNina E Hulett was Type: Death Cert. Age 75 yrs old .1 
Note-ShackelfordShe Ky Births Database

Mother: Nina Rogers
Child: Nina E. Hulette 11-3-1914 Franklin Co.

Source: Birthdate, county, mother's maiden name, Vol., cert #, from KyBirths Database' PSH
1920 Butler Co., Ohio--Middletown -4th St.

R.S. Hulett, head, rents, 38, marr'd, b. Ky x2, b. Georgia, Yard Mstr/Steel Mill
Nina G., wife, 30, marr'd, b. Indiana x3
Dorothea E., dau, 12, b. Ky
**Nina E., dau, 5, b. Ky
Rodger, son, 2 9/12, b. Ky
Richard S., son, 1/12, b. Ohio
1930 Boyd Co.,Ky. Census--Ashland

R.S. Hulett, head, owns, $7000, 48, marr'd at 25, b. Ky x2, b. Georgia,Supr./ Steel Mill
Nina G., wife, 40, mar'd at 17, b. Indiana x3
**Nina E., dau, 15, b. Ky x3
Rodger, son, 13, b. Ky
Richard, son, 11, b. Ohio
Gertrude, dau, 8, b. Ohio
Norma, dau, 4 2/12, b. Ky
Dorthea Bentine, dau, 22, marr'd, b. Ky
Richard Bentine, grandson, 1 6/12, b. Ky x3
Ky Death Record

Age: 075
Place: BOYD
Residence: BOYD
DOD: 06-10-1990
Vol: 029
Cert # 14237
Death Vol: 1990

Born: 03 Nov 1914
Died: 10 Jun 1990
Place: Kentucky.1 
Last EditedJun 19, 2010


  1. [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,.
  2. [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,, Type: Birth/ Record: Vol 113 cert# 56266, mother= Nina Rodgers.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

Edward Bentine1

Male, #58163, b. July 24, 1895, d. February, 1965
FatherWilliam Charles Bentine1 b. Jun 9, 1870, d. Jan 10, 1936
MotherAnna Bertha Hemlepp1 b. Apr 30, 1872, d. May 12, 1958
RelationshipEdward Bentine is a descendent of an ancestor of a non-related spouse of a spouse of one of my relatives. Because Edward is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching him.
BirthJuly 24, 1895Edward was born July 24, 1895 in Ohio.1 
Death of FatherJanuary 10, 1936His father, William, died on January 10, 1936 in Ashland, Boyd County, Kentucky.1 
Death of MotherMay 12, 1958His mother, Anna, died on May 12, 1958 in Boyd County, Kentucky.1 
DeathFebruary, 1965Edward died February, 1965 in Florida at age 69.1  
Note-ShackelfordEdward Bentine SSDI Info

Born: 24 Jul 1895
Died: Feb 1965 (Florida) Issued Ohio.1 
Last EditedSep 8, 2007


  1. [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

Nina Gertrude Rodgers1

Female, #58164, b. about 1890
FatherEdward Rodgers1
MotherGertrude Anna Buckingham1
RelationshipNina Gertrude Rodgers is a non-related spouse of a spouse of one of my relatives. Because Nina Gertrude is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching her.
Birthabout 1890Nina was born about 1890 in New Albany, Floyd County, Indiana.1 
Marriageabout 1907She married Richard Samuel Hulett Sr, son of Richard Wesley Hulett and Elmira J Long, about 1907 in an unknown place .1  
Birth of DaughterMay 18, 1907Her daughter Dorothea was born on May 18, 1907 in Frankfort, Franklin County, Kentucky.1 
Birth of DaughterNovember 3, 1914Her daughter Nina was born on November 3, 1914 in Frankfort, Franklin County, Kentucky.2 
Death - no infoI have no information on the date and place of Nina Gertrude's death. 


Richard Samuel Hulett Sr b. 5 Jun 1880, d. 1 Apr 1938
Children 1.Dorothea Hulett+1 b. May 18, 1907, d. Oct 20, 1934
 2.Nina E Hulett1 b. Nov 3, 1914, d. Jun 10, 1990
 3.George Rodger Hulett1
 4.Richard S Hulett Jr1
 5.Gertrude E Hulett1
 6.Norma Kenneth Hulett1
Note-ShackelfordNina Gertrude Rodgers 1920 Butler Co., Ohio--Middletown -4th St.

R.S. Hulett, head, rents, 38, marr'd, b. Ky x2, b. Georgia, Yard Mstr/Steel Mill
**Nina G., wife, 30, marr'd, b. Indiana x3
Dorothea E., dau, 12, b. Ky
Nina E., dau, 5, b. Ky
Rodger, son, 2 9/12, b. Ky
Richard S., son, 1/12, b. Ohio
1930 Boyd Co.,Ky. Census--Ashland

R.S. Hulett, head, owns, $7000, 48, marr'd at 25, b. Ky x2, b. Georgia,Supr./ Steel Mill
**Nina G., wife, 40, mar'd at 17, b. Indiana x3
Nina E., dau, 15, b. Ky x3
Rodger, son, 13, b. Ky
Richard, son, 11, b. Ohio
Gertrude, dau, 8, b. Ohio
Norma, dau, 4 2/12, b. Ky
Dorthea Bentine, dau, 22, marr'd, b. Ky
Richard Bentine, grandson, 1 6/12, b. Ky x3
Ky Births Database

Mother: Nina Rogers
Child: Nina E. Hulette 11-3-1914 Franklin Co.

Mother: Nina Rodgers
Child: George R. Hulett 3-2-1917 Jefferson Co.

Mother: Nina Rogers
Child: Kenneth Hulett 8-27-1925 Boyd Co.1 
Last EditedSep 8, 2007


  1. [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,.
  2. [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,, Type: Birth/ Record: Vol 113 cert# 56266, mother= Nina Rodgers.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

George Rodger Hulett1

Male, #58165
FatherRichard Samuel Hulett Sr1 b. Jun 5, 1880, d. Apr 1, 1938
MotherNina Gertrude Rodgers1 b. about 1890
RelationshipGeorge Rodger Hulett is a descendent of a parent or ancestor of a spouse of one of my relatives. Because George Rodger is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching him.
Last EditedSep 8, 2007


  1. [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

Richard S Hulett Jr1

Male, #58166
FatherRichard Samuel Hulett Sr1 b. Jun 5, 1880, d. Apr 1, 1938
MotherNina Gertrude Rodgers1 b. about 1890
RelationshipRichard S Hulett Jr is a descendent of a parent or ancestor of a spouse of one of my relatives. Because Richard S is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching him.
Last EditedSep 8, 2007


  1. [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

Gertrude E Hulett1

Female, #58167
FatherRichard Samuel Hulett Sr1 b. Jun 5, 1880, d. Apr 1, 1938
MotherNina Gertrude Rodgers1 b. about 1890
RelationshipGertrude E Hulett is a descendent of a parent or ancestor of a spouse of one of my relatives. Because Gertrude E is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching her.
Last EditedSep 8, 2007


  1. [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

(given name not known) Heberle1

Male, #58168
Father(given name not known) Heberle1
MotherGoldie Perkins1 b. Apr 25, 1904
Relationship(given name not known) Heberle is a descendent of a parent or ancestor of a spouse of one of my relatives. Because (given name not known) is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching him.
Last EditedSep 8, 2007


  1. [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

Sallie L Hulett1

Female, #58169, b. April 28, 1883, d. June 27, 1968
FatherRichard Wesley Hulett1 b. Apr 23, 1845, d. Aug 15, 1915
MotherElmira J Long1 b. Sep 18, 1853, d. Feb 16, 1922
RelationshipSallie L Hulett is a descendent of a parent or ancestor of a spouse of one of my relatives. Because Sallie L is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching her.
BirthApril 28, 1883Sallie was born April 28, 1883 in an unknown place .1 
Death of FatherAugust 15, 1915Her father, Richard, died on August 15, 1915 in Franklin County, Kentucky.1 
Death of MotherFebruary 16, 1922Her mother, Elmira, died on February 16, 1922 in Franklin County, Kentucky.1 
DeathJune 27, 1968Sallie died June 27, 1968 in an unknown place at age 85.1  
Note-ShackelfordSallie L Hulett 1900 Franklin Co.,Ky. Census--Frankfort--Wilkerson St.

Richard W. Hewlett, head, April 1844, 54, marr'd 28 yrs, b. Ky x3, HempFactory
Elmira, wife, Sept 1852, 47, marr'd 28 yrs, 7 children, 4 living, b. Ky
Sam, son, June 1882, 18, single, b. Ky
**Sallie L., dau, April 1883, 17, b. Ky
Clara, dau, Jan 1885, 15, b. Ky
Last EditedSep 8, 2007


  1. [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

Reuben D Long1

Male, #58170, b. about 1847
FatherJoseph Long1 b. about 1824, d. about 1857
MotherNancy M Hammond1 b. about 1830, d. between 1870 and 1880
RelationshipReuben D Long is a descendent of an ancestor of a non-related spouse of a spouse of one of my relatives. Because Reuben D is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching him.
Birthabout 1847Reuben was born about 1847 in South Carolina.1 
Death - no infoI have no information on the date and place of Reuben D's death. 
Note-ShackelfordReuben D Long 1860 Cobb Co., Georgia Census--Roswell P.O.

Nancy M. Long, 30, b. S.C.
Frances, 17, f, Factory hand, b. S.C.
J.A., 15, f, Factory hand, b. S.C.
**R.D., 13, m, b. S.C.
?. E., 12, f, b. S.C.
M.C., 10, f, b. S.C.
E.J., 9, f, b. S.C.
Vandever, 6, m, b. S.C.
M.L., 4, m, b. Georgia
Mary, 2, f, b. Georgia
1870 Frankfort, Franklin Co.,Ky. Census

Nancy Long, 39, b. S.C>
**Reuben, 23, Carpenter, b. S.C.
Vandever, 16, m, works in cotton mill, b. S.C.
Marcus, 14, b. Georgia
Mary, 12, b. Georgia
Last EditedSep 8, 2007


  1. [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

Vandever Long1

Male, #58171, b. 1853, d. 1919
FatherJoseph Long1 b. about 1824, d. about 1857
MotherNancy M Hammond1 b. about 1830, d. between 1870 and 1880
RelationshipVandever Long is a descendent of an ancestor of a non-related spouse of a spouse of one of my relatives. Because Vandever is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching him.
Birth1853Vandever was born 1853 in South Carolina.1 
Death of Fatherabout 1857His father, Joseph, died about 1857 in Georgia.1 
Death1919Vandever died 1919 in an unknown place .1  
BurialDecember 26, 1919His body was buried on December 26, 1919 in Frankfort Cemetery, Frankfort, Franklin County, Kentucky, Sect F, Lot 109-S, Grave 4.1 
Note-ShackelfordVandever Long 1860 Cobb Co., Georgia Census--Roswell P.O.

Nancy M. Long, 30, b. S.C.
Frances, 17, f, Factory hand, b. S.C.
J.A., 15, f, Factory hand, b. S.C.
R.D., 13, m, b. S.C.
?. E., 12, f, b. S.C.
M.C., 10, f, b. S.C.
E.J., 9, f, b. S.C.
**Vandever, 6, m, b. S.C.
M.L., 4, m, b. Georgia
Mary, 2, f, b. Georgia
1870 Frankfort, Franklin Co.,Ky. Census

Nancy Long, 39, b. S.C>
Reuben, 23, Carpenter, b. S.C.
**Vandever, 16, m, works in cotton mill, b. S.C.
Marcus, 14, b. Georgia
Mary, 12, b. Georgia
Source: Burial Location from Book 'Index of the Frankfort Cemetery', PSH.1 
Last EditedDec 3, 2007


  1. [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

Marcus L Long1

Male, #58172, b. about 1856
FatherJoseph Long1 b. about 1824, d. about 1857
MotherNancy M Hammond1 b. about 1830, d. between 1870 and 1880
RelationshipMarcus L Long is a descendent of an ancestor of a non-related spouse of a spouse of one of my relatives. Because Marcus L is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching him.
Birthabout 1856Marcus was born about 1856 in Georgia.1 
Death - no infoI have no information on the date and place of Marcus L's death. 
Note-ShackelfordMarcus L Long 1860 Cobb Co., Georgia Census--Roswell P.O.

Nancy M. Long, 30, b. S.C.
Frances, 17, f, Factory hand, b. S.C.
J.A., 15, f, Factory hand, b. S.C.
R.D., 13, m, b. S.C.
?. E., 12, f, b. S.C.
M.C., 10, f, b. S.C.
E.J., 9, f, b. S.C.
Vandever, 6, m, b. S.C.
**M.L., 4, m, b. Georgia
Mary, 2, f, b. Georgia
1870 Frankfort, Franklin Co.,Ky. Census

Nancy Long, 39, b. S.C>
Reuben, 23, Carpenter, b. S.C.
Vandever, 16, m, works in cotton mill, b. S.C.
**Marcus, 14, b. Georgia
Mary, 12, b. Georgia
Last EditedSep 8, 2007


  1. [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

Mary Long1

Female, #58173, b. about 1858
FatherJoseph Long1 b. about 1824, d. about 1857
MotherNancy M Hammond1 b. about 1830, d. between 1870 and 1880
RelationshipMary Long is a descendent of an ancestor of a non-related spouse of a spouse of one of my relatives. Because Mary is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching her.
Birthabout 1858Mary was born about 1858 in Georgia.1 
Death - no infoI have no information on the date and place of Mary's death. 
Note-ShackelfordMary Long 1860 Cobb Co., Georgia Census--Roswell P.O.

Nancy M. Long, 30, b. S.C.
Frances, 17, f, Factory hand, b. S.C.
J.A., 15, f, Factory hand, b. S.C.
R.D., 13, m, b. S.C.
?. E., 12, f, b. S.C.
M.C., 10, f, b. S.C.
E.J., 9, f, b. S.C.
Vandever, 6, m, b. S.C.
M.L., 4, m, b. Georgia
**Mary, 2, f, b. Georgia
1870 Frankfort, Franklin Co.,Ky. Census

Nancy Long, 39, b. S.C>
Reuben, 23, Carpenter, b. S.C.
Vandever, 16, m, works in cotton mill, b. S.C.
Marcus, 14, b. Georgia
**Mary, 12, b. Georgia
Last EditedSep 8, 2007


  1. [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

Frances Long1

Female, #58174, b. about 1842
FatherJoseph Long1 b. about 1824, d. about 1857
MotherNancy M Hammond1 b. about 1830, d. between 1870 and 1880
RelationshipFrances Long is a descendent of an ancestor of a non-related spouse of a spouse of one of my relatives. Because Frances is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching her.
Birthabout 1842Frances was born about 1842 in South Carolina.1 
Death - no infoI have no information on the date and place of Frances's death. 
Note-ShackelfordFrances Long 1860 Cobb Co., Georgia Census--Roswell P.O.

Nancy M. Long, 30, b. S.C.
**Frances, 17, f, Factory hand, b. S.C.
J.A., 15, f, Factory hand, b. S.C.
R.D., 13, m, b. S.C.
?. E., 12, f, b. S.C.
M.C., 10, f, b. S.C.
E.J., 9, f, b. S.C.
Vandever, 6, m, b. S.C.
M.L., 4, m, b. Georgia
Mary, 2, f, b. Georgia
Last EditedSep 8, 2007


  1. [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

John A Long1

Female, #58175, b. about 1845
FatherJoseph Long1 b. about 1824, d. about 1857
MotherNancy M Hammond1 b. about 1830, d. between 1870 and 1880
RelationshipJohn A Long is a descendent of an ancestor of a non-related spouse of a spouse of one of my relatives. Because John A is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching her.
Birthabout 1845John was born about 1845 in South Carolina.1 
Death - no infoI have no information on the date and place of John A's death. 
Note-ShackelfordJohn A Long 1860 Cobb Co., Georgia Census--Roswell P.O.

Nancy M. Long, 30, b. S.C.
Frances, 17, f, Factory hand, b. S.C.
**J.A., 15, f, Factory hand, b. S.C.
R.D., 13, m, b. S.C.
?. E., 12, f, b. S.C.
M.C., 10, f, b. S.C.
E.J., 9, f, b. S.C.
Vandever, 6, m, b. S.C.
M.L., 4, m, b. Georgia
Mary, 2, f, b. Georgia
Last EditedSep 8, 2007


  1. [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

Mahalia C Long1

Female, #58176, b. about 1850
FatherJoseph Long1 b. about 1824, d. about 1857
MotherNancy M Hammond1 b. about 1830, d. between 1870 and 1880
RelationshipMahalia C Long is a descendent of an ancestor of a non-related spouse of a spouse of one of my relatives. Because Mahalia C is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching her.
Birthabout 1850Mahalia was born about 1850 in South Carolina.1 
Death - no infoI have no information on the date and place of Mahalia C's death. 
Note-ShackelfordMahalia C Long 1860 Cobb Co., Georgia Census--Roswell P.O.

Nancy M. Long, 30, b. S.C.
Frances, 17, f, Factory hand, b. S.C.
J.A., 15, f, Factory hand, b. S.C.
R.D., 13, m, b. S.C.
?. E., 12, f, b. S.C.
**M.C., 10, f, b. S.C.
E.J., 9, f, b. S.C.
Vandever, 6, m, b. S.C.
M.L., 4, m, b. Georgia
Mary, 2, f, b. Georgia
Last EditedSep 8, 2007


  1. [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

Nancy E Long1

Female, #58177, b. about 1848
FatherJoseph Long1 b. about 1824, d. about 1857
MotherNancy M Hammond1 b. about 1830, d. between 1870 and 1880
RelationshipNancy E Long is a descendent of an ancestor of a non-related spouse of a spouse of one of my relatives. Because Nancy E is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching her.
Birthabout 1848Nancy was born about 1848 in South Carolina.1 
Death - no infoI have no information on the date and place of Nancy E's death. 
Note-ShackelfordNancy E Long 1860 Cobb Co., Georgia Census--Roswell P.O.

Nancy M. Long, 30, b. S.C.
Frances, 17, f, Factory hand, b. S.C.
J.A., 15, f, Factory hand, b. S.C.
R.D., 13, m, b. S.C.
?. E., 12, f, b. S.C.**
M.C., 10, f, b. S.C.
E.J., 9, f, b. S.C.
Vandever, 6, m, b. S.C.
M.L., 4, m, b. Georgia
Mary, 2, f, b. Georgia
Last EditedSep 8, 2007


  1. [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

Juliet A Long1

Female, #58178, b. about 1843
FatherJoseph Long1 b. about 1824, d. about 1857
MotherNancy M Hammond1 b. about 1830, d. between 1870 and 1880
RelationshipJuliet A Long is a descendent of an ancestor of a non-related spouse of a spouse of one of my relatives. Because Juliet A is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching her.
Birthabout 1843Juliet was born about 1843 in South Carolina.1 
Death - no infoI have no information on the date and place of Juliet A's death. 
Last EditedSep 8, 2007


  1. [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

(given name not known) Smith1

Male, #58179
Relationship(given name not known) Smith is extremely distantly connected to my relatives. Because (given name not known) is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching him.


Sallie (surname not known) b. Jan 1865
Children 1.Sallie Smith1
 2.Luke Smith1
Last EditedOct 27, 2007


  1. [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

Sallie Smith1

Female, #58180
Father(given name not known) Smith1
MotherSallie (surname not known)1 b. Jan, 1865
RelationshipSallie Smith is an ancestor of a non-related spouse of a non-related spouse of a spouse of one of my relatives. Because Sallie is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching her.
Last EditedSep 8, 2007


  1. [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).