Anne Duncan1
Father | Reverend James Raleigh Duncan1 b. Jul 18, 1746, d. Nov 22, 1823 | |
Mother | Asenith Browning1 b. about 1755 |
Relationship | Anne Duncan is a descendent of a parent or ancestor of a spouse of one of my relatives. Because Anne is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching her. | |
Birth | March 10, 1784 | Anne was born March 10, 1784 in Virginia![]() |
Death - no info | I have no information on the date and place of Anne's death. |
Family |
Willis Jackson |
Note-Shackelford | Anne Duncan Anne Duncan was my 1st cousin, 7 times removed. ------------------------------------ Source: Files of Georgia Helderlein.'The Duncan's of Trimble Co.Kentucky' |
Last Edited | Sep 8, 2007 |
- [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,.
Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).
Benjamin Duncan1
Relationship | Benjamin Duncan is a non-related spouse of a spouse of one of my relatives. Because Benjamin is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching him. |
Family |
Asenith Browning b. a 1755 |
Last Edited | Oct 27, 2007 |
- [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,.
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Reverend William Duncan Sr; Elder1
Father | William Duncan1 b. Oct 1, 1659, d. 1720 | |
Mother | Margaret McMurde1 b. about 1660 |
Relationship | Reverend William Duncan Sr; Elder is a parent or ancestor of a spouse of one of my relatives. Because William is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching him. | |
Birth | April 19, 1690 | William was born April 19, 1690 in Dumfrieshire, Perth, Scotland![]() |
Death of Father | 1720 | His father, William, died in 1720 in Culpeper County, Virginia![]() |
Marriage | February 11, 1721/22 | He married Ruth Raleigh, daughter of Matthew Rawley, February 11, 1721/22 in Orange County, Virginia![]() |
Birth of Son | November 23, 1724 | His son Rawley was born on November 23, 1724 in Culpeper County, Virginia![]() |
Birth of Son | April 29, 1726 | His son William was born on April 29, 1726 in Culpeper County, Virginia![]() |
Birth of Son | August 23, 1730 | His son John was born on August 23, 1730 in Culpeper County, Virginia![]() |
Birth of Son | December 12, 1732 | His son Joseph was born on December 12, 1732 in Culpeper County, Virginia![]() |
Birth of Daughter | December 12, 1732 | His daughter Mary was born on December 12, 1732 in Culpeper County, Virginia![]() |
Birth of Son | February 15, 1733/34 | His son Rice was born on February 15, 1733/34 in Culpeper County, Virginia![]() |
Birth of Daughter | between 1738 and 1740 | His daughter Anne was born between 1738 and 1740 in Culpeper County, Virginia![]() |
Birth of Daughter | 1740 | His daughter Nancy was born in 1740 in Culpeper County, Virginia![]() |
Birth of Son | October 8, 1742 | His son Charles was born on October 8, 1742 in Culpeper County, Virginia![]() |
Birth of Son | July 18, 1746 | His son James was born on July 18, 1746 in Culpeper County, Virginia![]() |
Marriage of Son | 1769 | His son, Reverend James Raleigh Duncan, married Asenith Browning in 1769 in Culpeper County, Virginia![]() |
Death of Son | September 29, 1774 | His son, John, died on September 29, 1774 in Washington, Virginia![]() |
Death | October, 1781 | William died October, 1781 in Culpeper County, Virginia![]() |
Family |
Ruth Raleigh b. 1702, d. 1791 | |
Children | 1. | Rawley Duncan+1 b. Nov 23, 1724, d. Dec, 1786 |
2. | William Duncan Jr+1 b. Apr 29, 1726, d. May 17, 1790 | |
3. | John Pekin Duncan Sr+1 b. Aug 23, 1730, d. Sep 29, 1774 | |
4. | Joseph Duncan1 b. Dec 12, 1732, d. between 1801 and 1803 | |
5. | Mary Duncan1 b. Dec 12, 1732 | |
6. | Rice Duncan1 b. Feb 15, 1733/34, d. 1788 | |
7. | Anne Duncan1 b. between 1738 and 1740, d. before 1781 | |
8. | Nancy Ann Duncan1 b. 1740 | |
9. | Charles Duncan+1 b. Oct 8, 1742, d. Mar, 1789 | |
10. | Reverend James Raleigh Duncan+1 b. Jul 18, 1746, d. Nov 22, 1823 |
Note-Shackelford | Reverend William Duncan Sr; Elder Source: LDS FamilySearch™ Ancestral File v4.19 9 Submitters on Microfilm ---------------------------------------- William 'The Elder' Duncan’s Last Will & Testament: Culpeper Co. Will Bk. B. 1770-1783. p.450 'In the name of God, Amen, I William Duncan of the Parish of Bromfieldand County of Culpeper being of sound and perfect mind and memory thanksto the Almighty God for the same, do make and ordain this my last Willand Testament in manner and form following, viz: 'I bequeath my precious and Immortal soul to almighty God who gave itfull hope of Pardon and Remission for all my most compassionate Redeemer,Jesus Christ, my Body to be decently Buried at the discretion of myExecutors hereafter named and as to such Worldly estate wherewith hathpleased God to Bless me, I dispose of the same as follows: 'Imprimis I give and bequeath unto my well beloved son, Charles Duncan,Twenty five pounds specie to him and his Heirs forever. Item, I give andbequeath to my well beloved son, James Duncan all that Tract of Land onwhich I now live with the appurtenances as also my desk and Bookcase tohim and his Heirs forever. Item my will and desire is that all theResidue of my estate be sold to the highest Bidder at one month's creditand the money owing from said sale (after paying all my Just Debts andLegacies) be equally divided among my sons Rawley Duncan, William Duncan,John Duncan, Deceased, Joseph Duncan and Charles Duncan and my Daughter,Ann Roberts, but my Will and Desire is that the Dividend or part Intendedfor my son, John Duncan, deceased, be equally Divided amongst all hisLawful children, sons and Daughters, as also all the Dividend or partIntended or allotted for my Daughter, Anne Roberts, be Equally Dividedamongst all my said Anne's Children, both Sons and Daughters. 'And lastly I hereby constitute and appoint my well beloved sons, Josephand James Duncan and my Trusty and faithful friend John Bradford,Executors of this my last Will and Testament hereby revoking all formerWills by me..........and declaring this to be my last Will and Testament.In Witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 24th day ofFebruary, 1781. William Duncan, L.S. Signed, sealed and declared to be his Last Will and Testament before us William Hughes William Browning Shadrach Browning 'p.451. At a Court held for Culpeper County the 15th day of October,1788, this last Will and Testament of William Duncan, deceased, wasExhibited to the Court by the Executors and was proved by the oath ofWilliam Browning and Shadrach Browning, two of the Witnesses thereto andOrdered to be recorded. And on the motion of the said Executors,Certificate is granted them for obtaining a Probate thereof in due form,they having made oath thereto and given bond and Security according toLaw. Teste. John Jameson, C.S. Cur.' (Roy, p.5-6) Title: Probate Record Page: William Duncan's Will Book B page 450 Culpeper County Will book --------------------------------------- Title: Descendants of William Duncan, The Elder Author: Nancy Reba Roy Publication: 1959 Call Number: FHL #929.273 D912r Page: 224 Text: . . . James inherited the home from his father which he afterwardssold, and removed with his family and son-in-law, George Strother toKentucky. They started in May, 1797, and voyaged on a flat boat fromRedstone Old fort on the Youghiogheny River and landed at Limestone,Kentucky after a tedious and perilous journey. Their first home was nearParis in Bourbon county, Kentucky, where they remained six years. Georgeand Mary Duncan Strother removed to Gallatin County, now Trimble County,and settled near Corn Creek in 1802. Rev. George Strother built a schoolhouse on his farm, and we find James Duncan teaching at 'Strother'sSchool house.' (from a letter from Mr. A.P. Strother to Mrs. DaleThompson). Title: Probate Record Page: William Duncan's Will Book B page 450 Culpeper County Will book --------------------------------------- CULPEPER CO. VA DEED RECORDS Section 1 - to 1799 E-547: 21 July 1768, William Duncan, the Elder, and wife Ruth ofCulpeper Co., for divers good causes, love and affection, to our eldestson Rawley Duncan, (also spelled Rawleigh Duncan in deed), 83 acres inCulpeper Co., Bromfield Parish, joining on Cannon's River, it being theland and plantation whereon said Rawley now lives, bounded ... corner toWilliam Duncan Jr., Coleman's patent, low grounds of Batle Run on theroad near where it crosses the said run, the river, mouth of Batle Run.Not signed by Ruth; no wit. (FHL film 30,944) F-415: 16 March 1772, William Duncan the Elder, of Broomfield Parish, toson Rice Duncan of Culpeper Co., 200 acres on Gourdvine Fork ofRappahannock River on Mill Run, corner to David Kinkaid, corner to JohnDuncan and Joseph Duncan. No wit. (FHL film 30,945) F-417: 16 March 1772, William Duncan the Elder, of Broomfield Parish, toson Joseph Duncan, 200 acres in Culpeper Co. on Gourdvine Fork of theRappahannock River, on Mill Run, corner to Charles Peyton and RiceDuncan. (FHL film 30,945) -------------------------------------- William Duncan of Dumfrieshire settled in Virginia in 1724 and marriedthere Ruth Rawley, a daughter of Matthew Rawley, a Church of England manwho came from Wales in 1720. William and Ruth Duncan's children wereMargaret Haldane, Mehitable, Ruth Elizabeth, Mary Ann, Rawley, William,Jr., Charles, James and Townsend. Rawley and Charles served in thecommand of young George Washington in the British army in the battlewhich General Braddock lost in 1755 and when Benedict Arnold, as atraitor, led a column of Cornwallis' army into Virginia the brothersresponded for the defense of their capital. Although many of these ScotchPresbyterian pioneers were tories and aided the British against thecolonies all of William Duncan's posterity was true to the cause ofAmerican liberty. Source: Kansas and Kansans Vol 5 -------------------- Page 2726 of Kansas and Kansans Vol 5 'The sons of William and Ruth Duncan were born in Culpepprer Co,Virginia, were Rawley married Sallie McLane, James married Sina(Sarah?)Browning and Charles married Susan Bourn. Rawley Duncan was thefather of Margaret, Elizabeth, Charles, Edward and James, and it isbelieved that James, who was murdered by the Indians at the mouth ofPaint Likc Creek in Kentucky, Nov 7 1792, leaving a widow and threechildren, was the father of Henry Duncan, the grandfather of James PDuncan, the founder of this Kansas branch of the family.1' | |
Name Variation | Reverend William Duncan Sr; Elder was also known as Rev.1 | |
Immigration | 1719 | William immigrated from Scotland to Virginia Colony ![]() |
Last Edited | Jun 19, 2011 |
- [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,.
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Ruth Raleigh1
Father | Matthew Rawley1 |
Relationship | Ruth Raleigh is a parent or ancestor of a spouse of one of my relatives. Because Ruth is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching her. | |
Birth | 1702 | Ruth was born 1702 in Culpeper County, Virginia![]() |
Marriage | February 11, 1721/22 | She married Reverend William Duncan Sr; Elder, son of William Duncan and Margaret McMurde, February 11, 1721/22 in Orange County, Virginia![]() |
Birth of Son | November 23, 1724 | Her son Rawley was born on November 23, 1724 in Culpeper County, Virginia![]() |
Birth of Son | April 29, 1726 | Her son William was born on April 29, 1726 in Culpeper County, Virginia![]() |
Birth of Son | August 23, 1730 | Her son John was born on August 23, 1730 in Culpeper County, Virginia![]() |
Birth of Son | December 12, 1732 | Her son Joseph was born on December 12, 1732 in Culpeper County, Virginia![]() |
Birth of Daughter | December 12, 1732 | Her daughter Mary was born on December 12, 1732 in Culpeper County, Virginia![]() |
Birth of Son | February 15, 1733/34 | Her son Rice was born on February 15, 1733/34 in Culpeper County, Virginia![]() |
Birth of Daughter | between 1738 and 1740 | Her daughter Anne was born between 1738 and 1740 in Culpeper County, Virginia![]() |
Birth of Daughter | 1740 | Her daughter Nancy was born in 1740 in Culpeper County, Virginia![]() |
Birth of Son | October 8, 1742 | Her son Charles was born on October 8, 1742 in Culpeper County, Virginia![]() |
Birth of Son | July 18, 1746 | Her son James was born on July 18, 1746 in Culpeper County, Virginia![]() |
Marriage of Son | 1769 | Her son, Reverend James Raleigh Duncan, married Asenith Browning in 1769 in Culpeper County, Virginia![]() |
Death of Son | September 29, 1774 | Her son, John, died on September 29, 1774 in Washington, Virginia![]() |
Death of Spouse | October, 1781 | She was widowed when her husband, William, died in October, 1781 in Culpeper County, Virginia![]() |
Death of Son | December, 1786 | Her son, Rawley, died in December, 1786 in Washington, Virginia![]() |
Death of Son | 1788 | Her son, Rice, died in 1788 in Russell County, Virginia![]() |
Death of Son | March, 1789 | Her son, Charles, died in March, 1789 in Marion County, Kentucky![]() |
Death of Son | May 17, 1790 | Her son, William, died on May 17, 1790 in Culpeper County, Virginia![]() |
Death | 1791 | Ruth died 1791 in an unknown place .1 |
Family |
Reverend William Duncan Sr; Elder b. 19 Apr 1690, d. Oct 1781 | |
Children | 1. | Rawley Duncan+1 b. Nov 23, 1724, d. Dec, 1786 |
2. | William Duncan Jr+1 b. Apr 29, 1726, d. May 17, 1790 | |
3. | John Pekin Duncan Sr+1 b. Aug 23, 1730, d. Sep 29, 1774 | |
4. | Joseph Duncan1 b. Dec 12, 1732, d. between 1801 and 1803 | |
5. | Mary Duncan1 b. Dec 12, 1732 | |
6. | Rice Duncan1 b. Feb 15, 1733/34, d. 1788 | |
7. | Anne Duncan1 b. between 1738 and 1740, d. before 1781 | |
8. | Nancy Ann Duncan1 b. 1740 | |
9. | Charles Duncan+1 b. Oct 8, 1742, d. Mar, 1789 | |
10. | Reverend James Raleigh Duncan+1 b. Jul 18, 1746, d. Nov 22, 1823 |
Name Variation | Ruth Raleigh was also known as Ruth Rawley.1 |
Last Edited | Oct 10, 2007 |
- [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,.
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William Duncan1
Father | Reverend William Duncan1 b. Jan 7, 1629/30 | |
Mother | Susan Haldane1 b. 1635 |
Relationship | William Duncan is a parent or ancestor of a spouse of one of my relatives. Because William is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching him. | |
Birth | October 1, 1659 | William was born October 1, 1659 in Perthshire, Scotland![]() |
Marriage | June 24, 1682 | He married Margaret McMurde June 24, 1682 in an unknown place .1 |
Birth of Son | January 12, 1685/86 | His son Thomas was born on January 12, 1685/86 in Perthshire, Scotland![]() |
Birth of Son | April 19, 1690 | His son William was born on April 19, 1690 in Dumfrieshire, Perth, Scotland![]() |
Death | 1720 | William died 1720 in Culpeper County, Virginia![]() |
Family |
Margaret McMurde b. a 1660 | |
Children | 1. | Thomas Duncan1 b. Jan 12, 1685/86 |
2. | Reverend William Duncan Sr; Elder+1 b. Apr 19, 1690, d. Oct, 1781 |
Note-Shackelford | William Duncan Source: 1887 'KY, a History of the State' by Perrin, Battle & Kniffin,5th and 6th Edition, Pg.783: DUNCAN FAMILY.1 |
Last Edited | Sep 8, 2007 |
- [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,.
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Margaret McMurde1
Relationship | Margaret McMurde is a parent or ancestor of a spouse of one of my relatives. Because Margaret is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching her. | |
Birth | about 1660 | Margaret was born about 1660 in an unknown place .1 |
Marriage | June 24, 1682 | She married William Duncan, son of Reverend William Duncan and Susan Haldane, June 24, 1682 in an unknown place .1 |
Birth of Son | January 12, 1685/86 | Her son Thomas was born on January 12, 1685/86 in Perthshire, Scotland![]() |
Birth of Son | April 19, 1690 | Her son William was born on April 19, 1690 in Dumfrieshire, Perth, Scotland![]() |
Death - no info | I have no information on the date and place of Margaret's death. |
Family |
William Duncan b. 1 Oct 1659, d. 1720 | |
Children | 1. | Thomas Duncan1 b. Jan 12, 1685/86 |
2. | Reverend William Duncan Sr; Elder+1 b. Apr 19, 1690, d. Oct, 1781 |
Last Edited | Sep 8, 2007 |
- [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,.
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Matthew Rawley1
Relationship | Matthew Rawley is a parent or ancestor of a spouse of one of my relatives. Because Matthew is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching him. | |
Marriage - no spouse | He married an unknown person . I have no information on the date and place of the marriage.1 | |
Birth - no date | Matthew was born on an unknown date in England![]() | |
Birth of Daughter | 1702 | His daughter Ruth was born in 1702 in Culpeper County, Virginia![]() |
Death - no info | I have no information on the date and place of Matthew's death. |
Family |
Child | 1. | Ruth Raleigh+1 b. 1702, d. 1791 |
Note-Shackelford | Matthew Rawley Source: 1887 'KY, a History of the State' by Perrin, Battle &Kniffin, 5th and 6th Edition, Pg.783: DUNCAN FAMILY.1 | |
Nationality | The nationality of Matthew Rawley was (an unknown value.)1 | |
Event-Misc | 1719 | He was Type: Settled in 1719 in Virginia![]() |
Last Edited | Feb 19, 2009 |
- [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,.
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Nancy Ann Duncan1
Father | Reverend William Duncan Sr; Elder1 b. Apr 19, 1690, d. Oct, 1781 | |
Mother | Ruth Raleigh1 b. 1702, d. 1791 |
Relationship | Nancy Ann Duncan is a descendent of a parent or ancestor of a spouse of one of my relatives. Because Nancy Ann is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching her. | |
Birth | 1740 | Nancy was born 1740 in Culpeper County, Virginia![]() |
Death - no info | I have no information on the date and place of Nancy Ann's death. |
Last Edited | Sep 8, 2007 |
- [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,.
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Joseph Duncan1
Father | Reverend William Duncan Sr; Elder1 b. Apr 19, 1690, d. Oct, 1781 | |
Mother | Ruth Raleigh1 b. 1702, d. 1791 |
Relationship | Joseph Duncan is a descendent of a parent or ancestor of a spouse of one of my relatives. Because Joseph is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching him. | |
Birth | December 12, 1732 | Joseph was born December 12, 1732 in Culpeper County, Virginia![]() |
Death | between 1801 and 1803 | Joseph died between 1801 and 1803 in Culpeper County, Virginia![]() |
Note-Shackelford | Joseph Duncan CULPEPER CO. VA DEED RECORDS Section 1 - to 1799 F-417: 16 March 1772, William Duncan the Elder, of Broomfield Parish, toson Joseph Duncan, 200 acres in Culpeper Co. on Gourdvine Fork of theRappahannock River, on Mill Run, corner to Charles Peyton and RiceDuncan. (FHL film 30,945.)1 |
Last Edited | Sep 8, 2007 |
- [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,.
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Rawley Duncan1
Father | Reverend William Duncan Sr; Elder1 b. Apr 19, 1690, d. Oct, 1781 | |
Mother | Ruth Raleigh1 b. 1702, d. 1791 |
Relationship | Rawley Duncan is a descendent of a parent or ancestor of a spouse of one of my relatives. Because Rawley is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching him. | |
Birth | November 23, 1724 | Rawley was born November 23, 1724 in Culpeper County, Virginia![]() |
Marriage - no info | He married Mary Roberts. I have no information on the date and place of the marriage.1 | |
Birth of Son | about 1753 | His son John was born about 1753 in Culpeper County, Virginia![]() |
Death of Father | October, 1781 | His father, William, died in October, 1781 in Culpeper County, Virginia![]() |
Death | December, 1786 | Rawley died December, 1786 in Washington, Virginia![]() |
Family |
Mary Roberts b. a 1725 | |
Children | 1. | Towsend Duncan1 |
2. | Margaret Duncan1 | |
3. | Elizabeth Duncan1 | |
4. | Charles Duncan1 | |
5. | Edward Duncan1 | |
6. | James Duncan+1 d. Nov 7, 1792 | |
7. | John Duncan1 b. about 1753, d. Jan 13, 1823 |
Note-Shackelford | Rawley Duncan Raleigh Duncan, their eldest son, was with General Washington atBraddock's defeat in 1755; also at Point Pleasant in 1774, where he wasseverely wounded, and was in all attacks made by the colonial troopsagainst the invasion of Virginia by the traitor Arnold in 1781. Source: 1896 'Biographical Cyclopedia of the Commonwealth of KY' by JohnM. Gresham (from Ruth Robertson 1985 with permission to share with others) --------------------------------------------- Pg.291-2: CULPEPER CO. VA DEED RECORDS Section 1 - to 1799 E-547: 21 July 1768, William Duncan, the Elder, and wife Ruth ofCulpeper Co., for divers good causes, love and affection, to our eldestson Rawley Duncan, (also spelled Rawleigh Duncan in deed), 83 acres inCulpeper Co., Bromfield Parish, joining on Cannon's River, it being theland and plantation whereon said Rawley now lives, bounded ... corner toWilliam Duncan Jr., Coleman's patent, low grounds of Batle Run on theroad near where it crosses the said run, the river, mouth of Batle Run.Not signed by Ruth; no wit. (FHL film 30,944) ----------------------------------- Full Context of Scots-Irish in Virginia, Vol. 2 CHRONICLES OF THE Scotch-Irish Settlement IN VIRGINIA EXTRACTED FROM THE ORIGINAL COURT RECORDS OF AUGUSTA COUNTY 1745-1800 CIRCUIT COURT RECORDS, SECTION 'I.' JUDGMENTS. page 74 Simon Cockrell vs. John Duncan--O. S. 35; N. S. 12--Bill filed 18th May, 1796. In 1770 William Herbert made a settlement upon waste and unappropriated land on Cubb Creek in Washington County, and occupied it until 1776, when his overseer was killed by the Indians, when Rawley Duncan took possession. Herbert died testate in 1776, which was proved on 3d September, 1776, in Fincastle County, leaving William Herbert as his heir at law, from whom orator purchased. Rawley Duncan obtained a certificate of settlement in 1773. Rawley Duncan died intestate, leaving John Duncan his only son and heir. Note: Intestate means dying without a will. Testate means dying with avalid will. --------------------------------------- Culpeper Co., VA Deed book G-92: 20 Sept. 1773, Rawley (R) Duncan and wife Mary (+) to John Strother, the youngest, 205acres in Culpeper Co., 1/2 part of tract granted to Wm. and Rouland(Rawley) Duncan by ... Lord Fairfax 1753, corner to Frances Browning,William Duncan's line, John Roberts Junr, Joneses line, 410 acres; alsoone tract 83 acres on Cannons River, side corner to William Duncan Jr,Cotman's patten, Battle Run. No Wit. Source: (Nancy Reba Roy pg.10; FHL film 30,945.)1 |
Last Edited | Feb 21, 2009 |
- [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,.
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Rice Duncan1
Father | Reverend William Duncan Sr; Elder1 b. Apr 19, 1690, d. Oct, 1781 | |
Mother | Ruth Raleigh1 b. 1702, d. 1791 |
Relationship | Rice Duncan is a descendent of a parent or ancestor of a spouse of one of my relatives. Because Rice is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching him. | |
Birth | February 15, 1733/34 | Rice was born February 15, 1733/34 in Culpeper County, Virginia![]() |
Death of Father | October, 1781 | His father, William, died in October, 1781 in Culpeper County, Virginia![]() |
Death | 1788 | Rice died 1788 in Russell County, Virginia![]() |
Note-Shackelford | Rice Duncan CULPEPER CO. VA DEED RECORDS Section 1 - to 1799 F-415: 16 March 1772, William Duncan the Elder, of Broomfield Parish, toson Rice Duncan of Culpeper Co., 200 acres on Gourdvine Fork ofRappahannock River on Mill Run, corner to David Kinkaid, corner to JohnDuncan and Joseph Duncan. No wit. (FHL film 30,945.)1 |
Last Edited | Sep 8, 2007 |
- [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,.
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William Duncan Jr1
Father | Reverend William Duncan Sr; Elder1 b. Apr 19, 1690, d. Oct, 1781 | |
Mother | Ruth Raleigh1 b. 1702, d. 1791 |
Relationship | William Duncan Jr is a descendent of a parent or ancestor of a spouse of one of my relatives. Because William is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching him. | |
Birth | April 29, 1726 | William was born April 29, 1726 in Culpeper County, Virginia![]() |
Death of Father | October, 1781 | His father, William, died in October, 1781 in Culpeper County, Virginia![]() |
Death | May 17, 1790 | William died May 17, 1790 in Culpeper County, Virginia![]() |
Family |
Roseanne Norman | |
Children | 1. | James Duncan1 |
2. | Elizabeth Duncan1 |
Last Edited | Feb 21, 2009 |
- [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,.
Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).
Charles Duncan1
Father | Reverend William Duncan Sr; Elder1 b. Apr 19, 1690, d. Oct, 1781 | |
Mother | Ruth Raleigh1 b. 1702, d. 1791 |
Relationship | Charles Duncan is a descendent of a parent or ancestor of a spouse of one of my relatives. Because Charles is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching him. | |
Birth | October 8, 1742 | Charles was born October 8, 1742 in Culpeper County, Virginia![]() |
Marriage - no info | He married Sarah Browning, daughter of Francis Browning Jr and Frances Norman. I have no information on the date and place of the marriage.1 | |
Birth of Daughter | November 10, 1764 | His daughter Mary was born on November 10, 1764 in Culpeper County, Virginia![]() |
Birth of Son | 1772 | His son John was born in 1772 in Virginia![]() |
Birth of Son | September 17, 1772 | His son Shadrack was born on September 17, 1772.1 |
Birth of Son | 1777 | His son Henry was born in 1777 in Culpeper County, Virginia![]() |
Death of Father | October, 1781 | His father, William, died in October, 1781 in Culpeper County, Virginia![]() |
Marriage of Daughter | 1782 | His daughter, Mary Duncan, married Robert Covington in 1782.1 |
Birth of Son | September 21, 1784 | His son Zachariah was born on September 21, 1784.1 |
Death | March, 1789 | Charles died March, 1789 in Marion County, Kentucky![]() |
Burial | His body was buried in Duncan Cemetery, Elliston, Madison County, Kentucky![]() |
Family |
Sarah Browning b. a 1742, d. 1824 | |
Children | 1. | Mary Duncan1 b. Nov 10, 1764, d. Mar 8, 1841 |
2. | Nimrod Duncan+1 | |
3. | William Duncan1 | |
4. | Charles Duncan1 | |
5. | Isaac Duncan1 | |
6. | John Browning Duncan1 b. 1772 | |
7. | Shadrack Duncan1 b. Sep 17, 1772, d. Jul 26, 1836 | |
8. | Henry Duncan1 b. 1777, d. Dec 8, 1852 | |
9. | Zachariah Duncan1 b. Sep 21, 1784, d. Apr 11, 1857 |
Note-Shackelford | Charles Duncan Charles served as a Pvt CO 6 Capt Blackwell's Reg, he was granted a landwarrant No. 1473 Aug 1, 1783 for 100 acres of land for three yearsservice as soldier in the Continental Line. Source: Two Duncan Families with Combs Connections by Combs Researcher Gloria Bogart Carter, (Excerpted from 'Descendants ofWilliam Duncan the Elder,' by Reba Roy Charles was deceased 20-23 yrs before Sarah. He may or may not have cometo Ky. with her, but it is very possible that he did. It has not been proven yet whether Charles was the son of the firstWilliam Duncan who died in 1781. ------------------------------------- Event: Land 1792 Note: This indenture made this the 30th day of May, 1792, between NimrodDuncan, William Duncan, Charles Duncan and Robert Covington of the otherpart. Witnesseth: Robert Covington aforesaid and Charles Duncan, dec'd,Father of the above named Duncans had mutually agreed to exchange landand before deeds were executed, the said Charles departed this life,intestate, and by a decree of Culpeper Court the said Robert was toconvey in fee simple two undivided parts in a certain tract or parcel ofland lying in Culpeper Co. to the said Wm. Duncan, Charles Duncan,Shadrack Duncan, Issac Duncan, John Duncan, Milly Duncan, Henry Duncan,Zachery Duncan, and Elizabeth Duncan, and then to convey one other tractor parcel of land in Culpeper Co. to the said Robert Covington and thatsaid Nimrod Duncan, Wm. Duncan, Charles Duncan for and in consideration... a certain tract or parcel of land lying in the County of Culpeper andgranted from the proprietors office unto William Duncan, dec'd, and bythe heirs of the above named Charles Duncan (his son) lying in theGourdvine Fork in the said County, which is bounded by a survey made byGeorge Hume, as follows: Beginning at a Black walnut and Sycamorestanding on the North of Allen's Run on the south side of the north Forkof the Gourdvine, and runs thence ... (desc. agrees with that of the landwhich Wm. Duncan, the Elder, gave his son, Charles Duncan) (Roy,p.160-161) Source: Descendants of William Duncan, The Elder” by Nancy Reba Roy(1959) (Citizen Printing & Publishing Co., San Diego, CA.)1 |
Last Edited | Feb 21, 2009 |
- [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,.
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Anne Duncan1
Father | Reverend William Duncan Sr; Elder1 b. Apr 19, 1690, d. Oct, 1781 | |
Mother | Ruth Raleigh1 b. 1702, d. 1791 |
Relationship | Anne Duncan is a descendent of a parent or ancestor of a spouse of one of my relatives. Because Anne is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching her. | |
Birth | between 1738 and 1740 | Anne was born between 1738 and 1740 in Culpeper County, Virginia![]() |
Death | before 1781 | Anne died before 1781 in an unknown place .1 |
Last Edited | Sep 8, 2007 |
- [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,.
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Mary Duncan1
Father | Reverend William Duncan Sr; Elder1 b. Apr 19, 1690, d. Oct, 1781 | |
Mother | Ruth Raleigh1 b. 1702, d. 1791 |
Relationship | Mary Duncan is a descendent of a parent or ancestor of a spouse of one of my relatives. Because Mary is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching her. | |
Birth | December 12, 1732 | Mary was born December 12, 1732 in Culpeper County, Virginia![]() |
Death - no info | I have no information on the date and place of Mary's death. |
Last Edited | Sep 8, 2007 |
- [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,.
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Reverend George Duncan Strother1
Relationships | 4th cousin 5 times removed of Garril Louis Kueber Sr 3rd cousin 1 time removed of John Utley Wade |
Father | John F Strother1 b. 1754 | |
Mother | Ann Nancy Strother1 b. 1756 |
Birth | February 14, 1776 | George was born February 14, 1776 in Culpeper County, Virginia![]() |
Marriage | February 28, 1796 | He married Mary Duncan, daughter of Reverend James Raleigh Duncan and Asenith Browning, February 28, 1796 in Culpeper County, Virginia![]() |
Birth of Daughter | November 6, 1798 | His daughter Nancy was born on November 6, 1798 in Bourbon County, Kentucky![]() |
Birth of Daughter | May 20, 1800 | His daughter Lucy was born on May 20, 1800 in Bourbon County, Kentucky![]() |
Birth of Son | November 26, 1802 | His son Jeremiah was born on November 26, 1802 in Trimble County, Kentucky![]() |
Birth of Daughter | January 10, 1805 | His daughter Seney was born on January 10, 1805 in Trimble County, Kentucky![]() |
Birth of Son | January 25, 1807 | His son John was born on January 25, 1807 in Trimble County, Kentucky![]() |
Birth of Son | January 13, 1809 | His son George was born on January 13, 1809 in Trimble County, Kentucky![]() |
Birth of Son | April 20, 1811 | His son French was born on April 20, 1811 in Trimble County, Kentucky![]() |
Birth of Son | December 3, 1814 | His son Oliver was born on December 3, 1814 in Trimble County, Kentucky![]() |
Birth of Daughter | August 12, 1817 | His daughter Catherine was born on August 12, 1817 in Trimble County, Kentucky![]() |
Death of Daughter | May 17, 1818 | His daughter, Nancy, died on May 17, 1818.1 |
Marriage of Daughter | April 27, 1824 | His daughter, Lucy Mary Strother, married James W Talbott on April 27, 1824 in Gallatin County, Kentucky![]() |
Marriage of Son | August 31, 1828 | His son, Jeremiah Strother, married Fanny Prior on August 31, 1828.1 |
Marriage of Son | January 21, 1830 | His son, Reverend John Fletcher Strother, married Lavina Bruce on January 21, 1830.1 |
Death of Daughter | February 20, 1836 | His daughter, Seney, died on February 20, 1836.1 |
Marriage of Son | October 20, 1837 | His son, George Duncan Strother Jr, married Nancy Jane Lockhart on October 20, 1837.1 |
Death of Daughter | January 26, 1838 | His daughter, Lucy, died on January 26, 1838.1 |
Marriage of Son | 1842 | His son, Reverend French Strother, married Lucinda Oswald Maddox in 1842.1 |
Death of Son | August 29, 1842 | His son, George, died on August 29, 1842 in Trimble County, Kentucky![]() |
Marriage of Son | October 21, 1847 | His son, Oliver Calvert Strother, married America Vespucia Owens on October 21, 1847 in Henry County, Kentucky![]() |
Death of Spouse | July 3, 1851 | He was widowed when his wife, Mary, died on July 3, 1851.. in Trimble County, Kentucky![]() |
Marriage of Daughter | April 24, 1855 | His daughter, Catherine Kennerly Strother, married William Browning Duncan on April 24, 1855.1 |
Death | July 30, 1864 | George died July 30, 1864 in Trimble County, Kentucky![]() |
Family |
Mary Duncan b. 27 Feb 1776, d. 3 Jul 1851 | |
Children | 1. | Nancy Strother1 b. Nov 6, 1798, d. May 17, 1818 |
2. | Lucy Mary Strother1 b. May 20, 1800, d. Jan 26, 1838 | |
3. | Jeremiah Strother+1 b. Nov 26, 1802, d. 1878 | |
4. | Seney Strother1 b. Jan 10, 1805, d. Feb 20, 1836 | |
5. | Reverend John Fletcher Strother+1 b. Jan 25, 1807, d. Jul 21, 1879 | |
6. | George Duncan Strother Jr+1 b. Jan 13, 1809, d. Aug 29, 1842 | |
7. | Reverend French Strother+1 b. Apr 20, 1811, d. Oct 6, 1870 | |
8. | Oliver Calvert Strother1 b. Dec 3, 1814, d. Jun 6, 1897 | |
9. | Catherine Kennerly Strother+1 b. Aug 12, 1817, d. Jun 20, 1902 |
Occupation | Reverend George Duncan Strother's occupation was Justice of Peace/ Methodist Preacher.1 | |
Note-Shackelford | He George Strother lost his parents in youth, after which he resided with his grandparents, Captain John Strother and Mary Wade Strother, until at the age of 18 years he enlisted as a soldier to suppress the insurrection of Western Pennsylvania. On the 18 of Feb., 1796, he married Mary Duncan,and in May following moved to Bourbon county, Kentucky, and in 1802 removed to Trimble county, Kentucky, where he spent the remainder of his life. He was a Methodist minister. While young he lost his father, and his mother died when he was 12 yearsold. A part of his youth he spent with grandfather, who died in 1795.When 18 years of age he volunteered as a soldier to suppress the insurrection in Western Pennsylvania. On the 18th of Feb., 1796, he m. Miss Mary, dau. of James and Seeny Duncan, and in May following, with his father-in-law and family, emigrated to Bourbon Co., Kentucky. In 1802 he moved to what is now Trimble Co. He was of the delegation to the Capital to procure the formation of a new county, and by request he gave a name to the county, selecting the name of Judge Trimble. He was much beloved, especially by his relations, among whom he visited a great deal and he was thoroughly familiar with them both in Va. and Kentucky. Before his death, seeing that oral tradition would not preserve the records of the family, he left a clear and vivid history of his branch of the Strother family. They spent the latter part of their lives about five miles from the present city of Madison, Indiana, where he was for many years a local preacher in the M. E. Church. Friend of General Zachary Taylor. Source: Edelen, McAfee, Gulick and Associated Families GEDCOM Contact: Peter J. Kuhn on World Connect Peter J. Kuhn's sources: The Strothers Author: William E. Railey The Strother Family Author: Compiled by the late John Chaplin Strother, of Louisville; thelate Henry Strother, of Ft. Worth, Texas, and the late Mrs. Susan T.Green, and Presented by Miss Katherine P. Strother, of Louisville,Kentucky ----------------------------------------- LETTER WRITTEN BY HENRY STROTHER: 'I was greatly surprised to find this old Marshall home to be the identical old John Sibley place I visited over fifty years ago (abt1860), with my good old grandfather, Rev. George Strother, who was born in Culpeper County, VA, Feb. 14, 1776, and died in Trimble County, KY,July 30, 1864......This William Marshall, and Samuel Pryor, (the grandfather of my old friend and kinsman, Judge Wm. S. Pryor, of New Castle, Henry Co., KY., who will be 88 years old on the 1st. day of next month, as above stated) were among the 12 jurors who were appointed by the County Court of Henry Co, KY, to assess the damages to adjoining property owners, by reason of the mill race, dam, etc, of George Strother's mill site on Corn Creek, Henry County, KY. The jury reported on Aug. 24,1802, that there were no damages to other property owners, as the race and dam were on the lands belonging to said George Strother.' This George Strother was the writer's (Henry Strother) grandfather. (FTM CD-162, Gen. of VA Families, Marshall Notes, pp. 302-304).' ------------------------------------------ Birth Info: Title: Descendants of William Duncan, The Elder Author: Nancy Reba Roy Publication: 1959 Call Number: FHL #929.273 D912r Page: 224 Text: . . . James inherited the home from his father which he afterwards sold, and removed with his family and son-in-law, George Strother (mygreat-grandfather) to Kentucky. They started in May, 1797, and voyaged on a flat boat from Redstone Old fort on the Youghiogheny River and landed at Limestone, Kentucky after a tedious and perilous journey. Their first home was near Paris in Bourbon county, Kentucky, where they remained six years. George and Mary Duncan Strother (my great-grandparents ) removed to Gallatin County, now Trimble County, and settled near Corn Creek in 1802. Rev. George Strother built a school house on his farm, and we find James Duncan teaching at 'Strother's School house.' (from a letter from Mr. A.P. Strother to Mrs. Dale Thompson). Source: GREAT FAMILIES GEDCOM Entries: 8428 Updated: 2006-02-05 22:25:03 UTC (Sun) Contact: Sue Jones on World Connect ----------------------------------- Source: Names & dates for the children George & Mary Duncan Strother from LDS Family Search Record submitted by a member of the LDS Church. Text: Family History Library Catalog Film Number: 538099 ---------------------------------- Source: Source: 1887 'KY, a History of the State' by Perrin, Battle& Kniffin, 5th and 6th Edition, Pg.783: DUNCAN FAMILY.1 | |
Migration | May, 1797 | Hemigrated to Bourbon County, Kentucky![]() |
Migration | 1802 | Hemigrated to near Corn Creek Gallatin County, Kentucky![]() |
Last Edited | Nov 11, 2013 |
- [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,.
- [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,, Source: Culpeper County,Virginia Marriages, 1780-1853,p. 143, FHL#975.5392 V2v.
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Robert Sibley1
Father | John Sibley1 |
Relationship | Robert Sibley is an ancestor of a non-related spouse of a spouse of one of my relatives. Because Robert is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching him. | |
Birth | 1728 | Robert was born 1728 in Leicester, Leicestershire, England![]() |
Birth of Son | 1758 | His son Leonard was born in 1758 in Halifax County, Virginia![]() |
Marriage of Son | 1784 | His son, Leonard Sibley, married Judith Booth in 1784 in Prince Edward County, Virginia![]() |
Death | 1809 | Robert died 1809 in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina![]() |
Family |
Jerusha Chandler | |
Child | 1. | Leonard Sibley+1 b. 1758, d. 1832 |
Note-Shackelford | Robert Sibley Henry Co.,Ky. GEDCOM Files SIBLEY, LEONARD Sex: Male Father: Robert SIBLEY Mother: Jerusha CHANDLER Died 1832 -------------------------------------PSH.1 |
Last Edited | Sep 8, 2007 |
- [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,.
Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).