Eberhart Kueber
Male, #10401, b. between 1873 and 1874
Relationship | | Eberhart Kueber is a possible cousin but I have not yet found any connection to my relatives. Because Eberhart is not a known relative of mine I am not actively researching him. |
Birth | between 1873 and 1874 | Eberhart was born between 1873 and 1874 in Indiana .1 |
Death - no info | | I have no information on the date and place of Eberhart's death. |
- [S1926] U.S. Census Indiana 1910, Posey County, Marrs Twp South part.
Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).
Lizzie R Kueber
Female, #10402, b. between 1891 and 1892
Relationship | | Lizzie R Kueber is a possible cousin but I have not yet found any connection to my relatives. Because Lizzie R is not a known relative of mine I am not actively researching her. |
Birth | between 1891 and 1892 | Lizzie was born between 1891 and 1892 in Indiana .1 |
Death - no info | | I have no information on the date and place of Lizzie R's death. |
- [S1926] U.S. Census Indiana 1910, Posey County, Marrs Twp South part.
Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).
Maggie Fischer
Female, #10403, b. June 10, 1897, d. October 2, 1898
Relationship | | Maggie Fischer is a possible cousin but I have not yet found any connection to my relatives. Because Maggie is not a known relative of mine I am not actively researching her. |
Birth | June 10, 1897 | Maggie was born June 10, 1897 in Marrs Township, Posey County, Indiana .1,2 |
Death | October 2, 1898 | Maggie died October 2, 1898 in Posey County, Indiana at age 1 due to summer complaint.1 |
- [S1929] Carroll O and Gloria M Cox, Posey Co, Indiana, A Documented History 1865-1930 Vol IV (Death Records).
- [S2411] Indiana Births 1880-1920,.
Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).
Joseph Kueber
Male, #10404, b. February 11, 1878
Relationship | | Joseph Kueber is a possible cousin but I have not yet found any connection to my relatives. Because Joseph is not a known relative of mine I am not actively researching him. |
Birth | February 11, 1878 | Joseph was born February 11, 1878 in Rieneck, Unterfranken, Bavaria, Germany .1 |
Death - no info | | I have no information on the date and place of Joseph's death. |
- [S3023] Family History Library International Genealogical Index - Germany, Batch 7132313, Sheet 78, Film 0539029.
Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).
Anna (surname not known) mother of Theresa Hiatt
Female, #10405
Relationship | | Anna (surname not known) mother of Theresa Hiatt is a parent or ancestor of a spouse of one of my relatives. Because Anna is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching her. |
Birth - no info | | I have no information on the date or place of birth for Anna (surname not known) mother of Theresa Hiatt. |
Death - no info | | I have no information on the date and place of Anna's death. |
Birth of Daughter | between 1821 and 1822 | Her daughter Theresa was born between 1821 and 1822 in Garrard County, Kentucky .1 |
- [S3053] U.S. Census Kentucky 1860, Madison County, Western sub-division 2, Richmond.
Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).
Agnes Robertson
Female, #10406
- [S1933] William T Cheatham, e-mail to Garril L Kueber October 8, 2000.
- [S1319] Cheatham surname file, assorted material contributed by various people.
- [S1319] Cheatham surname file, assorted material contributed by various people, has conflicting information.
Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).
Martha Green
Female, #10407
Birth - no info | | I have no information on the date or place of birth for Martha Green.1 |
Birth of Daughter | from 1770 to 1774 | Her daughter Lucy was born from 1770 to 1774 in Mecklenburg County, Virginia Colony .2,1 |
Marriage - no info | | She married Baalam Jones, son of John Robert Jones. I have no information on the date and place of the marriage.1 |
Death - no info | | I have no information on the date and place of Martha's death. |
- [S1933] William T Cheatham, e-mail to Garril L Kueber October 8, 2000.
- [S1319] Cheatham surname file, assorted material contributed by various people.
- [S3057] Thomas Morrell Wade IV, e-mail to Garril L Kueber March 30, 2004.
Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).
Nancy Davis
Female, #10408
Relationship | | Nancy Davis is a spouse of one of my relatives. Because Nancy is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching her. |
Birth - no info | | I have no information on the date or place of birth for Nancy Davis. |
Marriage - no info | | She married Samuel Cheatham, son of Daniel Cheatham and Agnes Robertson. I have no information on the date and place of the marriage.1 |
Death - no info | | I have no information on the date and place of Nancy's death. |
- [S1933] William T Cheatham, e-mail to Garril L Kueber October 8, 2000.
Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).
Thomas Cheatham III
Male, #10409, b. about 1711, d. 1770 or 1771
Birth | about 1711 | Thomas was born about 1711 in an unknown place .1 |
Marriage | about 1732 | He married Anne Pride, daughter of Halcott Pride and Martha (surname not known) wife of Halcott Pride, about 1732 in an unknown place .1,2 |
Birth of Son | about 1746 | His son Daniel was born about 1746 in Chesterfield County, Virginia Colony .1 |
Birth of Daughter | April 5, 1749 | His daughter Ann was born on April 5, 1749.2 |
Birth of Son | about 1751 | His son Isham was born about 1751.2 |
Birth of Daughter | before 1756 | His daughter Tabitha was born before 1756.2 |
(widow) Death | before 1770 | Thomas was widowed when his wife, Anne died before 1770.2 |
Death | 1770 or 1771 | Thomas died 1770 or 1771 in Dale Parish, Chesterfield County, Virginia Colony .2 |
Birth of Daughter | October, 1778 | His daughter Mary was born in October, 1778 in Chesterfield County, Virginia .2 |
- [S1933] William T Cheatham, e-mail to Garril L Kueber October 8, 2000.
- [S1953] William T Cheatham, e-mail to Garril L Kueber October 11, 2000.
Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).
Anne Pride
Female, #10410, d. before 1770
Birth - no info | | I have no information on the date or place of birth for Anne Pride. |
Marriage | about 1732 | She married Thomas Cheatham III, son of Thomas Cheatham Jr and Tabitha Osborn, about 1732 in an unknown place .1,2 |
Birth of Son | about 1746 | Her son Daniel was born about 1746 in Chesterfield County, Virginia Colony .1 |
Birth of Daughter | April 5, 1749 | Her daughter Ann was born on April 5, 1749.2 |
Birth of Son | about 1751 | Her son Isham was born about 1751.2 |
Birth of Daughter | before 1756 | Her daughter Tabitha was born before 1756.2 |
Death | before 1770 | Anne died before 1770 in an unknown place . She left a widower, Thomas.2 |
Birth of Daughter | October, 1778 | Her daughter Mary was born in October, 1778 in Chesterfield County, Virginia .2 |
- [S1933] William T Cheatham, e-mail to Garril L Kueber October 8, 2000.
- [S1953] William T Cheatham, e-mail to Garril L Kueber October 11, 2000.
Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).
James Robertson
Male, #10411
Birth - no info | | I have no information on the date or place of birth for James Robertson. |
Death - no info | | I have no information on the date and place of James's death. |
Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).
(name not known) first wife of Bartlett Cheatham
Female, #10412
Relationship | | (name not known) first wife of Bartlett Cheatham is a spouse of one of my relatives. Because (given name not known) is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching her. |
Birth - no info | | I have no information on the date or place of birth for (name not known) first wife of Bartlett Cheatham. |
Marriage - no info | | She married Bartlett Cheatham, son of Daniel Cheatham and Agnes Robertson. I have no information on the date and place of the marriage.1 |
Death - no info | | I have no information on the date and place of (given name not known)'s death. |
- [S1933] William T Cheatham, e-mail to Garril L Kueber October 8, 2000.
Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).
Thomas Cheatham Jr
Male, #10413, b. about 1682, d. between 1761 and 1762
Birth | about 1682 | Thomas was born about 1682 in Henrico County, Virginia Colony .1,2 |
Marriage | February 2, 1707/8 | He married Tabitha Osborn, daughter of Edward Osborn and Tabitha Platt, February 2, 1707/8 in Henrico Parish, Virginia Colony .1,2 |
Birth of Son | about 1711 | His son Thomas was born about 1711.1 |
Birth of Son | about 1713 | His son Francis was born about 1713.2 |
Birth of Son | about 1715 | His son Charles was born about 1715.2 |
Birth of Son | about 1717 | His son James was born about 1717.2 |
Birth of Son | about 1719 | His son Leonard was born about 1719.2 |
Death | between 1761 and 1762 | Thomas died between 1761 and 1762 in Dale Parish, Chesterfield County, Virginia Colony .2 |
- [S1933] William T Cheatham, e-mail to Garril L Kueber October 8, 2000.
- [S1953] William T Cheatham, e-mail to Garril L Kueber October 11, 2000.
Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).
Tabitha Osborn
Female, #10414
Birth - no info | | I have no information on the date or place of birth for Tabitha Osborn.1 |
Marriage - no info | | She married Benjamin Branch. I have no information on the date and place of the marriage.2 |
Marriage | February 2, 1707/8 | She married Thomas Cheatham Jr, son of Thomas Cheatham, February 2, 1707/8 in Henrico Parish, Virginia Colony .2,1 |
Birth of Son | about 1711 | Her son Thomas was born about 1711.2 |
Birth of Son | about 1713 | Her son Francis was born about 1713.1 |
Birth of Son | about 1715 | Her son Charles was born about 1715.1 |
Birth of Son | about 1717 | Her son James was born about 1717.1 |
Birth of Son | about 1719 | Her son Leonard was born about 1719.1 |
Death - no info | | I have no information on the date and place of Tabitha's death. |
- [S1953] William T Cheatham, e-mail to Garril L Kueber October 11, 2000.
- [S1933] William T Cheatham, e-mail to Garril L Kueber October 8, 2000.
Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).
Thomas Cheatham
Male, #10415, b. 1644 or 1645, d. 1726
Birth | 1644 or 1645 | Thomas was born 1644 or 1645 in England .1,2 |
Marriage - no info | | He married Margaret (surname not known) wife of Thomas Cheatham. I have no information on the date and place of the marriage.2 |
Death of Spouse | April 6, 1670 | He was widowed when his wife, Margaret, died on April 6, 1670.. in Charles Parish, Wythe County, Virginia Colony .2 |
Marriage | October 2, 1681 | He married (name not known) wife of Thomas Cheatham October 2, 1681 in Henrico County, Virginia Colony .2 |
Birth of Son | about 1682 | His son Thomas was born about 1682 in Henrico County, Virginia Colony .1,2 |
Marriage of Son | February 2, 1707/8 | His son, Thomas Cheatham Jr, married Tabitha Osborn on February 2, 1707/8 in Henrico Parish, Virginia Colony .1,2 |
Death | 1726 | Thomas died 1726 in Henrico County, Virginia Colony .2 |
Biography | | Thomas originally settled in York Co., but by 1679 he resided in Henrico Co. Va. In 1690 Martin Elam received 900 acres of land in Varina Parish, Henrico Co. Va. on the southside of the James River and on Proctor's Branch, his right for importing 18 persons, among them Thomas Cheatham. In 1691, for 2000 pounds of tobacco, he sold 300 acres of this land to Thomas Cheatham.2 |
- [S1933] William T Cheatham, e-mail to Garril L Kueber October 8, 2000.
- [S1953] William T Cheatham, e-mail to Garril L Kueber October 11, 2000.
Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).
Benjamin Branch
Male, #10416
Relationship | | Benjamin Branch is a spouse of one of my relatives. Because Benjamin is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching him. |
Birth - no info | | I have no information on the date or place of birth for Benjamin Branch. |
Marriage - no info | | He married Tabitha Osborn, daughter of Edward Osborn and Tabitha Platt. I have no information on the date and place of the marriage.1 |
Death - no info | | I have no information on the date and place of Benjamin's death. |
- [S1933] William T Cheatham, e-mail to Garril L Kueber October 8, 2000.
Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).
Emily Calvert
Female, #10417, b. October 24, 1819, d. September 6, 1908
Relationship | | Emily Calvert is a spouse of one of my relatives. Because Emily is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching her. |
Birth | October 24, 1819 | Emily was born October 24, 1819 in Nelson County, Kentucky .1 |
Marriage | October 13, 1832 | She married John Wesley Green Cheatham, son of Obadiah Cheatham and Lucy Jones, October 13, 1832 in Nelson County, Kentucky .2,1 |
Birth of Daughter | December 14, 1843 | Her daughter Lucy was born on December 14, 1843 in Kentucky .1 |
Birth of Daughter | January 18, 1846 | Her daughter Mary was born on January 18, 1846 in Kentucky .3 |
Birth of Daughter | November 11, 1846 | Her daughter Martha was born on November 11, 1846 in Nelson County, Kentucky .4 |
Birth of Son | June 30, 1849 | Her son John was born on June 30, 1849 in Nelson County, Kentucky .5 |
Birth of Daughter | January 27, 1851 | Her daughter Margaret was born on January 27, 1851 in Nelson County, Kentucky .6 |
Birth of Daughter | July 18, 1852 | Her daughter Mildred was born on July 18, 1852 near Big Beaver Creek, Anderson County, Kentucky .1 |
Death of Daughter | July 14, 1853 | Her daughter, Mildred, died on July 14, 1853 in Anderson County, Kentucky .1 |
Birth of Daughter | December 22, 1854 | Her daughter Susan was born on December 22, 1854 in Kentucky .7 |
Birth of Daughter | January 1, 1856 | Her daughter Anna was born on January 1, 1856 in Kentucky .1 |
Birth of Son | September 20, 1859 | Her son Thomas was born on September 20, 1859 in Nelson County, Kentucky .8 |
Birth of Son | September 20, 1859 | Her son Isaac was born on September 20, 1859 in Nelson County, Kentucky .9 |
Birth of Daughter | between 1863 and 1864 | Her daughter Emma was born between 1863 and 1864 in Kentucky .1,10 |
Marriage of Daughter | December 21, 1876 | Her daugher, Susan Catherine Cheatham, married Samuel Robert Houtchens on December 21, 1876 in Nelson County, Kentucky .11 |
Marriage of Son | August 11, 1887 | Her son, Isaac Newton Cheatham, married Margaret J Kays on August 11, 1887 in Washington County, Kentucky .12 |
Death - Conflict Inf | before June 8, 1900 | Conflicting information indicates that she died before June 8, 1900.13 |
(widow) Death | November 27, 1900 | Emily was widowed when her husband, John, died on November 27, 1900.1,14 |
Death | September 6, 1908 | Emily died September 6, 1908 in Nelson County, Kentucky at age 88.1 |
Burial | | Her body was buried in Chaplin Fork Cemetery, near Chaplin, Nelson County, Kentucky .1,14  |
John Wesley Green Cheatham b. 4 Jan 1818, d. 27 Nov 1900 |
Children | 1. | Lucy Frances Cheatham+ b. Dec 14, 1843 |
| 2. | Mary Elizabeth Cheatham+ b. Jan 18, 1846, d. Jan 12, 1926 |
| 3. | Martha G Cheatham b. Nov 11, 1846, d. Jan 27, 1937 |
| 4. | John Harrison Cheatham+ b. Jun 30, 1849, d. Feb 21, 1921 |
| 5. | Margaret Cheatham b. Jan 27, 1851, d. May 11, 1916 |
| 6. | Mildred Ann Cheatham b. Jul 18, 1852, d. Jul 14, 1853 |
| 7. | Susan Catherine Cheatham+ b. Dec 22, 1854, d. Jun 22, 1934 |
| 8. | Anna Lucretia Cheatham+ b. Jan 1, 1856 |
| 9. | Thomas Kirkland Cheatham+ b. Sep 20, 1859, d. Nov 3, 1947 |
| 10. | Isaac Newton Cheatham+ b. Sep 20, 1859, d. Dec 12, 1941 |
| 11. | Emma Cheatham b. between 1863 and 1864 |
Census 1850 | September 12, 1850 | Emily was listed as a member, his wife, of John Wesley Green Cheatham's household in the 1850 Census on September 12, 1850 in District 2, Nelson County, Kentucky . Other members of the household listed were Lucy Frances Cheatham, Mary Elizabeth Cheatham, Martha G Cheatham and John Harrison Cheatham.15  |
Census 1860 | July 24, 1860 | Emily was listed as a member, his wife, of John Wesley Green Cheatham's household in the 1860 Census on July 24, 1860 in District 2, Washington County, Kentucky . Other members of the household listed were Lucy Frances Cheatham, Mary Elizabeth Cheatham, Martha G Cheatham, John Harrison Cheatham, Margaret Cheatham, Susan Catherine Cheatham, Anna Lucretia Cheatham, Thomas Kirkland Cheatham and Isaac Newton Cheatham.16   |
Census 1870 | August 30, 1870 | Emily was listed as a member, his wife, of John Wesley Green Cheatham's household in the 1870 Census on August 30, 1870 near Chaplin, Nelson County, Kentucky . Other members of the household listed were Mary Elizabeth Cheatham, Martha G Cheatham, John Harrison Cheatham, Margaret Cheatham, Susan Catherine Cheatham, Anna Lucretia Cheatham, Thomas Kirkland Cheatham, Isaac Newton Cheatham and Emma Cheatham.10   |
Census 1880 | June 14, 1880 | Emily was listed as John Wesley Green Cheatham's wife in the 1880 Census on June 14, 1880 in Chaplin, Nelson County, Kentucky . Other members of the household listed were Martha G Cheatham, Margaret Cheatham, Anna Lucretia Cheatham, Emma Cheatham, Thomas Kirkland Cheatham and Isaac Newton Cheatham.17  |
- [S1953] William T Cheatham, e-mail to Garril L Kueber October 11, 2000.
- [S1933] William T Cheatham, e-mail to Garril L Kueber October 8, 2000.
- [S12716] Elizabeth Tennill, Kentucky Death Certificate.
- [S5522] Martha G Cheatham, Kentucky Death Certificate.
- [S12712] John Harrison Cheatham, Kentucky Death Certificate.
- [S3193] Ancestry.com database, Kentucky Deaths 1911-2000,.
- [S15432] Ancestry.com Database, Texas Death Certificates 1903-1982, Texas Death Certificates 1903-1982,.
- [S12719] Thomas Kirkland Cheatham, Kentucky Death Certificate.
- [S12708] I Newton Cheatham, Kentucky Death Certificate.
- [S3422] U.S. Census Kentucky 1870, Nelson County, Chaplin Precinct.

- [S5564] Ancestry.com database, Kentucky Marriage Records to 1852 to 1914,.
- [S12397] Ancestry.com database, Kentucky Marriage Records 1851 to 1900,.
- [S3442] U.S. Census Kentucky 1900, Nelson County, Chaplin Precinct.
- [S4923] World Wide Web, Find a Grave, this source may be viewed at www.findagrave.com,.
- [S3386] U.S. Census Kentucky 1850, Nelson County, District 2.

- [S3394] U.S. Census Kentucky 1860, Washington County, District 2.

- [S2624] U.S. Census Kentucky 1880, Nelson County, Chaplin.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).
John Harrison Cheatham
Male, #10418, b. June 30, 1849, d. February 21, 1921
Birth | June 30, 1849 | John was born June 30, 1849 in Nelson County, Kentucky .1 |
Marriage | between 1871 and 1872 | He married Mary Elizabeth Houtchens between 1871 and 1872 in an unknown place .2,3 |
Birth of Son | between 1872 and 1873 | His son Harrison was born between 1872 and 1873 in Kentucky .4 |
Birth of Daughter | between 1874 and 1875 | His daughter Liza was born between 1874 and 1875 in Kentucky .4 |
Birth of Daughter | between 1875 and 1876 | His daughter Ida was born between 1875 and 1876 in Kentucky .4 |
Birth of Daughter | between 1878 and 1879 | His daughter Lillie was born between 1878 and 1879 in Kentucky .4 |
Birth of Son | January 16, 1881 | His son Albert was born on January 16, 1881 in Kentucky .2 |
Birth of Son | January, 1882 | His son John was born in January, 1882 in Kentucky .3 |
Birth of Son | May, 1888 | His son George was born in May, 1888 in Kentucky .3 |
Birth of Son | January, 1890 | His son Perry was born in January, 1890 in Kentucky .3 |
Birth of Daughter | July, 1891 | His daughter Exie was born in July, 1891 in Kentucky .3 |
Birth of Daughter | June, 1893 | His daughter Ivie was born in June, 1893 in Kentucky .3 |
Death of Father | November 27, 1900 | His father, John, died on November 27, 1900 in Nelson County, Kentucky .5,6 |
Death of Mother | September 6, 1908 | His mother, Emily, died on September 6, 1908 in Nelson County, Kentucky .5 |
Death | February 21, 1921 | John died February 21, 1921 in Chaplin, Nelson County, Kentucky at age 71 due to valvular heart disease. The informant for the death certificate was George H Cheatham.1  |
Burial | February 23, 1921 | His body was buried on February 23, 1921 in Chaplin, Nelson County, Kentucky .1 |
(household member) Census 1850 | September 12, 1850 | John Harrison Cheatham was listed as a member of the household of John Wesley Green Cheatham and Emily Calvert in the 1850 Census on September 12, 1850 in District 2, Nelson County, Kentucky . Other members of the household listed were Lucy Frances Cheatham, Mary Elizabeth Cheatham and Martha G Cheatham.7  |
(household member) Census 1860 | July 24, 1860 | John Harrison Cheatham was listed as a member of the household of John Wesley Green Cheatham and Emily Calvert in the 1860 Census on July 24, 1860 in District 2, Washington County, Kentucky . Other members of the household listed were Lucy Frances Cheatham, Mary Elizabeth Cheatham, Martha G Cheatham, Margaret Cheatham, Susan Catherine Cheatham, Anna Lucretia Cheatham, Thomas Kirkland Cheatham and Isaac Newton Cheatham.8   |
(household member) Census 1870 | August 30, 1870 | John Harrison Cheatham was listed as a member of the household of John Wesley Green Cheatham and Emily Calvert in the 1870 Census on August 30, 1870 near Chaplin, Nelson County, Kentucky . Other members of the household listed were Mary Elizabeth Cheatham, Martha G Cheatham, Margaret Cheatham, Susan Catherine Cheatham, Anna Lucretia Cheatham, Thomas Kirkland Cheatham, Isaac Newton Cheatham and Emma Cheatham.9   |
Census 1880 | June 16, 1880 | John was listed as the head of a household with his wife Mary Elizabeth Houtchens in the 1880 Census on June 16, 1880 in Willisburg, Washington County, Kentucky . Other members of the household listed were Liza K Cheatham, Ida J Cheatham, Lillie Cheatham and Harrison L Cheatham.4  |
Census 1900 | June 8, 1900 | John was listed as the head of a household with his wife Mary Elizabeth Houtchens in the 1900 Census on June 8, 1900 near Chaplin, Nelson County, Kentucky . Other members of the household listed were Ida J Cheatham, Albert Marshall Cheatham, John C Cheatham, George H Cheatham, Perry William Cheatham, Exie Cheatham, Ivie Cheatham and John Wesley Green Cheatham.3  |
Census 1910 | May 9, 1910 | John was listed as the head of a household with his wife Mary Elizabeth Houtchens in the 1910 Census on May 9, 1910 in Precinct 6, District 3, Boyle County, Kentucky . John's occupation is listed as farmer. Other members of the household listed were George H Cheatham, Perry William Cheatham, Exie Cheatham and Ivie Cheatham. The census indicates John has been married twice. There is some inconsistency between the 1900 and 1910 census but he may have had a second wife, named Elizabeth, by 1910.10  |
Census 1920 | January 7, 1920 | John was listed as the head of a household with his wife Mary Elizabeth Houtchens in the 1920 Census on January 7, 1920 in Chaplin, Nelson County, Kentucky .11  |
- [S12712] John Harrison Cheatham, Kentucky Death Certificate.

- [S1933] William T Cheatham, e-mail to Garril L Kueber October 8, 2000.
- [S3442] U.S. Census Kentucky 1900, Nelson County, Chaplin Precinct.

- [S2623] U.S. Census Kentucky 1880, Washington County, Willisburg.

- [S1953] William T Cheatham, e-mail to Garril L Kueber October 11, 2000.
- [S4923] World Wide Web, Find a Grave, this source may be viewed at www.findagrave.com,.
- [S3386] U.S. Census Kentucky 1850, Nelson County, District 2.

- [S3394] U.S. Census Kentucky 1860, Washington County, District 2.

- [S3422] U.S. Census Kentucky 1870, Nelson County, Chaplin Precinct.

- [S12713] U.S. Census Kentucky 1910, Boyle County, District 3, Precinct 6.

- [S12714] U.S. Census Kentucky 1920, Nelson County, Chaplin.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).
Mary Elizabeth Houtchens
Female, #10419, b. between 1849 and 1850
Relationship | | Mary Elizabeth Houtchens is a spouse of one of my relatives. Because Mary Elizabeth is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching her. |
Birth | between 1849 and 1850 | Mary was born between 1849 and 1850 in Kentucky .1 |
Marriage | between 1871 and 1872 | She married John Harrison Cheatham, son of John Wesley Green Cheatham and Emily Calvert, between 1871 and 1872 in an unknown place .2,3 |
Birth of Son | between 1872 and 1873 | Her son Harrison was born between 1872 and 1873 in Kentucky .1 |
Birth of Daughter | between 1874 and 1875 | Her daughter Liza was born between 1874 and 1875 in Kentucky .1 |
Birth of Daughter | between 1875 and 1876 | Her daughter Ida was born between 1875 and 1876 in Kentucky .1 |
Birth of Daughter | between 1878 and 1879 | Her daughter Lillie was born between 1878 and 1879 in Kentucky .1 |
Birth of Son | January 16, 1881 | Her son Albert was born on January 16, 1881 in Kentucky .2 |
Birth of Son | January, 1882 | Her son John was born in January, 1882 in Kentucky .3 |
Birth of Son | May, 1888 | Her son George was born in May, 1888 in Kentucky .3 |
Birth of Son | January, 1890 | Her son Perry was born in January, 1890 in Kentucky .3 |
Birth of Daughter | July, 1891 | Her daughter Exie was born in July, 1891 in Kentucky .3 |
Birth of Daughter | June, 1893 | Her daughter Ivie was born in June, 1893 in Kentucky .3 |
Death - no info | | I have no information on the date and place of Mary Elizabeth's death. |
Census 1880 | June 16, 1880 | Mary was listed as John Harrison Cheatham's wife in the 1880 Census on June 16, 1880 in Willisburg, Washington County, Kentucky . Other members of the household listed were Liza K Cheatham, Ida J Cheatham, Lillie Cheatham and Harrison L Cheatham.1  |
Census 1900 | June 8, 1900 | Mary was listed as John Harrison Cheatham's wife in the 1900 Census on June 8, 1900 near Chaplin, Nelson County, Kentucky . Other members of the household listed were Ida J Cheatham, Albert Marshall Cheatham, John C Cheatham, George H Cheatham, Perry William Cheatham, Exie Cheatham, Ivie Cheatham and John Wesley Green Cheatham.3  |
Census 1910 | May 9, 1910 | Mary was listed as John Harrison Cheatham's wife in the 1910 Census on May 9, 1910 in Precinct 6, District 3, Boyle County, Kentucky . Other members of the household listed were George H Cheatham, Perry William Cheatham, Exie Cheatham and Ivie Cheatham The census indicates John has been married twice. There is some inconsistency between the 1900 and 1910 census but he may have had a second wife, named Elizabeth, by 1910.4  |
Census 1920 | January 7, 1920 | Mary was listed as John Harrison Cheatham's wife in the 1920 Census on January 7, 1920 in Chaplin, Nelson County, Kentucky .5  |
- [S2623] U.S. Census Kentucky 1880, Washington County, Willisburg.

- [S1933] William T Cheatham, e-mail to Garril L Kueber October 8, 2000.
- [S3442] U.S. Census Kentucky 1900, Nelson County, Chaplin Precinct.

- [S12713] U.S. Census Kentucky 1910, Boyle County, District 3, Precinct 6.

- [S12714] U.S. Census Kentucky 1920, Nelson County, Chaplin.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).
Albert Marshall Cheatham
Male, #10420, b. January 16, 1881
Birth | January 16, 1881 | Albert was born January 16, 1881 in Kentucky .1 |
Marriage | between 1901 and 1902 | He married Mary Elizabeth Edrington between 1901 and 1902 in an unknown place .1,2 |
Birth of Son | February 16, 1911 | His son William was born on February 16, 1911 in Kentucky .1 |
Death - no info | | I have no information on the date and place of Albert Marshall's death. |
(son) Census 1900 | June 8, 1900 | Albert Marshall Cheatham was listed as a son in the household of John Harrison Cheatham and Mary Elizabeth Houtchens in the 1900 Census on June 8, 1900 near Chaplin, Nelson County, Kentucky . Other members of the household listed were Ida J Cheatham, John C Cheatham, George H Cheatham, Perry William Cheatham, Exie Cheatham, Ivie Cheatham and John Wesley Green Cheatham.3  |
Census 1930 | April 24, 1930 | Albert was listed as the head of a household with his wife Mary Elizabeth Edrington in the 1930 Census on April 24, 1930 on Bloomfield Pike, Chaplin, Nelson County, Kentucky . Other members of the household listed were William Albert Cheatham.2  |
- [S1933] William T Cheatham, e-mail to Garril L Kueber October 8, 2000.
- [S4208] U.S. Census Kentucky 1930, Nelson County, Chaplin.

- [S3442] U.S. Census Kentucky 1900, Nelson County, Chaplin Precinct.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).