Thomas Neill

Male, #1081
RelationshipThomas Neill is a spouse of one of my relatives. Because Thomas is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching him.
Birth - no infoI have no information on the date or place of birth for Thomas Neill.  
MarriageSeptember 9, 1824He married Elizabeth Hackett, daughter of James Hackett and Margaret Cook, September 9, 1824 in Shelby County, Kentucky. Thomas Bohannon as security.1  
Death - no infoI have no information on the date and place of Thomas's death. 
Last EditedJul 16, 2008


  1. [S2864] Eula Richardson Hasskarl, Shelby County Kentucky Marriages 1792-1833, Marriage of Thomas Neill and Elizabeth Hacket.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

Eliza Ann Hamilton

Female, #1082
RelationshipEliza Ann Hamilton is a non-related spouse of a spouse of one of my relatives. Because Eliza Ann is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching her.
Birth - no infoI have no information on the date or place of birth for Eliza Ann Hamilton.1  
MarriageSeptember 23, 1829She married James Hackett September 23, 1829 in Shelby County, Kentucky.2  
Death - no infoI have no information on the date and place of Eliza Ann's death. 


James Hackett
(free wh female 60-70) Census 18401840Eliza Ann Hamilton was probably counted as a free white female, age 60 and under 70, in James Hackett's household, on the 1840 Census in Franklin County, Kentucky.1 
Last EditedSep 24, 1997


  1. [S2722] U.S. Census Kentucky 1840, Franklin County.
  2. [S923] Eula Richardson Hasskarl, Shelby County Kentucky Marriages 1792-1833, Marriage of James Hackett and Eliza Hamilton.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

Joseph Lewis

Male, #1083, b. August 10, 1752, d. before May, 1817
FatherAbraham Lewis b. Jan 26, 1714/15, d. between Feb 27, 1802 and Oct 11, 1802
MotherRebekah Marshall Davis1 b. Sep 7, 1718, d. before 1812
RelationshipJoseph Lewis is a parent or ancestor of a spouse of one of my relatives. Because Joseph is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching him.
Birth - Conf DateAugust 10, 1745Conflicting information indicates Joseph Lewis may have been born August 10, 1745.1 
BirthAugust 10, 1752Joseph was born August 10, 1752 in Loudoun County, Virginia Colony .2 
Marriage - Conf Datebefore 1768According to conflicting information, Joseph Lewis married Rebecca Beck, daughter of Edward Beck Jr and Ann Preston, before 1768.1 
Birth of SonMay 11, 1768His son Jesse was born on May 11, 1768 in Franklin County, Virginia Colony .1 
Marriageabout 1771He married Rebecca Beck, daughter of Edward Beck Jr and Ann Preston, about 1771 in an unknown place .2,3  
Birth of Son1771His son Joseph was born in 1771 in Virginia.4,1 
Birth of DaughterAugust 31, 1776His daughter Rebecca was born on August 31, 1776 in Loudoun County, Virginia.2,5,6,1 
Birth of SonMay 18, 1778His son Abraham was born on May 18, 1778 in Loudoun County, Virginia.7,1 
Birth of Daughterabout 1782His daughter Ann was born about 1782 in Virginia.8,2,9 
Birth of DaughterJune 20, 1784His daughter Susannah was born on June 20, 1784 in Virginia.10,2 
Birth of DaughterMarch 8, 1786His daughter Rachel was born on March 8, 1786 in Jefferson (now Shelby) County, Virginia (now Kentucky).1,11 
Marriage - Conf DateMay 7, 1787According to conflicting information, Joseph Lewis married Sarah Bell on May 7, 1787.2 
MarriageMay 17, 1787He married Sarah Bell May 17, 1787 in Franklin County, Virginia. Isaac Lemon.1  
Birth of SonMay 19, 1789His son Isaac was born on May 19, 1789 in Jefferson (now Shelby) County, Virginia (now Kentucky).2,12 
Birth of Daughterbefore 1790His daughter Kitty was born before 1790. 
Birth of Daughter1791His daughter Mary was born in 1791 in Jefferson (now Shelby) County, Virginia (now Kentucky).2 
Birth of Son1794His son James was born in 1794 in Shelby County, Kentucky.2,13 
(bondsman) MarriageApril 9, 1795Joseph Lewis was the bondsman for the marriage of Rebecca Lewis and Stephen L Ellis on April 9, 1795 in Franklin County, Virginia.5,6,1 
Birth of Son1796His son Jonathan was born in 1796.2,13 
Birth of Daughterabout 1798His daughter Lovely was born about 1798.1 
Birth of Daughter1800His daughter Sarah was born in 1800 in Franklin County, Kentucky.1 
Birth of Daughter1801His daughter Martha was born in 1801.2,13 
Birth of Daughterabout 1803His daughter Jemima was born about 1803 in Shelby County, Kentucky.1 
Birth of DaughterMarch 8, 1804His daughter Elizabeth was born on March 8, 1804.1 
(bondsman) Marriageafter April 21, 1806Joseph Lewis was the bondsman for the marriage of Susannah Lewis and Jesse Johnson after April 21, 1806 in Shelby County, Kentucky.14 
Deathbefore May, 1817Joseph died before May, 1817 in Shelby County, Kentucky.15  

Family 1

Rebecca Beck b. 1745
Children 1.Jesse Lewis+ b. May 11, 1768, d. Dec 8, 1829
 2.Joseph Lewis Jr+ b. 1771, d. Nov 2, 1836
 3.Rebecca Lewis+ b. Aug 31, 1776, d. Mar 12, 1857
 4.Abraham Lewis b. May 18, 1778, d. Jan 12, 1858
 5.Ann Lewis+ b. about 1782, d. Apr 11, 1818
 6.Susannah Lewis+ b. Jun 20, 1784, d. Nov 5, 1865
 7.Rachel Elizabeth Lewis+ b. Mar 8, 1786, d. Jun 28, 1835
 8.Kitty Lewis b. before 1790

Family 2

Sarah Bell b. 1766
Children 1.Isaac Lewis+ b. May 19, 1789, d. May 28, 1846
 2.Mary Lewis b. 1791, d. before 1815
 3.James Lewis b. 1794, d. 1842
 4.Jonathan Lewis b. 1796, d. between Feb 3, 1826 and Mar 27, 1826
 5.Lovely Lewis1 b. about 1798, d. Dec 31, 1884
 6.Sarah Lewis b. 1800
 7.Martha Lewis b. 1801, d. between Sep 24, 1839 and Aug 10, 1840
 8.Jemima Lewis b. about 1803, d. Oct, 1818
 9.Elizabeth Lewis b. Mar 8, 1804
Event-MiscJoseph Lewis was (an unknown value) Of Susannah Beck dau of sister Martha .1 
Event-MiscHe was (an unknown value) Sister Martha married to Rebecca's brother Paul Beck. 1 
Migrationabout 1796Hemigrated from From Franklin County, Virgnia to Franklin County, Kentucky, about 1796.1 
(Witness) WillMarch 11, 1797He witnessed Margaret Jones's will on March 11, 1797 in Franklin County, Kentucky.16,17 
Church membership1798Joseph Lewis was a member of dismissed by letter in Forks of Elkhorn Church, Franklin County, Kentucky, in 1798.18,1 
Migration1798Hemigrated from Went with the Cooks to Shelby County, Kentucky, in 1798.18,1 
Membership1798Joseph was a member Forks of Elkhorn Church in 1798 in Woodford County, Kentucky.19 
Event-MiscAugust, 1799He was (an unknown value) in August, 1799 in Christiansburg Baptist Church, Christianburg, Shelby County, Kentucky.20,1 
WillMarch 7, 1817He made a will on March 7, 1817 in Shelby County, Kentucky.1 
ProbateMay, 1817The will of Joseph was probated in May, 1817 in Shelby County, Kentucky.15 
Last EditedSep 22, 2009


  1. [S3971] World Wide Web, Genealogy of Charlie Cook, Charles Lowell Cook Jr, this source may be viewed at,.
  2. [S1878] John Schoenick, e-mail to Kentucky Queries Shelby County November 18, 1998.
  3. [S2677] William G Scroggins, Jesse Johnson (1773-1822), this source can be viewed at, page 7, given name Sarah, no date or location.
  4. [S4097] Unknown author, The Tombstone Transcription Project, Palestine Cemetery, Bainbridge, Putnam Co., IN.
  5. [S1880] Ellen Belcher,, e-mail to Kentucky Queries Shelby County November 19, 1998.
  6. [S3142] , Gedcom - J Riddle from Diane Nielson, January 3, 2005.
  7. [S4092] Unknown author, Boyd, Alberthal and Denny Genealogy, RootsWeb WorldConnect Project.
  8. [S1079] Cemeteries in Shelby County, Kentucky, Miles-Wilcoxson Cemetery.
  9. [S2681] William Scroggins, Royal Wade (1766-1855), this source can be viewed at, page 59, date only, no location.
  10. [S3232] Benham Methodist Cemetery, Ripley County, Indiana, this source may be viewed at, reviewed update of August 1, 2005.
  11. [S3726] Charles Edwin HUNGER, Gedcom file of Charles Edwin Hunger, May 16, 2007.
  12. [S1973] Descendents of Samuel Miles (born 1826), , Lois Meyer has May 19, 1787 and hand-written May 14, 1789.
  13. [S2681] William Scroggins, Royal Wade (1766-1855), this source can be viewed at, page 40.
  14. [S411] Eula Richardson Hasskarl, Shelby County Kentucky Marriages 1792-1833, Marriage of Jesse Johnson and Susannah Butcher.
  15. [S1882] Ellen Belcher, e-mail to Kentucky Queries Shelby County November 16, 1998.
  16. [S965] J. Estelle Stewart King, Abstract of Early Kentucky Wills and Inventories.
  17. [S2860] William G Scroggins, File on William Cook (1730-1790),.
  18. [S527] Ermina Jett Darnell, Forks of Elkhorn Church, 1946, p. 186.
  19. [S527] Ermina Jett Darnell, Forks of Elkhorn Church, page 186.
  20. [S4094] Unknown author, Early And Present History, Christiansburg Baptist Church, Covering the Years 1799-1999, p. 5.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

Rebecca Beck

Female, #1084, b. 1745
FatherEdward Beck Jr1 b. Sep, 1708, d. Oct 10, 1774
MotherAnn Preston1 b. 1713, d. after 1780
RelationshipRebecca Beck is a parent or ancestor of a spouse of one of my relatives. Because Rebecca is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching her.
Birth1745Rebecca was born 1745 in Bucks County, Pennsylvania.1 
Marriage - Conf Datebefore 1768According to conflicting information, Rebecca Beck married Joseph Lewis, son of Abraham Lewis and Rebekah Marshall Davis, before 1768.1 
Birth of SonMay 11, 1768Her son Jesse was born on May 11, 1768 in Franklin County, Virginia Colony .1 
Marriageabout 1771She married Joseph Lewis, son of Abraham Lewis and Rebekah Marshall Davis, about 1771 in an unknown place .2,3  
Birth of Son1771Her son Joseph was born in 1771 in Virginia.4,1 
Birth of DaughterAugust 31, 1776Her daughter Rebecca was born on August 31, 1776 in Loudoun County, Virginia.2,5,6,1 
Birth of SonMay 18, 1778Her son Abraham was born on May 18, 1778 in Loudoun County, Virginia.7,1 
Birth of Daughterabout 1782Her daughter Ann was born about 1782 in Virginia.8,2,9 
Birth of DaughterJune 20, 1784Her daughter Susannah was born on June 20, 1784 in Virginia.10,2 
Birth of DaughterMarch 8, 1786Her daughter Rachel was born on March 8, 1786 in Jefferson (now Shelby) County, Virginia (now Kentucky).1,11 
Birth of Daughterbefore 1790Her daughter Kitty was born before 1790. 
Death - no dateRebecca died on an unknown date in Franklin County, Kentucky.1 


Joseph Lewis b. 10 Aug 1752, d. b May 1817
Children 1.Jesse Lewis+ b. May 11, 1768, d. Dec 8, 1829
 2.Joseph Lewis Jr+ b. 1771, d. Nov 2, 1836
 3.Rebecca Lewis+ b. Aug 31, 1776, d. Mar 12, 1857
 4.Abraham Lewis b. May 18, 1778, d. Jan 12, 1858
 5.Ann Lewis+ b. about 1782, d. Apr 11, 1818
 6.Susannah Lewis+ b. Jun 20, 1784, d. Nov 5, 1865
 7.Rachel Elizabeth Lewis+1 b. Mar 8, 1786, d. Jun 28, 1835
 8.Kitty Lewis b. before 1790
Church membershipRebecca Beck was a member of in Forks of Elkhorn Church, Franklin County, Kentucky.1 
Nickname She is also known as Esther.1  
Last EditedMay 16, 2009


  1. [S3971] World Wide Web, Genealogy of Charlie Cook, Charles Lowell Cook Jr, this source may be viewed at,.
  2. [S1878] John Schoenick, e-mail to Kentucky Queries Shelby County November 18, 1998.
  3. [S2677] William G Scroggins, Jesse Johnson (1773-1822), this source can be viewed at, page 7, given name Sarah, no date or location.
  4. [S4097] Unknown author, The Tombstone Transcription Project, Palestine Cemetery, Bainbridge, Putnam Co., IN.
  5. [S1880] Ellen Belcher,, e-mail to Kentucky Queries Shelby County November 19, 1998.
  6. [S3142] , Gedcom - J Riddle from Diane Nielson, January 3, 2005.
  7. [S4092] Unknown author, Boyd, Alberthal and Denny Genealogy, RootsWeb WorldConnect Project.
  8. [S1079] Cemeteries in Shelby County, Kentucky, Miles-Wilcoxson Cemetery.
  9. [S2681] William Scroggins, Royal Wade (1766-1855), this source can be viewed at, page 59, date only, no location.
  10. [S3232] Benham Methodist Cemetery, Ripley County, Indiana, this source may be viewed at, reviewed update of August 1, 2005.
  11. [S3726] Charles Edwin HUNGER, Gedcom file of Charles Edwin Hunger, May 16, 2007.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

James Miles

Male, #1085, b. August 26, 1798, d. May 30, 1873
Relationships3rd great-granduncle of Garril Louis Kueber Sr
7th great-grandson of Francis Miles
3rd great-grandson of Lewis James
3rd great-grandson of Duncan Bohannon
FatherEnos Miles b. May 12, 1766, d. Jul 11, 1845
MotherAnna Bohannon b. May 25, 1770, d. Dec 25, 1810
BirthAugust 26, 1798James was born August 26, 1798 in Woodford County, Kentucky.1 
Death of MotherDecember 25, 1810His mother, Anna, died on December 25, 1810 in Germantown, Montgomery County, Ohio
MarriageDecember 15, 1818He married Sarah Miles, daughter of Samuel Miles Jr and Ann Lewis, December 15, 1818 in Shelby County, Kentucky.2,3  
Birth of DaughterJune 13, 1819His daughter Ann was born on June 13, 1819 in Kentucky.4,5 
Birth of Child1820His child (given was born in 1820.3 
Death of Child1820His child, (given, died in 1820.3 
Birth of Child1821His child (given was born in 1821.3 
Death of Child1821His child, (given, died in 1821.3 
Birth of Daughter1823His daughter Elizabeth was born in 1823 in Shelby County, Kentucky.6 
Birth of DaughterMay, 1825His daughter Lucinda was born in May, 1825 in Shelby County, Kentucky.3,4 
Birth of SonOctober 21, 1826His son Samuel was born on October 21, 1826 in Shelby County, Kentucky.3 
Birth of DaughterOctober 11, 1827His daughter Mary was born on October 11, 1827 in Shelby County, Kentucky.3 
Birth of SonNovember 29, 1829His son Newton was born on November 29, 1829 in Shelby County, Kentucky.7,8,3 
Birth of Sonbetween 1830 and 1831His son James was born between 1830 and 1831 in Shelby County, Kentucky.3 
Birth of Childabout 1832His child (given was born about 1832.3 
Birth of SonAugust 29, 1834His son Edward was born on August 29, 1834 in Kentucky.3,9 
(widow) DeathJune 9, 1835James was widowed when his wife, Sarah died on June 9, 1835.10,3,11 
Birth of ChildJune 9, 1835His child (given was born on June 9, 1835.3 
Death of ChildJune 9, 1835His child, (given, died on June 9, 1835.3 
MarriageFebruary 18, 1841He married Susan Fitzsimmons, daughter of Patrick Fitzsimmons, February 18, 1841 in Shelby County, Kentucky.3  
Birth of SonMarch 4, 1842His son Elhannan was born on March 4, 1842 in Shelby County, Kentucky.3 
Birth of DaughterJune 21, 1843His daughter Cynthia was born on June 21, 1843 in Shelby County, Kentucky.3 
Death of FatherJuly 11, 1845His father, Enos, died on July 11, 1845 in Germantown, Montgomery County, Ohio.12,13,14 
Birth of DaughterSeptember, 1845His daughter Rebecca was born in September, 1845 in Shelby County, Kentucky.15,3 
Birth of Daughter1847His daughter Nancy was born in 1847 in Shelby County, Kentucky.3 
Marriage of SonSeptember 23, 1847His son, Samuel Miles, married Sarah Ann Miles on September 23, 1847 in Shelby County, Kentucky.16,17 
Marriage of DaughterNovember 18, 1847His daughter, Elizabeth Ann Miles, married William H Hayden on November 18, 1847 in Shelby County, Kentucky.3 
Marriage of SonAugust 22, 1852His son, Newton C Miles, married Elvira Scrogin on August 22, 1852 in Shelby County, Kentucky.7,18 
Birth of Daughter1854His daughter Ann was born in 1854.3 
Birth of DaughterMarch 13, 1857His daughter Olivia was born on March 13, 1857 in Kentucky.3,19 
Birth of SonOctober 18, 1858His son Benjamin was born on October 18, 1858 in Tipton County, Indiana.3 
Marriage of Sonabout 1859His son, Samuel Miles, married Diadema Ferguson about 1859 in Gentry County, Missouri.20,21 
Marriage of DaughterMarch 29, 1860His daughter, Cynthia Ann Miles, married Dr Benjamin R Groom on March 29, 1860 in Tipton County, Indiana.3 
Marriage of DaughterJanuary 20, 1861His daughter, Elizabeth Ann Miles, married John J Hayden on January 20, 1861 in Clay County, Indiana.3 
Birth of SonDecember 1, 1861His son Javen was born on December 1, 1861 in Tipton County, Indiana.22,23 
Death of DaughterApril 26, 1862His daughter, Olivia, died on April 26, 1862.3 
Marriage of SonJune 25, 1863His son, Elhannan Miles, married Birdelia L Sample on June 25, 1863 in Tipton County, Indiana.3 
Marriage of DaughterDecember 28, 1865His daughter, Nancy C Miles, married George Washington Lovell on December 28, 1865 in Tipton County, Indiana.3 
Marriage of SonOctober 25, 1866His son, Edward Buchanan Miles, married Mary Catherine Moorman on October 25, 1866 in Kentucky.3 
Marriage of DaughterDecember 23, 1866His daughter, Rebecca Miles, married Charles William Armstrong on December 23, 1866 in Tipton County, Indiana.24,3 
Marriage of DaughterJuly 12, 1868His daughter, Cynthia Ann Miles, married Jasper M Groves on July 12, 1868 in Tipton County, Indiana.3 
Marriage of DaughterMarch 4, 1871His daughter, Lucinda Miles, married Hamlet Harrod on March 4, 1871 in Shelby County, Kentucky.25,26,27,28 
DeathMay 30, 1873James died May 30, 1873 in Tipton County, Indiana at age 74. He left a widow, Susan.29,10,3  
BurialHis body was buried in Prairieville Cemetery, Prairie Township, Tipton County, Indiana.3 

Family 1

Sarah Miles b. 27 Mar 1803, d. 9 Jun 1835
Children 1.Ann Miles b. Jun 13, 1819, d. May 13, 1902
 2.(given name not known) Miles b. 1820, d. 1820
 3.(given name not known) Miles b. 1821, d. 1821
 4.Elizabeth Ann Miles+ b. 1823, d. 1883
 5.Lucinda Miles b. May, 1825, d. 1908
 6.Samuel Miles+ b. Oct 21, 1826, d. Apr 12, 1919
 7.Mary Jane Miles b. Oct 11, 1827, d. Apr 4, 1900
 8.Newton C Miles b. Nov 29, 1829, d. Mar 1, 1902
 9.James W Miles+ b. between 1830 and 1831, d. between 1864 and 1865
 10.(given name not known) Miles b. about 1832
 11.Edward Buchanan Miles+ b. Aug 29, 1834
 12.(given name not known) Miles b. Jun 9, 1835, d. Jun 9, 1835

Family 2

Susan Fitzsimmons b. 1816, d. 1875
Children 1.Elhannan Miles+ b. Mar 4, 1842, d. Apr 9, 1906
 2.Cynthia Ann Miles+ b. Jun 21, 1843, d. Dec 31, 1911
 3.Rebecca Miles+ b. Sep, 1845
 4.Nancy C Miles+ b. 1847, d. before 1880
 5.Ann Miles b. 1854, d. before 1860
 6.Olivia Miles b. Mar 13, 1857, d. Apr 26, 1862
 7.Benjamin R Miles+ b. Oct 18, 1858, d. Jun 28, 1932
 8.Javen Miles+ b. Dec 1, 1861, d. Sep 15, 1940
TwinsJames Miles and Nancy Ann Miles were twins. 
Census 18201820James was listed as the head of a family on the 1820 Census in Shelby County, Kentucky.30 
(executor) WillSeptember 22, 1828He was named in Samuel Miles Jr's will to be the executor of his estate on September 22, 1828 in Shelby County, Kentucky.10 
(executor) ProbateOctober, 1828James was the executor of Samuel Miles Jr's estate probated in October, 1828 in Shelby County, Kentucky.10 
Census 18401840James was listed as the head of a family on the 1840 Census in Shelby County, Kentucky.31 
Census 1860July 20, 1860James was listed as the head of a household with his wife Susan Fitzsimmons in the 1860 Census on July 20, 1860 in Prairie Township, Tipton County, Indiana. Other members of the household listed were Elhannan Miles, Cynthia Ann Miles, Rebecca Miles, Nancy C Miles, Olivia Miles, Benjamin R Miles, Mary Jane Miles and Patrick Fitzsimmons.19
Census 1870August 25, 1870James was listed as the head of a household with his wife Susan Fitzsimmons in the 1870 Census on August 25, 1870 in Prairie Township, Tipton County, Indiana. Other members of the household listed were Benjamin R Miles, Javen Miles and Mary Jane Miles.32
WillApril 8, 1873He made a will on April 8, 1873.3 
ProbateJune 6, 1873The will of James was probated on June 6, 1873 in Tipton County, Indiana.3 
Last EditedMay 25, 2014


  1. [S2681] William Scroggins, Royal Wade (1766-1855), this source can be viewed at, page 55, date only, no location.
  2. [S418] Eula Richardson Hasskarl, Shelby County Kentucky Marriages 1792-1833, Marriage of James Miles and Sarah Miles.
  3. [S1499] Lois C Meyer, Descendents of Samuel Miles.
  4. [S743] U.S. Census Kentucky 1900, Shelby County, Christiansburg, ED 73.
  5. [S1499] Lois C Meyer, Descendents of Samuel Miles, grave stone has 1818.
  6. [S1499] Lois C Meyer, Descendents of Samuel Miles, based on census.
  7. [S725] Eula Richardson Hasskarl, Shelby County Kentucky Marriages Vol II (1834-1878), Marriage of Newton Miles and Elvira Scrogin.
  8. [S744] U.S. Census Kentucky 1900, Shelby County, Christiansburg, ED 73.
  9. [S2634] U.S. Census Kentucky 1880, Breckinridge County, Bewleyville.
  10. [S1077] Samuel Miles jr, Will Book 8, Page 148.
  11. [S1974] Descendents of Samuel Miles, , has June 19, 1835.
  12. [S485] Lois Meyer, letter to Gladine Wade Kueber.
  13. [S2681] William Scroggins, Royal Wade (1766-1855), this source can be viewed at, page 55.
  14. [S4898] Joseph M Smith, Joseph M Smith Gedcom, received December 13, 2008.
  15. [S12551] U.S. Census Nebraska 1900, Adams County, Hastings.
  16. [S1499] Lois C Meyer, Descendents of Samuel Miles, had September 21.
  17. [S1869] Samuel Miles and Sarah Ann Miles, marriage license and return.
  18. [S1195] Newton Miles and Elvira Scrogin, marriage license and return.
  19. [S3617] U.S. Census Indiana 1860, Tipton County, Prairie Township.
  20. [S10485] U.S. Census Missouri 1860, Daviess County, Benton Township.
  21. [S1499] Lois C Meyer, Descendents of Samuel Miles, This source has a marriage date of 1867 but in the 1860 census it appears they were already married.
  22. [S5506] Javen Miles, Kentucky Death Certificate.
  23. [S1499] Lois C Meyer, Descendents of Samuel Miles, gives date as Nov 1, 1862.
  24. [S3152] database, Indiana Marriages 1800-1941,.
  25. [S11909] Family Tree, desktop, collins7829, reviewed update of October 1, 2010.
  26. [S1499] Lois C Meyer, Descendents of Samuel Miles, This source has a date of Mar 4, 1870 but that cannot be right since he was still living with Elizabeth in June 1870.
  27. [S11810] U.S. Census Kentucky 1870, Shelby County, Jacksonville Precinct.
  28. [S2274] U.S. Census Kentucky 1880, Shelby County, ED 190.
  29. [S1974] Descendents of Samuel Miles,.
  30. [S1481] U.S. Census, Kentucky, 1820, Shelby County.
  31. [S2743] U.S. Census Kentucky 1840, Shelby County.
  32. [S3432] U.S. Census Indiana 1870, Tipton County, Prairie Township.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

Sarah Miles

Female, #1086, b. March 27, 1803, d. June 9, 1835
Relationships1st cousin 5 times removed of Garril Louis Kueber Sr
7th great-granddaughter of Francis Miles
3rd great-granddaughter of Lewis James
FatherSamuel Miles Jr b. Oct 26, 1773, d. Oct 7, 1828
MotherAnn Lewis b. about 1782, d. Apr 11, 1818
BirthMarch 27, 1803Sarah was born March 27, 1803 in Shelby County, Kentucky.1 
Death of MotherApril 11, 1818Her mother, Ann, died on April 11, 1818 in Bagdad, Shelby County, Kentucky.2,3,4,5 
MarriageDecember 15, 1818She married James Miles, son of Enos Miles and Anna Bohannon, December 15, 1818 in Shelby County, Kentucky.6,1  
Birth of DaughterJune 13, 1819Her daughter Ann was born on June 13, 1819 in Kentucky.7,8 
Birth of Child1820Her child (given was born in 1820.1 
Death of Child1820Her child, (given, died in 1820.1 
Birth of Child1821Her child (given was born in 1821.1 
Death of Child1821Her child, (given, died in 1821.1 
Birth of Daughter1823Her daughter Elizabeth was born in 1823 in Shelby County, Kentucky.9 
Birth of DaughterMay, 1825Her daughter Lucinda was born in May, 1825 in Shelby County, Kentucky.1,7 
Birth of SonOctober 21, 1826Her son Samuel was born on October 21, 1826 in Shelby County, Kentucky.1 
Birth of DaughterOctober 11, 1827Her daughter Mary was born on October 11, 1827 in Shelby County, Kentucky.1 
Death of FatherOctober 7, 1828Her father, Samuel, died on October 7, 1828 in Shelby County, Kentucky.2,10,11 
Birth of SonNovember 29, 1829Her son Newton was born on November 29, 1829 in Shelby County, Kentucky.12,13,1 
Birth of Sonbetween 1830 and 1831Her son James was born between 1830 and 1831 in Shelby County, Kentucky.1 
Birth of Childabout 1832Her child (given was born about 1832.1 
Birth of SonAugust 29, 1834Her son Edward was born on August 29, 1834 in Kentucky.1,14 
DeathJune 9, 1835Sarah died June 9, 1835 in an unknown place at age 32. She left a widower, James.15,1,16  
Birth of ChildJune 9, 1835Her child (given was born on June 9, 1835.1 
Death of ChildJune 9, 1835Her child, (given, died on June 9, 1835.1 
BurialHer body was buried in Miles Family Cemetery, Shelby County, Kentucky.1 


James Miles b. 26 Aug 1798, d. 30 May 1873
Children 1.Ann Miles b. Jun 13, 1819, d. May 13, 1902
 2.(given name not known) Miles b. 1820, d. 1820
 3.(given name not known) Miles b. 1821, d. 1821
 4.Elizabeth Ann Miles+ b. 1823, d. 1883
 5.Lucinda Miles b. May, 1825, d. 1908
 6.Samuel Miles+ b. Oct 21, 1826, d. Apr 12, 1919
 7.Mary Jane Miles b. Oct 11, 1827, d. Apr 4, 1900
 8.Newton C Miles b. Nov 29, 1829, d. Mar 1, 1902
 9.James W Miles+ b. between 1830 and 1831, d. between 1864 and 1865
 10.(given name not known) Miles b. about 1832
 11.Edward Buchanan Miles+ b. Aug 29, 1834
 12.(given name not known) Miles b. Jun 9, 1835, d. Jun 9, 1835
(heir) WillSeptember 22, 1828Sarah Miles was named as an heir in Samuel Miles Jr's will on September 22, 1828 in Shelby County, Kentucky.15 
Last EditedFeb 15, 2010


  1. [S1499] Lois C Meyer, Descendents of Samuel Miles.
  2. [S1079] Cemeteries in Shelby County, Kentucky, Miles-Wilcoxson Cemetery.
  3. [S4091] Unknown author, John Jones Notes by Merlyn Cook, Sept. 12, 1982, p. 3.
  4. [S4092] Unknown author, Boyd, Alberthal and Denny Genealogy, RootsWeb WorldConnect Project.
  5. [S3971] World Wide Web, Genealogy of Charlie Cook, Charles Lowell Cook Jr, this source may be viewed at,.
  6. [S418] Eula Richardson Hasskarl, Shelby County Kentucky Marriages 1792-1833, Marriage of James Miles and Sarah Miles.
  7. [S743] U.S. Census Kentucky 1900, Shelby County, Christiansburg, ED 73.
  8. [S1499] Lois C Meyer, Descendents of Samuel Miles, grave stone has 1818.
  9. [S1499] Lois C Meyer, Descendents of Samuel Miles, based on census.
  10. [S2681] William Scroggins, Royal Wade (1766-1855), this source can be viewed at, page 59.
  11. [S1008] Dorothy Ford Wulfeck, Wilcoxson and Allied Families (Willcockson, Wilcoxen, Wilcox), page 64.
  12. [S725] Eula Richardson Hasskarl, Shelby County Kentucky Marriages Vol II (1834-1878), Marriage of Newton Miles and Elvira Scrogin.
  13. [S744] U.S. Census Kentucky 1900, Shelby County, Christiansburg, ED 73.
  14. [S2634] U.S. Census Kentucky 1880, Breckinridge County, Bewleyville.
  15. [S1077] Samuel Miles jr, Will Book 8, Page 148.
  16. [S1974] Descendents of Samuel Miles, , has June 19, 1835.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

Rev Robert Jones III

Male, #1087, b. about 1736, d. about 1820
Relationships4th great-granduncle of Garril Louis Kueber Sr
Grandson of Robert Jones
2nd great-grandson of Jan Joosten van Meteren (John Van Meter)
3rd great-grandson of Chretien Du Bois
3rd great-grandson of Matthieu Blanchan
Great-grandson of Jean Bodine
2nd great-grandson of Jean Crocheron
FatherRobert Jones Jr b. about 1696, d. after 1795
MotherMary J Van Meter b. before Apr 26, 1709, d. after 1795
Birthabout 1736Robert was born about 1736 in Virginia Colony .1 
Marriage - no infoHe married Martha Riley. I have no information on the date and place of the marriage.1 
Birth of Daughterabout 1758His daughter Mary was born about 1758.2 
Birth of SonJanuary 25, 1761His son David was born on January 25, 1761 in Halifax County, Virginia Colony .3 
Birth of SonApril 24, 1766His son Jesse was born on April 24, 1766.2 
Birth of Daughterabout 1770His daughter Tabitha was born about 1770. 
Birth of Daughter1772His daughter Rachel was born in 1772.4 
Marriage of Daughter1775His daughter, Mary Jones, married William Mavity in 1775 in Franklin County, Virginia Colony .5,2 
(minister) MarriageJanuary 24, 1787Mary Ann Jones and Isaac Miles were married by Rev Robert Jones III on January 24, 1787 in Franklin County, Virginia.6,7 
Marriage of SonSeptember 2, 1788His son, Jesse Jones, married Hannah Hale on September 2, 1788 in Franklin County, Virginia.2 
Marriage of DaughterOctober 24, 1788His daughter, Tabitha Jones, married Richard Hale on October 24, 1788 in Franklin County, Virginia.2 
Marriage of SonFebruary 13, 1789His son, Elijah Jones, married Rebecca McCutcheon on February 13, 1789 in Franklin County, Virginia.8 
(minister) MarriageMarch 17, 1789Susannah Wade and John Hale were married by Rev Robert Jones III on March 17, 1789 in Franklin County, Virginia.9,10 
Marriage of SonFebruary 4, 1790His son, David Jones, married Jane Ruble on February 4, 1790 in Madison County, Virginia (now Kentucky).3 
Marriage of DaughterSeptember 7, 1791His daughter, Rachel Jones, married John Turman on September 7, 1791 in Montgomery County, Virginia.11 
Marriage of SonSeptember 23, 1797His son, Jesse Jones, married Sarah Tuggle on September 23, 1797 in Patrick County, Virginia.8 
Marriage of SonNovember 7, 1803His son, Jonathan Jones, married Sarah Barton on November 7, 1803 in Franklin County, Virginia.12 
Marriage of SonJune 3, 1805His son, Jonathan Jones, married Dorcas Howell on June 3, 1805 in Patrick County, Virginia.12 
Deathabout 1820Robert died about 1820 in an unknown place .1  


Martha Riley
Children 1.Mary Jones+ b. about 1758, d. between 1825 and 1830
 2.Elijah Jones
 3.Isaac Jones
 4.David Jones+ b. Jan 25, 1761, d. Feb 7, 1838
 5.Jesse Jones b. Apr 24, 1766, d. Jan 15, 1859
 6.Jonathan Jones
 7.Tabitha Jones b. about 1770
 8.Rachel Jones b. 1772, d. Jul 15, 1857
Biography He was a Baptist preacher. 
OccupationRev Robert Jones III's occupation was a preacher. 
Last EditedApr 26, 2004


  1. [S2679] William G Scroggins, Robert Jones (1696-1796), this source can be viewed at, page 1.
  2. [S2679] William G Scroggins, Robert Jones (1696-1796), this source can be viewed at, page 25.
  3. [S2679] William G Scroggins, Robert Jones (1696-1796), this source can be viewed at, page 33.
  4. [S2679] William G Scroggins, Robert Jones (1696-1796), this source can be viewed at, page 26, parents and year only, no location.
  5. [S4273] Ronald Dean REISINGER (1), Gedcom file of William Mavity Descendents, received May 25, 2008.
  6. [S439] Marshall Wingfield, Marriage Bonds of Franklin County, Virginia 1786-1858.
  7. [S2678] William G Scroggins, John Jones (1733-1793), this source can be viewed at, page 1 and page 11 names minister.
  8. [S2679] William G Scroggins, Robert Jones (1696-1796), this source can be viewed at, page 31.
  9. [S2682] William G Scroggins, John Utley Wade (1739-1798), this source can be viewed at, page 5, (Marriage Bonds of Franklin County, Virginia, 1786-1858, Marshall Wingfield, 1939, reprinted Genealogical Publishing Company, Baltimore, 1973.), David Willis was surety.
  10. [S2678] William G Scroggins, John Jones (1733-1793), this source can be viewed at, page 11, date, location, and minister.
  11. [S2679] William G Scroggins, Robert Jones (1696-1796), this source can be viewed at, page 26.
  12. [S2679] William G Scroggins, Robert Jones (1696-1796), this source can be viewed at, page 32.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

Rev William Murphy

Male, #1088, b. before 1737
RelationshipRev William Murphy is a parent or ancestor of a spouse of one of my relatives. Because William is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching him.
Birthbefore 1737William was born before 1737 in an unknown place . 
Marriageabout 1751He married Martha Hodges about 1751 in Halifax County, Virginia Colony .1  
Birth of SonJune 12, 1752His son John was born on June 12, 1752 in Halifax County, Virginia Colony .2 
Death - no infoI have no information on the date and place of William's death. 


Martha Hodges b. 1724, d. bt 1761 - 1767
Child 1.Reverend John Murphy+ b. Jun 12, 1752, d. Aug 14, 1818
OccupationRev William Murphy's occupation was a reverend.3 
Last EditedDec 16, 2007


  1. [S3961] Charles Cook, e-mail to Garril L Kueber December 15, 2007.
  2. [S2664] William G Scroggins, William Cook (1730-1790), this source can be viewed at, page 70.
  3. [S2664] William G Scroggins, William Cook (1730-1790), this source can be viewed at, page 71.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

Martha Hodges1

Female, #1089, b. 1724, d. between 1761 and 1767
RelationshipMartha Hodges is a parent or ancestor of a spouse of one of my relatives. Because Martha is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching her.
Birth1724Martha was born 1724 in Virginia Colony .1 
Marriageabout 1751She married Rev William Murphy about 1751 in Halifax County, Virginia Colony .1  
Birth of SonJune 12, 1752Her son John was born on June 12, 1752 in Halifax County, Virginia Colony .2 
Deathbetween 1761 and 1767Martha died between 1761 and 1767 in Halifax County, Virginia Colony .1  


Rev William Murphy b. b 1737
Child 1.Reverend John Murphy+ b. Jun 12, 1752, d. Aug 14, 1818
Note Relationship Martha believed to have a brother: Welcome William Hodges
b. Bet. 1720-1725
Source: Cook, Murphy, Hodges Families of Early Virginia"
by Elizabeth L. Nichols, 2004, p. 82
married Mary\\, p. 85.1 
Last EditedDec 16, 2007


  1. [S3961] Charles Cook, e-mail to Garril L Kueber December 15, 2007.
  2. [S2664] William G Scroggins, William Cook (1730-1790), this source can be viewed at, page 70.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

William Murphy

Male, #1090, b. February 16, 1776, d. March 4, 1846
Relationships1st cousin 5 times removed of Garril Louis Kueber Sr
2nd great-grandson of Robert Jones
4th great-grandson of Jan Joosten van Meteren (John Van Meter)
5th great-grandson of Chretien Du Bois
5th great-grandson of Matthieu Blanchan
3rd great-grandson of Jean Bodine
4th great-grandson of Jean Crocheron
6th great-grandson of Richard Cooke
FatherReverend John Murphy b. Jun 12, 1752, d. Aug 14, 1818
MotherRachel Cook b. May 17, 1753, d. Feb 3, 1832
BirthFebruary 16, 1776William was born February 16, 1776 in eastern Knox County, Tennessee.1,2,3,4 
Birth - Conf LocnFebruary 16, 1776Conflicting information indicates William Murphy may have been born in Pittsylvania County, Virginia.5 
MarriageOctober 30, 1800He married Nancy Ferguson October 30, 1800 in Barren County, Kentucky.6,2  
Birth of DaughterSeptember 10, 1801His daughter Margaret was born on September 10, 1801 in Warren County, Kentucky.7,2 
Birth of DaughterAugust 1, 1804His daughter Elizabeth was born on August 1, 1804 in Kentucky.8,2 
Birth of SonOctober 16, 1806His son John was born on October 16, 1806 in Warren County, Kentucky.7,2 
Birth of DaughterDecember 21, 1808His daughter Nancy was born on December 21, 1808 in Warren County, Kentucky.7,2 
Birth of DaughterJune 3, 1811His daughter Rachel was born on June 3, 1811 in Warren County, Kentucky.7,2 
Death of DaughterNovember 8, 1816His daughter, Rachel, died on November 8, 1816 in Warren County, Kentucky.7,9,2 
Death of FatherAugust 14, 1818His father, John, died on August 14, 1818 in Warren County, Kentucky.10 
Marriage of DaughterApril 6, 1820His daughter, Margaret Murphy, married Thomas Clelland Wallace on April 6, 1820 in Warren County, Kentucky.11,2 
Marriage of DaughterNovember 15, 1821His daughter, Elizabeth Murphy, married Nimrod Deweese on November 15, 1821 in Warren County, Kentucky.7,2 
Marriage of DaughterSeptember 1, 1825His daughter, Nancy Murphy, married Elijah Davidson on September 1, 1825 in Warren County, Illinois.7,2 
Marriage of SonMarch 22, 1827His son, John Eccles Murphy, married Frances Mary Wright Doughty on March 22, 1827 in Warren County, Kentucky.12,2 
Death of MotherFebruary 3, 1832His mother, Rachel, died on February 3, 1832 in Warren County, Kentucky.10 
Death of DaughterMarch 27, 1837His daughter, Elizabeth, died on March 27, 1837 in Jacksonville, Morgan County, Illinois.7,2 
DeathMarch 4, 1846William died March 4, 1846 in Warren County, Illinois at age 70. He left a widow, Nancy.13,2  
BurialMarch 6, 1846His body was buried on March 6, 1846 in Ogden Cemetery, Cold Brook Township, Warren County, Illinois.7,14,2 


Nancy Ferguson b. 10 Nov 1779, d. 26 Aug 1862
Children 1.Margaret Murphy+2 b. Sep 10, 1801, d. Jul 23, 1886
 2.Elizabeth Murphy+2 b. Aug 1, 1804, d. Mar 27, 1837
 3.John Eccles Murphy+2 b. Oct 16, 1806, d. May 7, 1876
 4.Nancy Murphy+2 b. Dec 21, 1808
 5.Rachel Murphy2 b. Jun 3, 1811, d. Nov 8, 1816
Church membershipWilliam Murphy was a member of near Mt Tabor Baptist Church, Green River, Kentucky.15,2 
MoveHe moved from Knox Co Tennessee to Kentucky, with parents.16,2 
OccupationWilliam Murphy's occupation was farmer.16,2 
Census 1810-partial1810William was listed as the head of a family on the 1810 Census in Barren County, Kentucky.5 
Military inductionSeptember 1, 1812He was inducted into the military, War of 1812, Capt Henry James Co, 2nd Reg. KY Militia., on September 1, 1812.17,2 
Census 1820-partial1820William was listed as the head of a family on the 1820 Census in Warren County, Kentucky.5 
Census 1830-partial1830William was listed as the head of a family on the 1830 Census in Warren County, Kentucky.5 
Census 1840-partial1840William was listed as the head of a family on the 1840 Census in Warren County, Illinois.5 
WillNovember 13, 1844He made a will on November 13, 1844 in Warren County, Illinois.5 
Last EditedNov 6, 2013


  1. [S4343] Maggie Sallee, Some history of the Wallace, Murphy and Cooke families (1600-1957), page 9.
  2. [S3971] World Wide Web, Genealogy of Charlie Cook, Charles Lowell Cook Jr, this source may be viewed at,.
  3. [S1796] Charles Lowell Cook jr, Descendents of William Cook I,.
  4. [S2664] William G Scroggins, William Cook (1730-1790), this source can be viewed at, page 70, date only.
  5. [S5808] World Wide Web, Silliman Kurtz Olson Hafslund Ancestors, Carol Olson, this source may be viewed at, reviewed update of October 6, 2009.
  6. [S4339] Elizabeth L Nichols, Cook, Murphy, Hodges Families of Early Virginia, by Elizabeth L. Nichols, 2004, p. 128.
  7. [S4339] Elizabeth L Nichols, Cook, Murphy, Hodges Families of Early Virginia, by Elizabeth L. Nichols, 2004, p. 130.
  8. [S4405] Unknown author, Descendants of William Murphy, p. 3.
  9. [S4343] Maggie Sallee, Some history of the Wallace, Murphy and Cooke families (1600-1957), (1600-1957) by Maggie Sallee, p 11.
  10. [S2664] William G Scroggins, William Cook (1730-1790), this source can be viewed at, page 70.
  11. [S4343] Maggie Sallee, Some history of the Wallace, Murphy and Cooke families (1600-1957), (1600-1957) by Maggie Sallee, p. 34.
  12. [S4339] Elizabeth L Nichols, Cook, Murphy, Hodges Families of Early Virginia, by Elizabeth L. Nichols, 2004, p. 134.
  13. [S4405] Unknown author, Descendants of William Murphy, p. 2.
  14. [S4425] Ginni Morey, Ginni's Ancestry, RootsWeb WorldConnect Project.
  15. [S4339] Elizabeth L Nichols, Cook, Murphy, Hodges Families of Early Virginia, by Elizabeth L. Nichols, 2004, p. 100.
  16. [S4343] Maggie Sallee, Some history of the Wallace, Murphy and Cooke families (1600-1957), (1600-1957) by Maggie Sallee, p. 10.
  17. [S4343] Maggie Sallee, Some history of the Wallace, Murphy and Cooke families (1600-1957), (1600-1957) by Maggie Sallee, p. 35.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

Margaret Murphy

Female, #1091, b. August 20, 1785, d. March 2, 1864
Relationships1st cousin 5 times removed of Garril Louis Kueber Sr
2nd great-granddaughter of Robert Jones
4th great-granddaughter of Jan Joosten van Meteren (John Van Meter)
5th great-granddaughter of Chretien Du Bois
5th great-granddaughter of Matthieu Blanchan
3rd great-granddaughter of Jean Bodine
4th great-granddaughter of Jean Crocheron
6th great-granddaughter of Richard Cooke
FatherReverend John Murphy b. Jun 12, 1752, d. Aug 14, 1818
MotherRachel Cook b. May 17, 1753, d. Feb 3, 1832
BirthAugust 20, 1785Margaret was born August 20, 1785 in Warren County, Kentucky.1,2 
MarriageFebruary 4, 1802She married Elijah Davidson February 4, 1802 in Barren County, Kentucky.3,4,5,2,6  
Birth of SonOctober 26, 1802Her son Carter was born on October 26, 1802 in Barren County, Kentucky.7,8,2 
Birth of SonDecember 28, 1804Her son Hosea was born on December 28, 1804 in Prewits Knob, Barren County, Kentucky.9,2 
Birth of SonApril 14, 1807Her son William was born on April 14, 1807 in Prewitts Knob, Barren County, Kentucky.9,2 
Birth of DaughterMay 28, 1809Her daughter Hannah was born on May 28, 1809 in Barren County, Kentucky.10,11,2 
Birth of SonSeptember 27, 1811Her son John was born on September 27, 1811 in Prewitts Knob, Barren County, Kentucky.9,2 
Birth of DaughterApril 22, 1814Her daughter Mary was born on April 22, 1814 in Prewitts Knob, Barren County, Kentucky.9,2 
Birth of DaughterJuly 16, 1816Her daughter Margaret was born on July 16, 1816 in Prewitts Knob, Barren County, Kentucky.9,2 
Death of FatherAugust 14, 1818Her father, John, died on August 14, 1818 in Warren County, Kentucky.12 
Birth of SonFebruary 3, 1819Her son Elijah was born on February 3, 1819 in Prewitts Knob, Barren County, Kentucky.13,2 
Birth of DaughterMarch 13, 1821Her daughter Rachel was born on March 13, 1821 in Prewitts Knob, Barren County, Kentucky.9,2 
Birth of DaughterMay 29, 1823Her daughter Elizabeth was born on May 29, 1823 in Prewitts Knob, Barren County, Kentucky.9,2 
Birth of DaughterMay 23, 1825Her daughter Sarah was born on May 23, 1825 in Prewitts Knob, Barren County, Kentucky.9,2 
Birth of SonApril 27, 1828Her son Alexander was born on April 27, 1828 in Prewitts, Warren County, Kentucky.9,2 
Marriage of SonMay 8, 1828Her son, Carter Tarrant Davidson, married Elizabeth Shirley on May 8, 1828 in Warren County, Kentucky.4,2 
Marriage of SonAugust 31, 1830Her son, William Murphy Davidson, married Elizabeth Deweese on August 31, 1830 in Barren County, Kentucky.9,2 
Death of MotherFebruary 3, 1832Her mother, Rachel, died on February 3, 1832 in Warren County, Kentucky.12 
Marriage of DaughterOctober 11, 1832Her daugher, Hannah Davidson, married Josiah Whitman on October 11, 1832 in Warren County, Illinois.14 
Marriage of DaughterDecember 11, 1834Her daugher, Margaret E Davidson, married William Mason on December 11, 1834 in Warren County, Illinois.9,2 
Marriage of SonJanuary 11, 1835Her son, John C Davidson, married Julia Ann Whitman on January 11, 1835 in Warren County, Illinois.9,2 
Marriage of DaughterNovember 5, 1835Her daugher, Mary Ann Davidson, married Ira Francis Marion Butler on November 5, 1835 in Monmouth, Warren County, Illinois.15,2 
Death of SonFebruary 8, 1837Her son, William, died on February 8, 1837 in Monmouth, Warren County, Illinois.10,2 
Marriage of DaughterJune 21, 1837Her daugher, Rachel Davidson, married George Washington Deweese on June 21, 1837 in Warren County, Illinois.16,17,2 
Marriage of DaughterFebruary 26, 1838Her daugher, Elizabeth Thornton Davidson, married Squire Stoten Whitman on February 26, 1838 in Monmouth, Warren County, Illinois.2 
Marriage of SonOctober 22, 1840Her son, Elijah Barton Davidson, married Salome Jones on October 22, 1840 in Schuyler County, Illinois.13,2 
Marriage of DaughterDecember 22, 1844Her daugher, Sarah H Davidson, married Thomas Hartwell Lucas on December 22, 1844 in Monmouth, Warren County, Illinois.18,2 
Death of SonAugust 21, 1845Her son, John, died on August 21, 1845 in Cold Brook Township, Warren County, Illinois.9,2 
Marriage of SonMarch 15, 1860Her son, Alexander Bridges Davidson, married Elizabeth Ann Burford on March 15, 1860 in Polk County, Oregon.14 
Death of SonJanuary 9, 1862Her son, Alexander, died on January 9, 1862 in Polk County, Oregon.13,2 
DeathMarch 2, 1864Margaret died March 2, 1864 in Monmouth, Polk County, Oregon at age 78. She left a widower, Elijah.19,2  
BurialMarch 5, 1864Her body was buried on March 5, 1864 in Davidson Cemetery, Airlie, Polk County, Oregon.20,21,2 


Elijah Davidson b. 23 Feb 1783, d. 24 Apr 1870
Children 1.Carter Tarrant Davidson+2 b. Oct 26, 1802, d. Nov 30, 1881
 2.Hosea M Davidson2 b. Dec 28, 1804, d. Oct 16, 1873
 3.William Murphy Davidson+2 b. Apr 14, 1807, d. Feb 8, 1837
 4.Hannah Davidson+2 b. May 28, 1809, d. Oct 18, 1889
 5.John C Davidson+2 b. Sep 27, 1811, d. Aug 21, 1845
 6.Mary Ann Davidson+2 b. Apr 22, 1814, d. Jun 29, 1888
 7.Margaret E Davidson+2 b. Jul 16, 1816, d. Jan 30, 1887
 8.Elijah Barton Davidson+2 b. Feb 3, 1819, d. Jan 15, 1888
 9.Rachel Davidson+2 b. Mar 13, 1821, d. Jun 4, 1895
 10.Elizabeth Thornton Davidson+2 b. May 29, 1823, d. Oct 18, 1896
 11.Sarah H Davidson+2 b. May 23, 1825, d. Nov 10, 1882
 12.Alexander Bridges Davidson+2 b. Apr 27, 1828, d. Jan 9, 1862
MoveShe moved from Kentucky to Monmouth, Warren County, Illinois.22,2 
Census 1840-partialOctober 31, 1840Margaret was listed as the head of a family on the 1840 Census in Monmouth, Warren County, Illinois.9,2 
Membership1850Margaret was a member Elijah Davidson Wagon Train in 1850.13,2 
Census 1860August 27, 1860Margaret was listed as a member, his wife, of Elijah Davidson's household in the 1860 Census on August 27, 1860 near Independence, Polk County, Oregon.23
Last EditedDec 27, 2010


  1. [S4339] Elizabeth L Nichols, Cook, Murphy, Hodges Families of Early Virginia, by Elizabeth L. Nichols, 2004, p. 118.
  2. [S3971] World Wide Web, Genealogy of Charlie Cook, Charles Lowell Cook Jr, this source may be viewed at,.
  3. [S3937] Unknown author, Descendants, of William Cook, Jr., p. 19.
  4. [S4405] Unknown author, Descendants of William Murphy, p. 3.
  5. [S4339] Elizabeth L Nichols, Cook, Murphy, Hodges Families of Early Virginia, p. 128.
  6. [S2664] William G Scroggins, William Cook (1730-1790), this source can be viewed at, page 26.
  7. [S4378] Unknown author, Letter, Ira F .M. Butler.
  8. [S4300] Extract from the records of Charlie Cook, E-mail Charlie Cook's records may be viewed at, Raynor & Sharon Morrison, 3/9/2007.
  9. [S3937] Unknown author, Descendants, of Elijah (NMN) Davidson.
  10. [S4405] Unknown author, Descendants of William Murphy, p. 4.
  11. [S4378] Unknown author, Letter, Ira F. M. Butler.
  12. [S2664] William G Scroggins, William Cook (1730-1790), this source can be viewed at, page 70.
  13. [S4426] Unknown author, Elijah Barton Davidson Family Group, via Barbara Jean Smith Koch, 3/30/2007.
  14. [S5808] World Wide Web, Silliman Kurtz Olson Hafslund Ancestors, Carol Olson, this source may be viewed at, reviewed update of October 6, 2009.
  15. [S4405] Unknown author, Descendants of William Murphy, p. 7.
  16. [S4405] Unknown author, Descendants of William Murphy, p. 10.
  17. [S4339] Elizabeth L Nichols, Cook, Murphy, Hodges Families of Early Virginia, by Elizabeth L. Nichols, 2004, p. 137.
  18. [S4463] Unknown author, Ancestors, of Joan Hersey and Robert Olsson.
  19. [S4405] Unknown author, Descendants of William Murphy, p. 2.
  20. [S4425] Ginni Morey, Ginni's Ancestry, RootsWeb WorldConnect Project.
  21. [S4339] Elizabeth L Nichols, Cook, Murphy, Hodges Families of Early Virginia, page 128.
  22. [S4343] Maggie Sallee, Some history of the Wallace, Murphy and Cooke families (1600-1957), (1600-1957) by Maggie Sallee, p. 34.
  23. [S3969] U.S. Census Oregon 1860, Polk County, Independence Precinct.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

Nancy Ferguson

Female, #1092, b. November 10, 1779, d. August 26, 1862
RelationshipNancy Ferguson is a spouse of one of my relatives. Because Nancy is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching her.
BirthNovember 10, 1779Nancy was born November 10, 1779 inat her father’s plantation on the James River below Richmond, Henrico County, Virginia.1,2 
MarriageOctober 30, 1800She married William Murphy, son of Reverend John Murphy and Rachel Cook, October 30, 1800 in Barren County, Kentucky.3,2  
Birth of DaughterSeptember 10, 1801Her daughter Margaret was born on September 10, 1801 in Warren County, Kentucky.4,2 
Birth of DaughterAugust 1, 1804Her daughter Elizabeth was born on August 1, 1804 in Kentucky.5,2 
Birth of SonOctober 16, 1806Her son John was born on October 16, 1806 in Warren County, Kentucky.4,2 
Birth of DaughterDecember 21, 1808Her daughter Nancy was born on December 21, 1808 in Warren County, Kentucky.4,2 
Birth of DaughterJune 3, 1811Her daughter Rachel was born on June 3, 1811 in Warren County, Kentucky.4,2 
Death of DaughterNovember 8, 1816Her daughter, Rachel, died on November 8, 1816 in Warren County, Kentucky.4,6,2 
Marriage of DaughterApril 6, 1820Her daugher, Margaret Murphy, married Thomas Clelland Wallace on April 6, 1820 in Warren County, Kentucky.7,2 
Marriage of DaughterNovember 15, 1821Her daugher, Elizabeth Murphy, married Nimrod Deweese on November 15, 1821 in Warren County, Kentucky.4,2 
Marriage of DaughterSeptember 1, 1825Her daugher, Nancy Murphy, married Elijah Davidson on September 1, 1825 in Warren County, Illinois.4,2 
Marriage of SonMarch 22, 1827Her son, John Eccles Murphy, married Frances Mary Wright Doughty on March 22, 1827 in Warren County, Kentucky.8,2 
Death of DaughterMarch 27, 1837Her daughter, Elizabeth, died on March 27, 1837 in Jacksonville, Morgan County, Illinois.4,2 
(widow) DeathMarch 4, 1846Nancy was widowed when her husband, William, died on March 4, 1846.9,2 
DeathAugust 26, 1862Nancy died August 26, 1862 in Cold Brook Township, Warren County, Illinois at age 82.5,10,2  
BurialHer body was buried in Ogden Cemetery, Cold Brook Township, Warren County, Illinois.11,2 


William Murphy b. 16 Feb 1776, d. 4 Mar 1846
Children 1.Margaret Murphy+2 b. Sep 10, 1801, d. Jul 23, 1886
 2.Elizabeth Murphy+2 b. Aug 1, 1804, d. Mar 27, 1837
 3.John Eccles Murphy+2 b. Oct 16, 1806, d. May 7, 1876
 4.Nancy Murphy+2 b. Dec 21, 1808
 5.Rachel Murphy2 b. Jun 3, 1811, d. Nov 8, 1816
Note Her home was known as Ferguson's Warf.12,2 
MoveShe moved from She went to KY with a sister and a brother.12,2 
Note John Eccles Murphy built them a home on a farm in Illinois.12,2 
(household member) Census 1850September 5, 1850Nancy Ferguson was listed as a member of the household of John Eccles Murphy and Frances Mary Wright Doughty in the 1850 Census on September 5, 1850 in Warren County, Illinois. Other members of the household listed were William Preston Murphy, Elizabeth Frances Murphy, Henderson Warren Murphy, James Thompson Murphy, Preston Holcomb Murphy, Nancy Angeline Murphy, Mary Adeline Murphy and Sarah Ann Murphy.13
Last EditedOct 11, 2009


  1. [S4425] Ginni Morey, Ginni's Ancestry, RootsWeb WorldConnect Project.
  2. [S3971] World Wide Web, Genealogy of Charlie Cook, Charles Lowell Cook Jr, this source may be viewed at,.
  3. [S4339] Elizabeth L Nichols, Cook, Murphy, Hodges Families of Early Virginia, by Elizabeth L. Nichols, 2004, p. 128.
  4. [S4339] Elizabeth L Nichols, Cook, Murphy, Hodges Families of Early Virginia, by Elizabeth L. Nichols, 2004, p. 130.
  5. [S4405] Unknown author, Descendants of William Murphy, p. 3.
  6. [S4343] Maggie Sallee, Some history of the Wallace, Murphy and Cooke families (1600-1957), (1600-1957) by Maggie Sallee, p 11.
  7. [S4343] Maggie Sallee, Some history of the Wallace, Murphy and Cooke families (1600-1957), (1600-1957) by Maggie Sallee, p. 34.
  8. [S4339] Elizabeth L Nichols, Cook, Murphy, Hodges Families of Early Virginia, by Elizabeth L. Nichols, 2004, p. 134.
  9. [S4405] Unknown author, Descendants of William Murphy, p. 2.
  10. [S4343] Maggie Sallee, Some history of the Wallace, Murphy and Cooke families (1600-1957), (1600-1957) by Maggie Sallee, p. 35.
  11. [S4339] Elizabeth L Nichols, Cook, Murphy, Hodges Families of Early Virginia, page 130.
  12. [S4300] Extract from the records of Charlie Cook, E-mail Charlie Cook's records may be viewed at, Diane Davis, 4/27/2005.
  13. [S10420] U.S. Census Illinois 1850, Warren County.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

Elijah Davidson1,2

Male, #1093, b. February 23, 1783, d. April 24, 1870
RelationshipElijah Davidson is a spouse of one of my relatives. Because Elijah is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching him.
BirthFebruary 23, 1783Elijah was born February 23, 1783 in Rutherford County, North Carolina.3,4,2 
MarriageFebruary 4, 1802He married Margaret Murphy, daughter of Reverend John Murphy and Rachel Cook, February 4, 1802 in Barren County, Kentucky.5,6,7,2,8  
Birth of SonOctober 26, 1802His son Carter was born on October 26, 1802 in Barren County, Kentucky.9,10,2 
Birth of SonDecember 28, 1804His son Hosea was born on December 28, 1804 in Prewits Knob, Barren County, Kentucky.11,2 
Birth of SonApril 14, 1807His son William was born on April 14, 1807 in Prewitts Knob, Barren County, Kentucky.11,2 
Birth of DaughterMay 28, 1809His daughter Hannah was born on May 28, 1809 in Barren County, Kentucky.12,3,2 
Birth of SonSeptember 27, 1811His son John was born on September 27, 1811 in Prewitts Knob, Barren County, Kentucky.11,2 
Birth of DaughterApril 22, 1814His daughter Mary was born on April 22, 1814 in Prewitts Knob, Barren County, Kentucky.11,2 
Birth of DaughterJuly 16, 1816His daughter Margaret was born on July 16, 1816 in Prewitts Knob, Barren County, Kentucky.11,2 
Birth of SonFebruary 3, 1819His son Elijah was born on February 3, 1819 in Prewitts Knob, Barren County, Kentucky.13,2 
Birth of DaughterMarch 13, 1821His daughter Rachel was born on March 13, 1821 in Prewitts Knob, Barren County, Kentucky.11,2 
Birth of DaughterMay 29, 1823His daughter Elizabeth was born on May 29, 1823 in Prewitts Knob, Barren County, Kentucky.11,2 
Birth of DaughterMay 23, 1825His daughter Sarah was born on May 23, 1825 in Prewitts Knob, Barren County, Kentucky.11,2 
Birth of SonApril 27, 1828His son Alexander was born on April 27, 1828 in Prewitts, Warren County, Kentucky.11,2 
Marriage of SonMay 8, 1828His son, Carter Tarrant Davidson, married Elizabeth Shirley on May 8, 1828 in Warren County, Kentucky.6,2 
Marriage of SonAugust 31, 1830His son, William Murphy Davidson, married Elizabeth Deweese on August 31, 1830 in Barren County, Kentucky.11,2 
Marriage of DaughterOctober 11, 1832His daughter, Hannah Davidson, married Josiah Whitman on October 11, 1832 in Warren County, Illinois.14 
Marriage of DaughterDecember 11, 1834His daughter, Margaret E Davidson, married William Mason on December 11, 1834 in Warren County, Illinois.11,2 
Marriage of SonJanuary 11, 1835His son, John C Davidson, married Julia Ann Whitman on January 11, 1835 in Warren County, Illinois.11,2 
Marriage of DaughterNovember 5, 1835His daughter, Mary Ann Davidson, married Ira Francis Marion Butler on November 5, 1835 in Monmouth, Warren County, Illinois.15,2 
Death of SonFebruary 8, 1837His son, William, died on February 8, 1837 in Monmouth, Warren County, Illinois.12,2 
Marriage of DaughterJune 21, 1837His daughter, Rachel Davidson, married George Washington Deweese on June 21, 1837 in Warren County, Illinois.16,17,2 
Marriage of DaughterFebruary 26, 1838His daughter, Elizabeth Thornton Davidson, married Squire Stoten Whitman on February 26, 1838 in Monmouth, Warren County, Illinois.2 
Marriage of SonOctober 22, 1840His son, Elijah Barton Davidson, married Salome Jones on October 22, 1840 in Schuyler County, Illinois.13,2 
Marriage of DaughterDecember 22, 1844His daughter, Sarah H Davidson, married Thomas Hartwell Lucas on December 22, 1844 in Monmouth, Warren County, Illinois.18,2 
Death of SonAugust 21, 1845His son, John, died on August 21, 1845 in Cold Brook Township, Warren County, Illinois.11,2 
Marriage of SonMarch 15, 1860His son, Alexander Bridges Davidson, married Elizabeth Ann Burford on March 15, 1860 in Polk County, Oregon.14 
Death of SonJanuary 9, 1862His son, Alexander, died on January 9, 1862 in Polk County, Oregon.13,2 
(widow) DeathMarch 2, 1864Elijah was widowed when his wife, Margaret died on March 2, 1864.19,2 
MarriageOctober 24, 1864He married an unknown person October 24, 1864 in Amity, Yamhill County, Oregon.11,2  
DeathApril 24, 1870Elijah died April 24, 1870 in Monmouth, Polk County, Oregon at age 87 due to Spine Disease..6,11,2  
BurialHis body was buried in Rogers Butler Davidson Cemetery, Monmouth, Polk County, Oregon.20,21,2 


Margaret Murphy b. 20 Aug 1785, d. 2 Mar 1864
Children 1.Carter Tarrant Davidson+2 b. Oct 26, 1802, d. Nov 30, 1881
 2.Hosea M Davidson2 b. Dec 28, 1804, d. Oct 16, 1873
 3.William Murphy Davidson+2 b. Apr 14, 1807, d. Feb 8, 1837
 4.Hannah Davidson+2 b. May 28, 1809, d. Oct 18, 1889
 5.John C Davidson+2 b. Sep 27, 1811, d. Aug 21, 1845
 6.Mary Ann Davidson+2 b. Apr 22, 1814, d. Jun 29, 1888
 7.Margaret E Davidson+2 b. Jul 16, 1816, d. Jan 30, 1887
 8.Elijah Barton Davidson+2 b. Feb 3, 1819, d. Jan 15, 1888
 9.Rachel Davidson+2 b. Mar 13, 1821, d. Jun 4, 1895
 10.Elizabeth Thornton Davidson+2 b. May 29, 1823, d. Oct 18, 1896
 11.Sarah H Davidson+2 b. May 23, 1825, d. Nov 10, 1882
 12.Alexander Bridges Davidson+2 b. Apr 27, 1828, d. Jan 9, 1862
MoveHe moved from North Carolina to Kentucky.22,2 
MoveHe moved from Kentucky to Warren County, Illinois.3,23,2 
OccupationElijah Davidson's occupation was Farmer.11,2 
OccupationElijah Davidson's occupation was Pastor of Christian Church at Cold Brook, Warren County, Illinois.24,2 
Church membership1801He was a member of in Mount Tabor Church, Barren County, Kentucky, in 1801.24,2 
Census 1810-partial1810Elijah was listed as the head of a family on the 1810 Census in Barren County, Kentucky.24,2 
Church membership1812He was a member of in Mt Tabor Church in 1812. Elected Deacon.25,2 
Military ServiceHe served in the military (Soldier in War of 1812).24,2 
Ordination1824He was ordained as a And licensed to preach in 1820 minister in 1824 in Mt Tabor Church.24,2 
Census 1820-partial1829Elijah was listed as the head of a family on the 1820 Census in Barren County, Kentucky.24,2 
Census 1830-partial1830Elijah was listed as the head of a family on the 1830 Census in Morgan County, Illinois.24,2 
Residence1830He resided Had one of first four cabins with blacksmith shop in Monmouth, Warren County, Illinois, in 1830.24,2 
Elected1832He was elected Treasurer in 1832 in Monmouth, Warren County, Illinois.24,2 
Census 1840-partialOctober 31, 1840Elijah was listed as the head of a family on the 1840 Census in Monmouth, Warren County, Illinois.11,2 
Move1850He moved from Illinois to Oregon, in 1850.3,2 
MembershipMarch 29, 1850Elijah was a member Elijah Davidson Wagon Train left for Oregon. on March 29, 1850.24,2 
Census 1860August 27, 1860Elijah was listed as the head of a household with his wife Margaret Murphy in the 1860 Census on August 27, 1860 near Independence, Polk County, Oregon.26
ProbateApril, 1871The will of Elijah was probated in April, 1871.1,2 
Last EditedFeb 18, 2014


  1. [S4300] Extract from the records of Charlie Cook, E-mail Charlie Cook's records may be viewed at, Barbara Jean & George E. Koch, 3/26/2007.
  2. [S3971] World Wide Web, Genealogy of Charlie Cook, Charles Lowell Cook Jr, this source may be viewed at,.
  3. [S4378] Unknown author, Letter, Ira F. M. Butler.
  4. [S3937] Unknown author, Descendants, of William Murphy, p. 3.
  5. [S3937] Unknown author, Descendants, of William Cook, Jr., p. 19.
  6. [S4405] Unknown author, Descendants of William Murphy, p. 3.
  7. [S4339] Elizabeth L Nichols, Cook, Murphy, Hodges Families of Early Virginia, p. 128.
  8. [S2664] William G Scroggins, William Cook (1730-1790), this source can be viewed at, page 26.
  9. [S4378] Unknown author, Letter, Ira F .M. Butler.
  10. [S4300] Extract from the records of Charlie Cook, E-mail Charlie Cook's records may be viewed at, Raynor & Sharon Morrison, 3/9/2007.
  11. [S3937] Unknown author, Descendants, of Elijah (NMN) Davidson.
  12. [S4405] Unknown author, Descendants of William Murphy, p. 4.
  13. [S4426] Unknown author, Elijah Barton Davidson Family Group, via Barbara Jean Smith Koch, 3/30/2007.
  14. [S5808] World Wide Web, Silliman Kurtz Olson Hafslund Ancestors, Carol Olson, this source may be viewed at, reviewed update of October 6, 2009.
  15. [S4405] Unknown author, Descendants of William Murphy, p. 7.
  16. [S4405] Unknown author, Descendants of William Murphy, p. 10.
  17. [S4339] Elizabeth L Nichols, Cook, Murphy, Hodges Families of Early Virginia, by Elizabeth L. Nichols, 2004, p. 137.
  18. [S4463] Unknown author, Ancestors, of Joan Hersey and Robert Olsson.
  19. [S4405] Unknown author, Descendants of William Murphy, p. 2.
  20. [S4300] Extract from the records of Charlie Cook, E-mail Charlie Cook's records may be viewed at, George E. Koch, 3/23/2007.
  21. [S4339] Elizabeth L Nichols, Cook, Murphy, Hodges Families of Early Virginia, page 136.
  22. [S4378] Unknown author, Letter, Ira. F. M. Butler.
  23. [S4343] Maggie Sallee, Some history of the Wallace, Murphy and Cooke families (1600-1957), (1600-1957) by Maggie Sallee, p. 9.
  24. [S3937] Unknown author, Descendants, of Elijah Barton Davidson.
  25. [S3937] Unknown author, Descendants, of Elijah Barton Davidson,.
  26. [S3969] U.S. Census Oregon 1860, Polk County, Independence Precinct.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

Susannah Dupree

Female, #1094
RelationshipSusannah Dupree is a parent or ancestor of a spouse of one of my relatives. Because Susannah is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching her.
Birth - no infoI have no information on the date or place of birth for Susannah Dupree.  
Marriagebefore 1762She married Henry Crutcher, son of Henry Crutcher, before 1762 in an unknown place .1  
Death - no infoI have no information on the date and place of Susannah's death. 
Birth of DaughterMay 16, 1762Her daughter Joanna was born on May 16, 1762 in Essex County, Virginia Colony .2,1 
Birth of SonMarch 5, 1767Her son Isaac was born on March 5, 1767 in Essex County, Virginia Colony .1,3 
Birth of DaughterJune 15, 1770Her daughter Elizabeth was born on June 15, 1770 in Essex County, Virginia Colony .2,1 
Birth of DaughterOctober 13, 1773Her daughter Keturah was born on October 13, 1773 in Essex County, Virginia Colony .2,4 


Henry Crutcher b. a 1740, d. 31 Jan 1807
Children 1.Joanna Crutcher+ b. May 16, 1762
 2.Rev Isaac Crutcher b. Mar 5, 1767, d. Nov 11, 1837
 3.Elizabeth Crutcher b. Jun 15, 1770, d. Aug 6, 1826
 4.Keturah Catherine Crutcher+ b. Oct 13, 1773, d. Dec 16, 1846
Last EditedJan 23, 2000


  1. [S527] Ermina Jett Darnell, Forks of Elkhorn Church.
  2. [S1620] Wanda Payne, e-mail to Garril L Kueber January 22, 2000.
  3. [S1532] Ancestral File Ver 4.19.
  4. [S2664] William G Scroggins, William Cook (1730-1790), this source can be viewed at, page 31, just has date and Virginia.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

Margaret Sacra

Female, #1095, b. November 30, 1794, d. November 3, 1831
FatherJames C Sacra
RelationshipMargaret Sacra is a spouse of one of my relatives. Because Margaret is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching her.
BirthNovember 30, 1794Margaret was born November 30, 1794 in Caroline County, Virginia.1,2 
MarriageSeptember 2, 1818She married Jesse Cook, son of William Cook III and Keturah Catherine Crutcher, September 2, 1818 in Shelby County, Kentucky. Bond date. John C. Sacra as security.3  
Birth of SonJanuary 17, 1822Her son James was born on January 17, 1822 in Shelby County, Kentucky.4,2 
Birth of SonJuly 10, 1823Her son Jephthah was born on July 10, 1823 in Shelby County, Kentucky.4,2 
Birth of SonJune 27, 1825Her son John was born on June 27, 1825 in Nicholas County, Kentucky.4,2 
DeathNovember 3, 1831Margaret died November 3, 1831 in Cyclone, Clinton County, Indiana at age 36. She left a widower, Jesse.5,6,2  
BurialHer body was buried in Bolt Cemetery, Clinton County, Indiana.7 


Jesse Cook b. 16 Nov 1798, d. 1 May 1841
Children 1.James William Cook+2 b. Jan 17, 1822, d. May 28, 1904
 2.Jephthah Dudley Cook+2 b. Jul 10, 1823, d. Jul 29, 1897
 3.John R Cook+2 b. Jun 27, 1825, d. Mar 15, 1911
Name Variation Margaret Sacra was also known as Margaret Sacrey. 
Census 1810-partial1810Margaret was listed as the head of a family on the 1810 Census in Franklin County, Kentucky.8,2 
Last EditedFeb 14, 2010


  1. [S4448] Unknown author, Pedigree Chart, Merlyn Joseph Cook.
  2. [S3971] World Wide Web, Genealogy of Charlie Cook, Charles Lowell Cook Jr, this source may be viewed at,.
  3. [S2664] William G Scroggins, William Cook (1730-1790), this source can be viewed at, page 31.
  4. [S4482] Merlyn Joseph Cook, Descendants of Jesse Cook.
  5. [S2664] William G Scroggins, William Cook (1730-1790), this source can be viewed at, page 27.
  6. [S3937] Unknown author, Descendants, of Simon Sacre, Part 2, Gen. 4, p. 6.
  7. [S2664] William G Scroggins, William Cook (1730-1790), this source can be viewed at, page 27.
  8. [S4400] Merlyn Joseph Cook, Our Ancestors, B Sacra line, p. 12.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

Nancy Collins

Female, #1096
RelationshipNancy Collins is a non-related spouse of a spouse of one of my relatives. Because Nancy is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching her.
Birth - no infoI have no information on the date or place of birth for Nancy Collins.  
Marriage - no infoShe married James C Sacra. I have no information on the date and place of the marriage. 
Death - no infoI have no information on the date and place of Nancy's death. 


James C Sacra
Last EditedMar 23, 1997

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

Jesse Cook

Male, #1097, b. November 16, 1798, d. May 1, 1841
Relationships1st cousin 5 times removed of Garril Louis Kueber Sr
2nd great-grandson of Robert Jones
4th great-grandson of Jan Joosten van Meteren (John Van Meter)
5th great-grandson of Chretien Du Bois
5th great-grandson of Matthieu Blanchan
3rd great-grandson of Jean Bodine
4th great-grandson of Jean Crocheron
6th great-grandson of Richard Cooke
FatherWilliam Cook III b. about 1764, d. Mar 16, 1814
MotherKeturah Catherine Crutcher b. Oct 13, 1773, d. Dec 16, 1846
Birth - Conf LocnNovember 16, 1798Conflicting information indicates Jesse Cook may have been born in Shelby County, Kentucky.1,2 
BirthNovember 16, 1798Jesse was born November 16, 1798 in probably Franklin County, Kentucky.3 
Death of FatherMarch 16, 1814His father, William, died on March 16, 1814 in Shelby County, Kentucky.4,5 
MarriageSeptember 2, 1818He married Margaret Sacra, daughter of James C Sacra, September 2, 1818 in Shelby County, Kentucky. Bond date. John C. Sacra as security.3  
Birth of SonJanuary 17, 1822His son James was born on January 17, 1822 in Shelby County, Kentucky.6,2 
Birth of SonJuly 10, 1823His son Jephthah was born on July 10, 1823 in Shelby County, Kentucky.6,2 
Birth of SonJune 27, 1825His son John was born on June 27, 1825 in Nicholas County, Kentucky.6,2 
(widow) DeathNovember 3, 1831Jesse was widowed when his wife, Margaret died on November 3, 1831.7,8,2 
DeathMay 1, 1841Jesse died May 1, 1841 in Clinton County, Indiana at age 42.3  
BurialHis body was buried in Bolt Cemetery, Clinton County, Indiana


Margaret Sacra b. 30 Nov 1794, d. 3 Nov 1831
Children 1.James William Cook+2 b. Jan 17, 1822, d. May 28, 1904
 2.Jephthah Dudley Cook+2 b. Jul 10, 1823, d. Jul 29, 1897
 3.John R Cook+2 b. Jun 27, 1825, d. Mar 15, 1911
Census 18201820Jesse was listed as the head of a family on the 1820 Census in Shelby County, Kentucky.9 
Census 1830-partial1830Jesse was listed as the head of a family on the 1830 Census in Clinton County, Indiana.10 
Census 1840-partial1840Jesse was listed as the head of a family on the 1840 Census in Clinton County, Indiana.10 
Last EditedJun 26, 2011


  1. [S4321] Unknown author, FGS William Cook III.
  2. [S3971] World Wide Web, Genealogy of Charlie Cook, Charles Lowell Cook Jr, this source may be viewed at,.
  3. [S2664] William G Scroggins, William Cook (1730-1790), this source can be viewed at, page 31.
  4. [S527] Ermina Jett Darnell, Forks of Elkhorn Church, page 107.
  5. [S2664] William G Scroggins, William Cook (1730-1790), this source can be viewed at, page 1.
  6. [S4482] Merlyn Joseph Cook, Descendants of Jesse Cook.
  7. [S2664] William G Scroggins, William Cook (1730-1790), this source can be viewed at, page 27.
  8. [S3937] Unknown author, Descendants, of Simon Sacre, Part 2, Gen. 4, p. 6.
  9. [S2801] U.S. Census, Population Schedule, Kentucky, 1820, Shelby County.
  10. [S5808] World Wide Web, Silliman Kurtz Olson Hafslund Ancestors, Carol Olson, this source may be viewed at, reviewed update of October 6, 2009.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

Isaac Cook

Male, #1098, b. May 1, 1800, d. November 11, 1887
Relationships1st cousin 5 times removed of Garril Louis Kueber Sr
2nd great-grandson of Robert Jones
4th great-grandson of Jan Joosten van Meteren (John Van Meter)
5th great-grandson of Chretien Du Bois
5th great-grandson of Matthieu Blanchan
3rd great-grandson of Jean Bodine
4th great-grandson of Jean Crocheron
6th great-grandson of Richard Cooke
FatherWilliam Cook III b. about 1764, d. Mar 16, 1814
MotherKeturah Catherine Crutcher b. Oct 13, 1773, d. Dec 16, 1846
BirthMay 1, 1800Isaac was born May 1, 1800 in Shelby County, Kentucky.1,2,3 
Death of FatherMarch 16, 1814His father, William, died on March 16, 1814 in Shelby County, Kentucky.4,5 
Marriage - BondOctober 4, 1820Isaac Cook and Nancy Sacra obtained a marriage bond on October 4, 1820.6,7,8 
MarriageOctober 5, 1820He married Nancy Sacra, daughter of James C Sacra and Joanna Crutcher, October 5, 1820 in Shelby County, Kentucky. Marriage minister: Rev Abram Cook.1,9  
Birth of DaughterOctober 27, 1822His daughter Elizabeth was born on October 27, 1822 in Shelby County, Kentucky.1,2 
Birth of SonSeptember 20, 1824His son William was born on September 20, 1824 in Shelby County, Kentucky.2,10 
Birth of SonJanuary 11, 1827His son James was born on January 11, 1827 in Danville, Hendricks County, Indiana.11,8 
Birth of SonMay 18, 1829His son Seth was born on May 18, 1829 in Clinton County, Indiana.12,13,8 
Birth of DaughterOctober 1, 1831His daughter Louisa was born on October 1, 1831 in Clinton County, Indiana.14,8 
Birth of DaughterJanuary 11, 1834His daughter Margaret was born on January 11, 1834 in Clinton County, Indiana.11,8 
Birth of SonJune 25, 1836His son Francis was born on June 25, 1836 in Clinton County, Indiana.11,8 
Death of DaughterJanuary 18, 1839His daughter, Elizabeth, died on January 18, 1839 in Clinton County, Indiana.2 
Birth of DaughterMarch 15, 1839His daughter Nancy was born on March 15, 1839 in Clinton County, Indiana.11,8 
Death of DaughterSeptember 29, 1842His daughter, Louisa, died on September 29, 1842 in Clinton County, Indiana.2 
Birth of SonFebruary 11, 1843His son Robert was born on February 11, 1843 in Clinton County, Indiana.11,8 
Death of SonOctober 19, 1844His son, James, died on October 19, 1844 in Clinton County, Indiana.2 
Birth of Daughter1845His daughter (given was born in 1845.15,8 
Death of MotherDecember 16, 1846His mother, Keturah, died on December 16, 1846 in Clinton County, Indiana.3 
Birth of Daughter1847His daughter (given was born in 1847.15,8 
Marriage of SonJune 5, 1850His son, William J Cook, married Elizabeth Reed on June 5, 1850 in Clinton County, Indiana.2,10 
(widow) DeathApril 23, 1852Isaac was widowed when his wife, Nancy died on April 23, 1852.2,16,17,18,8 
Marriage of SonOctober 14, 1852His son, Seth Cook, married Sarah Ann Reed on October 14, 1852 in Clinton County, Indiana.19,8 
Marriage of DaughterMay 6, 1853His daughter, Margaret Cook, married William Wallace Flynn on May 6, 1853 in Clinton County, Indiana.2,20 
MarriageAugust 31, 1854He married Ann B Inglish August 31, 1854 in Clinton County, Indiana.3  
Marriage of SonApril 1, 1858His son, Francis Marion Cook, married Mary Ellen Strange on April 1, 1858 in Clinton County, Indiana.11,15,8 
DivorceOctober 15, 1859Isaac and Ann B Inglish were divorced on October 15, 1859.9 
Marriage of SonMay 1, 1882His son, Robert Sacry Cook, married Mary Ann Ashpaugh on May 1, 1882 in Clinton County, Indiana.2,21 
Marriage of DaughterMarch 3, 1887His daughter, Nancy Maria Cook, married Oliver Perry Hankins on March 3, 1887 in Clinton County, Indiana.2,21 
DeathNovember 11, 1887Isaac died November 11, 1887 at residence near Cyclone, Clinton County, Indiana at age 87.2,22  
BurialHis body was buried in Bolt Cemetery, Clinton County, Indiana.16 

Family 1

Nancy Sacra b. 16 Apr 1802, d. 23 Apr 1852
Children 1.Elizabeth Ann Cook b. Oct 27, 1822, d. Jan 18, 1839
 2.William J Cook+ b. Sep 20, 1824, d. Apr 28, 1900
 3.James Cook b. Jan 11, 1827, d. Oct 19, 1844
 4.Seth Cook+ b. May 18, 1829, d. Jul 10, 1905
 5.Louisa Ellen Cook b. Oct 1, 1831, d. Sep 29, 1842
 6.Margaret Cook+ b. Jan 11, 1834, d. Feb, 1899
 7.Francis Marion Cook+ b. Jun 25, 1836, d. Apr 12, 1892
 8.Nancy Maria Cook b. Mar 15, 1839, d. Oct 19, 1895
 9.Robert Sacry Cook+ b. Feb 11, 1843, d. Feb 20, 1901
 10.(given name not known) Cook8 b. 1845
 11.(given name not known) Cook8 b. 1847

Family 2

Ann B Inglish
OccupationIsaac Cook's occupation was Farmer.23,8 
Name Variation Isaac Cook was also known as Ike.8 
Movebetween September, 1826 and December, 1826He moved to Danville, Hendricks County, Indiana, between September, 1826 and December, 1826.2 
Move1828He moved from Isaac and Nancy Cook purchased land in Sec 36 Town 2B North of Range 1 West in Jackson Tp. They sold that land in the fall 1830 and entered land in Secs 2B and 3D Town 21 North of Range 1 East, where they secured a competency and spent their remaining days, uniting with the Baptist in the fall of 1843. to Clinton County, Indiana, in 1828.2 
Census 1830-partial1830Isaac was listed as the head of a family on the 1830 Census in Clinton County, Indiana.21 
Census 1840-partial1840Isaac was listed as the head of a family on the 1840 Census in Clinton County, Indiana.21 
Religion1843He was In fall united with the Baptist.24,8 
Census 1850November 11, 1850Isaac was listed as the head of a household with his wife Nancy Sacra in the 1850 Census on November 11, 1850 in Jackson Township, Clinton County, Indiana. Other members of the household listed were Seth Cook, Margaret Cook, Francis Marion Cook, Nancy Maria Cook and Robert Sacry Cook.25
Census 1860June 13, 1860Isaac was listed as the head of a household in the 1860 Census on June 13, 1860 in Jackson Township, Clinton County, Indiana. Other members of the household listed were Nancy Maria Cook and Robert Sacry Cook.26
Census 1870August 22, 1870Isaac was listed as the head of a household in the 1870 Census on August 22, 1870 in Jackson Township, Clinton County, Indiana. Isaac's occupation is listed as farmer. Other members of the household listed were Nancy Maria Cook, Robert Sacry Cook and Fannie Cook.21,27
Census 1880June 19, 1880Isaac was listed as the head of a household in the 1880 Census on June 19, 1880 in Jackson Township, Clinton County, Indiana. Other members of the household listed were Nancy Maria Cook, Lucinda J Cook and Ulysses Grant Cook There is also a boarder listed in the household.28
Last EditedJun 26, 2011


  1. [S1489] IGI (International Genealogical Index) Version 4.00 North America.
  2. [S1352] Cook surname file,.
  3. [S2664] William G Scroggins, William Cook (1730-1790), this source can be viewed at, page 31.
  4. [S527] Ermina Jett Darnell, Forks of Elkhorn Church, page 107.
  5. [S2664] William G Scroggins, William Cook (1730-1790), this source can be viewed at, page 1.
  6. [S4681] 1983 Eula Richardson Hasskarl, Shelby Co., KY Marriages, Vol. I, p. 92.
  7. [S3929] Unknown author, Scroggins1-Cook File, p. 28.
  8. [S3971] World Wide Web, Genealogy of Charlie Cook, Charles Lowell Cook Jr, this source may be viewed at,.
  9. [S2664] William G Scroggins, William Cook (1730-1790), this source can be viewed at, page 27.
  10. [S3605] Charles Cook, e-mail to Garril L Kueber April 23, 2007.
  11. [S4513] Unknown author, FGS Issac Cook, (1802), 1st Marriage.
  12. [S4467] Unknown author, FGS Issac Cook (1802).
  13. [S4327] Unknown author, Scroggins-Cook Bible File, p. 1.
  14. [S4327] Unknown author, Scroggins-Cook Bible File.
  15. [S4311] Extract from the records of Charlie Cook, Merlyn Joseph Cook, Our Ancestors, A Cook Line Charlie Cook's records may be viewed at, p. 37.
  16. [S2664] William G Scroggins, William Cook (1730-1790), this source can be viewed at, page 105.
  17. [S4327] Unknown author, Scroggins-Cook Bible File, Page 2.
  18. [S4320] Elizabeth W. McNamara, Descendants of Thomas Crutcher, Died 1722, Essex County, Virginia, p. 24.
  19. [S4327] Unknown author, Scroggins-Cook Bible File, p. 2.
  20. [S4320] Elizabeth W. McNamara, Descendants of Thomas Crutcher, Died 1722, Essex County, Virginia, page 27.
  21. [S5808] World Wide Web, Silliman Kurtz Olson Hafslund Ancestors, Carol Olson, this source may be viewed at, reviewed update of October 6, 2009.
  22. [S2664] William G Scroggins, William Cook (1730-1790), this source can be viewed at, page 31, date and county only, page 105 "died at residence near Cyclone".
  23. [S4326] Unknown author, e-mail data 8/22/98 to COOK-L.
  24. [S4325] Unknown author, Cook Family Bible.
  25. [S3561] U.S. Census Indiana 1850, Clinton County, Jackson Township.
  26. [S3409] U.S. Census Indiana 1860, Clinton County, Jackson Township.
  27. [S10539] U.S. Census Indiana 1870, Clinton County, Jackson Township.
  28. [S2294] U.S. Census Indiana 1880, Clinton County, Jackson.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

Nancy Sacra

Female, #1099, b. April 16, 1802, d. April 23, 1852
FatherJames C Sacra
MotherJoanna Crutcher b. May 16, 1762
RelationshipNancy Sacra is a spouse of one of my relatives. Because Nancy is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching her.
BirthApril 16, 1802Nancy was born April 16, 1802 in Franklin County, Kentucky.1,2,3 
Marriage - BondOctober 4, 1820She and Isaac Cook obtained a marriage bond on October 4, 1820.4,5,3 
MarriageOctober 5, 1820She married Isaac Cook, son of William Cook III and Keturah Catherine Crutcher, October 5, 1820 in Shelby County, Kentucky. Marriage minister: Rev Abram Cook.6,7  
Birth of DaughterOctober 27, 1822Her daughter Elizabeth was born on October 27, 1822 in Shelby County, Kentucky.6,1 
Birth of SonSeptember 20, 1824Her son William was born on September 20, 1824 in Shelby County, Kentucky.1,8 
Birth of SonJanuary 11, 1827Her son James was born on January 11, 1827 in Danville, Hendricks County, Indiana.9,3 
Birth of SonMay 18, 1829Her son Seth was born on May 18, 1829 in Clinton County, Indiana.10,11,3 
Birth of DaughterOctober 1, 1831Her daughter Louisa was born on October 1, 1831 in Clinton County, Indiana.12,3 
Birth of DaughterJanuary 11, 1834Her daughter Margaret was born on January 11, 1834 in Clinton County, Indiana.9,3 
Birth of SonJune 25, 1836Her son Francis was born on June 25, 1836 in Clinton County, Indiana.9,3 
Death of DaughterJanuary 18, 1839Her daughter, Elizabeth, died on January 18, 1839 in Clinton County, Indiana.1 
Birth of DaughterMarch 15, 1839Her daughter Nancy was born on March 15, 1839 in Clinton County, Indiana.9,3 
Death of DaughterSeptember 29, 1842Her daughter, Louisa, died on September 29, 1842 in Clinton County, Indiana.1 
Birth of SonFebruary 11, 1843Her son Robert was born on February 11, 1843 in Clinton County, Indiana.9,3 
Death of SonOctober 19, 1844Her son, James, died on October 19, 1844 in Clinton County, Indiana.1 
Birth of Daughter1845Her daughter (given was born in 1845.13,3 
Birth of Daughter1847Her daughter (given was born in 1847.13,3 
Marriage of SonJune 5, 1850Her son, William J Cook, married Elizabeth Reed on June 5, 1850 in Clinton County, Indiana.1,8 
DeathApril 23, 1852Nancy died April 23, 1852 in Cyclone, Clinton County, Indiana at age 50. She left a widower, Isaac.1,14,15,16,3  
BurialHer body was buried in Bolt Cemetery, Jackson Township, Clinton County, Indiana.7 


Isaac Cook b. 1 May 1800, d. 11 Nov 1887
Children 1.Elizabeth Ann Cook b. Oct 27, 1822, d. Jan 18, 1839
 2.William J Cook+ b. Sep 20, 1824, d. Apr 28, 1900
 3.James Cook b. Jan 11, 1827, d. Oct 19, 1844
 4.Seth Cook+ b. May 18, 1829, d. Jul 10, 1905
 5.Louisa Ellen Cook b. Oct 1, 1831, d. Sep 29, 1842
 6.Margaret Cook+ b. Jan 11, 1834, d. Feb, 1899
 7.Francis Marion Cook+ b. Jun 25, 1836, d. Apr 12, 1892
 8.Nancy Maria Cook b. Mar 15, 1839, d. Oct 19, 1895
 9.Robert Sacry Cook+ b. Feb 11, 1843, d. Feb 20, 1901
 10.(given name not known) Cook3 b. 1845
 11.(given name not known) Cook3 b. 1847
Name Variation Nancy Sacra was also known as Nancy Sacrey.5,3 
Census 1810-partial1810Nancy was listed as the head of a family on the 1810 Census in Franklin County, Kentucky.17,3 
Religion1843She was In fall united with the Baptist.18,3 
Census 1850November 11, 1850Nancy was listed as a member, his wife, of Isaac Cook's household in the 1850 Census on November 11, 1850 in Jackson Township, Clinton County, Indiana. Other members of the household listed were Seth Cook, Margaret Cook, Francis Marion Cook, Nancy Maria Cook and Robert Sacry Cook.19
Last EditedJun 26, 2011


  1. [S1352] Cook surname file,.
  2. [S4021] Unknown author, FGS, James Sacra.
  3. [S3971] World Wide Web, Genealogy of Charlie Cook, Charles Lowell Cook Jr, this source may be viewed at,.
  4. [S4681] 1983 Eula Richardson Hasskarl, Shelby Co., KY Marriages, Vol. I, p. 92.
  5. [S3929] Unknown author, Scroggins1-Cook File, p. 28.
  6. [S1489] IGI (International Genealogical Index) Version 4.00 North America.
  7. [S2664] William G Scroggins, William Cook (1730-1790), this source can be viewed at, page 27.
  8. [S3605] Charles Cook, e-mail to Garril L Kueber April 23, 2007.
  9. [S4513] Unknown author, FGS Issac Cook, (1802), 1st Marriage.
  10. [S4467] Unknown author, FGS Issac Cook (1802).
  11. [S4327] Unknown author, Scroggins-Cook Bible File, p. 1.
  12. [S4327] Unknown author, Scroggins-Cook Bible File.
  13. [S4311] Extract from the records of Charlie Cook, Merlyn Joseph Cook, Our Ancestors, A Cook Line Charlie Cook's records may be viewed at, p. 37.
  14. [S2664] William G Scroggins, William Cook (1730-1790), this source can be viewed at, page 105.
  15. [S4327] Unknown author, Scroggins-Cook Bible File, Page 2.
  16. [S4320] Elizabeth W. McNamara, Descendants of Thomas Crutcher, Died 1722, Essex County, Virginia, p. 24.
  17. [S4400] Merlyn Joseph Cook, Our Ancestors, B Sacra line, p. 12.
  18. [S4325] Unknown author, Cook Family Bible.
  19. [S3561] U.S. Census Indiana 1850, Clinton County, Jackson Township.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

Ann B Inglish

Female, #1100
RelationshipAnn B Inglish is a spouse of one of my relatives. Because Ann B is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching her.
Birth - no infoI have no information on the date or place of birth for Ann B Inglish.  
Marriage - no infoShe married Henry Goble. I have no information on the date and place of the marriage.1 
MarriageAugust 31, 1854She married Isaac Cook, son of William Cook III and Keturah Catherine Crutcher, August 31, 1854 in Clinton County, Indiana.2  
DivorceOctober 15, 1859Ann and Isaac Cook were divorced on October 15, 1859.3 
Death - no infoI have no information on the date and place of Ann B's death. 

Family 1

Henry Goble d. b 31 Aug 1854

Family 2

Isaac Cook b. 1 May 1800, d. 11 Nov 1887
Last EditedJun 26, 2011


  1. [S2664] William G Scroggins, William Cook (1730-1790), this source can be viewed at, page 26.
  2. [S2664] William G Scroggins, William Cook (1730-1790), this source can be viewed at, page 31.
  3. [S2664] William G Scroggins, William Cook (1730-1790), this source can be viewed at, page 27.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).