Rosannah Yunt

Female, #15161, b. January 5, 1806, d. August 24, 1843
FatherJacob Yount Sr
MotherMary Garrett
RelationshipRosannah Yunt is an ancestor of a non-related spouse of a spouse of one of my relatives. Because Rosannah is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching her.
BirthJanuary 5, 1806Rosannah was born January 5, 1806 in Consolation, Shelby County, Kentucky.1 
MarriageOctober 22, 1823She married Joel Wentworth, son of Levi Wentworth and Charity Stiel, October 22, 1823 in Consolation, Shelby County, Kentucky.1,2  
Birth of DaughterNovember 25, 1825Her daughter Maria was born on November 25, 1825 in Consolation, Shelby County, Kentucky.1 
Birth of DaughterDecember 19, 1827Her daughter Nancy was born on December 19, 1827 in Consolation, Shelby County, Kentucky.1 
Birth of DaughterJuly 27, 1828Her daughter Delilah was born on July 27, 1828 in Consolation, Shelby County, Kentucky.1 
Birth of DaughterAugust 18, 1830Her daughter Emeline was born on August 18, 1830 in Consolation, Shelby County, Kentucky.1 
Birth of SonNovember 17, 1831Her son Martin was born on November 17, 1831 in Consolation, Shelby County, Kentucky.1 
Birth of SonMarch 21, 1833Her son John was born on March 21, 1833 in Consolation, Shelby County, Kentucky.1 
Death of Son1834Her son, Willis, died in 1834 in Bagdad, Shelby County, Kentucky.1 
Birth of SonMay 14, 1834Her son Willis was born on May 14, 1834 in Consolation, Shelby County, Kentucky.1 
Marriage of DaughterJanuary 28, 1843Her daugher, Maria Wentworth, married James Perry Lindell on January 28, 1843 in Spencer County, Kentucky.1 
DeathAugust 24, 1843Rosannah died August 24, 1843 in Jacksonville, Shelby County, Kentucky at age 37.3  


Joel Wentworth b. 20 Apr 1801, d. 5 Feb 1865
Children 1.Maria Wentworth+ b. Nov 25, 1825, d. Oct 23, 1876
 2.Nancy Wentworth1 b. Dec 19, 1827, d. Jan 25, 1870
 3.Delilah Wentworth+1 b. Jul 27, 1828
 4.Emeline Wentworth+1 b. Aug 18, 1830
 5.Martin Wentworth1 b. Nov 17, 1831
 6.John Wentworth+1 b. Mar 21, 1833, d. 1868
 7.Willis Wentworth1 b. May 14, 1834, d. 1834
Name Variation Rosannah Yunt was also known as Rhody.1 
Last EditedSep 27, 2007


  1. [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,.
  2. [S3916] Eula Richardson Hasskarl, Shelby County Kentucky Marriages 1792-1833, Marriage of Levi Wentworth and Rhody Yount.
  3. [S2956] Jackie Welsh, e-mail to Garril L Kueber April 7, 2003.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

Celia Frances Shackelford

Female, #15162, b. March 11, 1861, d. February 10, 1916
FatherJohn J Shackelford b. Jun 23, 1802
MotherMaria Wentworth b. Nov 25, 1825, d. Oct 23, 1876
RelationshipCelia Frances Shackelford is a descendent of a parent or ancestor of a spouse of one of my relatives. Because Celia Frances is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching her.
BirthMarch 11, 1861Celia was born March 11, 1861 in Kentucky.1 
Death of MotherOctober 23, 1876Her mother, Maria, died on October 23, 1876 in Consolation, Shelby County, Kentucky.1 
Marriageabout 1877She married James W Jennings, son of Thomas Jennings and Lucy Ann Wade, about 1877 in Kentucky.1  
Birth of SonJanuary, 1878Her son Warren was born in January, 1878 in Kentucky.1 
Birth of Daughterabout 1879Her daughter Mary was born about 1879 in Kentucky.1 
Birth of SonMarch, 1882Her son Lonzo was born in March, 1882 in Kentucky.1 
Birth of SonSeptember, 1884Her son Wheeler was born in September, 1884 in Kentucky.1 
Birth of DaughterMarch, 1887Her daughter Myrtle was born in March, 1887 in Kentucky.1 
Birth of DaughterOctober, 1889Her daughter Myrvine was born in October, 1889 in Kentucky.1 
Birth of DaughterAugust, 1891Her daughter Eva was born in August, 1891 in Kentucky.1 
Birth of DaughterJune, 1894Her daughter Nellie was born in June, 1894 in Kentucky.1 
Marriage of Sonabout 1908Her son, Warren Jennings, married Maggie Washburn about 1908 in Kentucky.1 
Marriage of Sonabout 1909Her son, Wheeler R Jennings, married Mattie Shaw about 1909 in Kentucky.1 
DeathFebruary 10, 1916Celia died February 10, 1916 in Pleasureville, Henry County, Kentucky at age 54 due to Pneumonia.1  
BurialHer body was buried in Point Pleasant Cemetery, Henry County, Kentucky.1 


James W Jennings b. a 1849, d. bt 1910 - 1916
Children 1.Warren Jennings+1 b. Jan, 1878, d. Jul 22, 1965
 2.Mary E Jennings1 b. about 1879
 3.Lonzo Jennings1 b. Mar, 1882
 4.Wheeler R Jennings+1 b. Sep, 1884, d. Jul 15, 1960
 5.Myrtle Jennings1 b. Mar, 1887
 6.Myrvine Jennings1 b. Oct, 1889
 7.Eva Jennings1 b. Aug, 1891
 8.Nellie Jennings1 b. Jun, 1894
Event-Death infoCelia Frances Shackelford was Type: Mother's Name/Cert. Mary Wentworth .1 
Event-Death infoShe was Type: Death Cert.Age 55 yrs old .1 
Note-ShackelfordShe 1870 CENSUS--JULY 7 Shelby Co. Ky. -- Graffenburg P.O. HardinsvillePrecinct-pg. 5

John Shackelford 68 Va. (makes b. 1802)
Maria ' 44 Ky. (makes b. 1826) Maiden name=Wentworth
Editha ' 12 (makes b. 1858) Susan's
Lewis ' 10 (makes b. 1860) Susan's
Albert ' 8 (makes b. 1862) Susan's
Agnes ' 3 (makes b. 1867) Maria's dau withspouse, John Shackelford
Nancy Lindell 15, at home (makes b. 1855) b. Ky. (Maria's daufrom prev. marriage)
**Francis ' 8 at home (makes b. abt 1861) b. Ky **Celia Frances
Mary Wentworth 45 at home (makes b. 1825) b. Ky. (Poss.the motherof Celia Frances or John Wentworth's wife,( Mary J.))

According to Volumns 1-3, 'The English and American Genealogy of theWentworth Family', Maria & John Shackelford were the parents of CeliaFrances as well as Agnes. The books were written in 1878 . It statedthat Celia Frances was born Nov 9, 1861, however Maria didn't marry JohnShackelford until Jan 23, 1864 and John's previous wife (mygg-grandmother Susan F. Morris) had their last child (Albert) abt 1862.I am sure Agnes is John & Maria's daughter, but Celia Frances must reallybe John Lynch's dau, whose name was listed as her father on Celia's deathcertificate. Vernon Wentworth sent me a copy of the book volumes on CD.

Note: See Obit and 1910 census below. In Celia's obit, the informant,(her dau-Myrtle) says her parents were John Lynch & Mary Wentworth aswell as on Celia's death cert. In the above 1870 census there is aMary Wentworth and Frances (Celia) living in the household of John &Maria. Clearly that is Celia's mother who must have been married to thisJohn Lynch, so the Wentworth book is mistaken that Celia is JohnShackelford's daughter. Cannot find a John Lynch in Ky with a Maria orMary.

Celia's husband (Jas. W. Jennings) was the brother of Amos Jennings whomarried Agnes Shackelford b 1866. Agnes was also the dau of MariaWentworth Lindell Shackelford and John Shackelford which means that AmosJennings and his brother (Jas. W.) married sisters.
1880 United States Census Household:

James W. JENNINGS Self M Male W 31 KY Farmer KY KY
** Selia F. JENNINGS Wife M Female W 17 KY Keeping House KY KY
Warren JENNINGS Son S Male W 2 KY KY KY
Mary E. JENNINGS Dau S Female W 1M KY KY KY
Elizabeth JENNINGS Sister S Female W 25 KY KY KY (babt 1854)
Lina JENNINGS Niece S Female W 11 KY KY KY
Lula JENNINGS Niece S Female W 1 KY KY KY

Source Information:
Census Place Franklinton, Henry, Kentucky
Family History Library Film 1254420
NA Film Number T9-0420
Page Number 107D
1900 Henry Co.,Ky.--Bethlehem Pct.

James Jennings, head, b. Oct. 1867, 52, marr'd 24 yrs, b. Kyx3,Farmer/rented farm, can't read or write, can speak Eng.
Celia Jennings, wife, b. April 1863, 37, marr'd 24 yrs, b. Kyx3, can'tread or write, can speak Eng.
Warren Jennings, son, b. Jan. 1878, 22, single, b. Ky, farmer
Lonzo Jennings, son, b. March 1882, 18, single, b. Ky
Wheler Jennings, son, b. Sept 1884, 15, b. Ky
Myrtle Jennings, dau, b. March 1887, 13, b. Ky
Myrvine Jennings, dau, b. Oct, 1889, 11, b. Ky.
Eva Jennings, dau, b. Aug. 1891, 8, b. Ky
Nellie Jennings, dau, June 1894, 5, b. Ky
Lewis Cooper, w, Boarder, Sept 1869, 30, single, b. Kyx3, farmer
Ely Wentworth, laborer, w, Sept. 1844, 53, Wd., b. Kyx3, farm laborer,can't read or write, can speak Eng.

Note: Ely Wentworth above is really Levi Wentworth, Celia's half uncle.
Celia's mother was Maria Wentworth who married 2nd, John Shackelford.
Series: T624 Roll: 478 Page: 139 --Heritage Quest Search

April 28th

James Jennings, head, m,w, 56, marr'd 31 yrs, b Kyx3, General Farmer
**Celia F. Jennings, wife, f,w, marr'd 31 yrs, 7 children, 6 living, bKyx3
Myrtle Jennings, dau, f,w, 21, single, b Ky
Nellie Jennings, dau, f,w, 14, single, b Ky

Note: 3 listings down,(same pg) son of above Warren Jennings(son) &family (see his notes)
Note: See dau, Myrtle as informant on Celia's death certificate below.*
Death Certificate Information

Jennings, Mrs. Selia F. (Celia Frances)
Certificate # 4834
White, Female, Widow
Born: March 11, 1861, Kentucky
Age: 55 years, 11 months
Occupation: Housewife
Date and place of death: February 10, 1916, Henry Co.,Ky.
Cause of death: Lobar Pneumonia
Contributing to death: Lagrippe (Influenza)
Attending physician: O.P. Goodwin, M.D., Pleasureville, Ky.
Father's name: John Lynch, born Ky.
Mother's maiden name: Mary Wentworth, born Ky.
Informant: Myrtle Jennings, Pleasureville, Ky*
Buried: February 11, 1916, Point Pleasant
Funeral director: Cartwright & Ricketts, Pleasureville, Ky.

Note: Vol 2 of the Wentworth Books says that Ceclia was the dau of JohnShackelford & Maria Wentworth.?
Above DC, as well as the Obit below, says her father was John Lynch
Google Obit Search

JENNINGS Mrs. Selis F., died Pleasureville, Henry Co., Ky., Feb 10, 1916,widow. Born March 11, 1861, age 55 years 11 months, labor pneumonia.Parents John Lynch and Mary Wentworth. Informant 'Myrtle Jennings' ,Pleasureville, Ky. Buried Point Pleasant, Feb 11, 1916, Cert. 4834 FHL#1,942,741
Ky Death Records


Died: 02-10-1916 Vol: 010 Cert # 04834 1916.1 
Event-Death infoShe was Type: Father's Name/Cert. John Lynch .1 
Event-Death infoShe was Type: Marital Status at Death Widow .1 
Census 1900-partial1900She appeared in the 1900 census in Bethlehem, Henry County, Kentucky.1 
Census 1910-partial1910She appeared in the 1910 census in Defoe-Pleasureville, Henry County, Kentucky.1 
Last EditedDec 20, 2007


  1. [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

John W Deakins

Male, #15163, b. June 10, 1805, d. March 31, 1885
FatherJohn Deakins1
MotherPolly White1
RelationshipJohn W Deakins is a spouse of one of my relatives. Because John W is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching him.
BirthJune 10, 1805John was born June 10, 1805 in Shelby County, Kentucky.1 
MarriageOctober 6, 1825He married Nancy L Mann, daughter of Thomas D Mann and Polly Perkins, October 6, 1825 in Shelby County, Kentucky.1  
Birth of SonSeptember 9, 1829His son John was born on September 9, 1829 in Shelby County, Kentucky.1 
Birth of Daughterabout 1830His daughter Sarah was born about 1830 in Kentucky.1 
Birth of Sonbetween 1834 and 1838His son Ambrose was born between 1834 and 1838 in Shelby County, Kentucky.1 
Birth of Daughterabout 1839His daughter Caroline was born about 1839 in Shelby County, Kentucky.1 
MarriageSeptember 24, 1845He married Mary Lee, daughter of Zachariah Lee Sr and Hannah Lewis, September 24, 1845 in Franklin County, Kentucky.2  
Birth of SonJanuary 19, 1849His son Noel was born on January 19, 1849 in Franklin County, Kentucky.3 
Marriage of DaughterFebruary 17, 1851His daughter, Sarah Jane Deakins, married Roland Lee on February 17, 1851 in Franklin County, Kentucky.1 
Marriage of SonFebruary 27, 1851His son, John T Deakins, married Mary Woodside on February 27, 1851.1 
Death of SpouseMay 2, 1852He was widowed when his wife, Mary, died on May 2, 1852.. in Franklin County, Kentucky.1 
MarriageJuly 2, 1855He married Mary Catherine Bohannon, daughter of John Bohannon Jr and Mary Sacra, July 2, 1855 in Franklin County, Kentucky. Mary was John Deakin's fourth wife.4,5  
Birth of SonJanuary, 1856His son Henry was born in January, 1856 in Franklin County, Kentucky.1 
Marriage of SonFebruary 25, 1856His son, Ambrose D Deakins, married Mary Jane Rupe on February 25, 1856 in Franklin County, Kentucky.1 
Death of DaughterDecember 12, 1857His daughter, Caroline, died on December 12, 1857 in Franklin County, Kentucky.1 
Marriage of SonNovember 6, 1858His son, Ambrose D Deakins, married Mildred D James on November 6, 1858 in Franklin County, Kentucky.1 
Birth of Sonabout 1860His son Robert was born about 1860.1 
Birth of Daughterabout 1863His daughter America was born about 1863.1 
Marriage of SonDecember 12, 1867His son, Noel Lee Deakins, married Lucy Frances Perkins on December 12, 1867 in Franklin County, Kentucky.6,7 
Death of SonJune 1, 1878His son, Henry, died on June 1, 1878 in Franklin County, Kentucky.1 
DeathMarch 31, 1885John died March 31, 1885 in Franklin County, Kentucky at age 79.1  
BurialHis body was buried near Lebanon Baptist Church Cemetery, Bald Knob, Franklin County, Kentucky, church side.1 

Family 1

Nancy L Mann b. bt 1804 - 1810
Children 1.John T Deakins+1 b. Sep 9, 1829, d. Dec 29, 1894
 2.Sarah Jane Deakins+1 b. about 1830, d. before 1860
 3.Ambrose D Deakins+1 b. between 1834 and 1838

Family 2

Delilah O Mann
Child 1.Caroline J Deakins1 b. about 1839, d. Dec 12, 1857

Family 3

Mary Lee b. a 1820, d. 2 May 1852
Child 1.Noel Lee Deakins+ b. Jan 19, 1849, d. Dec 27, 1912

Family 4

Mary Catherine Bohannon b. bt 1831 - 1832
Children 1.Henry Breckinridge Deakins1 b. Jan, 1856, d. Jun 1, 1878
 2.Robert E Deakins+1 b. about 1860, d. 1897
 3.America Deakins1 b. about 1863
Note-ShackelfordJohn W Deakins Franklin County, Kentucky
Vital Statistics Deaths 1878

June 1, 1878 - DEAKINS, Henry B. - 23 year - male - single - Farmer -resident of Franklin County, KY - born Franklin County, KY - diedFranklin County, KY - cause of death - Consumption - parents - John W.and Catharine Deakins, father born Shelby County, KY, mother birthplacenot given.
Source: Birth, death, and burial location verified by book, 'Church &Family Graveyards of Franklin Co.,Ky.'
Resource: Shelby Co., Library, Shelbyville, Ky
Researcher: Valerie Ernst Locke, Stigers, Haydon, Hulett, Sheets,descendant.1 
Migration1849Hemigrated from Shelby County to Franklin County, Kentucky, in 1849.1 
Census 1850-partial1850John was listed as the head of a family on the 1850 Census in 1850 in Franklin County, Kentucky.1 
Census 1860July 17, 1860John was listed as the head of a household with his wife Mary Catherine Bohannon in the 1860 Census on July 17, 1860 in District 2, Franklin County, Kentucky. John's occupation is listed as farmer. Other members of the household listed were Noel Lee Deakins, Henry Breckinridge Deakins, Robert E Deakins and John William Rodgers.8
Census 1870August 9, 1870John was listed as the head of a household with his wife Mary Catherine Bohannon in the 1870 Census on August 9, 1870 near Bald Knob, Franklin County, Kentucky. John's occupation is listed as farmer. Other members of the household listed were Henry Breckinridge Deakins, Robert E Deakins and America Deakins.9
Census 1880June 2, 1880John was listed as the head of a household with his wife Mary Catherine Bohannon in the 1880 Census on June 2, 1880 in Bald Knob, Franklin County, Kentucky. Other members of the household listed were Robert E Deakins.10
Last EditedMar 12, 2010


  1. [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,.
  2. [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,, Franklin County, Kentucky
    Marriage Certificate Index
    DEAKINS, John (bond states DICKINS) To: LEE, Mary On: September24, 1845
    Marriage Book # 3: Filed on microfilm 76-37-1
    Minister Return: Geo D Rucker, Bapt Minister.
  3. [S2910] Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, e-mail to Garril L Kueber January 4, 2003.
  4. [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,, 1st. marriage in John's as per Roots Web/Franklin Co.
    2nd. Marriage in Both
    Age at marriage in John , 46, Catherine, 29 yrs. old
    Officiating Minister in G.D. Rucker
    Witnesses in Q.T. Sales, Henry Bohannan
    June Peak, Desc. of the Metts & Deakins family says John W. Deakins wife was Mary Catherine Bohannon and gives the same marriage date as John W.and Mary Catherine Colbourne Rodgers.
    BELOW 2 Franklin Co. Genweb posts are same marriage:

    July 8, 1855 - John W. DEAKINS - first marriage - to Mary COLBOURNE(?)RODGERS - resident of Franklin County, Ky - second marriage - bornFranklin County, Ky.

    1851-1860 Marriage Bond
    DEAKINS, John W. To: RODGERS, Mrs. Catherine On: July 8, 1855
    John W. Deakins, age, 46, to Mrs. Catherine Rodgers, age 29,
    Wit: Q.T. Sales, Henry Bochannan,
    Minister: G.D. Rucker. Ret. July 11, July 2, 1855.
  5. [S5808] World Wide Web, Silliman Kurtz Olson Hafslund Ancestors, Carol Olson, this source may be viewed at, reviewed update of October 6, 2009.
  6. [S2774] Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, e-mail to Garril L Kueber September 10, 2002.
  7. [S2910] Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, e-mail to Garril L Kueber January 4, 2003, Marriage bond - Book 4.
  8. [S10440] U.S. Census Kentucky 1860, Franklin County, District 2.
  9. [S10513] U.S. Census Kentucky 1870, Franklin County, Bald Knob Precinct.
  10. [S10588] U.S. Census Kentucky 1880, Franklin County, Bald Knob District.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

Mary Lee

Female, #15164, b. about 1820, d. May 2, 1852
FatherZachariah Lee Sr1 b. between 1786 and 1787, d. Jul 16, 1862 or 17, 1862
MotherHannah Lewis1 b. about 1791, d. about 1824
RelationshipMary Lee is a descendent of a parent or ancestor of a spouse of one of my relatives. Because Mary is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching her.
Birthabout 1820Mary was born about 1820 in Franklin County, Kentucky.1 
Death of Motherabout 1824Her mother, Hannah, died about 1824 in Franklin County, Kentucky.1 
MarriageSeptember 24, 1845She married John W Deakins, son of John Deakins and Polly White, September 24, 1845 in Franklin County, Kentucky.2  
Birth of SonJanuary 19, 1849Her son Noel was born on January 19, 1849 in Franklin County, Kentucky.3 
DeathMay 2, 1852Mary died May 2, 1852 in Franklin County, Kentucky due to Consumption.1  


John W Deakins b. 10 Jun 1805, d. 31 Mar 1885
Child 1.Noel Lee Deakins+ b. Jan 19, 1849, d. Dec 27, 1912
Event-Death infoMary Lee was Type: Death Age 34 yrs old .1 
1850 Franklin Co. Census -Used Soundex Spelling was D-I-C-K-E-N-S

John W. Dickens, 65, farmer, 150 value, b. Ky.
**Mary ' 30, f, ' (2ndwife, Mary Lee)
Sarah J. ' 50, f, ' ?
Ambrose ' 12, m, ' (byNancy Mann)
Noel ' 2, m, '(by Mary Lee)
Caroline ' 10, f, ' (byNancy Mann)
Roland Lee 26, m, laborer '
Franklin County, Kentucky
Vital Statistics
Deaths 1852

May 2, 1852 - Mary DEAKINS - 34 - female - married - Housekeeper -resident of Franklin County, Ky - born Franklin County, Ky - daughter ofZachariah and Hannah Lee - died, Franklin County, Ky - cause of death,Consumption.1 
Last EditedFeb 26, 2010


  1. [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,.
  2. [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,, Franklin County, Kentucky
    Marriage Certificate Index
    DEAKINS, John (bond states DICKINS) To: LEE, Mary On: September24, 1845
    Marriage Book # 3: Filed on microfilm 76-37-1
    Minister Return: Geo D Rucker, Bapt Minister.
  3. [S2910] Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, e-mail to Garril L Kueber January 4, 2003.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

Thomas Jennings

Male, #15166, b. between 1823 and 1829
RelationshipThomas Jennings is an ancestor of a non-related spouse of a spouse of one of my relatives. Because Thomas is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching him.
Birthbetween 1823 and 1829Thomas was born between 1823 and 1829 in Shelby County, Kentucky.1 
MarriageOctober 2, 1848He married Lucy Ann Wade October 2, 1848 in Kentucky.1  
Birth of Sonabout 1849His son James was born about 1849 in Kentucky.1 
Birth of Daughterbetween 1851 and 1853His daughter Elizabeth was born between 1851 and 1853 in Kentucky.1 
Birth of Sonabout 1854His son John was born about 1854 in Kentucky.1 
Birth of SonJune 26, 1857His son Amos was born on June 26, 1857 in Shelby County, Kentucky.2 
Birth of Daughterabout 1859His daughter Mary was born about 1859 in Kentucky.1 
Birth of SonDecember 17, 1861His son Lincoln was born on December 17, 1861 in Henry County, Kentucky.1 
Birth of Daughterabout 1864His daughter Sarah was born about 1864 in Kentucky.1 
Birth of Daughterabout 1865His daughter Catherine was born about 1865 in Kentucky.1 
Birth of Daughterabout 1867His daughter Annie was born about 1867 in Kentucky.1 
Birth of Daughterabout 1868His daughter Angeline was born about 1868 in Kentucky.1 
Birth of Sonabout 1871His son Joseph was born about 1871 in Henry County, Kentucky.1 
Death - no dateThomas died on an unknown date in Kentucky.1 


Lucy Ann Wade b. Jul 1833, d. bt 1900 - 1910
Children 1.James W Jennings+1 b. about 1849, d. between 1910 and 1916
 2.Elizabeth Jennings1 b. between 1851 and 1853
 3.John W Jennings1 b. about 1854
 4.Amos Jennings+ b. Jun 26, 1857, d. Dec 20, 1930
 5.Mary F Jennings1 b. about 1859
 6.Lincoln Jennings+1 b. Dec 17, 1861, d. Mar 11, 1929
 7.Sarah Jane Jennings1 b. about 1864
 8.Catherine Jennings1 b. about 1865
 9.Annie Jennings1 b. about 1867
 10.Angeline Jennings1 b. about 1868
 11.Joseph Thomas Jennings Sr+1 b. about 1871
Note-ShackelfordThomas Jennings 1850 Henry Co. Census Dist 1 Sept 12th.

Thos. Jennings, 30, m, Farmer, 520, Ky.
Lucy Jennings, 17, f, Ky.
J.W. Jennings, 11/12 month Ky. (makes b abt 1849) James
1860 Henry Co.,Ky. Census

Jennings, Thomas 37, m, Farmer, 600, 300, b Ky
Lucy Ann Jennings, 26, f, b Ky
James W. Jennings, 11, m, ' (makes b. abt 1849)
Elizabeth Jennings, 9, f, '
John W. Jennings, 6, m, ' (makes b abt 1854)
Amos Jennings, 3, m, ' (abt 1857)
Mary F. Jennings, 1, f,
1870 Henry Co,Ky. Census--Bethlehem Pct.

Thomas Jennings, 40, m,w, Farmer, 500, 40 b. Ky.
Lucy A. ' 30, f,w, keeping house, b. Ky.
James W. ' 21, m,w, farm laborer, ' (makes b. abt1849)
John W. ' 16, m,w, farm laborer, ' (makes b abt1854)
Enis ' 12, m,w, farm laborer, ' ( this isAmos-b 1857)
Mary ' 11, f,w, '
Lincoln ' 8, m,w, '
Jane ' 6, f,w, '
Annie ' 3, f,w, '
Catherine ' 5, f,w, '
Angeline ' 2, f,w, '
Household Record 1880 United States Census
1880 Henry Co.,Ky. Census--Lockport Pct.

Thomas JENNINGS Self M Male W 51 KY Farming KY KY
Lucy A. JENNINGS Wife M Female W 46 KY Keeping House KYKY
Mary F. JENNINGS Dau S Female W 21 KY KY KY
John W. JENNINGS Son S Male W 23 KY Farming KY KY
Sarah J. JENNINGS Dau S Female W 19 KY KY KY
Catherine JENNINGS Dau S Female W 17 KY KY KY
Angeline JENNINGS Dau S Female W 12 KY At Home KY KY
Josep T. JENNINGS Son S Male W 7 KY At Home KY KY *(makes b abt 1873)

Source Information: For Above
Census Place Lockport, Henry, Kentucky
Family History Library Film 1254420
NA Film Number T9-0420
Page Number 117C
1900 Ky. Henry Co.,Ky.---lines 121-122 BethlehemPct.

Lucy Jennings, head, w f, July 1833, 66 yrs old, widow, 12 children, 11living, Ky.Ky.Ky., no,no, yes, owns house.
Below are listings on same page with above 1850 census of Tom & Lucy WadeJennings. She married Tom in 1848 so wouldn't be on the census below withparents if they are hers.? Keeping for future reference.

1850 Henry Co.,Ky. Census

Washington Wade, 32, m, farmer, Ky
Sarah ' 20, f, '
Pleasant ' 12, m, '
Nancy ' 10, f, '
W.T. ' 8, m, '
Sarah ' 6, f, '
Dulcina ' 4, f, '
G.W. ' 2,m, '
Wm. Wade, 75, m, farmer, 1260, Va.
Monica ' 50, f, Va.
Mary ' 14, f, Ky.
Peter Wade, 23, m, farmer, 400, Ky.
E. ' 19, f, Ky.
Mary A. ' 1/12, f, '
Daniel Wade, 21, m, Ky.
Mary ' 16, f.1 '

Census 1850-partial1850Thomas was listed as the head of a family on the 1850 Census in 1850 in District 1, Henry County, Kentucky.1 
Census 1860-partial1860Thomas was listed as the head of a family on the 1860 Census in 1860 in Pleasureville, Henry County, Kentucky.1 
Census 1870-partial1870He appeared in the 1870 census in Bethlehem Precinct, Henry County, Kentucky.1 
Census 1880-partial1880He appeared in the 1880 census near Lockport, Henry County, Kentucky.1 
Last EditedNov 6, 2007


  1. [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,.
  2. [S2911] Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, e-mail to Garril L Kueber January 2, 2003.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

Lucy Ann Wade1

Female, #15167, b. July, 1833, d. between 1900 and 1910
RelationshipLucy Ann Wade is an ancestor of a non-related spouse of a spouse of one of my relatives. Because Lucy Ann is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching her.
BirthJuly, 1833Lucy was born July, 1833 in Henry County, Kentucky.2 
MarriageOctober 2, 1848She married Thomas Jennings October 2, 1848 in Kentucky.1  
Birth of Sonabout 1849Her son James was born about 1849 in Kentucky.1 
Birth of Daughterbetween 1851 and 1853Her daughter Elizabeth was born between 1851 and 1853 in Kentucky.1 
Birth of Sonabout 1854Her son John was born about 1854 in Kentucky.1 
Birth of SonJune 26, 1857Her son Amos was born on June 26, 1857 in Shelby County, Kentucky.2 
Birth of Daughterabout 1859Her daughter Mary was born about 1859 in Kentucky.1 
Birth of SonDecember 17, 1861Her son Lincoln was born on December 17, 1861 in Henry County, Kentucky.1 
Birth of Daughterabout 1864Her daughter Sarah was born about 1864 in Kentucky.1 
Birth of Daughterabout 1865Her daughter Catherine was born about 1865 in Kentucky.1 
Birth of Daughterabout 1867Her daughter Annie was born about 1867 in Kentucky.1 
Birth of Daughterabout 1868Her daughter Angeline was born about 1868 in Kentucky.1 
Birth of Sonabout 1871Her son Joseph was born about 1871 in Henry County, Kentucky.1 
Deathbetween 1900 and 1910Lucy died between 1900 and 1910 in Kentucky.1  


Thomas Jennings b. bt 1823 - 1829
Children 1.James W Jennings+1 b. about 1849, d. between 1910 and 1916
 2.Elizabeth Jennings1 b. between 1851 and 1853
 3.John W Jennings1 b. about 1854
 4.Amos Jennings+ b. Jun 26, 1857, d. Dec 20, 1930
 5.Mary F Jennings1 b. about 1859
 6.Lincoln Jennings+1 b. Dec 17, 1861, d. Mar 11, 1929
 7.Sarah Jane Jennings1 b. about 1864
 8.Catherine Jennings1 b. about 1865
 9.Annie Jennings1 b. about 1867
 10.Angeline Jennings1 b. about 1868
 11.Joseph Thomas Jennings Sr+1 b. about 1871
Note-ShackelfordLucy Ann Wade 1850 Henry Co. Census Dist 1 Sept 12th.

Thos. Jennings, 30, m, Farmer, 520, Ky.
**Lucy Jennings, 17, f, Ky.
J.W. Jennings, 11/12 month Ky. (makes b abt 1849) James
1860 Henry Co.,Ky. Census

Jennings, Thomas 37, m, Farmer, 600, 300, b Ky
**Lucy Ann, 26, f, b Ky
James W., 11m (makes b. abt 1849)
Elizabeth, 9, f
John W., 6, m (makes b abt 1854)
Amos, 3, m (abt 1857)
Mary F., 1, f
1870 Henry Co,Ky. Census--Bethlehem Pct.

Thomas Jennings, 40, m,w, Farmer, 500, 40 b. Ky.
**Lucy A. ' 30, f,w, keeping house, b. Ky.
James W. ' 21, m,w, farm laborer, ' (makes b. abt1849)
John W. ' 16, m,w, farm laborer, ' (makes b abt1854)
Enis ' 12, m,w, farm laborer, ' ( this isAmos-b 1857)
Mary ' 11, f,w, '
Lincoln ' 8, m,w, '
Jane ' 6, f,w, '
Annie ' 3, f,w, '
Catherine ' 5, f,w, '
Angeline ' 2, f,w, '
Household Record 1880 United States Census
1880 Henry Co.,Ky. Census--Lockport Pct.

Thomas JENNINGS Self M Male W 51 KY Farming KY KY
** Lucy A. JENNINGS Wife M Female W 46 KY Keeping HouseKY KY
Mary F. JENNINGS Dau S Female W 21 KY KY KY
John W. JENNINGS Son S Male W 23 KY Farming KY KY
Sarah J. JENNINGS Dau S Female W 19 KY KY KY
Catherine JENNINGS Dau S Female W 17 KY KY KY
Angeline JENNINGS Dau S Female W 12 KY At Home KY KY
Josep T. JENNINGS Son S Male W 7 KY At Home KY KY *(makes b abt 1873) Is this T. suppose to be I. for Israel

Source Information: For Above
Census Place Lockport, Henry, Kentucky
Family History Library Film 1254420
NA Film Number T9-0420
Page Number 117C
1900 Ky. Co.,Ky.---lines 121-122Bethlehem Pct.

**Lucy Jennings, head, w f, July 1833, 66 yrs old, widow, 12 children, 11living, Ky.Ky.Ky., no,no, yes, owns house.
Census 1900-partial1900She appeared in the 1900 census in Bethlehem Precinct, Henry County, Kentucky.1 
Last EditedOct 19, 2007


  1. [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,.
  2. [S2911] Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, e-mail to Garril L Kueber January 2, 2003.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

William Irving Jennings

Male, #15168, b. June 22, 1890, d. March 3, 1939
FatherAmos Jennings b. Jun 26, 1857, d. Dec 20, 1930
MotherAgnes Shackelford b. Jan 28, 1866, d. Mar 15, 1950
RelationshipWilliam Irving Jennings is a descendent of a parent or ancestor of a spouse of one of my relatives. Because William Irving is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching him.
BirthJune 22, 1890William was born June 22, 1890 in Shelby County, Kentucky.1 
Marriageabout 1911He married Blanche D Dunavon, daughter of Elisha L Dunavon and Edna Graves, about 1911 in an unknown place .1  
Birth of SonDecember 10, 1912His son William was born on December 10, 1912 in Shelby County, Kentucky.1 
Death of SonMarch 9, 1913His son, William, died on March 9, 1913 in Cropper, Shelby County, Kentucky.1 
Birth of DaughterOctober 6, 1914His daughter Salina was born on October 6, 1914 in Shelby County, Kentucky.1 
Death of FatherDecember 20, 1930His father, Amos, died on December 20, 1930 in Henry County, Kentucky.2 
DeathMarch 3, 1939William died March 3, 1939 in Cropper, Shelby County, Kentucky at age 48 due to Strangulation.1  
BurialMarch 5, 1939His body was buried on March 5, 1939 in Pleasureville Cemetery, Pleasureville, Henry County, Kentucky.1 


Blanche D Dunavon b. 9 May 1893, d. 30 Sep 1976
Children 1.William Russel Jennings1 b. Dec 10, 1912, d. Mar 9, 1913
 2.Salina Jennings1 b. Oct 6, 1914
 3.Ruth Elizabeth Jennings1
Event-Death infoWilliam Irving Jennings was Type: Mother's Name /Cert. Agnes Shackford b Kentucky.1 
Event-Death infoHe was Type: Name of Spouse/Cert. Blanch Jennings .1 
Event-Death infoHe was Type: Informant/death cert. Mrs Ervin Jennings RFD 1 Pleasureville, Henry County, Kentucky.1 
Event-Death infoHe was Type: Marital Status at Death Married .1 
Event-Death infoHe was Type: Occup./Death Cert. Farmer .1 
Note-ShackelfordHe Irvin Jennings was my half 1st cousin, twice removed./PSH
1920 Shelby Co.,Ky. Census-Christianburg Pct,
Image 887,Pg 9B, Enum'd Jan 18th

Erving Jennings, head, rents, m,w, 28, marr'd, b Kyx3, General Farm
Blanche Jennings, wife, f,w, 27, marr'd Kyx3
Celene Jennings, dau, f,w, 6, Ky
Ruth Jennings, dau, f,w, 1/2, Ky
1930 Shelby Co.,Ky.Census-Christianburg, Dist 15, Enum'd April 28

Irving Jennings, head, owns, m,w, 39, marr'd at 21, b Kyx3, Gen Farm
Blanch Jennings, wife, f,w, 36, marr'd 1st at 18, Kyx3
Celina Jennings, dau, f,w, 15, Ky
Ruth Jennings, dau, f,w, 11, Ky
Edna Dunavon, mother-in-law, f,w, 68, Wd., marr'd at 18, b Kyx3
Ky. Death Records


Died 09-28-1939 Vol 048 Cert # 23726 1939.1 
Event-Death infoHe was Type: Physician/cert. Mars D Klein M D Shelbyville, Shelby County, Kentucky.1 
Event-Death infoHe was Type: Death Cert.Age 48 yrs 7 mos 10 days .1 
Event-Death infoHe was Type: Death Cert. # Vol 018--Cert # 08587 .1 
Name Variation William Irving Jennings was also known as Ervin.1 
Event-Death infoHe was Type: Father's Name/Cert. Amos Jenning b Kentucky.1 
Event-Death infoHe was Type: Funeral Director E C Thompson North Pleasureville, Henry County, Kentucky.1 
Event-Death infoHe was Type: Full Name on Cert. William Ervin Jenning .1 
Census 1920-partial1920He appeared in the 1920 census in Christianburg, Shelby County, Kentucky.1 
Census 1930-partial1930He appeared in the 1930 census in Christianburg, Shelby County, Kentucky.1 
Last EditedDec 19, 2007


  1. [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,.
  2. [S2911] Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, e-mail to Garril L Kueber January 2, 2003.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

Blanche Jennings

Female, #15169, b. 1888
FatherAmos Jennings b. Jun 26, 1857, d. Dec 20, 1930
MotherAgnes Shackelford b. Jan 28, 1866, d. Mar 15, 1950
RelationshipBlanche Jennings is a descendent of a parent or ancestor of a spouse of one of my relatives. Because Blanche is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching her.
Birth1888Blanche was born 1888 in Shelby County, Kentucky.1 
Death - no infoI have no information on the date and place of Blanche's death. 
ResidenceApril 10, 1888She resided in Dry Street, Shelby County, Kentucky, on April 10, 1888.2 
Last EditedFeb 9, 2009


  1. [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,.
  2. [S13008] World Wide Web, Yesteryear's Footsteps, Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, this source may be viewed at source no longer on-line (was,, Dry St News/Shelby News.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

Sellina Jennings

Female, #15170
FatherAmos Jennings b. Jun 26, 1857, d. Dec 20, 1930
MotherAgnes Shackelford b. Jan 28, 1866, d. Mar 15, 1950
RelationshipSellina Jennings is a descendent of a parent or ancestor of a spouse of one of my relatives. Because Sellina is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching her.
Birth - no infoI have no information on the date or place of birth for Sellina Jennings.1  
Death - no infoI have no information on the date and place of Sellina's death. 
Last EditedJan 15, 2003


  1. [S2911] Phyllis Shackelford Hedges, e-mail to Garril L Kueber January 2, 2003.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

Steve Souder

Male, #15171
RelationshipSteve Souder is a spouse of one of my relatives. Because Steve is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching him.
Last EditedAug 6, 2010

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

Walter Will

Male, #15172
RelationshipWalter Will is a spouse of one of my relatives. Because Walter is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching him.
Last EditedAug 6, 2010

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

Vivian Lambert

Female, #15173, b. April 24, 1924, d. December 31, 1978
Relationships5th cousin of Garril Louis Kueber Sr
4th great-granddaughter of John Utley Wade
6th great-granddaughter of Robert Jones
8th great-granddaughter of Jan Joosten van Meteren (John Van Meter)
9th great-granddaughter of Chretien Du Bois
9th great-granddaughter of Matthieu Blanchan
7th great-granddaughter of Jean Bodine
8th great-granddaughter of Jean Crocheron
8th great-granddaughter of Duncan Bohannon
FatherAlex Lambert b. Dec 23, 1896, d. Feb 17, 1986
MotherMelissa Jane Stidham b. Feb 8, 1900, d. Sep 17, 1983
BirthApril 24, 1924Vivian was born April 24, 1924 in an unknown place .1,2 
Birth of SonNovember 11, 1947Her son Ronald was born on November 11, 1947.1,3 
UnmarriedVivian never married.1 
DeathDecember 31, 1978Vivian died December 31, 1978 in an unknown place at age 54 due to congestive heart failure.1,2  
BurialHer body was buried in Clearfield Cemetery, Clearfield, Rowan County, Kentucky.1,2 


Child 1.Ronald B Lambert+ b. Nov 11, 1947, d. Mar 18, 2008
(birth mother) AdoptionShe was Ronald B Lambert's birth mother in the adoption.4 
Number ChildrenVivian Lambert had six children. One child died at birth.1 
Last EditedSep 1, 2016


  1. [S11752] Angela Lambert Kelsey, e-mail to Garril L Kueber August 6, 2010.
  2. [S11754] Vivian Lambert, Clearfield Cemetery, Rowan County, Kentucky.
  3. [S11753] Ronald B Lambert, Clearfield Cemetery, Rowan County, Kentucky.
  4. [S2912] Angela Lambert, e-mail to Garril L Kueber January 6, 2003.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

Angela Renee Lambert1

Female, #15174
Relationships5th cousin 2 times removed of Garril Louis Kueber Sr
6th great-granddaughter of John Utley Wade
8th great-granddaughter of Robert Jones
10th great-granddaughter of Jan Joosten van Meteren (John Van Meter)
11th great-granddaughter of Chretien Du Bois
11th great-granddaughter of Matthieu Blanchan
9th great-granddaughter of Jean Bodine
10th great-granddaughter of Jean Crocheron
10th great-granddaughter of Duncan Bohannon
FatherRonald B Lambert b. Nov 11, 1947, d. Mar 18, 2008
MotherLinda Sue Liggett1
Last EditedAug 6, 2010


  1. [S11752] Angela Lambert Kelsey, e-mail to Garril L Kueber August 6, 2010.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

Lena C Lambert1

Female, #15175, b. July 23, 1928
Relationships5th cousin of Garril Louis Kueber Sr
4th great-granddaughter of John Utley Wade
6th great-granddaughter of Robert Jones
8th great-granddaughter of Jan Joosten van Meteren (John Van Meter)
9th great-granddaughter of Chretien Du Bois
9th great-granddaughter of Matthieu Blanchan
7th great-granddaughter of Jean Bodine
8th great-granddaughter of Jean Crocheron
8th great-granddaughter of Duncan Bohannon
FatherAlex Lambert b. Dec 23, 1896, d. Feb 17, 1986
MotherMelissa Jane Stidham b. Feb 8, 1900, d. Sep 17, 1983
BirthJuly 23, 1928Lena was born July 23, 1928 in an unknown place .1 
Death - no dateLena died on an unknown date in an unknown place due to an auto/train accident. She died at age 20 to 25.2,1 
Last EditedAug 6, 2010


  1. [S11752] Angela Lambert Kelsey, e-mail to Garril L Kueber August 6, 2010.
  2. [S2912] Angela Lambert, e-mail to Garril L Kueber January 6, 2003.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

Capt John Hampton Sr

Male, #15176, b. 1650, d. about November 10, 1718
FatherRev Thomas Hampton1 b. Apr 16, 1623, d. Oct 12, 1690
MotherElizabeth Bridel b. 1625
RelationshipCapt John Hampton Sr is a parent or ancestor of a spouse of one of my relatives. Because John is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching him.
Birth1650John was born 1650 in York County, Virginia Colony .2 
Birth - Conflict Infbefore 1652Conflicting evidence states that John was born before 1652 in King William County, Virginia Colony .1 
MarriageJune, 1677He married Mary Mann June, 1677 in Gloucester County, Virginia Colony .2  
Birth of SonJune 6, 1683His son John was born on June 6, 1683 in Gloucester County, Virginia Colony .1 
Birth of Sonabout 1685His son William was born about 1685.1 
Death of Spouseabout 1688He was widowed when his wife, Mary, died about 1688.. in Gloucester County, Virginia Colony .2 
Death of FatherOctober 12, 1690His father, Thomas, died on October 12, 1690 in James City County, Virginia Colony .1 
Marriage of SonMarch 25, 1712His son, John Hampton Jr, married Margaret Wade on March 25, 1712 in New Kent County, Virginia Colony .1 
Deathabout November 10, 1718John died about November 10, 1718 in Prince William County, Virginia Colony .2  


Mary Mann b. a 1660, d. a 1688
Children 1.Richard Hampton1
 2.John Hampton Jr+ b. Jun 6, 1683, d. Jan 18, 1746/47
 3.William Hampton1 b. about 1685
Last EditedJan 13, 2007


  1. [S3304] Family Tree Maker File on Edward Wade, Charley Wade (file received from Georgia Hornbuckle) , received April 27, 2006, This source contained hardly any source citations.
  2. [S2913] Bellinda Myrick-Barnett, e-mail to Garril L Kueber December 18, 2002.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

Mary Mann

Female, #15177, b. about 1660, d. about 1688
RelationshipMary Mann is a parent or ancestor of a spouse of one of my relatives. Because Mary is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching her.
Birthabout 1660Mary was born about 1660 in an unknown place .1 
MarriageJune, 1677She married Capt John Hampton Sr, son of Rev Thomas Hampton and Elizabeth Bridel, June, 1677 in Gloucester County, Virginia Colony .1  
Birth of SonJune 6, 1683Her son John was born on June 6, 1683 in Gloucester County, Virginia Colony .2 
Birth of Sonabout 1685Her son William was born about 1685.2 
Deathabout 1688Mary died about 1688 in Gloucester County, Virginia Colony .1  


Capt John Hampton Sr b. 1650, d. a 10 Nov 1718
Children 1.Richard Hampton2
 2.John Hampton Jr+ b. Jun 6, 1683, d. Jan 18, 1746/47
 3.William Hampton2 b. about 1685
Last EditedMay 8, 2006


  1. [S2913] Bellinda Myrick-Barnett, e-mail to Garril L Kueber December 18, 2002.
  2. [S3304] Family Tree Maker File on Edward Wade, Charley Wade (file received from Georgia Hornbuckle) , received April 27, 2006, This source contained hardly any source citations.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

Ann Elizabeth Mary Preston1

Female, #15178, b. March 10, 1719/20, d. June 30, 1776
FatherEdward Preston
RelationshipAnn Elizabeth Mary Preston is a spouse of one of my relatives. Because Ann Elizabeth Mary is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching her.
BirthMarch 10, 1719/20Ann was born March 10, 1719/20 in Virginia Colony .2 
MarriageMarch 10, 1740/41She married Anthony Hampton, son of John Hampton Jr and Margaret Wade, March 10, 1740/41 in Virginia Colony .2  
Birth of Son1752Her son Wade was born in 1752 in Halifax County, Virginia Colony .3 
Birth of DaughterJanuary 14, 1758Her daughter Elizabeth was born on January 14, 1758 in Rowan/Stokes County, North Carolina Colony .2 
Marriage of DaughterJuly, 1773Her daugher, Elizabeth Hampton, married James Mason Harrison Jr in July, 1773 at Gray Bynum's Fork branch Dan River, Surry County, North Carolina Colony .2 
Death of SpouseJune 30, 1776She was widowed when her husband, Anthony, died on June 30, 1776 along Tiger River Spartanburg/96th District, South Carolina.2 
DeathJune 30, 1776Ann died June 30, 1776 along Tiger River Spartanburg/96th District, South Carolina at age 56 due to attack by Tories and Cherokee. Anthony Hampton left Halifax County, Virginia in the 1760's lived briefly in North Carolina, and about 1774 settled on the South Carolina frontier in what later became Spartanburg County. There in 1776, Anthony, his wife (Mary Preston), his oldest son (Preston Hampton) and a grandson were murdered by Cherokee Indians.
Death - Conflict InfJuly 3, 1776Conflicting information indicates that she died on July 3, 1776 in Spartanburg County, South Carolina.3 
BurialHer body was buried in DAR Marker, Greer, Spartanburg County, South Carolina.3 


Anthony Hampton b. 5 Feb 1714/15, d. 30 Jun 1776
Children 1.Preston Hampton d. Jul, 1776
 2.Margaret Hampton+
 3.John Hampton
 4.Edward Hampton
 5.Henry Hampton
 6.Richard Hampton
 7.Wade Hampton+3 b. 1752, d. Feb 4, 1835
 8.Elizabeth Hampton+ b. Jan 14, 1758, d. Jul 28, 1799
Name Variation Ann Elizabeth Mary Preston was also known as Mary.3 
Last EditedNov 18, 2006


  1. [S3323] Descendent Chart - James Wade Sr (1665-1740), prepared by Georgia Hornbuckle Hendrix.
  2. [S2913] Bellinda Myrick-Barnett, e-mail to Garril L Kueber December 18, 2002.
  3. [S3304] Family Tree Maker File on Edward Wade, Charley Wade (file received from Georgia Hornbuckle) , received April 27, 2006, This source contained hardly any source citations.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

Edward Preston

Male, #15179
RelationshipEdward Preston is a parent or ancestor of a spouse of one of my relatives. Because Edward is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching him.
Birth - no infoI have no information on the date or place of birth for Edward Preston.  
Birth of DaughterMarch 10, 1719/20His daughter Ann was born on March 10, 1719/20 in Virginia Colony .1 
Death - no infoI have no information on the date and place of Edward's death. 


Child 1.Ann Elizabeth Mary Preston+ b. Mar 10, 1719/20, d. Jun 30, 1776
Last EditedMay 8, 2006


  1. [S2913] Bellinda Myrick-Barnett, e-mail to Garril L Kueber December 18, 2002.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

Preston Hampton

Male, #15180, d. July, 1776
Relationships2nd cousin 6 times removed of Garril Louis Kueber Sr
2nd cousin of John Utley Wade
FatherAnthony Hampton b. Feb 5, 1714/15, d. Jun 30, 1776
MotherAnn Elizabeth Mary Preston b. Mar 10, 1719/20, d. Jun 30, 1776
Birth - no infoI have no information on the date or place of birth for Preston Hampton.1  
Death of FatherJune 30, 1776His father, Anthony, died on June 30, 1776 along Tiger River Spartanburg/96th District, South Carolina.1 
Death of MotherJune 30, 1776His mother, Ann, died on June 30, 1776 along Tiger River Spartanburg/96th District, South Carolina.1 
DeathJuly, 1776Preston died July, 1776 along Tiger River Spartanburg/96th District, South Carolina due to attack by Tories and Cherokee. Anthony Hampton left Halifax County, Virginia in the 1760's lived briefly in North Carolina, and about 1774 settled on the South Carolina frontier in what later became Spartanburg County. There in 1776, Anthony, his wife (Mary Preston), his oldest son (Preston Hampton) and a grandson were murdered by Cherokee Indians..2  
Last EditedNov 18, 2006


  1. [S2913] Bellinda Myrick-Barnett, e-mail to Garril L Kueber December 18, 2002.
  2. [S3304] Family Tree Maker File on Edward Wade, Charley Wade (file received from Georgia Hornbuckle) , received April 27, 2006, This source contained hardly any source citations.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).