(given name not known) Vardeman1

gender unknown, #16628, b. 1860
Relationships1st cousin 4 times removed of Garril Louis Kueber Sr
3rd great-grandchild of John Vardeman I
4th great-grandchild of John Willcockson
6th great-grandchild of George Boone I
5th great-grandchild of Thomas Faulconer
8th great-grandchild of Sir John Hawkins
FatherPeter Vardeman1 b. Aug 1, 1810, d. Aug 30, 1877
MotherMary W Scrogin1 b. Oct 29, 1815, d. Aug 10, 1879
Birth1860(given was born 1860 in an unknown place .1 
Death - no infoI have no information on the date and place of (given name not known)'s death. 
Last EditedNov 7, 2006


  1. [S3090] , Jack Vardaman Family Tree: Family Tree Maker File, received June 18, 2004.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

Rachel Wilcox1

Female, #16630, b. 1767
RelationshipRachel Wilcox is a spouse of one of my relatives. Because Rachel is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching her.
Birth1767Rachel was born 1767 in Rowan County, North Carolina.1 
Marriage1790She married Thomas Vardeman, son of Peter Vardeman and Prudence (surname not known) wife of Peter Vardeman, 1790 in Woodford County, Kentucky.1  
Death - no infoI have no information on the date and place of Rachel's death. 


Thomas Vardeman b. 1765, d. b 5 Apr 1822
Note Her parental grandmother was a sister to Daniel Boone.1 
Last EditedJun 18, 2004


  1. [S3090] , Jack Vardaman Family Tree: Family Tree Maker File, received June 18, 2004.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

Bernice Elizabeth Vardiman1

Female, #16634, b. April 23, 1869, d. March 12, 1933
Relationships2nd cousin 3 times removed of Garril Louis Kueber Sr
4th great-granddaughter of John Vardeman I
5th great-granddaughter of John Willcockson
7th great-granddaughter of George Boone I
6th great-granddaughter of Thomas Faulconer
9th great-granddaughter of Sir John Hawkins
FatherJeremiah Judson Vardiman1 b. about 1836, d. Feb 4, 1892
MotherBernice Elizabeth J_1
BirthApril 23, 1869Bernice was born April 23, 1869 in Texas.1,2 
MarriageJanuary 12, 1888She married William E Jones January 12, 1888 in an unknown place .1  
Death of FatherFebruary 4, 1892Her father, Jeremiah, died on February 4, 1892 in Gatesville, Coryell County, Texas.1 
Birth of DaughterSeptember 9, 1897Her daughter Ora was born on September 9, 1897.1 
DeathMarch 12, 1933Bernice died March 12, 1933 in Lott, Falls County, Texas at age 63.1  


William E Jones
Child 1.Ora Reevis Jones1 b. Sep 9, 1897, d. Apr 15, 1963
(daughter) Census 1880June 26, 1880Bernice Elizabeth Vardiman was listed as a daughter in the household of Jeremiah Judson Vardiman and Victoria Smith in the 1880 Census on June 26, 1880 in Coryell County, Texas. Other members of the household listed were Beverly Vardiman, Solon Sanders Vardiman, Maggie Vardiman, Maria Vardiman and James William Riddle.2
Last EditedFeb 3, 2011


  1. [S3090] , Jack Vardaman Family Tree: Family Tree Maker File, received June 18, 2004.
  2. [S3216] U.S. Census Texas 1880, Coryell County, Enumeration District 23.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

(given name not known) Ragsdale1

Male, #16635
Relationship(given name not known) Ragsdale is a spouse of one of my relatives. Because (given name not known) is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching him.
Birth - no infoI have no information on the date or place of birth for (given name not known) Ragsdale.  
Marriage - no infoHe married Angeline Vardeman, daughter of Peter Vardeman and Mary W Scrogin. I have no information on the date and place of the marriage.1 
Death - no infoI have no information on the date and place of (given name not known)'s death. 


Angeline Vardeman b. bt 13 Aug 1834 - 12 Aug 1835, d. 12 Aug 1859
Last EditedSep 30, 2007


  1. [S3090] , Jack Vardaman Family Tree: Family Tree Maker File, received June 18, 2004.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

(given name not known) Allen1

Male, #16639
Relationship(given name not known) Allen is a spouse of one of my relatives. Because (given name not known) is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching him.
Birth - no infoI have no information on the date or place of birth for (given name not known) Allen.  
Marriage - no infoHe married Irene Vardeman, daughter of Peter Vardeman and Mary W Scrogin. I have no information on the date and place of the marriage.1 
Death - no infoI have no information on the date and place of (given name not known)'s death. 


Irene Vardeman b. bt 1856 - 1857
Last EditedMar 23, 2006


  1. [S3090] , Jack Vardaman Family Tree: Family Tree Maker File, received June 18, 2004.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

John Wilhelm Vardeman II1,2

Male, #16640, b. between 1724/25 and 1730, d. 1827 or 1834
Relationships5th great-granduncle of Garril Louis Kueber Sr
Grandson of John Vardeman I
FatherWilliam Vardeman I1 b. about 1697/98, d. between Feb 24, 1783 and Mar 3, 1789
MotherMagdelena Petersson1
Birthbetween 1724/25 and 1730John was born between 1724/25 and 1730 in New Castle County, Delaware Colony or Pennsylvania Colony .1 
Birth of Daughter1744/45His daughter Jemima was born in 1744/45 in Bedford County, Virginia Colony .1 
Birth of Daughterabout 1745/46His daughter Letitia was born about 1745/46 in Bedford County, Virginia Colony .1 
Marriageabout 1750He married Elizabeth Morgan, daughter of Thomas Morgan and Lettice Evans, about 1750 in probably Bedford County, Virginia Colony .1,3  
Birth of Sonabout 1750/51His son Amaziah was born about 1750/51 in Bedford County, Virginia Colony .1 
Birth of DaughterOctober 27, 1752His daughter Mary was born on October 27, 1752 in Falling River, Campbell County, Virginia Colony .1 
Birth of Sonbetween 1754 and 1755His son William was born between 1754 and 1755 in Bedford County, Virginia Colony .1 
Birth of DaughterFebruary 28, 1755His daughter Elizabeth was born on February 28, 1755 in Virginia Colony .4,1 
Birth of Son1761His son John was born in 1761 in Falling River, Campbell County, Virginia Colony .1 
Birth of SonDecember 16, 1767His son Morgan was born on December 16, 1767 in Falling River, Campbell (Russell) County, Virginia Colony .5,1 
Birth of Son1769His son Alexander was born in 1769 in Bedford County, Virginia Colony .1 
Birth of Daughterabout 1770His daughter Sabra was born about 1770 in Virginia Colony .1 
Birth of SonJuly 8, 1775His son Jeremiah was born on July 8, 1775 abt 12 miles above Fort Chiswell, New River, Fincastle (now Wythe) County, Virginia Colony .1 
Birth of Daughter1777His daughter Tabitha was born in 1777 abt 12 mi above Fort Chiswell, New River, Fincastle (now Wythe) County, Virginia.1 
Death1827 or 1834John died 1827 or 1834 near Gravois Creek, St Louis County, Missouri.1,6,7  
BurialHis body was buried in Sappington Cemetery, St Louis County, Missouri.1 


Elizabeth Morgan
Children 1.Minnie Vardeman1
 2.Jemima Vardeman+1 b. 1744/45
 3.Letitia Vardeman1 b. about 1745/46
 4.Amaziah Vardeman1 b. about 1750/51
 5.Mary Magdalene Vardeman+1 b. Oct 27, 1752, d. 1843
 6.William Vardeman+1 b. between 1754 and 1755, d. about 1825
 7.Elizabeth Vardeman+1 b. Feb 28, 1755, d. Sep 27, 1822
 8.John Morgan Vardeman+1 b. 1761, d. about 1809
 9.Morgan Vardeman+1 b. Dec 16, 1767, d. Jul 30, 1847
 10.Alexander Vardeman1 b. 1769
 11.Sabra Elizabeth Vardeman+1 b. about 1770, d. after 1850
 12.Rev Jeremiah Vardeman+1 b. Jul 8, 1775, d. May 18, 1842
 13.Tabitha Vardeman+1 b. 1777, d. 1796
Movefrom September to December, 1779He moved to Kentucky County (now Lincoln County, Kentucky), Virginia Colony , from September to December, 1779.8 
Moveabout 1764He moved with his wife Elizabeth to Coles Creek, Halifax (now Franklin) County, Virginia Colony , about 1764.6 
Moveabout 1767He moved to New River about 12 miles above old Ft Chiswell, Augusta (now Wythe) County, Virginia Colony , about 1767.8 
Moveabout 1777He moved with his wife Elizabeth to Maiden Spring Branch of the Clinch River, Montgomery (now Tazewell) County, Virginia, about 1777.6 
CourtSeptember 25, 1778John Vardiman and William Vardiman listed on roster of individuals receiving fines set by Court Martial. on September 25, 1778.1 
NoteSeptember 25, 1778 September 25, 1778 a John Vardiman and a William Vardiman are listed on a roster of individuals receiving fines set by Court Martial along with Joseph Baker, Elisha Collens, John Collens, and Ephraim Osburn. The Reference is, Montgomery County, VA., The first Hundred Years, by Judge C.W. Crush, Oath of Allegiance. on September 25, 1778.1 
(heir) WillFebruary 24, 1783John Wilhelm Vardeman II was named as an heir in William Vardeman I's will on February 24, 1783 in Newberry County, South Carolina.9,1,10 
Move1812He moved to Missouri Territory, in 1812.6,8 
Last EditedMar 14, 2011


  1. [S3090] , Jack Vardaman Family Tree: Family Tree Maker File, received June 18, 2004.
  2. [S3313] Lea Ann Thomas, e-mail to Garril L Kueber June 4, 2006.
  3. [S3145] Jesse (Jack) Harris Vardaman Jr and David Miles Vardiman, Early Vardaman-Vardeman-Vardiman Ancestry in America,, page 7.
  4. [S22462] Ancestry.com Family Tree, Crawford & Lee, Louigi, reviewed update of March 13, 2016.
  5. [S3146] Compiled by David Miles Vardiman and Jack (Jesse) Vardaman, Vardeman Publication References,, Cemetery records, Morgan Vardeman (Morgan Vardeman, son of John Vardeman II & Elizabeth Vardeman) born December 16, 1767.     Source: Headstone inscription, Morgan Vardeman, Vardeman/Holmes/Stephenson Cemetery, Cedar Creek, Lincoln County, KY.
  6. [S3145] Jesse (Jack) Harris Vardaman Jr and David Miles Vardiman, Early Vardaman-Vardeman-Vardiman Ancestry in America,, page 9.
  7. [S1355] J H Spencer, History of Kentucky Baptists 1769 to 1885.
  8. [S1320] Vardeman surname file,.
  9. [S3146] Compiled by David Miles Vardiman and Jack (Jesse) Vardaman, Vardeman Publication References,, Abstract of Will, William’s Vardeman’s (William Vardeman I, son of John & Margaret Vardeman), Will, dated 4 February 1783 states;
    “…I bequeath to my wife Bridget all my held furniture induring her natural life…. Item; It is my will and Desire that my eldest son John Vardeman (John Vardeman II), should receive the value of one Shilling Sterling by reason he has received his part of my Estate.

    Item; it is my will and Desire that my second son William Vardeman (William Vardeman II), should receive no more of my Estate than one Shilling Sterling, by reason that he has already Received Equal part of my Estate.

    Item; it is my will and Desire that my third son Peter Vardeman (Peter Vardeman I), should receive no more of my Estate then one Shilling Sterling by reason he has already Received his part of my Estate Item; I Give and Bequeath unto my younger son James Vardeman (James Vardeman son of William I & Bridget Vardeman), the plantation that I now live on Containing one hundred acres being on the Hunting fork the waters of Enoree & fork of Indian Creek containing one hundred acres and ll my personal Estate after my decease I give unto him his Heirs and Afsigns for ever Bequeath unto my son James Vardeman”.

    William Vardeman’s(William Vardeman I, son of John & Margaret Vardeman), will was probated 3 March 1789 in Newberry Co., South Carolina as his will was probated on that date in Newberry Co., South Carolina, in what was then the old 96th District.
    Source: Will of William Vardaman (William Vardeman I, son of John & Margaret Vardeman), Will Book B, page 382, Newberry County, SC, abstract obtained from the South Carolina Department of Archives and History, Columbia, S.C.
  10. [S3145] Jesse (Jack) Harris Vardaman Jr and David Miles Vardiman, Early Vardaman-Vardeman-Vardiman Ancestry in America,, page 8.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).