United States
Green County
Payne, Mary Jane  b. Dec, 1820
Warf, Eliza  b. Oct 19, 1861, d. Aug 9, 1942
Wilcoxson, Albert Green  b. Jun 12, 1860, d. Jan 13, 1938
Wilcoxson, Andrew Thomas  b. Jan 5, 1859
Wilcoxson, Cora  b. Apr, 1891
Wilcoxson, Dora  b. Apr, 1887
Wilcoxson, Green Craig  b. Mar 15, 1816, d. 1905
Wilcoxson, James  b. Jan, 1897
Wilcoxson, Lora  b. Mar 5, 1894
Wilcoxson, Nellie  b. May, 1898
Wilcoxson, Olie  b. Aug 4, 1896
Wilcoxson, Ora  b. May, 1883
Wilcoxson, Vanila  b. Mar, 1890
District 1
McInteer, Adah Harding  b. Sep 24, 1830, d. Jan 30, 1899
Payne, Mary Jane  b. Dec, 1820
Wilcoxson, Catherine  b. Nov 7, 1798, d. Nov 9, 1882
Wilcoxson, Daniel Isaac  b. Nov 3, 1822, d. Jul 29, 1899
Wilcoxson, Elizabeth  b. Oct 14, 1837
Wilcoxson, George F  b. Jan 16, 1834
Wilcoxson, Green Craig  b. Mar 15, 1816, d. 1905
Wilcoxson, James Anderson  b. Sep 18, 1845
Wilcoxson, John Hudson  b. Jan 17, 1848, d. Dec 25, 1939
Wilcoxson, Josephine  b. Feb 17, 1850, d. May 9, 1936
Wilcoxson, Priscilla Susan (Surelda)  b. Sep 18, 1845
Wilcoxson, Sarah Jane  b. Dec 3, 1846
Wilcoxson, Tabitha  b. Jul 3, 1850
Wilcoxson, Virginia Catherine  b. between 1846 and 1847
Wilcoxson, William  b. Apr 12, 1789, d. Oct 6, 1874
Wilcoxson, William Jasper  b. Nov 30, 1842, d. Aug 24, 1929
District 2
Masters, Emily  b. Feb 17, 1840, d. after 1863
Payne, Mary Jane  b. Dec, 1820
Wilcoxson, Andrew Thomas  b. Jan 5, 1859
Wilcoxson, Catherine  b. Nov 7, 1798, d. Nov 9, 1882
Wilcoxson, David  b. Dec 10, 1854, d. Nov 2, 1865
Wilcoxson, George F  b. Jan 16, 1834
Wilcoxson, Green Craig  b. Mar 15, 1816, d. 1905
Wilcoxson, Isaac N  b. Feb 27, 1858
Wilcoxson, James A  b. between 1847 and 1848
Wilcoxson, James Anderson  b. Sep 18, 1845
Wilcoxson, John Hudson  b. Jan 17, 1848, d. Dec 25, 1939
Wilcoxson, Lucinda  b. Dec 3, 1852, d. Feb 15, 1873
Wilcoxson, Priscilla Susan (Surelda)  b. Sep 18, 1845
Wilcoxson, Sarah Jane  b. Dec 3, 1846
Wilcoxson, Tabitha  b. Jul 3, 1850
Wilcoxson, William  b. Apr 12, 1789, d. Oct 6, 1874
Wilcoxson, William Jasper  b. Nov 30, 1842, d. Aug 24, 1929
Wilcoxson, John Hudson  b. Jan 17, 1848, d. Dec 25, 1939
(surname not known), Hattie B wife of Tildon Wilcoxson  b. Jun, 1881
Caldwell, Ophelia  b. Apr, 1859
Nuckols, Ceda  b. May, 1879
Sullivan, Alice  b. Oct, 1874
Wilcoxson, Albert  b. Jul 18, 1851
Wilcoxson, Chester W  b. Feb, 1897
Wilcoxson, Craig  b. Oct 20, 1857
Wilcoxson, Douglas  b. May 8, 1870
Wilcoxson, Hettie  b. Sep, 1892
Wilcoxson, Kate  b. Sep, 1896
Wilcoxson, Mamie  b. Oct, 1894
Wilcoxson, Murt  b. Apr, 1898
Wilcoxson, Myrtie  b. Oct, 1898
Wilcoxson, Newton J  b. between 1828 and 1829
Wilcoxson, Norman  b. Aug, 1888
Wilcoxson, Simon  b. Jul, 1890
Wilcoxson, Tildon  b. Jul, 1876
Wilcoxson, Walter  b. Aug, 1894
Payne, Mary Jane  b. Dec, 1820
Smith, Sarah Elizabeth  b. Nov 26, 1844, d. Jun 16, 1931
Wilcoxson, Albert Green  b. Jun 12, 1860, d. Jan 13, 1938
Wilcoxson, Andrew Thomas  b. Jan 5, 1859
Wilcoxson, Edward A  b. between 1877 and 1878
Wilcoxson, Elizabeth  b. Sep 24, 1862
Wilcoxson, Emma S  b. between 1871 and 1872
Wilcoxson, George Henry  b. between 1874 and 1875
Wilcoxson, Green Craig  b. Mar 15, 1816, d. 1905
Wilcoxson, Theodore J  b. between 1867 and 1868
Wilcoxson, William Jasper  b. Nov 30, 1842, d. Aug 24, 1929
Barbee, Elias  b. Jun 14, 1763, d. Oct 6, 1843
(surname not known), Catharine mother of Margaret Squires  b. between 1794 and 1795
Squires, Margaret E  b. between 1834 and 1835
Wilcoxson, Ann  b. between 1860 and 1861
Wilcoxson, Belle A  b. Nov 3, 1865
Wilcoxson, Craig  b. Oct 20, 1857
Wilcoxson, Douglas  b. May 8, 1870
Wilcoxson, Marsillia  b. Sep 6, 1871
Wilcoxson, Nancy Catherine  b. between 1862 and 1863
Wilcoxson, Newton J  b. between 1828 and 1829
Wilcoxson, Samuel J  b. between 1875 and 1876
Wilcoxson, Daniel
Wilcoxson, Edward A  b. between 1877 and 1878
Wilcoxson, Emma S  b. between 1871 and 1872
Wilcoxson, George Henry  b. between 1874 and 1875
Wilcoxson, John Hudson  b. Jan 17, 1848, d. Dec 25, 1939
Wilcoxson, Mary I  b. Oct 26, 1869, d. Dec 13, 1870
Wilcoxson, Mattie
Wilcoxson, Roy E
Wilcoxson, Sarah Jane  b. Dec 3, 1846
Wilcoxson, Theodore J  b. between 1867 and 1868
Neagle, Opha  b. Apr 30, 1876, d. Nov 5, 1950
Slinker, Eliza  b. Sep 7, 1848, d. Feb 7, 1935
Wilcoxson, John Hudson  b. Jan 17, 1848, d. Dec 25, 1939