• [S267] Eula Richardson Hasskarl, Shelby County Kentucky Marriages 1792-1833 (May, 1983), Page 143, Marriage of Jubal Lee and Catherine Raredin, Garril Louis Kueber Sr.
    Jubal Lee and Catherine Raredin, widow, married 23 Sept 1833. Bondsman - Joseph Ellis.
  • [S605] U.S. Census Kentucky 1850, Theophilus Brawner, Franklin County, District 2, September 16, 1850, Sheet 91B, Dwelling 563, Family 566, Ancestry.com census image, National Archives, Washington DC,
    Theophilus Brawner, age 60, male, born Maryland, cannot read or write
    Rachel Brawner, age 49, female, born Kentucky, cannot read or write
    Margarett A Brawner, age 8, female, born Kentucky,.
  • [S636] U.S. Census Kentucky 1860, Willis Brawner, Franklin Co, District 2, July 13, 1860, Page 76, Dwelling 549, Family 539, Ancestry.com census images, National Archives, Washington DC,
    Willis R F Brawner, age 34, male, born Kentucky
    Polly Brawner, age 27, female, born Kentucky
    Mary A Brawner, age 12, female, born Kentucky
    William S Brawner, age 6, male, born Kentucky
    James ? Brawner, age 11-12, male, born Kentucky,.
  • [S640] Frances T Ingmire, Franklin County Kentucky Marriage Records (1852-1857, 1860 1862, 1875-1877) Page 44, Marriage of Wm Duvall and Margaret A Brawner, Garril Louis Kueber Sr.
    1-14-1862 Wm Duvall, resident Franklin Co, age 21, first marriage, farmer born Franklin Co, father born Franklin Co, mother born unknown and
    Margaret A Brawner, resident Franklin Co, age 20, first marriage, born Franklin Co, father born Franklin Co, mother born Franklin Co, married in Franklin Co.
  • [S702] U.S. Census Kentucky 1880, Kendrick Wade, Shelby County, ED 190, June 11, 1880, Page 14, Dwelling 99, Family 106, Ancestry.com census images, National Archives, Washington DC,
    Wade, Kendrick, age 25, born Kentucky, father born Kentucky, mother born Kentucky
    Wade, Eliza, age 23, born Kentucky, father born Kentucky, mother born Kentucky
    Wade, John, age 6, son, born Kentucky, father born Kentucky, mother born Kentucky
    Wade, Luetta, age 6-12 born November, daughter, born Kentucky, father born Kentucky, mother born Kentucky
    Wade, Royal, age 82, grand-father, widowed-divorced, born Kentucky, father born Virginia, mother born Virginia,.
  • [S863] Frances T Ingmire, Franklin County Kentucky Death Records (1852-1857, 1859-1861, 1874-1877) page 5, Garril Louis Kueber Sr.
    Enos M Wade, 25, male, widower, farmer, son of Royal & Rebecca Wade, d. 4/18/1852, consumption.
  • [S922] U.S. Census Kentucky 1850, Royal jr Wade, Franklin County, District 2, Sepember 5, 1850, page 87B, Dwelling 506, Family 509, Ancestry.com census images, National Archives, Washington DC,
    Royal Wade, age 54, male, farmer, born Kentucky, real estate 2500
    Rebecca Wade, age 56, female, born Virginia
    William Wade, age 21, male, laborer, born Kentucky
    Susan J Wade, age 16, female, born Kentucky,.
  • [S974] U.S. Census Kentucky 1830, Royal Wade, Henry County, 1830, Page 284, Ancestry.com census images, National Archives, Washington DC,
    Royal Wade
    male age 30-40: 1
    male age to 5: 3
    female age 20-30: 1
    female age 5-10: 1
    zero slaves,.
  • [S1006] U.S. Census Kentucky 1870, Francis Brawner, Franklin County, Bald Knob, August 11, 1870, Page 39, Dwelling 303, Family 296, Ancestry.com census images, National Archives, Washington DC,
    Brawner, Francis, age 44, male, white, born Kentucky, farmer, real estate 1200, pers prop 400
    Brawner, Mary, age 36, female, white, born Kentucky, keeping house
    Brawner, William, age 16, male, white, born Kentucky, at home
    Brawner, Mahala, age 7, female, white, born Kentucky
    Brawner, Sarah, age 3, female, white, born Kentucky
    Brawner, Margaret, age 2/12, female, white, born Kentucky April
    Brawner, Rachel, age 69, female, white, born Kentucky, at home,.
  • [S1007] Frances T Ingmire, Franklin County Kentucky Marriage Records (1852-1857, 1860 1862, 1875-1877) Page 36, Marriage of Francis Brawner and Mary Ellis, Garril Louis Kueber Sr.
    10/10/1859 Francis Brawner, res. Franklin Co, age 53, 2nd marriage, b. Shelby Co, and Mary Ellis, res. Franklin Co, age 26 1st marriage, b. Franklin Co, Ky.
  • [S1181] William Wade-Louisa Scrogin, marriage license and return, October 14, 1852, Volume 8, Kentucky, Shelby Co Marriage Records, Volumes 8-9, 1852-1869, film no. 0259275, Latter Day Saints Church, Salt Lake City, Utah,
    William E. Wade and Louisa Scrogin married 14 Oct 1852. Bondsman - Benjamin Scrogin, father of Louisa.
  • [S1191] Bluegrass Roots (Kentucky Genealogical Society), Volume 2-4 microfilm copy, 1975, Page 159-160, Garril Louis Kueber Sr. Member Leo Nash Slattery Ancestry Ahnentafel for 5 generations
    Partial transcript:
    12. Thomas B Nash, b. 7 Dec 1843, m. 23 Dec 1869, d. 14 Mar 1914
    13. Rachel Moore, b. 29 Feb 1868
    14. John B Harrod, b. 24 Dec 1842, m. 28 Dec 1868, d. 12 Dec 1918
    15. Nancy Ellen Pulliam, b. 4 Mar 1847, d. 4 Feb 1921
    24. Thomas Nash, b. 20 Dec 1800, d. 12 Oct 1876
    25. Elizabeth Maddox, b. 29 Feb 1815, d. 15 Jul 1903
    26. James D Moore, b. 5 Jan 1825, m. 18 Jun 1846, d. 10 May 1894
    27. Mary Ann Brawner, b. 10 Apr 1823, d. 15 Jul 1900
    28. Henderson Harrod, b. 1810, m 14 Jul 1830
    29. Margaret Shannon, b. 1809
    30. Robert Pulliam, b. 1824, m. 24 Oct 1830
    31. Lucinda Snook, b. 1824.
  • [S1478] U.S. Census, Kentucky, 1820, Jubal Lee, Shelby County, 1820, Page 174, Ancestry.com census images, National Archives, Washington DC,
    Jubal Lee
    age 26-45: male 1 (Jubal Lee)
    age 16-26: female 1 (Sally)
    age to 10: male 1 (?????),.
  • [S1886] U.S. Census Indiana 1860, Riall Wade, Hendricks County, Danville, June 2, 1860, Page 9, Dwelling 71, Family 73, Ancestry.com Census Images, National Archives, Washington DC,
    Riall Wade, age 63, no profession, born Kentucky, real estate 1500, personal property 1800
    Rebaca Wade, age 60, born Kentucky
    Martha Thompson, age 44, born Kentucky
    Hale Thompson, age 38, born Kentucky
    William Wilkinson, age 27, laborer, born Kentucky, personal property 200
    John Wilkinson, age 25, laborer, born Kentucky,.
  • [S1888] U.S. Census Indiana 1870, Royal Wade, Hendricks County, Danville, June 1, 1870, Page 1, Dwelling 2, Family 2, Ancestry.com Census Images, National Archives, Washington DC,
    Royal Wade, age 72, farmer, born Kentucky, real estate 3000, personal property 100
    Rebecky Wade, age 76, keeping house, born Kentucky
    Annie Wade, age 14, female, white, born Indiana,.
  • [S1912] E-mail from June Peck, to Garril L Kueber, September 30, 2000.
  • [S2237] Church and Family Graveyards of Franklin County
    (The Kentucky Genealogical Society, (1976)), Page 151, Penn Graveyard,
    Penn Graveyard is located on the left branch of Stoney Creek Road near the Kentucky River at the joining of Frances Adams Tracy's and Phillip A Moore's land.
    Brawner, John E, born Nov 18, 1821, died Apr 2, 1863.
  • [S2720] U.S. Census Kentucky 1840, Royal Wade, Henry County, 1840, Page 271, Ancestry.com census images, National Archives, Washington DC,
    Royal Wade
    males 40 to 50 1
    males 10 to 15 2
    males 5 to 10 1
    females 50 to 60 1
    females 15 to 20 1
    females 5 to 10 1,.
  • [S4923] World Wide Web, Find a Grave, this source may be viewed at www.findagrave.com,.
  • [S15779] U.S. Census Kentucky 1830, Jubal Lee, Henry County, 1830, Page 273, Ancestry.com Census Images, Micropublication M19, Reel 41, National Archives, Washington DC,
    Jubal Lee
    males 30 to 40: 1
    males 10 to 15: 1
    males 5 to 10: 1
    males under 5: 1
    females 30 to 40 : 1
    females 10 to 15: 1,.